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Last active August 17, 2022 11:23
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Convert Reaper file (.rpp) to YAML
### Converts Reaper data file (.rpp) to YAML, using Awk.
### All scalar values will be enclosed in single quotes.
### Usage: (with standard input) cat <reaper-data-file.rpp> | <this-script-file>
### (with filename as first arg) <this-script-file> <reaper-data-file.rpp>
### Returns: formatted YAML document
### Example usage with yq (shell-based yaml parser):
### Returns all track names.
### ./ example.rpp | yq e '.REAPER_PROJECT.TRACK[].NAME' -
### Returns all source file names.
### ./ example.rpp | yq e '.REAPER_PROJECT.TRACK[].ITEM[].SOURCE.FILE' -
### Example usage with ruby:
### ./ example.rpp | ruby -r 'yaml' -e 'puts YAML.load(STDIN).to_yaml'
### Example ruby script to iterate through tracks, gathering names (from jamulus user)
### and actual file paths. This can be expanded to rename wav files with the jamulus user name.
### jamulus_rpp_converted_to_yaml['REAPER_PROJECT']['TRACK'].each do |track|
### puts track['NAME']
### track['ITEM'].each do |item|
### puts item['SOURCE']['FILE']
### end
### end
### Tested on OSX 10.14, Debian 9, Alpine Linux 3.14 (BusyBox 1.33)
if [ "$1" ]; then
cat "$1"
cat -
fi |
awk -v items=0 -v tracks=0 -v printline=1 '
BEGIN {print "---"}
# removes angle brackets.
/[><]/ {gsub("[><]", "")}
# prints root node key, adds 2nd line for metadata.
/REAPER_PROJECT[ ]/ {printline=0; print "REAPER_PROJECT:"; print " META: \047" substr($0,index($0,$2)) "\047"}
# prints track node key and/or inserts '-' to denote array member.
/TRACK[ ]/ {items=0; printline=0; if(tracks==0) {print " TRACK:"} {print " -"}; ++tracks}
# prints item node key and/or inserts '-' to denote array member.
/ITEM[ ]/ {printline=0; if(items==0) {print " ITEM:"} {print " -"}; ++items}
# prints source node key, adds 2nd line for type.
/SOURCE[ ]/ {printline=0; print " SOURCE:"; print " TYPE: \047"$2"\047"}
# skips empty lines.
/^[ ]*$/ {next;}
# prints regular key:value lines.
printline==1 {gsub($1" ", $1": \047"); print $0"\047"}
# resets printline to 1.
# prints a final line-feed.
END {print "\n"}
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