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Last active July 27, 2023 15:50
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  • Save getify/f5b111381413f9d9f4b2571c7d5822ce to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save getify/f5b111381413f9d9f4b2571c7d5822ce to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
demonstrating how to use "nodegit" to modify and read from a local bare git repo
NOTE: This code assumes a bare git repo in ./bare-git/,
which should have at least one text file in its root,
named "greetings.txt".
This code updates the contents of a "greetings.txt"
file, and creates a new file called "greetings-XXX.txt"
(with XXX being a random number). It then creates a new
commit for these changes. Finally, it reads and dumps
the new current contents of the repo, file by file.
Some code inspired by:
var Git = require("nodegit");
var FA = require("fasy"); // used for concurrent async mapping
// NOTE: these are used to authenticate clones/fetches/pushes
var authenticationCallbacks = {
certificateCheck: function skipCertCheck() { return 1; },
credentials: onCredentialCheck,
// **************************************
async function main() {
// var repo = await cloneRepo();
var repo = await openRepo();
// await updateRepo(repo);
await changeRepoFiles(repo);
// await pushRepo(repo);
await dumpRepoContents(repo);
async function openRepo() {
return Git.Repository.openBare("./bare-git");
async function cloneRepo() {
// NOTE: doing a bare clone instead of a full clone.
// also, HTTP unauthenticated clone instead of via SSH
return Git.Clone.clone(
bare: 1,
// NOTE: if you need to do authenticated cloning (via SSH),
// this is how to do that:
// return Git.Clone.clone(
// "",
// "./bare-git",
// {
// bare: 1,
// fetchOpts: {
// callbacks: authenticationCallbacks,
// },
// }
// );
async function updateRepo(repo) {
var remote = await Git.Remote.lookup(repo,"origin");
// NOTE: using this wildcard refspec to fetch everything
await remote.fetch("+refs/*:refs/*",{
downloadTags: 1,
prune: 1,
updateFetchhead: 1,
// NOTE: if the repo was cloned from an authenticated source
// (e.g., via SSH), updating needs to be authenticated,
// so this is how to do that:
// await remote.fetch("+refs/*:refs/*",{
// downloadTags: 1,
// prune: 1,
// updateFetchhead: 1,
// callbacks: authenticationCallbacks,
// });
function onCredentialCheck() {
// NOTE: you might instead need to get an SSH key from
// local public/private keys, using `sshKeyNew(..)`.
// either way, the username has to be 'git' if that's
// the username used for the SSH URL for the remote
// (clone, etc)
return Git.Cred.sshKeyFromAgent("git");
async function pushRepo(repo) {
var remote = await repo.getRemote("origin");
// NOTE: pulling out all refs so that the push is complete
var refs = await repo.getReferences(Git.Reference.TYPE.LISTALL);
var refSpecs = getRefSpec(ref) {
return `${ref.toString()}:${ref.toString()}`;
// NOTE: this is how to connect/disconnect the remote, in case
// that's needed; but it doesn't seem like it is.
// await remote.connect(Git.Enums.DIRECTION.PUSH,authenticationCallbacks);
// await remote.disconnect();
// NOTE: pushing generally requires authentication, so this is
// how to do that:
await remote.push(refSpecs,{
callbacks: authenticationCallbacks,
async function getFileContents(repo,tree,filePath) {
var fileEntry = await tree.entryByPath(filePath);
return (await repo.getBlob(fileEntry.oid())).toString();
async function addOrUpdateFile(repo,builder,filePath,fileContents) {
var buf = new Buffer(fileContents,"utf-8");
var oid = await Git.Blob.createFromBuffer(repo,buf,buf.length);
await builder.insert(filePath,oid,Git.TreeEntry.FILEMODE.BLOB);
async function commitChanges(repo,treeOID,parentCommit,message) {
var author ="--Me--","--my@email.tld--");
return repo.createCommit(
async function changeRepoFiles(repo) {
var HEAD = await repo.getBranchCommit("master");
var currentTree = await HEAD.getTree();
// get current file contents and update it
var greetings = await getFileContents(repo,currentTree,"greetings.txt");
greetings += `(Updated: ${})`;
var newFilename = `greetings-${Math.trunc(Math.random()*1E6)}.txt`;
// change the git tree using treebuilder
var builder = await Git.Treebuilder.create(repo,currentTree);
await addOrUpdateFile(repo,builder,"greetings.txt",chainJSON);
await addOrUpdateFile(repo,builder,newFilename,"Hello World!");
var treeOID = builder.write();
// commit changes
var commitOID = await commitChanges(
`Adding/updating files: greetings.txt, ${newFilename}`
console.log(`New commit: ${commitOID.toString()}`);
async function dumpRepoContents(repo) {
var HEAD = await repo.getBranchCommit("master");
var currentTree = await HEAD.getTree();
console.log(`HEAD commit: ${}; ${HEAD.message()}`);
var tree = await HEAD.getTree();
var treeEntries = tree.entries();
var contents = await FA.concurrent.flatMap(async function getContents(entry){
if (entry.isFile()) {
return {
contents: (await entry.getBlob()).toString(),
else if (entry.isDirectory()) {
let dirEntries = (await entry.getTree()).entries();
return FA.concurrent.flatMap(getContents,dirEntries);
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Hello @kyle
I m very impressed with your code and thanks with your greate code

I need one small help as per your current code we can add only file at root level
But I want to add fine in a subdirectory so can you please tell me how can I do or please send me some sample so I can do.

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