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(ns workshop.main
(:require ["package:flutter/material.dart" :as m]
["package:google_fonts/google_fonts.dart" :as fonts]
#_["example.dart" :as ex]
[cljd.flutter.alpha2 :as f]))
(def normal-text-style
.fontSize 26
.fontWeight m/FontWeight.w700
mhuebert /
Last active April 24, 2024 09:41
shadow-cljs build hook for purgecss

purgecss is a tool for removing unused css classes from source files. It's particularly useful for functional css frameworks like tachyons, where it's normal to only use a tiny fraction of available classes. This gist contains example code you could use to add purgecss to a shadow-cljs build.

  • make sure to yarn add purgecss first
  • usage is (hooks/purge-css {:css-source __ :js-globs __ :out-dir __})
    • :css-source is the path to the original, bloated CSS file (from project root). This is ideally in a source directory, or node_modules as in this example. This cannot be the public path where the css is ultimately read.
  • :js-globs is a string / vector of strings, indicating which files to read as input. These should be all of your compiled javascript bundles which contain your views. purgecss does a brute-force parse of all these files, extracting all the strings to figure out which clas
nberger / reagent_infinite_scroll.cljs
Last active May 6, 2024 16:15
Reagent infinite scroll
(ns views.infinite-scroll
[reagent.core :as r]))
(defn- get-scroll-top []
(if (exists? (.-pageYOffset js/window))
(.-pageYOffset js/window)
(.-scrollTop (or (.-documentElement js/document)
(.-parentNode (.-body js/document))
(.-body js/document)))))
;; Auto-scrolling ==============================================================
(defn scroll! [el start end time]
(.play (goog.fx.dom.Scroll. el (clj->js start) (clj->js end) time)))
(defn scrolled-to-end? [el tolerance]
;; at-end?: element.scrollHeight - element.scrollTop === element.clientHeight
(> tolerance (- (.-scrollHeight el) (.-scrollTop el) (.-clientHeight el))))
(defn autoscroll-list [{:keys [children class scroll?] :as opts}]