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Created June 5, 2021 14:15
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/* eslint-disable @typescript-eslint/no-non-null-assertion */
type Job = {
id: number;
code: string;
name: string;
jobType: string;
status: string;
publicationType: string;
recruiterId: number;
recruiterName: string;
recruiterEmail: string;
managerId: number;
managerName: string;
managerEmail: string;
departmentId: number;
departmentName: string;
roleId: number;
roleName: string;
companyBranchId: number;
branchPath: string;
branchLabel: string;
type Option = {
label: string;
value: string | null;
type FilterName = string;
export type FilterValue = string | number;
export type FilterValues = Record<FilterName, Array<string | number>>;
export type FilterOptions = Record<FilterName, Option[]>;
type FilterFn = (job: Job) => boolean;
interface FilterHandler {
filterFnFactory: (filterValues: FilterValue[]) => FilterFn;
asOption: (job: Job) => Option | Option[];
comparator?: (a: Option, b: Option) => number;
type FilterOptionsMap = Record<FilterName, Map<string | number, Option | Option[]>>;
type FilterLabel = Option & {
filterName: FilterName;
parentValue: FilterValue;
type FilterLabelsMap = Record<FilterName, Map<FilterValue, FilterLabel>>;
function createSet(filterValues: unknown[]): Set<string> {
return new Set( => `${value}`));
function createIntegerSet(filterValues: Array<string | number>): Set<number> {
return new Set( => (typeof filterValue === 'number'
? filterValue
: parseInt(filterValue, 10))));
function asMap(list: Option[]): Map<string, Option> {
return Array.isArray(list)
? new Map( => [it.value, it]))
: new Map();
// The Design Team asked for a fixed order for better UX
const jobStatusOrder = [
type FilterContextCtor = {
userId: number;
ownRecruiterLabel: string;
ownManagerLabel: string;
filterContext: {
jobList: Job[];
branches: Option[];
jobTypesList: Option[];
jobStatusList: Option[];
jobPublicationTypesList: Option[];
* This class holds all the machinery for producing "filter options" and "filter labels" based
* on "filter values" on a consistent and _fast_ fashion.
export class FilterContext {
private userId: number;
private ownRecruiterLabel: string;
private ownManagerLabel: string;
private jobList: Job[];
// private branchesMap: Map<string, Option>;
private jobTypesMap: Map<string, Option>;
private jobStatusMap: Map<string, Option>;
private jobPublicationTypesMap: Map<string, Option>;
private filterRegistry!: Record<FilterName, FilterHandler>;
private filterNames!: FilterName[];
private filterOptionsIndex!: FilterOptionsMap;
private filterLabelsIndex!: FilterLabelsMap;
}: FilterContextCtor) {
this.userId = userId;
this.ownRecruiterLabel = ownRecruiterLabel;
this.ownManagerLabel = ownManagerLabel;
this.jobList = filterContext.jobList;
// this.branchesMap = asMap(filterContext.branches);
this.jobTypesMap = asMap(filterContext.jobTypesList);
this.jobStatusMap = asMap(filterContext.jobStatusList);
this.jobPublicationTypesMap = asMap(filterContext.jobPublicationTypesList);
private initFilterRegistry(): void {
this.filterRegistry = {
jobs: {
filterFnFactory: (filterValues): FilterFn => {
const values = createIntegerSet(filterValues);
return (job) => values.has(;
asOption: (job) => ({
value: ? `${}` : null,
label: [job.code,].filter(Boolean).join(' - '),
jobTypes: {
filterFnFactory: (filterValues): FilterFn => {
const values = createSet(filterValues);
return (job) => values.has(job.jobType);
asOption: (job) => this.jobTypesMap.get(job.jobType)!,
jobStatus: {
filterFnFactory: (filterValues): FilterFn => {
const values = createSet(filterValues);
return (job) => values.has(job.status);
asOption: (job) => this.jobStatusMap.get(job.status)!,
comparator: (a, b) => jobStatusOrder.indexOf(a.value!) - jobStatusOrder.indexOf(b.value!),
jobPublicationTypes: {
filterFnFactory: (filterValues): FilterFn => {
const values = createSet(filterValues);
return (job) => values.has(job.publicationType);
asOption: (job) => this.jobPublicationTypesMap.get(job.publicationType)!,
recruiters: {
filterFnFactory: (filterValues): FilterFn => {
const values = createIntegerSet(filterValues);
return (job) => values.has(job.recruiterId);
asOption: (job) => ({
value: job.recruiterId ? `${job.recruiterId}` : null,
label: job.recruiterId === this.userId
? this.ownRecruiterLabel
: [job.recruiterName, job.recruiterEmail].filter(Boolean).join(' - '),
managers: {
filterFnFactory: (filterValues): FilterFn => {
const values = createIntegerSet(filterValues);
return (job) => values.has(job.managerId);
asOption: (job) => ({
