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Last active September 6, 2024 10:36
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How to Thesis 📘

(Note that all of this information is based on the Saarland University's Computer Science degrees)

The process of writing a thesis is an important and transformative phase for every student. It can illuminate new knowledge and perspectives but also trigger stress and doub. However, physical and mental well-being should always be prioritized and never sacrificed for the sake of university obligations. This guide aims to streamline the process by providing you with practical guidelines to navigate this challenging yet rewarding endeavor.

General 📌

  • Most communication should run via Mattermost (I recommend you turn on Mattermost email notifications to not miss anything. We also expect you to try to respond to messages within two working days). Online meetings are typically organized in MS Teams. Feel free to proactively create meetings and invite people. 
  • You must attend the group seminar ("Bachelorseminar" or "Masterseminar"), for more information see (there will also be a mailing list in the future).
  • Please carefully read the "Prüfungsordnung" (study regulations). It is our responsibility to comply with the study regulations. If you think there is a contradiction between the "Prüfungsordnung", our website, or what we say to you, please tell us.
  • It is your responsibility to regularly update your advisor on your progress (e.g., once a week). Please be proactive in this regard.
  • Writing your thesis should be your main academic focus during this time. We expect that you work on it (more or less) persistently and continuously. If you are unable to work on your topic for a longer period of time, please communicate this as soon as possible.
  • Instead of making incorrect assumptions or remaining inactive, it is important that you ask for clarifications if you feel that you do not understand something.

Typical Procedure 🔄

  1. Find a topic together with your advisor.
  2. Conduct a careful literature review to set realistic expectations and make sure it hasn't been done the same way before.
  3. Implement a first prototype.
  4. Give your proposal talk and submit the thesis agreement (see website).
  5. Register your thesis (shortly after the presentation). Make sure to get your seminar certificate.
  6. You have time to finalize your experiments and write your thesis.
  7. Together with your advisor, find a second reviewer.
  8. Submit your thesis.
  9. Give a final talk (called "defense") (ideally within two weeks after submission).
  10. 🏆

Literature Review 📚

The literature review at the beginning of your thesis (but also during writing) is critical, and many students struggle with it. Doing a thorough literature review will pay off later! Potential tools are:

  • Use a literature management system like ReadCube or Zotero.
  • Google Scholar search for keywords.
  • Google Scholar -> go to a paper and see "cited by".
  • Identify relevant conferences and journals and scan them systematically (e.g., NeurIPS, Complex Networks Conference).
  • Tools like (ChatGPT interface at, (I really like this one),,, and can help.
  • Follow relevant researchers on Twitter/X and ResearchGate.
  • Talk to everyone you know who has experience in this area.

Writing the Thesis ✍️

  • Start by looking at some theses from the university library to get a feeling for the range of different possible works.
  • Using a good template makes life a lot easier. I like Clean Thesis: ( but there are many others.
  • There are some good books on scientific writing for CS/math, I really like Writing for Computer Science by Justin Zobel.
  • Avoid using ChatGPT for writing scientific text. ChatGPT and other LLMs often produce text that is not concise and can appear bloated. This style is generally not well-received in scientific writing! However, you can use LLMs to catch errors or enhance formulations.
  • Use Grammarly or something similar to find obvious errors.
  • Make sure the thesis is structured such that your contribution is clear. Don’t mix your contribution with previous work.
  • Include the code (GitHub link) and make sure experiments are reproducible.
  • It is highly encouraged that you make your code as accessible as possible, for example, by providing a HuggingFace interface or a Colab link for off-the-shelf execution.
  • Use Turnitin to check for plagiarism:
  • I like to use (APA style) for consistent titles. You can also use a style guide for consistency.
  • Often figures are a problem:
    • Use vector graphics (or at least high-resolution images).
    • I often export matplotlib figures as PDF and then use a PDF editing tool to finalize the image. Tools like Inkscape or or simply Keynote help with small edits.
    • Make sure the text in the figures is easily readable. The font size within a figure should not be (much) smaller than the actual text.
    • Make sure you use meaningful and consistent color schemes that are readable when printed on paper.
    • If you use external figures, cite the source in the figure caption.

Your Talks 🎤

  • The goal is to tell a self-consistent story.
  • Slides are a visual medium. Explain everything visually that can be explained visually. Complete sentences should be the absolute exception.
  • Don’t overcrowd your slides. Try to avoid bullet points.
  • It is of utmost importance that the following questions are answered very clearly and without any ambiguity: -- What problem are we solving? -- Why is this problem worth solving? -- How do we solve it?
  • Put time and effort into creating visualizations and preparing (running) examples.
  • Always prioritize concreteness, simplicity, and clarity.
  • Focus on intuition, high-level understanding, and contextualization, not on technical details.
  • Use slide numbers.
  • Submit your slides as .pdf one week before your talk (or whatever is specified on the group seminar website).
  • If you use Keynote, you can use LaTeXiT to get proper LaTex vector graphics on your slides.
  • Your final slide should include a summary to stimulate questions and discussions.

Other Resources You Might Like ✨

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