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Last active July 11, 2021 16:15
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  • Save geraldoam/341b8fc5b28b0d9eb59c440d5a215068 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save geraldoam/341b8fc5b28b0d9eb59c440d5a215068 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
default commit


  • feat: The new feature being added to a particular application
  • fix: A bug fix (this correlates with PATCH in SemVer)
  • style: Feature and updates related to styling
  • refactor: Refactoring a specific section of the codebase
  • test: Everything related to testing
  • docs: Everything related to documentation
  • chore: Regular code maintenance


  • feat(claims): bla bla bla
  • fix(orders): bla bla bla

better practices

1. Make Small, Single-Purpose Commits

For proper source code management and better housekeeping a commit should be a wrapper for related changes.

2. Commit Early & Often

Committing early and often keeps your commits small and helps you commit only related changes. Moreover, it allows you to share your code more frequently with others and avoid having merge conflicts.

3. Test Your Code Before You Commit

Resist the temptation to commit something that you «think» is completed. Test it thoroughly to make sure it really is completed and has no side effects (as far as one can tell).

4. Agree on A Workflow

However you choose to work, just make sure to agree on a common workflow that everyone follows.

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