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Created January 2, 2015 13:55
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Bucket - Show Captions for Featured Images
if (has_post_thumbnail()):
// $image = wp_get_attachment_image_src( get_post_thumbnail_id( $post->ID ), 'blog-big' );
$featured_image_ID = get_post_thumbnail_id( $post->ID );
$image = wp_get_attachment_image_src( $featured_image_ID, 'blog-big' );
$image_medium = wp_get_attachment_image_src( $featured_image_ID, 'blog-medium' );
// Get the image meta informations
function wp_get_attachment( $attachment_id ) {
$attachment = get_post( $attachment_id );
return array(
'alt' => get_post_meta( $attachment->ID, '_wp_attachment_image_alt', true ),
'caption' => $attachment->post_excerpt,
'description' => $attachment->post_content,
'href' => get_permalink( $attachment->ID ),
'src' => $attachment->guid,
'title' => $attachment->post_title
$image_caption = wp_get_attachment ( $featured_image_ID );
// $image = wp_get_attachment_image_src(get_post_thumbnail_id(), 'blog-big');
$image_ratio = 70; //some default aspect ratio in case something has gone wrong and the image has no dimensions - it happens
if (isset($image[1]) && isset($image[2]) && $image[1] > 0) {
$image_ratio = $image[2] * 100/$image[1];
// let's get to know this post a little better
$full_width_featured_image = get_post_meta(wpgrade::lang_post_id(get_the_ID()), '_bucket_full_width_featured_image', true);
$disable_sidebar = get_post_meta(wpgrade::lang_post_id(get_the_ID()), '_bucket_disable_sidebar', true);
// let's use what we know
$content_width = $disable_sidebar == 'on' ? 'one-whole' : 'two-thirds';
$featured_image_width = $full_width_featured_image == 'on' || $disable_sidebar == 'on' ? 'one-whole' : 'two-thirds palm-one-whole';
<div class="grid__item float--left <?php echo $featured_image_width; ?> article__featured-image">
<div class="image-wrap" style="padding-top: <?php echo $image_ratio; ?>%">
<?php if (wpgrade::option('enable_lazy_loading_images')) : ?>
<img class="riloadr-single" data-src-big="<?php echo $image[0]; ?>" data-src-small="<?php echo $image_medium[0]; ?>" alt="<?php echo get_the_title($featured_image_ID) ?>" />
<?php else : ?>
<img src="<?php echo $image[0]; ?>" alt="<?php echo get_the_title($featured_image_ID) ?>" />
<?php endif; ?>
<div class="wp-caption"><p class="wp-caption-text"><?php echo $image_caption['caption']; ?></p></div>
<?php endif; ?>
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