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Forked from jocopa3/MCPE_1.1.0.1_Ids.txt
Created March 28, 2017 11:02
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List of all Blocks/Items/Entity Id's in MCPE/Win10 1.0.5 and EDU Edition
For advanced users, a syntax highlighter for sublime text and
textmate which makes reading the list easier can be found here:
============ Blocks ============
All blocks as found in the Block::initBlocks function.
Block names are the same names used in the /give command.
Name Id Data
air 0
stone 1
stone 0
granite 1
graniteSmooth 2
diorite 3
dioriteSmooth 4
andesite 5
andesiteSmooth 6
grass 2
dirt 3
cobblestone 4
planks 5
oak 0
spruce 1
birch 2
jungle 3
acacia 4
big_oak 5
sapling 6
oak 0
spruce 1
birch 2
jungle 3
acacia 4
big_oak 5
bedrock 7
flowing_water 8
water 9
flowing_lava 10
lava 11
sand 12
default 0
red 1
gravel 13
gold_ore 14
iron_ore 15
coal_ore 16
log 17
oak 0
spruce 1
birch 2
jungle 3
leaves 18
oak 0
spruce 1
birch 2
jungle 3
sponge 19
dry 0
wet 1
glass 20
lapis_ore 21
lapis_block 22
dispenser 23
sandstone 24
default 0
chiseled 1
smooth 2
noteblock 25
bed 26
golden_rail 27
detector_rail 28
sticky_piston 29
web 30
tallgrass 31
grass 1
fern 2
deadbush 32
piston 33
pistonArmCollision 34
wool 35
white 0
orange 1
magenta 2
lightBlue 3
yellow 4
lime 5
pink 6
gray 7
silver 8
cyan 9
purple 10
blue 11
brown 12
green 13
red 14
black 15
yellow_flower 37
red_flower 38
poppy 0
blueOrchid 1
allium 2
houstonia 3
tulipRed 4
tulipOrange 5
tulipWhite 6
tulipPink 7
oxeyeDaisy 8
brown_mushroom 39
red_mushroom 40
gold_block 41
iron_block 42
double_stone_slab 43
stone 0
sand 1
wood 2
cobble 3
brick 4
smoothStoneBrick 5
quartz 6
nether_brick 7
stone_slab 44
stone 0
sand 1
wood 2
cobble 3
brick 4
smoothStoneBrick 5
quartz 6
nether_brick 7
brick_block 45
tnt 46
bookshelf 47
mossy_cobblestone 48
obsidian 49
torch 50
fire 51
mob_spawner 52
oak_stairs 53
chest 54
redstone_wire 55
diamond_ore 56
diamond_block 57
crafting_table 58
wheat 59
farmland 60
furnace 61
lit_furnace 62
standing_sign 63
wooden_door 64
ladder 65
rail 66
stone_stairs 67
wall_sign 68
lever 69
stone_pressure_plate 70
iron_door 71
wooden_pressure_plate 72
redstone_ore 73
lit_redstone_ore 74
unlit_redstone_torch 75
redstone_torch 76
stone_button 77
snow_layer 78
ice 79
snow 80
cactus 81
clay 82
reeds 83
fence 85
fence 0
spruceFence 1
birchFence 2
jungleFence 3
acaciaFence 4
darkOakFence 5
pumpkin 86
netherrack 87
soul_sand 88
glowstone 89
portal 90
lit_pumpkin 91
cake 92
unpowered_repeater 93
powered_repeater 94
invisibleBedrock 95
trapdoor 96
monster_egg 97
stone 0
cobble 1
brick 2
mossybrick 3
crackedbrick 4
chiseledbrick 5
stonebrick 98
default 0
mossy 1
cracked 2
chiseled 3
smooth 4
brown_mushroom_block 99
red_mushroom_block 100
iron_bars 101
glass_pane 102
melon_block 103
pumpkin_stem 104
melon_stem 105
vine 106
fence_gate 107
brick_stairs 108
stone_brick_stairs 109
mycelium 110
waterlily 111
nether_brick 112
nether_brick_fence 113
nether_brick_stairs 114
nether_wart 115
enchanting_table 116
brewing_stand 117
cauldron 118
end_portal 119
end_portal_frame 120
end_stone 121
dragon_egg 122
redstone_lamp 123
lit_redstone_lamp 124
dropper 125
activator_rail 126
cocoa 127
sandstone_stairs 128
emerald_ore 129
ender_chest 130
tripwire_hook 131
tripWire 132
emerald_block 133
spruce_stairs 134
birch_stairs 135
jungle_stairs 136
command_block 137
beacon 138
cobblestone_wall 139
normal 0
mossy 1
flower_pot 140
carrots 141
potatoes 142
wooden_button 143
skull 144
anvil 145
intact 0
slightlyDamaged 4
veryDamaged 8
trapped_chest 146
light_weighted_pressure_plate 147
heavy_weighted_pressure_plate 148
unpowered_comparator 149
powered_comparator 150
daylight_detector 151
redstone_block 152
quartz_ore 153
hopper 154