value: job.managerId ? `${job.managerId}` : null,
label: job.managerId === this.userId
? this.ownManagerLabel
: [job.managerName, job.managerEmail].filter(Boolean).join(' - '),
departments: {
filterFnFactory: (filterValues): FilterFn => {
const values = createIntegerSet(filterValues);
return (job) => values.has(job.departmentId);
asOption: (job) => ({
value: job.departmentId ? `${job.departmentId}` : null,
label: job.departmentName,
roles: {
filterFnFactory: (filterValues): FilterFn => {
const values = createIntegerSet(filterValues);
return (job) => values.has(job.roleId);
asOption: (job) => ({
value: job.roleId ? `${job.roleId}` : null,
label: job.roleName,
subsidiaries: {
filterFnFactory: (filterValues): FilterFn => {
const values = createIntegerSet(filterValues);
return (job) => values.has(job.companyBranchId);
asOption: (job) => ({
value: job.companyBranchId ? `${job.companyBranchId}` : null,
label: job.branchLabel,
branches: {
filterFnFactory: (filterValues): FilterFn => {
const values = [...createSet(filterValues)];
return (job) => (job.branchPath
? values.some((value) => job.branchPath.startsWith(value))
: false);
asOption: (job) => {
const branch = this.branchesMap.get(job.branchPath);
if (!branch) return [];
const parents: Option[] = (branch as any).parents
.map((parent) => this.branchesMap.get(parent.value));
return parents.concat(branch);
this.filterNames = Object.keys(this.filterRegistry);
private initFilterOptionsIndex(): void {
this.filterOptionsIndex = {};
this.filterNames.forEach((filterName) => {
const { [filterName]: handler } = this.filterRegistry;
const byJob = new Map( => {
const option = handler.asOption(job);
return [, option];
this.filterOptionsIndex[filterName] = byJob;
private initFilterLabelsIndex(): void {
this.filterLabelsIndex = {};
this.filterNames.forEach((filterName) => {
this.filterLabelsIndex[filterName] = new Map();
* Return a list of jobs that matches all filter values. Internally it builds a matching
* functions that uses a list of per-filter matching functions that compare specific job
* properties with corresponding values for each filter.
* Complexity: O(n) where n is the number of jobs.
private selectJobsBy(filterValues: FilterValues): Job[] {
const filterFns = this.filterNames
.filter((filterName) => filterName in filterValues)
.map((filterName) => {
const { [filterName]: handler } = this.filterRegistry;
const { [filterName]: values } = filterValues;
return handler.filterFnFactory(values);
const doesMatch = (job): boolean => filterFns.every((doesFilterMatch) => doesFilterMatch(job));
return this.jobList.filter(doesMatch);
* Find available options considering filterValues as criteria. For each filter value provided,
* it applies all other filter values except the filter being calculated and then uses the
* filter name and job ID as keys to find the option on the pre-calculated mapping.
* Complexity: O(n log n) in best scenario, O(n²) in worst scenario
getFilterOptionsBy(filterValues: FilterValues): FilterOptions {
const filterOptions: FilterOptions = {};
return this.filterNames
.reduce((prevOptions, filterName) => {
const { [filterName]: _, ...filterValuesEx } = filterValues;
const { [filterName]: byJob } = this.filterOptionsIndex;
const { [filterName]: handler } = this.filterRegistry;
const unique = new Map();
this.selectJobsBy(filterValuesEx).forEach((job) => {
const options: Option[] = ([] as Option[]).concat(byJob.get(!);
options.forEach((option) => {
if (option && option.value && !unique.has(option.value)) {
unique.set(option.value, option);
const options = handler.comparator
? [...unique.values()].sort(handler.comparator)
: [...unique.values()];
return {
[filterName]: options,
}, filterOptions);
* Convert applied filter values to human-readable labels. For each applied filter we get
* (or generate) the corresponding label (same as option).
* Complexity: O(n log n) in best scenario, O(n²) in worst-scenario
getFilterLabelsBy(filterValues: FilterValues): FilterLabel[] {
return this.filterNames
.filter((filterName) => filterName in filterValues)
.flatMap((filterName) => {
const { [filterName]: byValue } = this.filterLabelsIndex;
const { [filterName]: values } = filterValues;
return => {
if (!byValue.has(value)) {
const { [filterName]: byJob } = this.filterOptionsIndex;
const option: Option = this.selectJobsBy({ [filterName]: [value] })
.flatMap((job): Option[] => ([] as Option[]).concat(byJob.get(!))
.find((it) => it.value === `${value}`)!;
byValue.set(value, {
parentValue: value,
return byValue.get(value)!;
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