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Alex N gigatexal

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# See official docs at
# pip install dash pandas
from dash import Dash, dcc, html, Input, Output
import as px
import pandas as pd
df = pd.read_csv('')
xinshuoweng / .tmux.conf
Created October 24, 2016 14:40 — forked from Rangozhang/.tmux.conf
A vim-friendly tmux config
# change prefix to Ctrl-a (like in gnu-screen)
unbind C-b
set-option -g prefix C-a
bind-key C-a send-prefix
# start with window 1 (instead of 0)
set -g base-index 1
tsl0922 / .tmux.conf
Last active September 18, 2024 23:17
vim style tmux config
# vim style tmux config
# use C-a, since it's on the home row and easier to hit than C-b
set-option -g prefix C-a
unbind-key C-a
bind-key C-a send-prefix
set -g base-index 1
# Easy config reload
bind-key R source-file ~/.tmux.conf \; display-message "tmux.conf reloaded."