quartz_block 155
default 0
chiseled 1
lines 2
default 3
quartz_stairs 156
double_wooden_slab 157
oak 0
spruce 1
birch 2
jungle 3
acacia 4
big_oak 5
wooden_slab 158
oak 0
spruce 1
birch 2
jungle 3
acacia 4
big_oak 5
stained_hardened_clay 159
white 0
orange 1
magenta 2
lightBlue 3
yellow 4
lime 5
pink 6
gray 7
silver 8
cyan 9
purple 10
blue 11
brown 12
green 13
red 14
black 15
stained_glass_pane 160
white 0
orange 1
magenta 2
lightBlue 3
yellow 4
lime 5
pink 6
gray 7
silver 8
cyan 9
purple 10
blue 11
brown 12
green 13
red 14
black 15
leaves2 161
acacia 0
big_oak 1
log2 162
acacia 0
big_oak 1
acacia_stairs 163
dark_oak_stairs 164
slime 165
iron_trapdoor 167
prismarine 168
rough 0
dark 1
bricks 2
seaLantern 169
hay_block 170
carpet 171
white 0
orange 1
magenta 2
lightBlue 3
yellow 4
lime 5
pink 6
gray 7
silver 8
cyan 9
purple 10
blue 11
brown 12
green 13
red 14
black 15
hardened_clay 172
coal_block 173
packed_ice 174
double_plant 175
sunflower 0
syringa 1
grass 2
fern 3
rose 4
paeonia 5
daylight_detector_inverted 178
red_sandstone 179
default 0
chiseled 1
smooth 2
red_sandstone_stairs 180
double_stone_slab2 181
red_sandstone 0
purpur 1
stone_slab2 182
red_sandstone 0
purpur 1
spruce_fence_gate 183
birch_fence_gate 184
jungle_fence_gate 185
dark_oak_fence_gate 186
acacia_fence_gate 187
repeating_command_block 188
chain_command_block 189
spruce_door 193
birch_door 194
jungle_door 195
acacia_door 196
dark_oak_door 197
grass_path 198
frame 199
chorus_flower 200
purpur_block 201
default 0
chiseled 1
lines 2
default 3
purpur_stairs 203
end_bricks 206
end_rod 208
end_gateway 209
chorus_plant 240
stained_glass 241
white 0
orange 1
magenta 2
lightBlue 3
yellow 4
lime 5
pink 6
gray 7
silver 8
cyan 9
purple 10
blue 11
brown 12
green 13
red 14
black 15
podzol 243
beetroot 244
stonecutter 245
glowingobsidian 246
netherreactor 247
default 0
active 1
cooled 2
info_update 248
info_update2 249
movingBlock 250
observer 251
reserved6 255
------------ EDU Blocks ------------
List of blocks found only in EDU edition
Name Id Data
allow 210
deny 211
border_block 212
chalkboard 230
camera 242
============ Items ============
List of all item Id's as found in the Item::registerItems
function. Item names are the the same names used in commands.
Name Id Data
iron_shovel 256
iron_pickaxe 257
iron_axe 258
flint_and_steel 259
apple 260
bow 261
arrow 262
coal 263
coal 0
charcoal 1
diamond 264
iron_ingot 265
gold_ingot 266
iron_sword 267
wooden_sword 268
wooden_shovel 269
wooden_pickaxe 270
wooden_axe 271
stone_sword 272
stone_shovel 273
stone_pickaxe 274
stone_axe 275
diamond_sword 276
diamond_shovel 277
diamond_pickaxe 278
diamond_axe 279
stick 280
bowl 281
mushroom_stew 282
golden_sword 283
golden_shovel 284
golden_pickaxe 285
golden_axe 286
string 287
feather 288
gunpowder 289
wooden_hoe 290
stone_hoe 291
iron_hoe 292
diamond_hoe 293
golden_hoe 294
wheat_seeds 295
wheat 296
bread 297
leather_helmet 298
leather_chestplate 299
leather_leggings 300
leather_boots 301
chainmail_helmet 302
chainmail_chestplate 303
chainmail_leggings 304
chainmail_boots 305
iron_helmet 306
iron_chestplate 307
iron_leggings 308
iron_boots 309
diamond_helmet 310
diamond_chestplate 311
diamond_leggings 312
diamond_boots 313
golden_helmet 314
golden_chestplate 315
golden_leggings 316
golden_boots 317
flint 318
porkchop 319
cooked_porkchop 320
painting 321
golden_apple 322
sign 323
wooden_door 324
bucket 325
bucket 0
milk 1
bucketWater 8
bucketLava 10
minecart 328
saddle 329
iron_door 330
redstone 331
snowball 332
boat 333
oak 0
spruce 1
birch 2
jungle 3
acacia 4
big_oak 5
leather 334
brick 336
clay_ball 337
reeds 338
paper 339
book 340
slime_ball 341
chest_minecart 342
egg 344
compass 345
fishing_rod 346
clock 347
glowstone_dust 348
fish 349
cooked_fish 350
