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Created April 10, 2019 14:36
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const int STACK_CAP_DEFAULT = 10;
typedef struct {
int *data;
int len;
int cap;
} Stack;
Stack *Stack_init() {
Stack *stk = malloc(sizeof(Stack));
stk->len = 0;
stk->data = malloc(stk->cap * sizeof(int));
return stk;
void Stack_push(Stack *stk, int v) {
if(stk->len == stk->cap) {
// grow stack
int n_cap = stk->cap * 2;
stk->data = realloc(stk->data, stk->cap * sizeof(int));
// Append element
stk->data[stk->len] = v;
bool Stack_empty(Stack *stk) {
return stk->len == 0;
int Stack_peek(Stack *stk) {
if(Stack_empty(stk)) return -1;
return stk->data[stk->len-1];
int Stack_pop(Stack *stk) {
if(Stack_empty(stk)) return -1;
int top = stk->data[stk->len-1];
stk->len -= 1;
return top;
void Stack_free(Stack *stk) {
int **make_dp_mat(int rowSize, int colSize) {
int **dp = (int **)malloc(rowSize * sizeof(int *));
for(int i = 0; i < rowSize; i++){
dp[i] = (int *)malloc(colSize * sizeof(int));
memset(dp[i], 0, colSize * sizeof(int));
return dp;
int max_int(int a, int b) {
return a > b ? a : b;
// Determine the largest rectangle that can be formed
// from contiguous 1's on a single row
int max_rect_row(int *heights, int len) {
if(len == 0) {
return 0;
// For each column and direction (left/right),
// determine the index of the last column with
// height >= the starting column
int dp_left[len];
dp_left[0] = -1;
// Stack tracks indices of columns with height
// less than
Stack *stk = Stack_init();
Stack_push(stk, 0);
for(int i = 1; i < len; i++) {
int h = heights[i];
// For current position, drain indices of all
// columns with equal or greater height than
// current
while(!Stack_empty(stk) &&
heights[Stack_peek(stk)] >= h) {
// Leftover indices on stack mark first column
// with height < column height
if(!Stack_empty(stk)) {
dp_left[i] = Stack_peek(stk);
} else {
dp_left[i] = -1;
Stack_push(stk, i);
int dp_right[len];
dp_right[len-1] = len;
stk = Stack_init();
Stack_push(stk, len-1);
for(int i = len-2; i >= 0; i--) {
int h = heights[i];
while(!Stack_empty(stk) &&
heights[Stack_peek(stk)] >= h) {
if(!Stack_empty(stk)) {
dp_right[i] = Stack_peek(stk);
} else {
dp_right[i] = len;
Stack_push(stk, i);
for(int i = len-1; i >= 0; i--) {
int h = heights[i];
int j = i-1;
for(; j >= 0; j--) {
if(heights[j] < h) break;
dp_left[i] = j;
// Calculate max rect area for each column
int max = 0;
for(int i = 0; i < len; i++) {
int left_dist = i - dp_left[i];
int right_dist = dp_right[i] - i;
max = max_int(max, heights[i] * (left_dist+right_dist-1));
return max;
int maximalRectangle(char** matrix, int matrixRowSize, int *matrixColSizes) {
// Initialize an RxC Rect matrix and set elements to 0
if(matrixRowSize == 0) return 0;
if((int)matrixColSizes == 0) return 0;
int colSize = (int)matrixColSizes;
int rowSize = matrixRowSize;
int **dp = make_dp_mat(rowSize, colSize);
// For each col in each row, calculate the number
// of contiguous 1's above the column
for(int c = 0; c < colSize; c++) {
dp[0][c] = matrix[0][c] - '0';
for(int r = 1; r < rowSize; r++) {
int p = r-1;
for(int c = 0; c < colSize; c++) {
if(matrix[r][c] == '0') {
dp[r][c] = 0;
dp[r][c] = dp[p][c] + 1;
int max = 0;
for(int r = 0; r < rowSize; r++) {
max = max_int(max, max_rect_row(dp[r], colSize));
return max;
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