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Created May 15, 2015 19:01
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Save gleba/76700670bb14d0b29469 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
buildscript {
repositories {
dependencies {
classpath group: 'org.gradlefx', name: 'gradlefx', version: '1.2.0'
classpath ''
apply plugin: 'gradlefx'
jvmArguments = [
repositories {
ivy {
name 'Apache'
artifactPattern '[revision]/binaries/[module]-[revision]-bin.[ext]'
ivy {
name 'Adobe Air SDK' //для windows заменить mac на win
artifactPattern '[revision]/[module].[ext]'
sdkAutoInstall {
showPrompts = false
//flexHome = "/Users/flexis/.BuildServer/plugins/air14-flex13"
flexHome = "/Users/soul/sdk/air16-flex14.1"
type = 'mobile'
frameworkLinkage = 'merged'
srcDirs = ['sources/', 'resources/']
resourceDirs = ['resources/','extension/bin/']
mainClass = 'ProtoArm'
def String outputName = 'bigSicret'
def String varsFile = "vars"
def String sdkVersion = "16.0"
def String swfVersion = "27"
playerVersion = sdkVersion
output = outputName
dependencies {
// flexSDK group: 'org.apache', name: 'apache-flex-sdk', version: '4.13.0', ext: 'tar.gz'
// airSDK group: 'com.adobe', name: 'AdobeAIRSDK', version: "$sdkVersion", ext: 'tbz2' //для windows заменить на zip
merged files('libraries/gfx.swc')
merged files('libraries/mvcExpress-release_v2_0_rc3.swc')
merged files('libraries/greensock.swc')
merged files('libraries/corelib-20070830.swc')
merged files('libraries/gestouch-0.3.1.swc')
merged files('extension/bin/NativeDialogs.ane')
merged files('extension/bin/YotaDecide.ane')
//task yota << {
// println("@@@@yotaphone@@!!!@@!")
// yotaphone = true
//// compileAndroid.mustRunAfter yota
gradle.taskGraph.whenReady { copyresources ->
additionalCompilerOptions = [
println additionalCompilerOptions
println "::additionalCompilerOptions: flexHome is $flexHome"
import java.text.SimpleDateFormat;
task updateProperties(dependsOn: 'compileFlex') {
doLast {
def gitMessage = new ByteArrayOutputStream()
// exec {
// workingDir project.projectDir
// commandLine "git", "log", "-1", "--pretty=%B"
// standardOutput = gitMessage;
// }
// println gitMessage;
def buildNumber = "0.2.2"
def f
def contents
if (project.hasProperty("teamcity")) {
buildNumber = teamcity["build.number"]
teamcity.each { key, val ->
println "##teamcity-property name='${key}' value='${val}'"
f = new File("$projectDir/build/Gradle-Appdescriptor.xml")
contents = f.getText('UTF-8')
contents = contents.replaceAll('versionString', buildNumber)
contents = contents.replaceAll('sdkVersion', sdkVersion)
def df
df = new SimpleDateFormat("HH:mm dd.MM.yyyy") //you can change it
if (project.hasProperty('public')) {
outputName = "$outputName-Public"
varsFile = "vars-public"
f = new File("$projectDir/build/${varsFile}.js")
contents = f.getText('UTF-8')
contents = contents.replaceAll('buildNumber', buildNumber)
contents = contents.replaceAll('buildDateTime', df.format(new Date()))
contents = contents.replaceAll('gitMessage', "")//gitMessage.toString().trim() )
if (project.hasProperty('yota')) {
println("yota parameter set Appdescriptor to portrait")
f = new File("$projectDir/build/Gradle-Appdescriptor.xml")
contents = f.getText('UTF-8')
contents = contents.replaceAll('landscape', 'portrait')
task compileIOS(dependsOn: "updateProperties") {
doLast {
exec {
commandLine "java", "-jar",
"-package", "-target", "ipa-app-store",
"-storetype", "PKCS12",
"-keystore", "$projectDir/keys/ios-qwe123.p12",
"-storepass", "qwe123",
"-provisioning-profile", "$projectDir/keys/wildcard_inhouse.mobileprovision",
"-C", "$projectDir/build", "bigSicret.swf", "icons", "photos", "content", "fonts",
"Default-LandscapeLeft.png", "Default-LandscapeLeft@2x.png", "Default-LandscapeRight.png", "Default-LandscapeRight@2x.png"
workingDir project.projectDir
def stdOut = new ByteArrayOutputStream()
standardOutput = stdOut
println stdOut.toString()
task compileAndroid(dependsOn: 'updateProperties', type:Exec) {
workingDir project.projectDir
commandLine "java", "-jar",
"-package", "-target", "apk-debug",
"-storetype", "pkcs12",
"-keystore", "$projectDir/keys/android-qwe123.p12",
"-storepass", "qwe123",
"-C", "$projectDir/build", "bigSicret.swf", "icons", "photos", "content", "fonts",
"Default-LandscapeLeft.png", "Default-LandscapeLeft@2x.png", "Default-LandscapeRight.png", "Default-LandscapeRight@2x.png",
println("::compileAndroid: \n" + commandLine)
standardOutput = new ByteArrayOutputStream()
errorOutput = standardOutput
ignoreExitValue = true
doLast {
if (execResult.exitValue != 0) {
println("adt.jar failed: \n" + commandLine)
throw new GradleException("Error message: \n" + standardOutput.toString())
configurations {
dependencies {
ftpAntTask("org.apache.ant:ant-commons-net:1.8.4") {
module("commons-net:commons-net:1.4.1") {
dependencies "oro:oro:2.0.8:jar"
repositories {
task ftp << {
ant {
taskdef(name: 'ftp',
classname: '',
classpath: configurations.ftpAntTask.asPath)
ftp(server: "81.177.xxxx", userid: "xxxx", password: "xxx") {
fileset(file: "build/${outputName}.apk")
fileset(file: "build/${outputName}.ipa")
fileset(file: "build/${varsFile}.js")
task debugAndroid(dependsOn: 'compileAndroid', type:Exec) {
workingDir project.projectDir
commandLine "adb", "-d",
// commandLine "java", "-jar",
// "$flexHome/lib/adt.jar",
// "-installApp", "-platform", "android",
// "-package",
// "$projectDir/build/${outputName}.apk"
standardOutput = new ByteArrayOutputStream()
errorOutput = standardOutput
ignoreExitValue = true
println("::debugAndroid: \n" + commandLine)
doLast {
if (execResult.exitValue != 0) {
println("debugAndroid failed: \n" + commandLine)
throw new GradleException("Error message: \n" + standardOutput.toString())
defaultTasks 'clean', 'copyresources', 'compileFlex', 'updateProperties', 'compileAndroid', 'debugAndroid'
//defaultTasks 'clean', 'copyresources', 'compileFlex', 'compileIOS', 'compileAndroid', 'ftp'
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