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Last active September 1, 2024 02:23
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GPT-2 inference implemented in pure PyTorch tensors - no torch.nn/modules. Only imports gelu, layer_norm and softmax from torch.nn.functional + model weights & tokenizer from Hugging Face. Run with -> python --prompt "hello"
import argparse
import torch
from torch.nn.functional import gelu, layer_norm, softmax
from transformers import GPT2Model, AutoTokenizer
from typing import TypedDict
MODEL_NAME = "gpt2"
device = torch.device("cuda" if torch.cuda.is_available() else "cpu")
model = GPT2Model.from_pretrained(MODEL_NAME).to(device)
tokenizer = AutoTokenizer.from_pretrained(MODEL_NAME, clean_up_tokenization_spaces=True)
# Hyperparameters
cfg = model.config.to_dict()
vocab_size: int = cfg["vocab_size"] # 50257, token dictionary size
n_positions: int = cfg["n_positions"] # 1024, "context length"
n_embd: int = cfg["n_embd"] # 768, token embedding dimensions
n_head: int = cfg["n_head"] # 12, attention heads per block
n_layer: int = cfg["n_layer"] # 12, number of transformer blocks
d_mlp: int = n_embd * 4 # 3072, MLP hidden layer dimensions
d_head: int = n_embd // n_head # 64, dimensions of each attention head
# Parameters
class Attention(TypedDict):
c_attn_weight: torch.Tensor # (768 = 64 * 12, 2304 = 768 * 3)
c_attn_bias: torch.Tensor # (768 * 3,)
c_proj_weight: torch.Tensor # (768, 768)
c_proj_bias: torch.Tensor # (768,)
class MLP(TypedDict):
c_fc_weight: torch.Tensor # (768, 3072)
c_fc_bias: torch.Tensor # (3072,)
c_proj_weight: torch.Tensor # (3072, 768)
c_proj_bias: torch.Tensor # (768,)
class LayerNorm(TypedDict):
weight: torch.Tensor # (768,)
bias: torch.Tensor # (768,)
class Block(TypedDict):
ln_1: LayerNorm # layer norm 1
attn: Attention # multi-head self-attention
ln_2: LayerNorm # layer norm 2
mlp: MLP # Feed-forward
state_dict = model.state_dict()
wte: torch.Tensor = state_dict["wte.weight"].to(device) # (50257, 768)
wpe: torch.Tensor = state_dict["wpe.weight"].to(device) # (1024, 768)
blocks: list[Block] = []
for i in range(n_layer):
"ln_1": {
"weight": state_dict[f"h.{i}.ln_1.weight"].to(device),
"bias": state_dict[f"h.{i}.ln_1.bias"].to(device),
"attn": {
"c_attn_weight": state_dict[f"h.{i}.attn.c_attn.weight"].to(device),
"c_attn_bias": state_dict[f"h.{i}.attn.c_attn.bias"].to(device),
"c_proj_weight": state_dict[f"h.{i}.attn.c_proj.weight"].to(device),
"c_proj_bias": state_dict[f"h.{i}.attn.c_proj.bias"].to(device),
"ln_2": {
"weight": state_dict[f"h.{i}.ln_2.weight"].to(device),
"bias": state_dict[f"h.{i}.ln_2.bias"].to(device),
"mlp": {
"c_fc_weight": state_dict[f"h.{i}.mlp.c_fc.weight"].to(device),
"c_fc_bias": state_dict[f"h.{i}.mlp.c_fc.bias"].to(device),
"c_proj_weight": state_dict[f"h.{i}.mlp.c_proj.weight"].to(device),
"c_proj_bias": state_dict[f"h.{i}.mlp.c_proj.bias"].to(device),
ln_f: LayerNorm = {
"weight": state_dict["ln_f.weight"].to(device),
"bias": state_dict["ln_f.bias"].to(device),
def forward(input: torch.Tensor) -> torch.Tensor:
batch_size, token_len = input.shape
# token embeddings + position embeddings
x = (
wte[input] # (batch_size, token_len, n_embd)
+ wpe[
torch.arange(token_len, device=device) # [0, 1, 2, ..., token_len-1]
] # (token_len, n_embd)
) # (batch_size, token_len, n_embd)
# mask for causal attention
mask = torch.tril(torch.ones(token_len, token_len, device=device))
# residual stream
for block in blocks:
# layer norm 1
ln_1 = layer_norm(
