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Created June 25, 2013 13:10
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4 failing tests in tire
→ be rake
/usr/local/opt/rbenv/versions/1.9.3-p392/bin/ruby -I"lib:lib:test" -I"/usr/local/opt/rbenv/versions/1.9.3-p392/lib/ruby/gems/1.9.1/gems/rake-10.1.0/lib" "/usr/local/opt/rbenv/versions/1.9.3-p392/lib/ruby/gems/1.9.1/gems/rake-10.1.0/lib/rake/rake_test_loader.rb" "test/unit/active_model_lint_test.rb" "test/unit/configuration_test.rb" "test/unit/count_test.rb" "test/unit/http_client_test.rb" "test/unit/http_response_test.rb" "test/unit/index_alias_test.rb" "test/unit/index_test.rb" "test/unit/logger_test.rb" "test/unit/model_callbacks_test.rb" "test/unit/model_import_test.rb" "test/unit/model_initialization_test.rb" "test/unit/model_persistence_test.rb" "test/unit/model_search_test.rb" "test/unit/multi_search_test.rb" "test/unit/results_collection_test.rb" "test/unit/results_item_test.rb" "test/unit/rubyext_test.rb" "test/unit/search_facet_test.rb" "test/unit/search_filter_test.rb" "test/unit/search_highlight_test.rb" "test/unit/search_query_test.rb" "test/unit/search_scan_test.rb" "test/unit/search_script_field_test.rb" "test/unit/search_sort_test.rb" "test/unit/search_test.rb" "test/unit/tire_test.rb" "test/integration/active_model_indexing_test.rb" "test/integration/active_model_searchable_test.rb" "test/integration/active_record_searchable_test.rb" "test/integration/boolean_queries_test.rb" "test/integration/boosting_queries_test.rb" "test/integration/bulk_test.rb" "test/integration/constant_score_queries_test.rb" "test/integration/count_test.rb" "test/integration/custom_filters_score_queries_test.rb" "test/integration/custom_score_queries_test.rb" "test/integration/dis_max_queries_test.rb" "test/integration/dsl_search_test.rb" "test/integration/explanation_test.rb" "test/integration/facets_test.rb" "test/integration/filtered_queries_test.rb" "test/integration/filters_test.rb" "test/integration/fuzzy_queries_test.rb" "test/integration/highlight_test.rb" "test/integration/index_aliases_test.rb" "test/integration/index_mapping_test.rb" "test/integration/index_store_test.rb" "test/integration/index_update_document_test.rb" "test/integration/match_query_test.rb" "test/integration/mongoid_searchable_test.rb" "test/integration/multi_search_test.rb" "test/integration/nested_query_test.rb" "test/integration/percolator_test.rb" "test/integration/persistent_model_test.rb" "test/integration/prefix_query_test.rb" "test/integration/query_return_version_test.rb" "test/integration/query_string_test.rb" "test/integration/range_queries_test.rb" "test/integration/reindex_test.rb" "test/integration/results_test.rb" "test/integration/scan_test.rb" "test/integration/script_fields_test.rb" "test/integration/sort_test.rb"
[ERROR] There has been an error when creating the index -- elasticsearch returned:
400 : {"error":"MapperParsingException[mapping [model_with_incorrect_mapping]]; nested: MapperParsingException[No handler for type [boo] declared on field [title]]; ","status":400}
* DEFERRED: Finders should raise error when document is not found.
* DEFERRED: Persistent model attribute methods should allow to set deeply nested attributes on initialization.
* DEFERRED: Persistent model attribute methods should allow to set deeply nested attributes on update.
* DEFERRED: Model::Search should not define destroyed? if class already implements it.
* DEFERRED: Dis Max queries should boost matches in both fields.
Loaded Suite test,test/integration,test/models,test/unit
Started at 2013-06-25 14:55:15 +0200 w/ seed 10874.
PASS (0:00:01.168) test: ActiveModel integration should configure mapping.
PASS (0:00:02.553) test: ActiveModel integration should remove document from index on destroy.
PASS (0:00:03.849) test: ActiveModel integration should retrieve sorted documents by IDs returned from search.
PASS (0:00:05.092) test: ActiveModel integration should save document into index on save and find it with score.
PASS (0:00:06.387) test: ActiveModel integration within Rails should fake the underlying model with _source.
PASS (0:00:07.943) test: ActiveModel integration within Rails should load the record from database.
PASS (0:00:09.921) test: ActiveModel serialization should serialize the content length.
PASS (0:00:12.253) test: ActiveRecord integration multi search should return model instances with the :load option.
PASS (0:00:14.503) test: ActiveRecord integration multi search should return multiple result sets.
FAIL (0:00:16.307) test: ActiveRecord integration percolated search should return matching queries when percolating.
"alert" not found in []
@ /usr/local/opt/rbenv/versions/1.9.3-p392/lib/ruby/gems/1.9.1/gems/shoulda-context-1.1.3/lib/shoulda/context/assertions.rb:31:in `assert_contains'
test/integration/active_record_searchable_test.rb:627:in `block (3 levels) in <class:ActiveRecordSearchableIntegrationTest>'
/usr/local/opt/rbenv/versions/1.9.3-p392/lib/ruby/gems/1.9.1/gems/shoulda-context-1.1.3/lib/shoulda/context/context.rb:400:in `call'
/usr/local/opt/rbenv/versions/1.9.3-p392/lib/ruby/gems/1.9.1/gems/shoulda-context-1.1.3/lib/shoulda/context/context.rb:400:in `block in create_test_from_should_hash'
/usr/local/opt/rbenv/versions/1.9.3-p392/lib/ruby/gems/1.9.1/gems/mocha-0.14.0/lib/mocha/integration/mini_test/version_2112_to_320.rb:40:in `run'
PASS (0:00:18.781) test: ActiveRecord integration percolated search should return matching queries when saving.
PASS (0:00:20.712) test: ActiveRecord integration should configure mapping.
[REQUEST FAILED] curl -X GET 'http://localhost:9200/active_record_articles/active_record_article/_search?size=10&pretty' -d '{
"query": {
"query_string": {
"query": "[x"
"size": 10
PASS (0:00:22.572) test: ActiveRecord integration should raise exception on invalid query.
PASS (0:00:24.648) test: ActiveRecord integration should remove document from index on destroy.
PASS (0:00:27.066) test: ActiveRecord integration should return documents with scores.
PASS (0:00:28.987) test: ActiveRecord integration should save document into index on save and find it.
PASS (0:00:31.125) test: ActiveRecord integration with dynamic index name should search in proper index.
PASS (0:00:33.890) test: ActiveRecord integration with eager loading should iterate results with hits.
PASS (0:00:36.535) test: ActiveRecord integration with eager loading should load records on block search.
PASS (0:00:39.236) test: ActiveRecord integration with eager loading should load records on query search.
PASS (0:00:41.960) test: ActiveRecord integration with eager loading should load records with options on query search.
PASS (0:00:46.231) test: ActiveRecord integration with eager loading should load single record.
PASS (0:00:49.022) test: ActiveRecord integration with eager loading should provide access to highlighted fields in hit.
PASS (0:00:51.893) test: ActiveRecord integration with eager loading should return empty collection for nonmatching query.
PASS (0:00:55.773) test: ActiveRecord integration with multiple class instances in one index should eagerly load all STI descendant records.
PASS (1:00:00.972) test: ActiveRecord integration with multiple class instances in one index should eagerly load instances of multiple classes, from multiple indices.
PASS (1:00:04.233) test: ActiveRecord integration with namespaced models should eagerly load the records from returned hits.
PASS (1:00:06.674) test: ActiveRecord integration with namespaced models should save document into index on save and find it.
PASS (1:00:11.241) test: ActiveRecord integration with pagination and block searches with from/size should find first page with five results.
PASS (1:00:17.312) test: ActiveRecord integration with pagination and block searches with from/size should find second page with five results.
PASS (1:00:24.352) test: ActiveRecord integration with pagination and block searches with from/size should not find a missing (third) page.
PASS (1:00:29.607) test: ActiveRecord integration with pagination and block searches with page/per_page should find first page with five results.
PASS (1:00:34.189) test: ActiveRecord integration with pagination and block searches with page/per_page should find second page with four loaded models.
PASS (1:00:40.136) test: ActiveRecord integration with pagination and block searches with page/per_page should find second page with four results.
PASS (1:00:45.117) test: ActiveRecord integration with pagination and block searches with page/per_page should not find a missing (third) page.
PASS (1:00:51.171) test: ActiveRecord integration with pagination and parameter searches should find first page with five results.
PASS (1:00:56.646) test: ActiveRecord integration with pagination and parameter searches should find not find missing (third) page.
PASS (2:00:02.800) test: ActiveRecord integration with pagination and parameter searches should find second page with four results.
PASS (2:00:08.174) test: ActiveRecord integration with pagination and parameter searches without an explicit per_page should not find a missing (second) page.
PASS (2:00:10.068) test: ActiveRecord integration with proxy should allow access to Tire class methods.
PASS (2:00:11.891) test: ActiveRecord integration with proxy should allow access to Tire instance methods.
PASS (2:00:13.867) test: ActiveRecord integration within Rails should have access to indexed properties.
PASS (2:00:15.825) test: ActiveRecord integration within Rails should load the underlying model with options.
PASS (2:00:17.697) test: ActiveRecord integration within Rails should load the underlying models.
PASS (2:00:18.954) test: Boolean queries should allow to set multiple queries for multiple conditions.
PASS (2:00:20.165) test: Boolean queries should allow to set multiple queries per condition.
PASS (2:00:21.548) test: Boosting queries in the featured results scenario should return featured results first.
PASS (2:00:22.728) test: Boosting queries should allow to set multiple queries per condition.
PASS (2:00:24.388) test: Bulk should allow to feed search results to bulk API.
PASS (2:00:25.873) test: Bulk should delete documents in bulk.
PASS (2:00:27.321) test: Bulk should extract the routing value from documents.
PASS (2:00:28.715) test: Bulk should store a collection of documents and refresh the index.
PASS (2:00:30.146) test: Bulk should take external versioning into account.
PASS (2:00:34.495) test: Bulk should timeout when consistency factor is not met.
PASS (2:00:34.496) test: Configuration should allow setting and retrieving the URL.
PASS (2:00:34.497) test: Configuration should allow to reset the configuration for all properties.
PASS (2:00:34.497) test: Configuration should allow to reset the configuration for specific property.
