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Nicky Parseghian givemelove

  • SADA Systems, Inc.
  • Nashville, TN
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park-brian / AdvancedWindowSnap.ahk
Last active September 27, 2024 21:32 — forked from AWMooreCO/AdvancedWindowSnap.ahk
Advanced Window Snap is a script for AutoHotKey that expands upon Windows built-in window-snapping hotkeys.
* Advanced Window Snap
* Snaps the active window to a position within a user-defined grid.
* @author Andrew Moore <>
* @contributor jballi
* @contributor park-brian
* @contributor shinywong
* @version 1.2

Install raspbian, set up your users however you would like, so long as you have sudo access on the user you are running this with. You probably want to resize the image so it fills the SD card as well.

  1. Copy this entire gist to your raspberry pi
  2. Do chmod +x in the gist folder (so that
  3. Run a) This script does a few things - it first updates your raspberry pi, then it installs a few needed utilities, then it upgrades the firmware on your raspberry pi
zhuowei /
Last active December 17, 2015 14:29
Glass Labs experiments: what they do

Glass Lab Experiments

Updated: July 2nd (XE7)

Ron Amadeo of Android Police did a review of these experiments:

Google Glass has a series of Labs experiments that can be enabled on engineering or userdebug builds. Using APKTool, I've removed that restriction and now they can be enabled with root access.

To start, for example, the SOUND_SEARCH lab, type in a root shell

oumu / soundcloud-mp3.js
Created March 31, 2012 00:49 — forked from rsvp/soundcloud-mp3.js
SoundCloud bookmarklet that generates link to download MP3
2012-03-26 Forked from duncanbeevers' sc-dl.js :
(function(document) {
var link = document.createElement("a"),
span = document.createElement("span"),
slug = document.querySelector("#main-content-inner img[class=waveform]").src.match(/\.com\/(.+)\_/)[1],
mp3 = document.querySelector("em").innerText + ".mp3";