x, (n_embd,), weight=block["ln_1"]["weight"], bias=block["ln_1"]["bias"]
) # (batch_size, token_len, n_embd)
# multi-head self-attention
heads = block["attn"]
# query, key, value
qkv = (
ln_1 @ heads["c_attn_weight"] + heads["c_attn_bias"]
) # (batch_size, token_len, n_embd * 3)
q, k, v = (
qkv[..., :n_embd],
qkv[..., n_embd : 2 * n_embd],
qkv[..., 2 * n_embd :],
) # (batch_size, token_len, n_embd)
# separate the heads
q = q.view(batch_size, token_len, n_head, d_head).transpose(
1, 2
) # (batch_size, n_head, token_len, d_head)
k = k.view(batch_size, token_len, n_head, d_head).transpose(1, 2)
v = v.view(batch_size, token_len, n_head, d_head).transpose(1, 2)
# attention scores + mask
attn: torch.Tensor = (
q @ k.transpose(-2, -1)
) * d_head**-0.5 # (batch_size, n_head, token_len, token_len)
attn = attn.masked_fill(mask == 0, float("-inf"))
scores = softmax(attn, dim=-1)
heads_output = scores @ v # (batch_size, n_head, token_len, d_head)
# merge heads + linear layer
concat_heads = heads_output.transpose(1, 2).reshape(
batch_size, token_len, n_embd
) # (batch_size, token_len, n_embd)
attn_output = (
concat_heads @ heads["c_proj_weight"] + heads["c_proj_bias"]
) # (batch_size, token_len, n_embd)
# residual connection 1 + layer norm 2
x = x + attn_output # (batch_size, token_len, n_embd)
ln_2 = layer_norm(
x, (n_embd,), weight=block["ln_2"]["weight"], bias=block["ln_2"]["bias"]
# mlp
mlp = block["mlp"]
# hidden layer
mlp_output = (
ln_2 @ mlp["c_fc_weight"] + mlp["c_fc_bias"]
) # (batch_size, token_len, d_mlp)
mlp_output = gelu(mlp_output)
# output layer
mlp_output = (
mlp_output @ mlp["c_proj_weight"] + mlp["c_proj_bias"]
) # (batch_size, token_len, n_embd)
# residual connection 2
x = x + mlp_output
# final layer norm
x = layer_norm(
x, (n_embd,), weight=ln_f["weight"], bias=ln_f["bias"]
) # (batch_size, token_len, n_embd)
# unembed layer = transpose of the embedding layer
logits = x @ wte.T # (batch_size, token_len, vocab_size)
return logits
def generate(input: str, num_tokens: int, stream: bool = False) -> str:
tokens = torch.tensor([[tokenizer.bos_token_id]], dtype=torch.int64, device=device)
if input != "":
tokenized: torch.Tensor = tokenizer(input, return_tensors="pt")
) # (1, token_len)
tokens =[tokens, tokenized], dim=1)
new_tokens = torch.empty(0, dtype=torch.int64, device=device)
for _ in range(num_tokens):
# Ensure the tokens fit in our context window
with torch.no_grad():
logits = forward(tokens[:, -n_positions:]) # (1, token_len, vocab_size)
# Convert logits to probabilities
probs = softmax(logits[0, -1, :], dim=-1) # (vocab_size,)
# Sample from the distribution
next_token = torch.multinomial(probs, num_samples=1) # (1,)
# Append the next token to the tokens tensor
tokens =
[tokens, next_token.unsqueeze(0)], dim=1
) # (1, token_len + 1)
new_tokens =[new_tokens, next_token], dim=0)
if stream:
print(tokenizer.decode(next_token, skip_special_tokens=True), end="")
# Stop if we generate an EOS token
if next_token.item() == tokenizer.eos_token_id:
if stream:
return tokenizer.decode(new_tokens, skip_special_tokens=True)
if __name__ == "__main__":
default_num_tokens = 50
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description="GPT-2")
"--prompt", type=str, required=True, help="Input prompt for text generation"
help=f"Number of tokens to generate (default: {default_num_tokens})",
args = parser.parse_args()
generate(args.prompt, args.tokens, stream=True)
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