PASS (2:00:34.497) test: Configuration should return default URL.
PASS (2:00:34.498) test: Configuration should return default client.
PASS (2:00:34.498) test: Configuration should return nil as logger by default.
PASS (2:00:34.498) test: Configuration should return set and return logger.
PASS (2:00:34.499) test: Configuration should set pretty option to true by default.
PASS (2:00:34.499) test: Configuration should set the pretty option to false.
PASS (2:00:34.499) test: Configuration should strip trailing slash from the URL.
PASS (2:00:34.500) test: Configuration should use environment variable, if present.
PASS (2:00:35.978) test: Constant score queries in the featured results scenario should return featured results first.
PASS (2:00:37.365) test: Constant score queries should return the same score for all results.
PASS (2:00:38.558) test: Count with search type should return facets in results.
PASS (2:00:39.867) test: Count with search type should return total number of hits for the query, but no hits.
PASS (2:00:41.249) test: Count with the count method should allow access to the JSON and response.
PASS (2:00:42.488) test: Count with the count method should return number of documents in multiple indices.
PASS (2:00:43.977) test: Count with the count method should return number of documents in the index for specific query.
PASS (2:00:45.282) test: Count with the count method should return number of documents in the index.
PASS (2:00:45.285) test: Count should allow access to the JSON and the response.
PASS (2:00:45.285) test: Count should be initialized with single index.
PASS (2:00:45.286) test: Count should count all documents by the leaving index empty.
PASS (2:00:45.287) test: Count should evaluate the query.
PASS (2:00:45.287) test: Count should limit count with document type.
PASS (2:00:45.290) test: Count should log the request when logger is set.
PASS (2:00:45.291) test: Count should pass URL parameters.
PASS (2:00:45.292) test: Count should return curl snippet for debugging.
PASS (2:00:46.522) test: Custom filters score queries should allow to define multiple score factors.
PASS (2:00:48.031) test: Custom filters score queries should allow to use a script based boost factor.
PASS (2:00:49.313) test: Custom filters score queries should score the document based on a matching filter.
PASS (2:00:50.537) test: Custom score queries should allow to define arbitrary custom scoring.
PASS (2:00:51.896) test: Custom score queries should allow to define custom score queries (base score on field value).
PASS (2:00:53.129) test: Custom score queries should allow to manipulate the default score (boost recent).
FAIL (2:00:54.295) test: Custom score queries should allow to pass parameters to the script.
<2> expected but was
@ test/integration/custom_score_queries_test.rb:78:in `block (2 levels) in <class:CustomScoreQueriesIntegrationTest>'
/usr/local/opt/rbenv/versions/1.9.3-p392/lib/ruby/gems/1.9.1/gems/shoulda-context-1.1.3/lib/shoulda/context/context.rb:400:in `call'
/usr/local/opt/rbenv/versions/1.9.3-p392/lib/ruby/gems/1.9.1/gems/shoulda-context-1.1.3/lib/shoulda/context/context.rb:400:in `block in create_test_from_should_hash'
/usr/local/opt/rbenv/versions/1.9.3-p392/lib/ruby/gems/1.9.1/gems/mocha-0.14.0/lib/mocha/integration/mini_test/version_2112_to_320.rb:40:in `run'
PASS (2:00:55.653) test: DSL should allow building search query iteratively.
PASS (2:00:56.847) test: DSL should allow passing URL parameters.
PASS (2:00:58.069) test: DSL should allow passing search payload as a Hash.
PASS (2:00:59.243) test: DSL should allow to pass document type in index name.
PASS (3:00:00.479) test: DSL when passing the wrapper option should be allowed when not passing a block.
PASS (3:00:01.761) test: DSL when passing the wrapper option should be allowed when passing a block.
PASS (3:00:03.097) test: Dis Max queries should allow to set multiple queries.
PASS (3:00:04.475) test: DSL Version should returns a nil version field when 'version' is false.
PASS (3:00:05.863) test: DSL Version should returns a nil version field when 'version' is not included.
PASS (3:00:07.318) test: DSL Version should returns actual version (non-nil) value for records when 'version' is true.
FAIL (3:00:08.537) test: Explanation should add '_explanation' field to the result item.
Failed assertion, no message given.
@ test/integration/explanation_test.rb:36:in `block (2 levels) in <class:ExplanationIntegrationTest>'
/usr/local/opt/rbenv/versions/1.9.3-p392/lib/ruby/gems/1.9.1/gems/shoulda-context-1.1.3/lib/shoulda/context/context.rb:400:in `call'
/usr/local/opt/rbenv/versions/1.9.3-p392/lib/ruby/gems/1.9.1/gems/shoulda-context-1.1.3/lib/shoulda/context/context.rb:400:in `block in create_test_from_should_hash'
/usr/local/opt/rbenv/versions/1.9.3-p392/lib/ruby/gems/1.9.1/gems/mocha-0.14.0/lib/mocha/integration/mini_test/version_2112_to_320.rb:40:in `run'
PASS (3:00:09.793) test: Facets date histogram should return aggregated counts for each bucket.
PASS (3:00:11.061) test: Facets date histogram should return value statistics for each bucket by script.
PASS (3:00:12.349) test: Facets date histogram should return value statistics for each bucket.
PASS (3:00:13.532) test: Facets date ranges should return aggregated values for all results.
PASS (3:00:14.791) test: Facets filter should return a filter facet.
PASS (3:00:16.239) test: Facets geo distance should return aggregated values for all results.
PASS (3:00:17.517) test: Facets histogram should return aggregated values for all results.
PASS (3:00:18.781) test: Facets query facets should return aggregated values for _exists_ string query.
PASS (3:00:20.057) test: Facets query facets should return aggregated values for a string query.
PASS (3:00:21.303) test: Facets query facets should return aggregated values for a terms query.
PASS (3:00:22.555) test: Facets should allow arbitrary order of methods in the DSL block.
PASS (3:00:24.011) test: Facets should allow to define multiple facets.
PASS (3:00:25.279) test: Facets should allow to define the facet filter with DSL.
PASS (3:00:26.601) test: Facets should allow to restrict facets with filters.
PASS (3:00:27.851) test: Facets should allow to specify global facets and query-scoped facets.
PASS (3:00:29.154) test: Facets should return results scoped to current query.
PASS (3:00:30.384) test: Facets statistical should return computed statistical data by given script.
PASS (3:00:31.574) test: Facets statistical should return computed statistical data on a numeric field.
PASS (3:00:32.777) test: Facets terms should return results aggregated over multiple fields.
PASS (3:00:34.051) test: Facets terms should return results ordered by term.
PASS (3:00:35.331) test: Facets terms_stats should return computed stats computed on a field, per term value driven by another field.
PASS (3:00:36.678) test: Filtered queries should restrict the results with a filter.
PASS (3:00:37.976) test: Filtered queries should restrict the results with multiple OR filters.
PASS (3:00:39.150) test: Filtered queries should restrict the results with multiple filters, chained with AND by default.
PASS (3:00:40.545) test: Filters should filter the results with multiple 'and' filters.
PASS (3:00:42.468) test: Filters should filter the results with multiple 'or' filters.
PASS (3:00:44.061) test: Filters should filter the results with multiple terms.
PASS (3:00:45.908) test: Filters should filter the results.
PASS (3:00:47.440) test: Filters should not influence facets.
PASS (3:00:48.767) test: Fuzzy query should fuzzily find article by tag.
PASS (3:00:48.768) test: RestClient should be default.
PASS (3:00:48.768) test: RestClient should have __host_unreachable_exceptions.
PASS (3:00:48.770) test: RestClient should not rescue RequestTimeout errors.
PASS (3:00:48.772) test: RestClient should not rescue ServerBrokeConnection errors.
PASS (3:00:48.845) test: RestClient should not rescue generic exceptions.
PASS (3:00:48.845) test: RestClient should respond to HTTP methods.
PASS (3:00:48.846) test: Response should not require headers.
PASS (3:00:48.846) test: Response should return failure.
PASS (3:00:48.847) test: Response should return string representation.
PASS (3:00:48.847) test: Response should return success.
PASS (3:00:48.847) test: Response should take response body, code and headers on initialization.
PASS (3:00:50.128) test: Highlight should add 'highlight' field to the result item.
PASS (3:00:51.462) test: Highlight should highlight multiple fields with custom highlight tag.
PASS (3:00:52.846) test: Highlight should return entire content with highlighted fragments.
PASS (3:00:52.849) test: Index Alias creating should create the alias with a block.
PASS (3:00:52.851) test: Index Alias creating should create the alias.
PASS (3:00:52.853) test: Index Alias finding should find aliases for a specific index.
PASS (3:00:52.854) test: Index Alias finding should find all aliases.
PASS (3:00:52.856) test: Index Alias finding should find an alias and configure it with a block.
PASS (3:00:52.857) test: Index Alias finding should find an alias.
PASS (3:00:52.857) test: Index Alias initialization should allow chaining.
PASS (3:00:52.857) test: Index Alias initialization should allow to add indices in a block.
PASS (3:00:52.857) test: Index Alias initialization should allow to define filter with DSL.
PASS (3:00:52.859) test: Index Alias initialization should be converted to JSON.
PASS (3:00:52.860) test: Index Alias initialization should be converted to string.
PASS (3:00:52.860) test: Index Alias initialization should have a name and defaults.
PASS (3:00:52.860) test: Index Alias initialization should have indices.
PASS (3:00:52.860) test: Index Alias initialization should have properties.
PASS (3:00:52.861) test: Index Alias initialization should have single index.
PASS (3:00:52.863) test: Index Alias saving should log request.
PASS (3:00:52.864) test: Index Alias saving should send data to Elasticsearch.
PASS (3:00:52.868) test: Index Alias updating should add indices to alias.
PASS (3:00:52.939) test: Index Alias updating should change alias configuration.
PASS (3:00:52.942) test: Index Alias updating should remove indices from alias.
PASS (3:00:52.942) test: IndexCollection should allow adding values.
PASS (3:00:52.942) test: IndexCollection should allow removing values.
PASS (3:00:52.942) test: IndexCollection should be intialized with an array or arguments list.
PASS (3:00:52.942) test: IndexCollection should be iterable.
PASS (3:00:52.943) test: IndexCollection should clear everything.
PASS (3:00:52.943) test: IndexCollection should remove values with a block.
PASS (3:00:52.943) test: IndexCollection should respond to empty.
PASS (3:00:52.944) test: aliases with index and search routing values should find all aliases.
