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Created September 3, 2017 19:47
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module Solver
open Board
// Takes a Value list in parameter and return a new list with all possible wich are duplicates of
// locked values removed
let removePossibleEntries (values:Value list) : Value list =
// printf "\nremovePossibleEntries entry %A" values
// get locked values
let locked = values |> List.filter (fun x -> match x with
| Locked _ -> true
| Possible _ -> false)
|> (fun x -> match x with
| Locked y -> y
| Possible _ -> failwith "Should have been filtered out")
// remove locked values from all lists of possible values
values |>
(fun x -> match x with
| Locked y -> Locked y
| Possible items -> Possible (List.filter (fun z -> not (List.contains z locked)) items))
// go over all values and switch List of one possible value to a Locked value
let lockSingleValues (values:Value list) =
// printf "\nlockSingleValues entry %A" values
values |> (fun x -> match x with
| Possible [a] -> Locked a
| Possible (head :: tail) -> Possible (head :: tail)
| Possible [] -> failwith "Error this Possible list is empty"
| Locked v -> Locked v)
// when given a list of of lists each created by the application of the row function, convert it back to a board
let newBoardFromRows (items:Value list list) =
Array2D.init 9 9 (fun i j -> items.[i].[8-j])
// when given a list of of lists each created by the application of the column function, convert it back to a board
let newBoardFromColumns (items:Value list list) =
Array2D.init 9 9 (fun i j -> items.[j].[8-i])
// when given a list of of lists each created by the application of the box function, convert it back to a board
let newBoardFromBox (items:Value list list) =
let unboxed = Array2D.create 9 9 (Locked 0)
let si = seq {
for h in [0; 3; 6] do yield! seq {
for i in 1..3 do yield! seq {
for j in 1..3 do yield 0 + h
for j in 1..3 do yield 1 + h
for j in 1..3 do yield 2 + h
let sj = seq {
for i in 1..3 do yield! seq {
for j in 1..3 do yield! [0..2];
for j in 1..3 do yield! [3..5];
for j in 1..3 do yield! [6..8];
let sx = seq {
for i in 0..8 do yield! seq {
for j in 0..8 do yield i, j
let coordinates = List.map2 (fun i j -> i, j) (si |> Seq.toList) (sj |> Seq.toList)
List.iter2 (fun (x, y) (i, j) -> Array2D.set unboxed x y (items.[i].[8-j])) (sx |> Seq.toList) coordinates
// remove and lock values
// remove = remove elements in lists of possible values. We remove those values which already appear somewhere else in
// the unit
// lock = when there is only one possible value we change it from a list of 1 possible to a locked value
let removeAndLock (board:Value[,]) =
let perform func dest =
[0..8] |> (fun i -> func i dest |> removePossibleEntries |> lockSingleValues)
// perform row board |> perform column |> perform box
perform row board |> newBoardFromRows |> perform column |> newBoardFromColumns |> perform box |> newBoardFromBox
let solve (board:Value[,]) =
// call removeAndLock, if board has changed call it again in case we are able to remove more possible values
// after the changes in the first removeAndLock call
let rec exclusionStep previousStep =
let currentStep = removeAndLock previousStep
if currentStep = previousStep then currentStep else exclusionStep currentStep
let newBoard = exclusionStep board
// check if the board is solved otherwise try to solve the board by trying arbitrary values
match boardSolved newBoard with
// we can return this valid board
| Solved -> newBoard
// we need to continue not all squares are filled
| BoardUnlocked -> failwith "Board not yet solved"
// we have come to an invalid solution after the exclusionStep, this shouldn't be happening
| InvalidSolution -> failwith "InvalidSolution after performStep"
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