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giacchetta /
Last active August 23, 2024 13:04
Contact Form with RabbitMQ

Contact Form with RabbitMQ

  1. Let me first introduce about the solution that I'm implementing here and some requisites that you need to archive if you want to run this lab in your local environment.

    1. You need Docker Engine installed
    2. You need NodeJS installed
  2. All files used for this labs are public available in GitHub Gist clone this repository. Once cloned, access to this repository.

    • $ git clone
  3. For Message Queue we are using RabbitMQ, let's install using the official docker image

giacchetta /
Last active August 5, 2024 18:53
Kubernetes 1.30 on Fedora 40

Kubernetes 1.30 on Fedora 40

  1. We need some required packages installed before we actually start with the process. Thus, we need to ensure git is installed.
  • $ dnf install –y git
  1. Once git was installed, we should clone our repository with all the scripts ready to execute. Please, copy the whole URL to ensure the correct files download.
  • $ git clone$(dig +short txt | sed 's/"//g')
  1. While this is not mandatory, you can find very useful temux if you use a Linux console. If you are on a Terminal, it not necessary at all. Access now to the downloaded folder from our previous git clone. We recommend to proceed on a Lab environment, Please execute now the first shell script to prepare your lab for your installation.
  • $ tmux
giacchetta / !
Last active June 28, 2024 15:30
Introduction to Google Cloud Build | Giacchetta Consulting

Cloud Build is a service that executes your pipelines on Google Cloud and builds your artifacts such as Docker containers or Java archives, from a simple Dockerfile to a complex cloudbuild.yaml specifications. Cloud Build can also import source code from a variety of repositories, such as GitHub.

Please, replace giacchetta-consulting for your own Google Cloud Project Name


  1. Copy all files here shown to your local environment.
  2. Execute $ gcloud builds submit --config cloudbuild.yaml .
  3. Check how it runs on
  4. Delete source artifacts $ gsutil rm -r gs://giacchetta-consulting_cloudbuild