PASS (3:00:52.945) test: aliases with index and search routing values should find an alias.
PASS (3:00:54.988) test: In the 'sliding window' scenario should add a new index to alias.
/Users/fifigyuri/Playground/tire/test/integration/index_aliases_test.rb:69: warning: already initialized constant WINDOW_SIZE_IN_WEEKS
PASS (3:00:56.951) test: In the 'sliding window' scenario should remove the stale index from the alias.
/Users/fifigyuri/Playground/tire/test/integration/index_aliases_test.rb:69: warning: already initialized constant WINDOW_SIZE_IN_WEEKS
PASS (3:00:58.808) test: In the 'sliding window' scenario should search within the alias.
PASS (4:00:00.104) test: With a filtered alias should create the alias.
PASS (4:00:01.588) test: With a filtered alias should find only portion of documents in the filtered alias.
[REQUEST FAILED] curl -X GET 'http://localhost:9200/index-aliased/_search?pretty' -d '{
"query": {
"match_all": {
PASS (4:00:03.112) test: With a filtered alias should remove the alias.
PASS (4:00:04.632) test: With a filtered alias should retrieve a list of aliases for an index.
PASS (4:00:06.027) test: With a filtered alias should retrieve the properties of an alias.
PASS (4:00:07.537) test: Creating index with mapping should create the specified mapping.
PASS (4:00:10.204) test: Default mapping should create and return the default mapping as a Hash.
PASS (4:00:12.751) test: Delete mapping should delete the mapping for type.
PASS (4:00:15.153) test: Update mapping should fail to update the mapping in an incompatible way.
PASS (4:00:17.545) test: Update mapping should honor the `ignore_conflicts` option.
PASS (4:00:20.167) test: Update mapping should update the mapping for type.
PASS (4:00:21.739) test: Removing documents from the index should remove document from the index.
PASS (4:00:23.215) test: Retrieving documents from the index should retrieve document from the index.
PASS (4:00:24.716) test: Retrieving documents from the index should return nil when retrieving missing document.
PASS (4:00:26.298) test: Storing the documents in index should happen in existing index.
PASS (4:00:27.931) test: Storing the documents in index should store documents as proper types.
PASS (4:00:29.414) test: Storing the documents in index should store hashes under their IDs.
PASS (4:00:29.418) test: Index analyze support should properly encode format parameter.
PASS (4:00:29.420) test: Index analyze support should properly encode parameters for analyzer.
PASS (4:00:29.422) test: Index analyze support should properly encode parameters for field.
PASS (4:00:29.423) test: Index analyze support should send text to the Analyze API.
PASS (4:00:29.425) test: Index mapping should create index with mapping.
PASS (4:00:29.426) test: Index mapping should delete the mapping.
PASS (4:00:29.428) test: Index mapping should fail to update the mapping when conflicts occur.
PASS (4:00:29.429) test: Index mapping should fail when deleting the mapping for non-existing type.
PASS (4:00:29.431) test: Index mapping should raise an exception for the bang method.
PASS (4:00:29.433) test: Index mapping should return the mapping as a Hash.
PASS (4:00:29.434) test: Index mapping should update the mapping.
PASS (4:00:29.438) test: Index reindexing should create the new index if it does not exist.
PASS (4:00:29.441) test: Index reindexing should perform bulk store in the new index.
PASS (4:00:29.442) test: Index settings should return index settings.
PASS (4:00:29.444) test: Index should add an index alias with configuration.
PASS (4:00:29.447) test: Index should add an index alias.
PASS (4:00:29.448) test: Index should close the index.
PASS (4:00:29.450) test: Index should create new index.
PASS (4:00:29.453) test: Index should delete an index alias.
PASS (4:00:29.455) test: Index should delete index.
PASS (4:00:29.455) test: Index should have a name.
PASS (4:00:29.455) test: Index should have an URL endpoint.
PASS (4:00:29.457) test: Index should list aliases for an index.
PASS (4:00:29.458) test: Index should not raise exception and just return false when deleting non-existing index.
PASS (4:00:29.460) test: Index should not raise exception and just return false when trying to create existing index.
PASS (4:00:29.461) test: Index should open the index.
PASS (4:00:29.463) test: Index should refresh the index.
PASS (4:00:29.464) test: Index should return HTTP response.
PASS (4:00:29.466) test: Index should return false when does not exist.
PASS (4:00:29.468) test: Index should return properties of an alias.
PASS (4:00:29.469) test: Index should return true when exists.
PASS (4:00:29.470) test: Index when accessing the variables from outer scope should access the variables.
PASS (4:00:29.546) test: Index when importing class should call the passed method and bulk store the results.
PASS (4:00:29.546) test: Index when importing class should pass the class when method not passed.
PASS (4:00:29.676) test: Index when importing class should pass the params to the passed method and bulk store the results.
PASS (4:00:29.677) test: Index when importing plain collection should just store it in bulk.
PASS (4:00:29.678) test: Index when importing should be initialized with a class and params.
PASS (4:00:29.678) test: Index when importing should be initialized with a collection.
PASS (4:00:29.816) test: Index when importing with passed block and object should allow to manipulate the documents in passed block.
PASS (4:00:29.946) test: Index when importing with passed block and object should call the passed block on every batch.
PASS (4:00:29.948) test: Index when importing with passed block and plain collection should allow to manipulate the collection in the block.
PASS (4:00:29.949) test: Index when passing parent document ID should set the :parent option in the request parameters.
PASS (4:00:29.951) test: Index when percolating should percolate a typed document against all registered queries.
PASS (4:00:29.952) test: Index when percolating should percolate document against all registered queries.
PASS (4:00:29.953) test: Index when percolating should percolate document against specific queries.
PASS (4:00:29.955) test: Index when percolating should register percolator query as a Hash.
PASS (4:00:29.956) test: Index when percolating should register percolator query as a block.
PASS (4:00:29.957) test: Index when percolating should register percolator query with a key.
PASS (4:00:29.958) test: Index when percolating should unregister percolator query.
PASS (4:00:29.959) test: Index when percolating while storing document should percolate document against all registered queries.
PASS (4:00:29.960) test: Index when percolating while storing document should percolate document against specific queries.
PASS (4:00:29.963) test: Index when performing a bulk api action should display error message when collection item does not have ID.
[ERROR] Document #<Tire::IndexTest::MyModel:0x007fd130e55930> does not have ID
PASS (4:00:29.965) test: Index when performing a bulk api action should extract meta information from document objects.
# 2013-06-25 14:59:45:744 [_bulk] ("dummy")
curl -X POST "http://localhost:9200/dummy/_bulk" --data-binary '... data omitted ...'
PASS (4:00:29.966) test: Index when performing a bulk api action should log the response code.
PASS (4:00:29.968) test: Index when performing a bulk api action should pass URL parameters such as refresh or consistency.
PASS (4:00:29.970) test: Index when performing a bulk api action should retry on SIGINT type of exceptions.
PASS (4:00:29.971) test: Index when performing a bulk api action should return immediately with empty collection.
PASS (4:00:29.974) test: Index when performing a bulk api action should serialize ActiveModel instances as payload.
PASS (4:00:29.978) test: Index when performing a bulk api action should serialize meta parameters into payload header.
PASS (4:00:29.980) test: Index when performing a bulk api action should serialize payload for create action.
PASS (4:00:29.982) test: Index when performing a bulk api action should serialize payload for delete action.
PASS (4:00:29.984) test: Index when performing a bulk api action should serialize payload for index action.
[ERROR] 503 > Server error, retrying (1)...
[ERROR] 503 > Server error, retrying (2)...
[ERROR] 503 > Server error, retrying (3)...
[ERROR] 503 > Server error, retrying (4)...
[ERROR] 503 > Server error, retrying (5)...
[ERROR] Too many exceptions occured, giving up. The HTTP response was: 503 > Server error
PASS (4:00:29.986) test: Index when performing a bulk api action should try again and the raise when an exception occurs.
[ERROR] Connection refused - Connection refused - connect(2), retrying (1)...
[ERROR] Connection refused - Connection refused - connect(2), retrying (2)...
[ERROR] Connection refused - Connection refused - connect(2), retrying (3)...
[ERROR] Connection refused - Connection refused - connect(2), retrying (4)...
[ERROR] Connection refused - Connection refused - connect(2), retrying (5)...
[ERROR] Too many exceptions occured, giving up. The HTTP response was: Connection refused - Connection refused - connect(2)
PASS (4:00:29.987) test: Index when performing a bulk api action should try again when a connection error occurs.
[ERROR] 503 > Server error, retrying (1)...
[ERROR] 503 > Server error, retrying (2)...
[ERROR] 503 > Server error, retrying (3)...
[ERROR] 503 > Server error, retrying (4)...
[ERROR] 503 > Server error, retrying (5)...
[ERROR] Too many exceptions occured, giving up. The HTTP response was: 503 > Server error
PASS (4:00:29.989) test: Index when performing a bulk api action should try again when an exception occurs.
[ERROR] Document #<Tire::IndexTest::MyNamespace::MyModel:0x007fd1322ddc18> does not have ID
PASS (4:00:29.990) test: Index when performing a bulk api action with namespaced models should not URL-escape the document_type.
PASS (4:00:29.991) test: Index when removing should escape the ID in URL.
PASS (4:00:29.992) test: Index when removing should get ID from hash.
PASS (4:00:29.993) test: Index when removing should get ID from method.
PASS (4:00:29.994) test: Index when removing should get namespaced type from document.
PASS (4:00:29.995) test: Index when removing should get type and ID from arguments.
PASS (4:00:29.996) test: Index when removing should get type from document.
PASS (4:00:29.997) test: Index when removing should properly encode document type.
PASS (4:00:29.997) test: Index when removing should raise error when no ID passed.
PASS (4:00:29.999) test: Index when removing should set default type.
PASS (4:00:30.000) test: Index when retrieving should allow to set preference.
PASS (4:00:30.003) test: Index when retrieving should allow to set routing and fields.
PASS (4:00:30.005) test: Index when retrieving should allow to set routing.
PASS (4:00:30.007) test: Index when retrieving should escape the ID in URL.
PASS (4:00:30.008) test: Index when retrieving should properly encode document type.
PASS (4:00:30.010) test: Index when retrieving should raise error when no ID passed.
PASS (4:00:30.012) test: Index when retrieving should return document as a hash.
PASS (4:00:30.014) test: Index when retrieving should return document in custom wrapper.