dye 351
black (ink sac) 0
red 1
green 2
brown (cocoa beans) 3
blue 4
purple 5
cyan 6
silver 7
gray 8
pink 9
lime 10
yellow 11
lightBlue 12
magenta 13
orange 14
white (bonemeal) 15
bone 352
sugar 353
cake 354
bed 355
repeater 356
cookie 357
map_filled 358
shears 359
melon 360
pumpkin_seeds 361
melon_seeds 362
beef 363
cooked_beef 364
chicken 365
cooked_chicken 366
rotten_flesh 367
ender_pearl 368
blaze_rod 369
ghast_tear 370
gold_nugget 371
nether_wart 372
potion 373
glass_bottle 374
spider_eye 375
fermented_spider_eye 376
blaze_powder 377
magma_cream 378
brewing_stand 379
cauldron 380
ender_eye 381
speckled_melon 382
spawn_egg 383
See Entities section for a list of data values
Note: all entities can be spawned using spawn eggs
experience_bottle 384
fireball 385
emerald 388
frame 389
flower_pot 390
carrot 391
potato 392
baked_potato 393
poisonous_potato 394
emptyMap 395
golden_carrot 396
skull 397
skeleton 0
wither 1
zombie 2
player 3
creeper 4
dragon 5
carrotOnAStick 398
netherStar 399
pumpkin_pie 400
enchanted_book 403
comparator 404
netherbrick 405
quartz 406
tnt_minecart 407
hopper_minecart 408
prismarine_shard 409
hopper 410
rabbit 411
cooked_rabbit 412
rabbit_stew 413
rabbit_foot 414
rabbit_hide 415
horsearmorleather 416
horsearmoriron 417
horsearmorgold 418
horsearmordiamond 419
lead 420
nameTag 421
prismarine_crystals 422
muttonRaw 423
muttonCooked 424
end_crystal 426
spruce_door 427
birch_door 428
jungle_door 429
acacia_door 430
dark_oak_door 431
chorus_fruit 432
chorus_fruit_popped 433
dragon_breath 437
splash_potion 438
lingering_potion 441
command_block_minecart 443
elytra 444
shulker_shell 445
beetroot 457
beetroot_seeds 458
beetroot_soup 459
salmon 460
clownfish 461
pufferfish 462
cooked_salmon 463
appleEnchanted 466
------------ EDU Items ------------
List of items found only in EDU Edition
Name Id Data
board 454
oneByOne (slate) 0
twoByOne (poster) 1
threeByTwo (board) 2
portfolio 456
camera 498
============ Entities ============
All Entities as found in the 1.0.4 binary in an unnamed initializer.
All names are the same as those used in the /summon command.
The Full Id contains info about the type of entity in the upper bits.
Name Id Full Id
chicken 10 0x130A
cow 11 0x130B
pig 12 0x130C
sheep 13 0x130D
wolf 14 0x530E
villager 15 0x30F
mushroomcow 16 0x1310
squid 17 0x2311
rabbit 18 0x1312
bat 19 0x8113
irongolem 20 0x314
snowgolem 21 0x315
ocelot 22 0x5316
horse 23 0x5317
donkey 24 0x5318
mule 25 0x5319
skeletonhorse 26 0x5B1A
zombiehorse 27 0x5B1B
polarbear 28 0x131C
zombie 32 0xB20
creeper 33 0xB21
skeleton 34 0xB22
spider 35 0xB23
pig_zombie 36 0xB24
slime 37 0xB25
enderman 38 0xB26
silverfish 39 0xB27
cavespider 40 0xB28
ghast 41 0xB29
magmacube 42 0xB2A
blaze 43 0xB2B
zombie_villager 44 0xB2C
witch 45 0xB2D
skeleton.stray 46 0xB2E
husk 47 0xB2F
skeleton.wither 48 0xB30
guardian 49 0xB31
guardian.elder 50 0xB32
wither.boss 52 0xB34
dragon 53 0xB35
shulker 54 0xB36
endermite 55 0xB37
player 63 0x13F
item 64
tnt 65
falling_block 66
potion.experience 68
xporb 69
eyeofEnder 70
endercrystal 71
shulker_bullet 76
fishinghook 77
fireball.dragon 79
arrow.skeleton 80
snowball 81
thrownegg 82
painting 83
minecart 84
fireball.large 85
thrownpotion 86
thrownenderpearl 87
leashknot 88
wither.skull 89
boat 90
lightningbolt 93
fireball.small 94
areaeffectcloud 95
minecarthopper 96
minecarttnt 97
minecartchest 98
minecartcommandblock 100
lingeringpotion 101
------------ EDU Entities ------------
List of entities found only in EDU Edition
Name Id Full Id
npc 51 0x133
learntocodemascot 56 0x138
tripodcamera 62 0x13E
chalkboard 78
============ Enchantments ============
List of all Enchantment Id's as found in the 1.0.4 Enchant::initEnchants
All names are the same as those used in the /enchant command.
