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Created April 2, 2013 06:11
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We are testing a simple controller from imaginable MVC framework.

class UserController extends AbtractController {

    public function show($id)
        $user = $this->db->find('users',$id);
        if (!$user) return $this->render404('User not found');
        $this->render('show.html.php', array('user' => $user));
        return true;

How It Is Tested With Codeception PHP framework:

It's a new testing framework. It's here, on GitHub:

class UserControllerCest {
    public $class = 'UserController';

    public function show(CodeGuy $I) {
        // prepare environment
        $I->haveFakeClass($controller = Stub::make($this->class, array('render' => function() {}, 'render404' => function() {})))
            ->haveFakeClass($db = Stub::make('DbConnector', array('find' => function($id) { return $id > 0 ? new User() : null )))
            ->setProperty($controller, 'db', $db);

        $I->executeTestedMethodOn($controller, 1)
            ->seeMethodInvoked($controller, 'render');

        $I->expect('it will render404 for unexistent user')
            ->executeTestedMethodOn($controller, 0)
            ->seeMethodInvoked($controller, 'render404','User not found')
            ->seeMethodNotInvoked($controller, 'render');

How It Is Tested With PHPUnit


class UserControllerTest extends PHPUnit_Framework_TestCase
    protected function prepareController()
        $controller = $this->getMock('UserController', array('render', 'render404'), null, false, false);
        $db = $this->getMock('DbConnector');
            ->will($this->returnCallback(function ($id)
            return $id > 0 ? new User() : null;

        // connecting stubs together
        $r = new ReflectionObject($controller);
        $dbProperty = $r->getProperty('db');
        $dbProperty->setValue($controller, $db);


    public function testShowForExistingUser()
        $controller = $this->prepareController();

    public function testShowForUnexistingUser()
        $controller = $this->prepareController();
            ->with($this->equalTo('User not found'));

        $this->assertNotEquals(true, $controller->show(0));
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