PASS (4:00:30.016) test: Index when retrieving should return document in default wrapper.
PASS (4:00:30.018) test: Index when retrieving should return nil for missing document.
PASS (4:00:30.019) test: Index when storing document with ID should convert document ID to string or number.
PASS (4:00:30.020) test: Index when storing document with ID should escape the ID in URL.
PASS (4:00:30.021) test: Index when storing document with ID should store a Hash under its ID property.
PASS (4:00:30.022) test: Index when storing document with ID should store a custom class under its ID property.
PASS (4:00:30.024) test: Index when storing should call #to_indexed_json on non-String documents.
PASS (4:00:30.025) test: Index when storing should extract the replication type from options.
PASS (4:00:30.027) test: Index when storing should extract the routing information from options.
PASS (4:00:30.028) test: Index when storing should extract the version from options.
PASS (4:00:30.029) test: Index when storing should properly encode namespaced document types.
[DEPRECATION WARNING] Passing the document as JSON string has been deprecated, please pass an object which responds to `to_indexed_json` or a plain Hash.
(Called from /Users/fifigyuri/Playground/tire/test/unit/index_test.rb:317)
PASS (4:00:30.030) test: Index when storing should raise deprecation warning when trying to store a JSON string.
PASS (4:00:30.031) test: Index when storing should raise error when storing neither String nor object with #to_indexed_json method.
PASS (4:00:30.032) test: Index when storing should set default type.
PASS (4:00:30.033) test: Index when storing should set type from Hash :_type property.
PASS (4:00:30.034) test: Index when storing should set type from Hash :type property.
PASS (4:00:30.035) test: Index when storing should set type from Object _type method.
PASS (4:00:30.036) test: Index when storing should set type from Object type method.
PASS (4:00:30.038) test: Index when updating should escape the ID in URL.
PASS (4:00:30.038) test: Index when updating should raise an error when no script or partial document is passed.
PASS (4:00:30.039) test: Index when updating should raise error when no type or ID is passed.
PASS (4:00:30.041) test: Index when updating should send options.
PASS (4:00:30.042) test: Index when updating should send partial doc payload.
PASS (4:00:30.043) test: Index when updating should send script payload.
PASS (4:00:31.566) test: Updating a document should access variables from the outer scope.
PASS (4:00:33.270) test: Updating a document should add a tag to document.
PASS (4:00:34.757) test: Updating a document should increment a counter.
PASS (4:00:36.256) test: Updating a document should pass the operation parameters to the API.
PASS (4:00:37.778) test: Updating a document should remove a tag from document.
PASS (4:00:39.331) test: Updating a document should remove the entire document if specific condition is met.
PASS (4:00:41.238) test: Updating a document should update the document with a partial one.
PASS (4:00:41.240) test: Logger initialized with an IO object should take STDOUT.
PASS (4:00:41.241) test: Logger initialized with an IO object should write to STDERR.
PASS (4:00:41.242) test: Logger initialized with file should create the file.
PASS (4:00:41.243) test: Logger initialized with file should write to file.
PASS (4:00:41.243) test: levels should have the default level.
PASS (4:00:41.244) test: levels should set the level.
PASS (4:00:41.247) test: tracing requests should log request in correct format.
PASS (4:00:41.252) test: tracing requests should log response in correct format.
PASS (4:00:42.773) test: Match query should automatically create a boolean query when called repeatedly.
PASS (4:00:44.164) test: Match query should find document by multiple fields with multi_match.
PASS (4:00:45.606) test: Match query should find documents by prefix.
PASS (4:00:47.013) test: Match query should find documents by single field.
PASS (4:00:47.014) test_errors_aref
PASS (4:00:47.014) test_errors_full_messages
PASS (4:00:47.120) test_model_naming
PASS (4:00:47.121) test_persisted?
PASS (4:00:47.121) test_to_key
PASS (4:00:47.121) test_to_param
PASS (4:00:47.121) test_to_partial_path
PASS (4:00:47.122) test_valid?
PASS (4:00:47.124) test: Model::Import Strategy should return custom strategy class.
PASS (4:00:47.124) test: Model::Import Strategy should return explicitly specified strategy from predefined strategies.
PASS (4:00:47.125) test: Model::Import should call the passed block on every batch, and NOT manipulate the documents array.
PASS (4:00:47.125) test: Model::Import should have the import method.
PASS (4:00:47.126) test: Model::Import should manipulate the documents in passed block.
PASS (4:00:47.126) test: Model::Import should paginate the results by default when importing.
PASS (4:00:47.127) test: Model::Import should store the documents in a different index.
PASS (4:00:47.128) test: Model with ActiveModel callbacks and implemented destroyed? method should execute the callbacks.
PASS (4:00:47.129) test: Model with ActiveModel callbacks without destroyed? method implemented should execute the callbacks.
PASS (4:00:47.129) test: Model with ActiveModel callbacks without destroyed? method implemented should have the destroyed? method added.
PASS (4:00:47.130) test: Model without ActiveModel callbacks should not execute any callbacks.
PASS (4:00:47.130) test: Model without Tire::Callbacks included should not execute the update_index hooks.
PASS (4:00:47.130) test: Model without Tire::Callbacks included should respond to Tire update_index callbacks.
PASS (4:00:47.133) test: Model initialization should display a warning and not raise exception when cannot connect to Elasticsearch (default client).
PASS (4:00:47.148) test: Model initialization should display a warning and not raise exception when creating the index fails.
PASS (4:00:47.150) test: Model initialization should re-raise non-connection related exceptions.
PASS (4:00:47.161) test: Finders should find all documents listed in IDs array.
PASS (4:00:47.165) test: Finders should find all documents with correct type.
PASS (4:00:47.167) test: Finders should find document by array of IDs.
PASS (4:00:47.168) test: Finders should find document by list of IDs.
PASS (4:00:47.170) test: Finders should find document by numeric ID.
PASS (4:00:47.172) test: Finders should find document by string ID.
PASS (4:00:47.174) test: Finders should find first document with correct type.
PASS (4:00:47.175) test: Finders should have _type, _index, _id, _version attributes.
PASS (4:00:47.176) test: Finders should raise error when passing incorrect argument.
PASS (4:00:47.176) test: Model should allow to define property.
PASS (4:00:47.176) test: Model should allow to set custom index name.
PASS (4:00:47.176) test: Model should define property as a string by default.
PASS (4:00:47.177) test: Model should have default index name.
PASS (4:00:47.177) test: Model should have document_type.
PASS (4:00:47.177) test: Model with index prefix should have configured prefix in index_name.
PASS (4:00:47.178) test: Persistent model attribute methods should allow to leave attributes blank on initialization.
PASS (4:00:47.178) test: Persistent model attribute methods should allow to set attributes on initialization.
PASS (4:00:47.178) test: Persistent model attribute methods should evaluate lambdas as default values.
PASS (4:00:47.179) test: Persistent model attribute methods should have attribute names.
PASS (4:00:47.179) test: Persistent model attribute methods should have getter methods for attribute passed as a String.
PASS (4:00:47.179) test: Persistent model attribute methods should have getter methods for attributes.
PASS (4:00:47.179) test: Persistent model attribute methods should have query method for attribute.
PASS (4:00:47.180) test: Persistent model attribute methods should have setter method for attribute.
PASS (4:00:47.180) test: Persistent model attribute methods should not affect default value.
PASS (4:00:47.180) test: Persistent model attribute methods should not raise error when getting unset attribute.
PASS (4:00:47.181) test: Persistent model attribute methods should not raise error when querying for unset attribute.
PASS (4:00:47.181) test: Persistent model attribute methods should raise error when getting unknown attribute.
PASS (4:00:47.182) test: Persistent model attribute methods should raise error when querying for unknown attribute.
PASS (4:00:47.182) test: Persistent model attribute methods should return default value for attribute.
PASS (4:00:47.182) test: Persistent model attribute methods should return false for respond_to? calls for unknown attributes.
PASS (4:00:47.183) test: Persistent model attribute methods should return true for respond_to? calls for defined but unset attributes.
PASS (4:00:47.183) test: Persistent model attribute methods should return true for respond_to? calls for set attributes.
PASS (4:00:47.185) test: Persistent model when creating should not set the id property if already set.
PASS (4:00:47.288) test: Persistent model when creating should perform model validations.
PASS (4:00:47.290) test: Persistent model when creating should return false when the operation fails.
PASS (4:00:47.291) test: Persistent model when creating should save the document with custom ID in the database.
PASS (4:00:47.292) test: Persistent model when creating should save the document with generated ID in the database.
PASS (4:00:47.294) test: Persistent model when creating should set the id property.
PASS (4:00:47.296) test: Persistent model when destroying should delete the document from the database.
PASS (4:00:47.297) test: Persistent model when destroying should return false when the operation fails.
PASS (4:00:47.297) test: Persistent model when initializing should be a new record.
PASS (4:00:47.298) test: Persistent model when saving should not set the id property if already set.
PASS (4:00:47.461) test: Persistent model when saving should perform validations.
PASS (4:00:47.462) test: Persistent model when saving should return false when the operation fails.
PASS (4:00:47.464) test: Persistent model when saving should save the document with updated attribute.
PASS (4:00:47.466) test: Persistent model when saving should set the id property itself.
PASS (4:00:47.467) test: Persistent model when updating attributes should return false when the operation fails.
PASS (4:00:47.467) test: Persistent model when updating attributes should update all attributes.
PASS (4:00:47.468) test: Persistent model when updating attributes should update single attribute.
PASS (4:00:47.469) test: Persistent model with casting should automatically format strings in ISO8601 with a time zone offset.
PASS (4:00:47.469) test: Persistent model with casting should automatically format strings in ISO8601 with the default UTC designator.
PASS (4:00:47.470) test: Persistent model with casting should cast anonymous Hashes as Hashr instances.
PASS (4:00:47.470) test: Persistent model with casting should cast the value as collection of custom classes.
PASS (4:00:47.470) test: Persistent model with casting should cast the value as custom class.
PASS (4:00:47.471) test: Persistent model with casting should create empty collection for missing value.
[ERROR] There has been an error when creating the index -- elasticsearch returned:
PASS (4:00:47.489) test: Persistent model with mapping definition should create the index with mapping.
PASS (4:00:47.492) test: Model::Search multi search should perform search request within corresponding index and type.
PASS (4:00:47.493) test: Model::Search proxy should NOT overload existing top-level class methods.
PASS (4:00:47.495) test: Model::Search proxy should NOT overload existing top-level instance methods.
