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Forked from jrosco/yoga-auto-rotate
Created October 14, 2016 11:35
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Lenovo Yoga 13 tablet mode / auto rotation script (ubuntu/debian)
# yoga-auto-rotate -- ghetto-style tablet mode, with keyboard and all.
# Simple little script that will detect an orientation change for a
# Lenovo Yoga 13 (very hackily) and adjust the active display's
# orientation and disable/enable the touchpad as necessary.
# The Yoga 13 will emit keycode `e03e` at one second intervals
# when the screen is flipped into tablet mode. Since this keycode
# isn't actually mapped to anything by default, this script will
# use those events to determine if it should rotate the display or
# not.
# To make this work, the keycode that the system emits needs to be
# mapped first. You can pick a keycode to map it to via the `xmodmap -pk`
# command. The keycode mapping I used personally was `231`, for example:
# setkeycodes e03e 231
# I run the above `setkeycodes` mapping command on start-up, and
# set an additional hotkey binding in my window manager to execute the
# `yoga-auto-rotate` script whenever the hotkey is pressed.
# It may be necessary to add the following commands to `/etc/sudoers`
# for your user or group, as `setkeycodes` and `input-events` may not
# allow it by default:
# %users ALL=NOPASSWD: /usr/bin/setkeycodes, /usr/bin/input-events
# @author emiller
# @date 2013-09-08
input="Virtual core keyboard"
touchpad="SynPS/2 Synaptics TouchPad"
function timestamp() {
if [ -f $stub ]; then
filemtime=`stat -c %Y $stub`
currtime=`date +%s`
seconds=$(( ($currtime - $filemtime) ))
echo $seconds
function toggle_tablet() {
orientation=`xrandr --properties | grep $output | cut -d ' ' -f4 | sed 's/(//g'`
case $1 in
xrandr --output $output --rotate right
xinput disable "$touchpad"
which onboard && nohup onboard >/dev/null 2>&1 &
which easystroke && nohup easystroke >/dev/null 2>&1 &
xrandr --output $output --rotate normal
which onboard && pkill -9 -f onboard
which easystroke && pkill -9 -f easystroke
xinput enable "$touchpad"
function update_timer() {
echo $(timestamp) > $stub
function clear_timer() {
rm -f $stub
function watcher() {
toggle_tablet "enable"
sudo input-events -t $interval `xinput --list "$input" | head -n 1 | cut -d= -f2 | sed 's/\S*\[.*//g'`
toggle_tablet "disable"
test -f $stub || { watcher & }
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