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Created November 28, 2023 13:57
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Verifica lo stato dei VMware Tools e della Compatibility di tutte le macchine all'interno di un vCenter al quale si è collegati. Vedi l'articolo sul blog:
# Retrieve the status (and the version) of the VMware Tools and the Hardware Version (Compatibility) of all VMs powered on
# GSolone, 2023
# Credits
Set-Variable ProgressPreference Continue
$arr_VMStats = @()
$ProcessedCount = 0
# Creates a variable that contains VMs which are in the PoweredOn state
$VMList = Get-VM | Where { $_.PowerState -eq "PoweredOn" }
$TotalVM = $VMList.Count
# Names of VMs that will not be shutdown or powered off (example: $VMExclusionList = "vm1","vm2","vm3")
$VMExclusionList = ""
# Loops through the variable an object at a time
Foreach ( $VM in $VMList ) {
# Checks if the name of the current VM is in the ExclusionList and skips if it is
If ( $VMExclusionList -notcontains $VM.Name ) {
$PercentComplete = (($ProcessedCount / $TotalVM) * 100)
Write-Progress -Activity "Processing $VM" -Status "$ProcessedCount out of $TotalVM completed ($($PercentComplete.ToString('0.00'))%)" -PercentComplete $PercentComplete
# Retrieve the status (and the version) of the VMware Tools and the Hardware Version
$arr_VMStats += New-Object -TypeName PSObject -Property $([ordered]@{
VM = $VM.Name
# PowerState = $VM.PowerState
# OSFullName = $VM.Guest.OSFullName
HWVersion = $VM.HardwareVersion
ToolsStatus = ($VM | Get-View).Guest.ToolsStatus
ToolsVersion = $VM.Guest.ToolsVersion
$arr_VMStats | Sort-Object VM | Out-Host
# Retrieve the status (and the version) of the VMware Tools and the Hardware Version (Compatibility) of all VMs powered on
# GSolone, 2023
# Credits
# Changes:
# 18/10/23- Improve: I show what updates there are to be made only if there is at least one within the array.
Set-Variable ProgressPreference Continue
$arr_VMStats = @()
$ProcessedCount = 0
# Creates a variable that contains VMs which are in the PoweredOn state
$VMList = Get-VM | Where { $_.PowerState -eq "PoweredOn" }
$TotalVM = $VMList.Count
# Names of VMs that will not be shutdown or powered off (example: $VMExclusionList = "vm1","vm2","vm3")
$VMExclusionList = ""
# Loops through the variable an object at a time
Foreach ( $VM in $VMList ) {
# Checks if the name of the current VM is in the ExclusionList and skips if it is
If ( $VMExclusionList -notcontains $VM.Name ) {
$PercentComplete = (($ProcessedCount / $TotalVM) * 100)
Write-Progress -Activity "Processing $VM" -Status "$ProcessedCount out of $TotalVM completed ($($PercentComplete.ToString('0.00'))%)" -PercentComplete $PercentComplete
# Retrieve the status (and the version) of the VMware Tools and the Hardware Version
$arr_VMStats += New-Object -TypeName PSObject -Property $([ordered]@{
VM = $VM.Name
# PowerState = $VM.PowerState
# OSFullName = $VM.Guest.OSFullName
HWVersion = $VM.HardwareVersion
ToolsStatus = ($VM | Get-View).Guest.ToolsStatus
ToolsVersion = $VM.Guest.ToolsVersion
$arr_VMStats | Sort-Object VM | Out-Host
$csvVMfound = @()
Import-Csv -Path "$PSScriptRoot\updateVMlist.csv" | Foreach {
$VMname = $_.vm
$VMfound = $arr_VMStats | Where-Object { $_.VM -eq $VMname }
if ($VMfound) {
if ($VMfound.ToolsStatus -eq "toolsOld" -or $VMfound.HWVersion -ne "vmx-19") {
$csvVMfound += $VMfound
if ($csvVMfound.Length -gt 0) {
Write-Host "`nSearch updates available in the CSV list ($PSScriptRoot\updateVMlist.csv)" -f "Yellow"
$csvVMfound | Sort-Object VM | Out-Host
} else {
Write-Host "`n✔️ No updates to manage in the CSV list ($PSScriptRoot\updateVMlist.csv)`n" -f "Green"
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