PASS (4:00:47.496) test: Model::Search proxy should have the proxy to class methods.
PASS (4:00:47.497) test: Model::Search proxy should have the proxy to instance methods.
PASS (4:00:47.499) test: Model::Search searching with a block should allow to pass :page and :per_page options.
PASS (4:00:47.501) test: Model::Search searching with a block should allow to pass :version option.
PASS (4:00:47.503) test: Model::Search searching with a block should allow to pass block with argument to query, allowing to use local variables from outer scope.
PASS (4:00:47.505) test: Model::Search searching with a block should pass on whatever block it received.
PASS (4:00:47.508) test: Model::Search searching with query string should allow to limit returned fields.
PASS (4:00:47.511) test: Model::Search searching with query string should allow to pass :order option.
PASS (4:00:47.513) test: Model::Search searching with query string should allow to pass :sort option as :order option.
PASS (4:00:47.516) test: Model::Search searching with query string should allow to pass :version option.
PASS (4:00:47.518) test: Model::Search searching with query string should allow to specify first page in paginated results.
PASS (4:00:47.521) test: Model::Search searching with query string should allow to specify more fields to sort on.
PASS (4:00:47.523) test: Model::Search searching with query string should allow to specify number of results per page.
PASS (4:00:47.526) test: Model::Search searching with query string should allow to specify page further in paginated results.
PASS (4:00:47.528) test: Model::Search searching with query string should allow to specify sort direction.
PASS (4:00:47.530) test: Model::Search searching with query string should search for query string.
PASS (4:00:47.601) test: Model::Search serialization should evaluate :as mapping options passed as strings or procs.
PASS (4:00:47.602) test: Model::Search serialization should have to_hash.
PASS (4:00:47.612) test: Model::Search serialization should index :as mapping options passed as arbitrary objects.
PASS (4:00:47.614) test: Model::Search serialization should not include the ID property in serialized document (_source).
PASS (4:00:47.615) test: Model::Search serialization should not include the type property in serialized document (_source).
PASS (4:00:47.623) test: Model::Search serialization should not redefine to_hash if already defined.
PASS (4:00:47.625) test: Model::Search serialization should serialize itself into JSON without 'root'.
PASS (4:00:47.632) test: Model::Search serialization should serialize itself with serializable_hash when no mapping is set.
PASS (4:00:47.642) test: Model::Search serialization should serialize only mapped properties when mapping is set.
PASS (4:00:47.644) test: Model::Search should allow to pass custom document type.
PASS (4:00:47.646) test: Model::Search should allow to pass custom index name.
PASS (4:00:47.647) test: Model::Search should allow to refresh index.
[Destroying ...]
PASS (4:00:47.649) test: Model::Search should fire :after_destroy callbacks.
[Saving ...]
PASS (4:00:47.650) test: Model::Search should fire :after_save callbacks.
PASS (4:00:47.651) test: Model::Search should have the callback methods for update index defined.
PASS (4:00:47.652) test: Model::Search should have the search method.
PASS (4:00:47.654) test: Model::Search should limit searching in index for documents matching the model 'document_type'.
PASS (4:00:47.656) test: Model::Search should not pass the search option as URL parameter.
PASS (4:00:47.657) test: Model::Search should not set callback when hooks are missing.
[Destroying ...]
PASS (4:00:47.660) test: Model::Search should remove the record from index on :update_elasticsearch_index when destroyed.
PASS (4:00:47.663) test: Model::Search should search in custom name.
PASS (4:00:47.666) test: Model::Search should search in custom type.
[Saving ...]
PASS (4:00:47.667) test: Model::Search should store the record in index on :update_elasticsearch_index when saved.
PASS (4:00:47.670) test: Model::Search should wrap results in instances of the wrapper class.
[ERROR] There has been an error when creating the index -- elasticsearch returned:
PASS (4:00:47.742) test: Model::Search with custom mapping should create the index with mapping.
[ERROR] There has been an error when creating the index -- elasticsearch returned:
PASS (4:00:47.752) test: Model::Search with custom mapping should create the index with proper mapping options.
PASS (4:00:47.790) test: Model::Search with custom mapping should define mapping for nested documents.
[ERROR] There has been an error when creating the index -- elasticsearch returned:
PASS (4:00:47.811) test: Model::Search with custom mapping should define mapping for nested properties with a block.
Skipping index creation, cannot connect to Elasticsearch
(The original exception was: #<Errno::ECONNREFUSED: Connection refused>)
PASS (4:00:47.825) test: Model::Search with custom mapping should not raise an error when defining mapping.
PASS (4:00:47.827) test: Model::Search with dynamic index name should evaluate the proc in Model.index.
PASS (4:00:47.829) test: Model::Search with dynamic index name should have index name as a proc.
PASS (4:00:47.836) test: Model::Search with index prefix should add general and custom prefixes to model index names.
PASS (4:00:47.838) test: Model::Search with index prefix should allow to reset the value.
PASS (4:00:47.840) test: Model::Search with index prefix should allow to set and retrieve the value.
PASS (4:00:47.842) test: Model::Search with index prefix should not add any prefix by default.
PASS (4:00:47.844) test: Model::Search with index prefix should return nil by default.
PASS (4:00:47.851) test: Model::Search with index update callbacks should run the callback defined as block.
PASS (4:00:47.856) test: Model::Search with index update callbacks should run the callback defined as symbol.
PASS (4:00:47.859) test: Model::Search with index update callbacks should set the 'matches' property from percolated response.
PASS (4:00:47.865) test: Model::Search with percolation should execute the 'on_percolate' callback for specific pattern.
PASS (4:00:47.869) test: Model::Search with percolation should execute the 'on_percolate' callback.
PASS (4:00:47.871) test: Model::Search with percolation should mark the class for percolation on index update.
PASS (4:00:47.874) test: Model::Search with percolation should mark the instance for percolation on index update.
PASS (4:00:47.877) test: Model::Search with percolation should not percolate document on index update when not set for percolation.
PASS (4:00:47.880) test: Model::Search with percolation should pass the arguments to percolate.
PASS (4:00:47.883) test: Model::Search with percolation should return matching queries on percolate.
PASS (4:00:47.885) test: Model::Search with percolation should set the default percolator pattern.
PASS (4:00:47.887) test: Model::Search with percolation should set the percolator pattern.
[ERROR] There has been an error when creating the index -- elasticsearch returned:
PASS (4:00:47.901) test: Model::Search with settings should create the index with settings and mappings.
PASS (4:00:47.902) test: Results::Item should load the 'real' instance from the corresponding model.
PASS (4:00:47.903) test: Results::Item should pass the ID to the corresponding model's find method.
PASS (4:00:47.903) test: Results::Item should pass the options to the corresponding model's find method.
PASS (4:00:49.913) test: Mongoid integration should configure mapping.
[DEPRECATED] The 'safe' write concern option has been deprecated in favor of 'w'.
PASS (4:00:52.750) test: Mongoid integration should remove document from index on destroy.
PASS (4:00:59.567) test: Mongoid integration should return documents with scores.
PASS (5:00:04.346) test: Mongoid integration should save document into index on save and find it.
PASS (5:00:17.758) test: Mongoid integration with eager loading should load records on block search.
PASS (5:00:30.815) test: Mongoid integration with eager loading should load records on query search.
PASS (5:00:45.739) test: Mongoid integration with eager loading should load records with options on query search.
PASS (5:00:59.842) test: Mongoid integration with eager loading should return empty collection for nonmatching query.
PASS (6:00:26.065) test: Mongoid integration with pagination and block searches should find first page with five results.
PASS (6:00:53.137) test: Mongoid integration with pagination and block searches should find next page with five results.
PASS (7:00:17.627) test: Mongoid integration with pagination and block searches should not find a missing page.
PASS (7:00:44.496) test: Mongoid integration with pagination and parameter searches should find first page with five results.
PASS (8:00:09.775) test: Mongoid integration with pagination and parameter searches should find next page with five results.
PASS (8:00:39.281) test: Mongoid integration with pagination and parameter searches should find not find missing page.
PASS (8:00:41.607) test: Mongoid integration with proxy should allow access to Tire class methods.
PASS (8:00:43.953) test: Mongoid integration with proxy should allow access to Tire instance methods.
PASS (8:00:47.291) test: Mongoid integration within Rails should have access to indexed properties.
PASS (8:00:52.423) test: Mongoid integration within Rails should load the underlying model with options.
PASS (8:00:57.402) test: Mongoid integration within Rails should load the underlying models.
PASS (8:00:59.090) test: Multi search should iterate over mixed searches.
PASS (9:00:00.879) test: Multi search should mix named and numbered searches.
PASS (9:00:02.679) test: Multi search should return error for failed searches.
PASS (9:00:04.440) test: Multi search should return multiple results.
PASS (9:00:06.161) test: Multi search should return results from different indices.
PASS (9:00:06.162) test: Multi::Search URL params should be empty when no params passed.
PASS (9:00:06.162) test: Multi::Search URL params should serialize parameters.
PASS (9:00:06.163) test: Multi::Search URL should contain host.
PASS (9:00:06.163) test: Multi::Search URL should have an index.
PASS (9:00:06.163) test: Multi::Search URL should have index and multiple types.
PASS (9:00:06.164) test: Multi::Search URL should have index and type.
PASS (9:00:06.164) test: Multi::Search URL should have multiple indices.
PASS (9:00:06.164) test: Multi::Search URL should have no index and type by default.
PASS (9:00:06.165) test: Multi::Search payload should end with a new line.
PASS (9:00:06.165) test: Multi::Search payload should leave header empty when no index is passed.
PASS (9:00:06.165) test: Multi::Search payload should serialize search parameters.
PASS (9:00:06.166) test: Multi::Search payload should serialize search payload as a string.
PASS (9:00:06.166) test: Multi::Search payload should serialize search payload header and body as Array.
PASS (9:00:06.167) test: Multi::Search payload should serialize search payload header and body for multiple searches.
PASS (9:00:06.168) test: Multi::Search perform should log the request.
PASS (9:00:06.169) test: Multi::Search perform should perform the request.
PASS (9:00:06.169) test: Multi::Search search definition should allow to add definition.
PASS (9:00:06.170) test: Multi::Search search definition should be enumerable.
PASS (9:00:06.170) test: Multi::Search search definition should have names.
PASS (9:00:06.170) test: Multi::Search search definition should return definition.
PASS (9:00:06.171) test: Multi::Search search request should be initialized with name and options.