Name Id
protection 0
fire_protection 1
feather_falling 2
blast_protection 3
projectile_protection 4
thorns 5
respiration 6
depth_strider 7
aqua_affinity 8
sharpness 9
smite 10
bane_of_arthropods 11
knockback 12
fire_aspect 13
looting 14
efficiency 15
silk_touch 16
durability 17
fortune 18
power 19
punch 20
flame 21
infinity 22
luck_of_the_sea 23
lure 24
============ Biomes ============
List of all biomes, biome Id's, and biome colors.
Name Technical Name Id Color Extra Data
Ocean ocean 0 0x000070
Plains plains 1 0x8DB360
Desert desert 2 0xFA9418
Extreme Hills extremeHills 3 0x606060
Forest forest 4 0x056621
Taiga taiga 5 0x0B6659 0x4EBA31
Swampland swampland 6 0x07F9B2 0x8BAF48
River river 7 0x0000FF
Hell hell 8 0xFF0000
Sky sky 9 0x8080FF
FrozenOcean frozenOcean 10 0x9090A0
FrozenRiver frozenRiver 11 0xA0A0FF
Ice Plains iceFlats 12 0xFFFFFF
Ice Mountains iceMountains 13 0xA0A0A0
MushroomIsland mushroomIsland 14 0xFF00FF
MushroomIslandShore mushroomIslandShore 15 0xA000FF
Beach beaches 16 0xFADE55
DesertHills desertHills 17 0xD25F12
ForestHills forestHills 18 0x22551C
TaigaHills taigaHills 19 0x163933
Extreme Hills Edge smallerExtremeHills 20 0x72789A
Jungle jungle 21 0x537B09
JungleHills jungleHills 22 0x2C4205
JungleEdge jungleEdge 23 0x628B17
Deep Ocean deepOcean 24 0x000030 0x4EBA31
Stone Beach stoneBeach 25 0xA2A284
Cold Beach coldBeach 26 0xFAF0C0
Birch Forest birchForest 27 0x307444
Birch Forest Hills birchForestHills 28 0x1F5F32
Roofed Forest roofedForest 29 0x40511A
Cold Taiga taigaCold 30 0x31554A
Cold Taiga Hills taigaColdHills 31 0x243F36
Mega Taiga redwoodTaiga 32 0x596651
Mega Taiga Hills redwoodTaigaHills 33 0x454F3E
Extreme Hills+ extremeHillsWithTrees 34 0x507050
Savanna savanna 35 0xBDB25F
Savanna Plateau savannaRock 36 0xA79D64
Mesa mesa 37 0xD94515
Mesa Plateau F mesaRock 38 0xB09765
Mesa Plateau mesaClearRock 39 0xCA8C65
------------ Mutated Variations ------------
The following is a list of mutated biome variations.
Colors are the same as their non-mutated counterparts unless otherwise specified.
Name Technical Name Id Color
Sunflower Plains plainsMutated 129 0xB5DB88
Desert M desertMutated 130 0xFFBC40
Extreme Hills M extremeHillsMutated 131 0x888888
Flower Forest forestMutated 132 0x2D8E49
Taiga M taigaMutated 133 0x338E81
Swampland M swamplandMutated 134 0x2FFFDA
Ice Plains Spikes iceFlatsMutated 140 0xB4DCDC
Jungle M jungleMutated 149 0x7BA331
JungleEdge M jungleEdgeMutated 151 0x8AB33F
Birch Forest M birchForestMutated 155 0x589C6C
Birch Forest Hills M birchForestHillsMutated 156 0x47875A
Roofed Forest M roofedForestMutated 157 0x687942
Cold Taiga M taigaColdMutated 158 0x597D72
Mega Spruce Taiga redwoodTaigaMutated 160 0x6B5F4C
Redwood Taiga Hills M redwoodTaigaHillsMutated 161 0x6D7766
Extreme Hills+ M extremeHillsWithTreesMutated 162 0x789878
Savanna M savannaMutated 163 0xE5DA87
Savanna Plateau M savannaRockMutated 164 0xCFC58C
Mesa (Bryce) mesaMutated 165 0xFF6D3D
Mesa Plateau F M mesaRockMutated 166 0xD8BF8D
Mesa Plateau M mesaClearRockMutated 167 0xF2B48D
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