PASS (9:00:06.171) test: Multi::Search search request should be initialized with name.
PASS (9:00:06.171) test: Multi::Search search request should be initialized with options.
PASS (9:00:06.172) test: Multi::Search search request should have a collection of searches.
PASS (9:00:06.172) test: Multi::Search search request should pass options to Search object.
PASS (9:00:06.172) test: Multi::Search search request should pass the index name and options to the search object.
PASS (9:00:06.173) test: Multi::Search search results error responses should return success/failure state.
PASS (9:00:06.174) test: Multi::Search search results should be enumerable.
PASS (9:00:06.174) test: Multi::Search search results should be serializable to Hash.
PASS (9:00:06.175) test: Multi::Search search results should iterate over named results.
PASS (9:00:06.175) test: Multi::Search search results should iterate over results.
PASS (9:00:06.176) test: Multi::Search search results should pass search options to collection.
PASS (9:00:06.177) test: Multi::Search search results should return named results.
PASS (9:00:06.177) test: Multi::Search search results should return nil for incorrect index.
PASS (9:00:06.177) test: Multi::Search should be initialized with index.
PASS (9:00:07.713) test: Nested queries should not return a results when properties match for different objects.
PASS (9:00:09.233) test: Nested queries should not return results when the query and the nested document contradict.
PASS (9:00:10.964) test: Nested queries should return all matching documents when nested documents meet criteria.
PASS (9:00:12.581) test: Nested queries should return matching document when a nested document meets all criteria.
PASS (9:00:14.223) test: Nested queries should return matching document when both the query and nested document meet all criteria.
PASS (9:00:15.867) test: Percolator when percolating a document should return an array of matching query names for specific percolated queries.
PASS (9:00:17.428) test: Percolator when percolating a document should return an array of matching query names.
PASS (9:00:19.077) test: Percolator when percolating a document should return an empty array when no query matches.
PASS (9:00:21.103) test: Percolator when registering a query should register query as a Hash.
PASS (9:00:22.728) test: Percolator when registering a query should register query as block.
PASS (9:00:24.328) test: Percolator when registering a query should unregister a query.
PASS (9:00:25.882) test: Percolator when storing document and percolating it should return an array of matching query names for specific percolated queries.
PASS (9:00:27.488) test: Percolator when storing document and percolating it should return an array of matching query names.
PASS (9:00:29.118) test: Percolator when storing document and percolating it should return an empty array when no query matches.
PASS (9:00:30.829) test: PersistentModel multi search should return multiple result sets.
FAIL (9:00:32.462) test: PersistentModel percolated search should return matching queries when percolating.
"alert" not found in []
@ /usr/local/opt/rbenv/versions/1.9.3-p392/lib/ruby/gems/1.9.1/gems/shoulda-context-1.1.3/lib/shoulda/context/assertions.rb:31:in `assert_contains'
test/integration/persistent_model_test.rb:202:in `block (3 levels) in <class:PersistentModelIntegrationTest>'
/usr/local/opt/rbenv/versions/1.9.3-p392/lib/ruby/gems/1.9.1/gems/shoulda-context-1.1.3/lib/shoulda/context/context.rb:400:in `call'
/usr/local/opt/rbenv/versions/1.9.3-p392/lib/ruby/gems/1.9.1/gems/shoulda-context-1.1.3/lib/shoulda/context/context.rb:400:in `block in create_test_from_should_hash'
/usr/local/opt/rbenv/versions/1.9.3-p392/lib/ruby/gems/1.9.1/gems/mocha-0.14.0/lib/mocha/integration/mini_test/version_2112_to_320.rb:40:in `run'
PASS (9:00:34.495) test: PersistentModel percolated search should return matching queries when saving.
PASS (9:00:36.395) test: PersistentModel should be persisted.
PASS (9:00:38.183) test: PersistentModel should return default values for properties without value.
PASS (9:00:40.027) test: PersistentModel should return instances of model.
PASS (9:00:41.995) test: PersistentModel should save documents into index and find them by IDs.
PASS (9:00:43.771) test: PersistentModel should search with a block.
PASS (9:00:45.539) test: PersistentModel should search with simple query.
PASS (9:00:47.406) test: PersistentModel with multiple types within single index should returns all documents with proper type.
PASS (9:00:49.141) test: PersistentModel with multiple types within single index should returns first document with proper type.
PASS (9:00:50.977) test: PersistentModel with namespaced models should find the document in the index.
PASS (9:00:52.918) test: PersistentModel with pagination should find first page with five results.
PASS (9:00:54.666) test: PersistentModel with strict mapping should return false when creating fails.
PASS (9:00:56.404) test: PersistentModel with strict mapping should return false when saving fails for invalid format.
PASS (9:00:58.305) test: PersistentModel with strict mapping should return false when saving fails for unmapped property.
PASS (9:00:59.998) test: PersistentModel with strict mapping should successfuly save valid model.
PASS (10:00:01.457) test: Prefix queries should allow to specify boost.
PASS (10:00:02.914) test: Prefix queries should search by a prefix.
PASS (10:00:04.304) test: Searching for query string should find any article with tags.
PASS (10:00:05.711) test: Searching for query string should find article by title.
PASS (10:00:07.170) test: Searching for query string should find articles by tags.
PASS (10:00:08.748) test: Searching for query string should find articles by title with boosting.
PASS (10:00:10.161) test: Searching for query string should pass options to query definition.
PASS (10:00:11.573) test: Range queries should allow combined range queries.
PASS (10:00:13.031) test: Range queries should allow simple range queries.
PASS (10:00:14.728) test: Reindex should reindex a portion of an index into a new index.
PASS (10:00:16.576) test: Reindex should reindex the index into a new index with different settings.
PASS (10:00:18.423) test: Reindex should transform documents with a passed lambda.
PASS (10:00:18.425) test: Collection returning results with hits should yield the Item result and the raw hit.
PASS (10:00:18.432) test: Collection returning results with hits should yield the model instance and the raw hit.
PASS (10:00:18.434) test: Collection serialization should be serialized to JSON.
PASS (10:00:18.435) test: Collection serialization should pass options to as_json.
PASS (10:00:18.436) test: Collection should allow access to items.
PASS (10:00:18.437) test: Collection should allow slicing.
PASS (10:00:18.438) test: Collection should be initialized with parsed JSON.
PASS (10:00:18.439) test: Collection should be iterable.
PASS (10:00:18.440) test: Collection should be kaminari compatible.
PASS (10:00:18.440) test: Collection should be populated lazily.
PASS (10:00:18.441) test: Collection should be will_paginate compatible.
PASS (10:00:18.441) test: Collection should have max_score.
PASS (10:00:18.442) test: Collection should have size/length.
PASS (10:00:18.443) test: Collection should return an array.
PASS (10:00:18.444) test: Collection should return success/failure state.
PASS (10:00:18.444) test: Collection should store passed options.
PASS (10:00:18.445) test: Collection using fields when also returning the _source should return an individual field.
PASS (10:00:18.445) test: Collection using fields when also returning the _source should return fields from the _source as well.
PASS (10:00:18.446) test: Collection while paginating results should have default per_page.
PASS (10:00:18.446) test: Collection while paginating results should return current page for empty result.
PASS (10:00:18.447) test: Collection while paginating results should return current page.
PASS (10:00:18.447) test: Collection while paginating results should return next page.
PASS (10:00:18.448) test: Collection while paginating results should return previous page.
PASS (10:00:18.448) test: Collection while paginating results should return total entries.
PASS (10:00:18.449) test: Collection while paginating results should return total pages when per_page option not set.
PASS (10:00:18.449) test: Collection while paginating results should return total pages.
PASS (10:00:18.573) test: Collection with ActiveModel::Serializers should be serializable.
PASS (10:00:18.575) test: Collection with eager loading should load the records via model find method from database.
PASS (10:00:18.578) test: Collection with eager loading should pass the :load option Hash to model find metod.
PASS (10:00:18.580) test: Collection with eager loading should preserve the order of records returned from search.
PASS (10:00:18.581) test: Collection with eager loading should raise error when _type is missing.
PASS (10:00:18.583) test: Collection with eager loading should raise error when model class cannot be inferred from _type.
PASS (10:00:18.584) test: Collection with eager loading should return empty array for empty hits.
PASS (10:00:18.585) test: Collection with error response should return empty results.
PASS (10:00:18.585) test: Collection with error response should return the error.
PASS (10:00:18.586) test: Collection with error response should return the success/failure state.
PASS (10:00:18.586) test: Collection wrapping results should NOT allow access to raw underlying Hash in Item.
PASS (10:00:18.587) test: Collection wrapping results should allow wrapping hits in a Hash.
PASS (10:00:18.588) test: Collection wrapping results should allow wrapping hits in custom class.
PASS (10:00:18.588) test: Collection wrapping results should properly decode type.
PASS (10:00:18.589) test: Collection wrapping results should return id.
PASS (10:00:18.589) test: Collection wrapping results should return index.
PASS (10:00:18.589) test: Collection wrapping results should return score.
PASS (10:00:18.590) test: Collection wrapping results should return type.
PASS (10:00:18.590) test: Collection wrapping results should wrap hits in Item by default.
PASS (10:00:18.591) test: Collection wrapping results with selected fields should return fields from the _source prefixed and nested fields.
PASS (10:00:18.592) test: Collection wrapping results with selected fields should return fields from the first level.
PASS (10:00:20.015) test: Query results should allow easy access to returned documents with limited fields.
PASS (10:00:21.487) test: Query results should allow easy access to returned documents.
PASS (10:00:22.987) test: Query results should allow to retrieve multiple fields.
PASS (10:00:24.443) test: Query results should be serialized to JSON.
PASS (10:00:25.933) test: Query results should iterate results with hits.
PASS (10:00:27.373) test: Query results should return script fields.
PASS (10:00:28.837) test: Query results should return specific fields, script fields and _source fields.
PASS (10:00:28.839) test: Item should allow to retrieve value by methods.
PASS (10:00:28.839) test: Item should allow to retrieve values from nested hashes.
PASS (10:00:28.840) test: Item should be an Item instance.
PASS (10:00:28.841) test: Item should be convertible to JSON.
PASS (10:00:28.842) test: Item should be convertible to hash.
PASS (10:00:28.843) test: Item should be initialized with a Hash or Hash like object.
PASS (10:00:28.844) test: Item should be inspectable.
PASS (10:00:28.845) test: Item should have a 'type' method.
PASS (10:00:28.845) test: Item should have an 'id' method.
PASS (10:00:28.846) test: Item should implement respond_to? for proxied methods.
PASS (10:00:28.846) test: Item should not care about symbols or strings in composite keys.
PASS (10:00:28.847) test: Item should not care about symbols or strings in keys.
PASS (10:00:28.847) test: Item should respond to :to_indexed_json.
PASS (10:00:28.848) test: Item should retrieve hash values from read_attribute_for_serialization.
PASS (10:00:28.848) test: Item should retrieve hash values from underlying hash.
PASS (10:00:28.849) test: Item should retrieve simple values from read_attribute_for_serialization.
PASS (10:00:28.849) test: Item should retrieve simple values from underlying hash.
PASS (10:00:28.850) test: Item should return nil for non-existing keys/methods.
PASS (10:00:28.850) test: Item should wrap arrays.
PASS (10:00:28.851) test: Item should wrap hashes in arrays.
PASS (10:00:28.853) test: Item with ActiveModel::Serializers should be serializable.
PASS (10:00:28.853) test: Item within Rails should be an instance of model, based on _type.
PASS (10:00:28.854) test: Item within Rails should be inspectable with masquerade.
PASS (10:00:28.855) test: Item within Rails should instantiate itself for deep hashes, not a Ruby class corresponding to type.
PASS (10:00:28.857) test: Item within Rails should return proper singular and plural forms.
PASS (10:00:28.858) test_errors_aref
PASS (10:00:28.858) test_errors_full_messages
PASS (10:00:28.860) test_model_naming
PASS (10:00:28.860) test_persisted?
PASS (10:00:28.860) test_to_key
PASS (10:00:28.861) test_to_param
PASS (10:00:28.861) test_to_partial_path
PASS (10:00:28.862) test_valid?
PASS (10:00:28.863) test: Array should encode itself to JSON.
PASS (10:00:28.864) test: Hash should have a to_json method from a JSON serialization library.
PASS (10:00:28.865) test: Hash should have to_indexed_json method doing the same as to_json.
PASS (10:00:28.866) test: Hash should properly serialize Time into JSON.
PASS (10:00:28.868) test: Hash with no to_json method provided should allow to pass options to to_json for compatibility.
PASS (10:00:28.870) test: Hash with no to_json method provided should have its own to_json method.
PASS (10:00:28.870) test: Ruby Test::Unit should actually return true from assert....
PASS (10:00:30.409) test: Scan should iterate over batches of documents.
PASS (10:00:32.032) test: Scan should iterate over individual documents.
PASS (10:00:33.734) test: Scan should limit the returned results by query.
PASS (10:00:35.280) test: ScriptFields should add multiple fields to the results.
PASS (10:00:36.760) test: ScriptFields should allow passing parameters to the script.
PASS (10:00:36.762) test: Facet date histogram should encode custom options.
PASS (10:00:36.763) test: Facet date histogram should encode the JSON with custom interval.
PASS (10:00:36.763) test: Facet date histogram should encode the JSON with default values.
PASS (10:00:36.764) test: Facet filter facet should encode facet options.
PASS (10:00:36.764) test: Facet generally should allow arbitrary ordering of methods in the DSL block.
PASS (10:00:36.764) test: Facet generally should encode facet options.
PASS (10:00:36.765) test: Facet generally should encode facet_filter option with DSL.
PASS (10:00:36.765) test: Facet generally should encode facets as global.
PASS (10:00:36.766) test: Facet generally should encode facets when passed as a block, using variables from outer scope.
PASS (10:00:36.766) test: Facet generally should encode facets when passed as a block.
PASS (10:00:36.767) test: Facet generally should encode facets with defaults for current query.
PASS (10:00:36.767) test: Facet generally should encode multiple facet_filter options with DSL.
PASS (10:00:36.768) test: Facet generally should pass options to facets.
PASS (10:00:36.768) test: Facet geo_distance facet should encode custom options.
PASS (10:00:36.768) test: Facet geo_distance facet should encode facet options.
PASS (10:00:36.769) test: Facet histogram facet should encode facet options with default key.
PASS (10:00:36.769) test: Facet histogram facet should encode the JSON if define an histogram.
PASS (10:00:36.769) test: Facet query facet should encode facet options.
PASS (10:00:36.770) test: Facet range facet should encode facet options.
PASS (10:00:36.770) test: Facet should be serialized to JSON.
PASS (10:00:36.771) test: Facet statistical facet should encode facet options.
PASS (10:00:36.771) test: Facet statistical facet should encode the JSON if a 'statistical' custom option is defined.
PASS (10:00:36.772) test: Facet terms facet should encode custom options.
PASS (10:00:36.772) test: Facet terms facet should encode the all_terms option.
PASS (10:00:36.772) test: Facet terms facet should encode the default all_terms option.
PASS (10:00:36.773) test: Facet terms_stats facet should should encode facet options.
PASS (10:00:36.774) test: Filter should be serialized to JSON.
PASS (10:00:36.774) test: Filter should encode 'bool' filter with multiple filters.
PASS (10:00:36.775) test: Filter should encode 'or' filter with multiple other filters.
PASS (10:00:36.775) test: Filter should encode simple filter declarations as JSON.
PASS (10:00:36.777) test: Highlight should be serialized to JSON.
PASS (10:00:36.777) test: Highlight should specify highlight for more fields with highlight options.
PASS (10:00:36.777) test: Highlight should specify highlight for more fields with options.
PASS (10:00:36.778) test: Highlight should specify highlight for more fields.
PASS (10:00:36.778) test: Highlight should specify highlight for single field.
PASS (10:00:36.778) test: Highlight with custom tags should properly parse tags with class.
PASS (10:00:36.780) test: All query should allow passing arguments.
PASS (10:00:36.781) test: All query should search for all documents.
PASS (10:00:36.781) test: BooleanQuery should allow passing variables from outer scope.
PASS (10:00:36.781) test: BooleanQuery should encode options.
PASS (10:00:36.782) test: BooleanQuery should not raise an error when no block is given.
PASS (10:00:36.782) test: BooleanQuery should wrap multiple queries for the same condition.
PASS (10:00:36.782) test: BooleanQuery should wrap queries for multiple conditions.
PASS (10:00:36.783) test: BooleanQuery should wrap single query.
PASS (10:00:36.783) test: BoostingQuery should allow passing variables from outer scope.
PASS (10:00:36.783) test: BoostingQuery should encode options.
PASS (10:00:36.783) test: BoostingQuery should not raise an error when no block is given.
PASS (10:00:36.784) test: BoostingQuery should wrap multiple queries for the same condition.
PASS (10:00:36.784) test: BoostingQuery should wrap negative query.
PASS (10:00:36.784) test: BoostingQuery should wrap positive query.
PASS (10:00:36.784) test: ConstantScoreQuery should not raise an error when no block is given.
PASS (10:00:36.785) test: ConstantScoreQuery should wrap multiple filters.
PASS (10:00:36.785) test: ConstantScoreQuery should wrap query.
PASS (10:00:36.785) test: ConstantScoreQuery should wrap the boost.
PASS (10:00:36.785) test: Custom Score query should allow to pass parameters for custom score queries.
PASS (10:00:36.786) test: Custom Score query should allow to set script for custom score queries.
PASS (10:00:36.786) test: CustomFiltersScoreQuery should allow setting params.
PASS (10:00:36.786) test: CustomFiltersScoreQuery should allow setting the score_mode.
PASS (10:00:36.786) test: CustomFiltersScoreQuery should allow using script parameters.
PASS (10:00:36.787) test: CustomFiltersScoreQuery should not raise an error when no block is given.
PASS (10:00:36.787) test: CustomFiltersScoreQuery should properly encode filter with boost.
PASS (10:00:36.787) test: CustomFiltersScoreQuery should properly encode filter with script.
PASS (10:00:36.788) test: CustomFiltersScoreQuery should properly encode multiple filters.
PASS (10:00:36.788) test: CustomFiltersScoreQuery should provides a default filter if no filter is given.
PASS (10:00:36.788) test: DisMaxQuery should allow passing variables from outer scope.
PASS (10:00:36.789) test: DisMaxQuery should encode options.
PASS (10:00:36.789) test: DisMaxQuery should not raise an error when no block is given.
PASS (10:00:36.789) test: DisMaxQuery should wrap multiple queries.
PASS (10:00:36.789) test: DisMaxQuery should wrap single query.
PASS (10:00:36.790) test: FilteredQuery Prefix query should allow search for a prefix.
PASS (10:00:36.790) test: FilteredQuery Prefix query should allow setting boost for prefix.
PASS (10:00:36.790) test: FilteredQuery should allow passing variables from outer scope.
PASS (10:00:36.791) test: FilteredQuery should not raise an error when no block is given.
PASS (10:00:36.791) test: FilteredQuery should properly encode filter.
PASS (10:00:36.791) test: FilteredQuery should properly encode multiple filters.
PASS (10:00:36.792) test: FuzzyQuery should allow a fuzzy search with an options hash.
PASS (10:00:36.792) test: FuzzyQuery should allow a fuzzy search.
PASS (10:00:36.792) test: IDs query should convert argument to Array.
PASS (10:00:36.792) test: IDs query should search for documents by IDs and type.
PASS (10:00:36.793) test: IDs query should search for documents by IDs.
PASS (10:00:36.793) test: MatchQuery should allow searching in multiple fields with multi_match.
PASS (10:00:36.793) test: MatchQuery should allow searching in single field.
PASS (10:00:36.793) test: MatchQuery should automatically construct a boolean query.
PASS (10:00:36.794) test: MatchQuery should encode options.
PASS (10:00:36.794) test: NestedQuery should encode options.
PASS (10:00:36.794) test: NestedQuery should not raise an error when no block is given.
PASS (10:00:36.795) test: NestedQuery should wrap single query.
PASS (10:00:36.795) test: Query String query should allow search with a query string.
PASS (10:00:36.795) test: Query String query should allow set default field when searching with a query string.
PASS (10:00:36.795) test: Query String query should allow set default operator when searching with a query string.
PASS (10:00:36.796) test: Query String query should allow to set options when searching with a query string.
PASS (10:00:36.796) test: Query should allow a block to be given.
PASS (10:00:36.796) test: Query should be serialized to JSON.
PASS (10:00:36.796) test: Query should have accessor for value.
PASS (10:00:36.797) test: Query should return itself as a Hash.
PASS (10:00:36.797) test: Range query should allow search for a range.
PASS (10:00:36.798) test: Term query should allow complex term queries with Hash-like objects.
PASS (10:00:36.799) test: Term query should allow complex term queries.
PASS (10:00:36.799) test: Term query should allow search for single term passing an options hash.
PASS (10:00:36.799) test: Term query should allow search for single term.
PASS (10:00:36.800) test: Terms query should allow search for multiple terms.
PASS (10:00:36.800) test: Terms query should allow set boost when searching for multiple terms.
PASS (10:00:36.800) test: Terms query should allow set minimum match when searching for multiple terms.
PASS (10:00:36.804) test: Scan results should be iterable by individual documents.
PASS (10:00:36.805) test: Scan results should be iterable.
PASS (10:00:36.806) test: Scan should fetch the initial scroll ID.
PASS (10:00:36.807) test: Scan should initialize the search object with the indices.
PASS (10:00:36.811) test: Scan should log the request and response.
PASS (10:00:36.813) test: Scan should perform the request lazily.
PASS (10:00:36.815) test: Scan should set the total and seen variables.
PASS (10:00:36.817) test: ScriptField should be serialized to JSON.
PASS (10:00:36.817) test: ScriptField should encode simple declarations as JSON.
PASS (10:00:36.819) test: Sort should be serialized to JSON.
PASS (10:00:36.819) test: Sort should encode fields deeper in json.
PASS (10:00:36.820) test: Sort should encode fields when passed as a block to constructor.
PASS (10:00:36.820) test: Sort should encode hash.
PASS (10:00:36.821) test: Sort should encode method arguments.
PASS (10:00:36.821) test: Sort should encode multiple sort fields in chain.
PASS (10:00:36.822) test: Sort should encode simple strings.
PASS (10:00:36.824) test: Search boolean queries should wrap other queries.
PASS (10:00:36.825) test: Search boosting queries should wrap other queries.
PASS (10:00:36.826) test: Search explain should default to false.
PASS (10:00:36.826) test: Search explain should not set the explain field when false.
PASS (10:00:36.827) test: Search explain should set the explain field in the request when true.
PASS (10:00:36.827) test: Search facets should retrieve date histogram facets.
PASS (10:00:36.828) test: Search facets should retrieve terms facets.
PASS (10:00:36.828) test: Search filter should allow to add multiple filters.
PASS (10:00:36.829) test: Search filter should allow to specify filter.
PASS (10:00:36.829) test: Search highlight should allow to specify highlight for more fields.
PASS (10:00:36.830) test: Search highlight should allow to specify highlight for single field.
PASS (10:00:36.831) test: Search highlight should allow to specify highlight with for more fields with options.
PASS (10:00:36.831) test: Search should allow chaining.
PASS (10:00:36.832) test: Search should allow the search criteria to be chained.
PASS (10:00:36.833) test: Search should allow to limit results with document type.
PASS (10:00:36.834) test: Search should allow to pass block to query.
PASS (10:00:36.834) test: Search should allow to pass block with argument to query (use variables from outer scope).
PASS (10:00:36.835) test: Search should allow to pass search parameters.
PASS (10:00:36.835) test: Search should allow to search all indices by leaving index empty.
PASS (10:00:36.836) test: Search should allow to set the server url.
PASS (10:00:36.836) test: Search should be initialized with multiple indices as string.
PASS (10:00:36.837) test: Search should be initialized with multiple indices with options.
PASS (10:00:36.837) test: Search should be initialized with multiple indices.
PASS (10:00:36.838) test: Search should be initialized with single index.
PASS (10:00:36.839) test: Search should encode missing params as an empty string.
PASS (10:00:36.840) test: Search should encode search parameters in the request.
PASS (10:00:36.842) test: Search should log request, but not response, when logger is set.
# 2013-06-25 15:05:52:620 [_search] (["index"])
curl -X GET 'http://localhost:9200/index/_search?pretty' -d '{
PASS (10:00:36.844) test: Search should log the original exception on failed request.
PASS (10:00:36.844) test: Search should not include the load option in queries.
PASS (10:00:36.846) test: Search should perform the search lazily.
PASS (10:00:36.849) test: Search should print debugging information on exception and return false.
PASS (10:00:36.850) test: Search should properly encode namespaced document type.
PASS (10:00:36.851) test: Search should return curl snippet for debugging.
PASS (10:00:36.852) test: Search should return curl snippet with multiple indices for debugging.
PASS (10:00:36.852) test: Search should return itself as a Hash.
PASS (10:00:36.852) test: Search should store indices as an array.
PASS (10:00:36.853) test: Search sort should allow sorting by multiple fields.
PASS (10:00:36.853) test: Search sort should allow to track scores.
PASS (10:00:36.854) test: Search when limiting returned fields should set the fields limit in request.
PASS (10:00:36.854) test: Search when limiting returned fields should take multiple fields as an Array.
PASS (10:00:36.855) test: Search when limiting returned fields should take multiple fields as splat argument.
PASS (10:00:36.856) test: Search with from/size should set the from value in options.
PASS (10:00:36.857) test: Search with from/size should set the size value in options.
PASS (10:00:36.857) test: Search with from/size should set the values in request.
PASS (10:00:36.857) test: Search with min_score should allow to specify minimum score for returned documents.
PASS (10:00:36.858) test: Search with partial fields should add partial_fields config.
PASS (10:00:36.858) test: Search with version should set the version.
PASS (10:00:36.859) test: script field should allow to add multiple script fields.
PASS (10:00:36.859) test: script field should allow to specify script field.
PASS (10:00:38.294) test: Sort should sort by multiple fields.
PASS (10:00:39.778) test: Sort should sort by title, descending.
PASS (10:00:41.228) test: Sort should sort by title.
PASS (10:00:41.230) test: Tire DSL should allow searching with a Ruby Hash.
PASS (10:00:41.231) test: Tire DSL should allow searching with a block.
PASS (10:00:41.232) test: Tire DSL should allow to call multi_search.
PASS (10:00:41.233) test: Tire DSL should allow to pass document type.
PASS (10:00:41.233) test: Tire DSL should allow to perform multiple searches.
PASS (10:00:41.234) test: Tire DSL should convert params objects to hash.
PASS (10:00:41.234) test: Tire DSL should count documents.
PASS (10:00:41.235) test: Tire DSL should extract URL parameters from options.
[REQUEST FAILED] curl -X GET 'http://localhost:9200/not-existing/_search?pretty' -d '{
"query": {
"query_string": {
"query": "foo"
PASS (10:00:41.237) test: Tire DSL should raise SearchRequestFailed when receiving bad response from backend.
PASS (10:00:41.238) test: Tire DSL should raise an error when passed incorrect payload.
PASS (10:00:41.239) test: Tire DSL when retrieving results should call #perform from #results.
PASS (10:00:41.240) test: Tire DSL when retrieving results should not call the #perform method immediately.
PASS (10:00:41.241) test: Tire DSL when scanning an index should allow to pass the query as a block to scan.
PASS (10:00:41.243) test: Tire DSL when scanning an index should allow to pass the query as a hash to scan.
PASS (10:00:41.244) test: Tire DSL when scanning an index should initiate the scan.
PASS (10:00:41.245) test: Tire aliases should list all aliases.
PASS (10:00:41.246) test: Tire should have the DSL methods available.
PASS (10:00:41.246) test: Tire utils should encode a string for URL.
PASS (10:00:41.247) test: Tire utils should encode a string from URL.
Finished in 641.250480 seconds.
860 tests, 856 passed, 4 failures, 0 errors, 0 skips, 1982 assertions
rake aborted!
Command failed with status (4): [ruby -I"lib:lib:test" -I"/usr/local/opt/rbenv/versions/1.9.3-p392/lib/ruby/gems/1.9.1/gems/rake-10.1.0/lib" "/usr/local/opt/rbenv/versions/1.9.3-p392/lib/ruby/gems/1.9.1/gems/rake-10.1.0/lib/rake/rake_test_loader.rb" "test/unit/active_model_lint_test.rb" "test/unit/configuration_test.rb" "test/unit/count_test.rb" "test/unit/http_client_test.rb" "test/unit/http_response_test.rb" "test/unit/index_alias_test.rb" "test/unit/index_test.rb" "test/unit/logger_test.rb" "test/unit/model_callbacks_test.rb" "test/unit/model_import_test.rb" "test/unit/model_initialization_test.rb" "test/unit/model_persistence_test.rb" "test/unit/model_search_test.rb" "test/unit/multi_search_test.rb" "test/unit/results_collection_test.rb" "test/unit/results_item_test.rb" "test/unit/rubyext_test.rb" "test/unit/search_facet_test.rb" "test/unit/search_filter_test.rb" "test/unit/search_highlight_test.rb" "test/unit/search_query_test.rb" "test/unit/search_scan_test.rb" "test/unit/search_script_field_test.rb" "test/unit/search_sort_test.rb" "test/unit/search_test.rb" "test/unit/tire_test.rb" "test/integration/active_model_indexing_test.rb" "test/integration/active_model_searchable_test.rb" "test/integration/active_record_searchable_test.rb" "test/integration/boolean_queries_test.rb" "test/integration/boosting_queries_test.rb" "test/integration/bulk_test.rb" "test/integration/constant_score_queries_test.rb" "test/integration/count_test.rb" "test/integration/custom_filters_score_queries_test.rb" "test/integration/custom_score_queries_test.rb" "test/integration/dis_max_queries_test.rb" "test/integration/dsl_search_test.rb" "test/integration/explanation_test.rb" "test/integration/facets_test.rb" "test/integration/filtered_queries_test.rb" "test/integration/filters_test.rb" "test/integration/fuzzy_queries_test.rb" "test/integration/highlight_test.rb" "test/integration/index_aliases_test.rb" "test/integration/index_mapping_test.rb" "test/integration/index_store_test.rb" "test/integration/index_update_document_test.rb" "test/integration/match_query_test.rb" "test/integration/mongoid_searchable_test.rb" "test/integration/multi_search_test.rb" "test/integration/nested_query_test.rb" "test/integration/percolator_test.rb" "test/integration/persistent_model_test.rb" "test/integration/prefix_query_test.rb" "test/integration/query_return_version_test.rb" "test/integration/query_string_test.rb" "test/integration/range_queries_test.rb" "test/integration/reindex_test.rb" "test/integration/results_test.rb" "test/integration/scan_test.rb" "test/integration/script_fields_test.rb" "test/integration/sort_test.rb" ]
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