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Last active January 31, 2020 17:29
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Deck Samples
public class Program
public static void Main()
var msg = "Hello, World!";
// Try other C# samples from the
// "Samples" button in the top right
using Retyped;
using static Retyped.dom;
public class Program
static void Main(string[] args)
// Built with Retyped
// Create the Button
var button = new HTMLButtonElement();
// Set the Button text
button.innerText = "Click me!";
// Add a Bootstrap style
button.className = "btn btn-primary";
var count = 1;
// Add a click event handler
button.onclick += (e) => {
button.innerText = $"Clicked {count} times";
// Write a message to Console
// on first Button click
if (count == 1) {
var msg = "Welcome to Bridge.NET";
// Add the button to the document body
public class App
public static void Main()
// Simple array of strings
string[] names = { "Mildred", "Levi", "Nestor", "Clark", "Jamie" };
// Query the array using LINQ
IEnumerable query =
from n in names
where n.Contains("i")
orderby n
select n;
// Loop through the items in the array
foreach (string q in query)
public class App
public static int count = 0;
public static void Main()
var body = document.body;
var container = new HTMLDivElement
className = "container-fluid"
var title = new HTMLHeadingElement
innerText = "Synchronous vs Asynchronous"
container.appendChild(new HTMLParagraphElement
innerHTML = "Each click of a Button will create a " +
"random delay, then log a message to the screen."
container.appendChild(new HTMLParagraphElement
innerHTML = "Step 1: Rapidly click the Synchronous " +
"Button, then wait a few moments for all log " +
"messages to appear.<br />Step 2: Rapidly click " +
"Asynchronous Button."
container.appendChild(new HTMLParagraphElement
innerHTML = "Notice difference in sequence of log " +
"index values as thread locking issues have " +
"been removed with use Async/Await.",
style =
marginBottom = "30px"
var row = new HTMLDivElement
className = "row"
var col1 = new HTMLDivElement
id = "col1",
className = "col-xs-6 col-md-2"
var btn1 = new HTMLButtonElement
innerHTML = "Synchronous",
className = "btn btn-primary",
style =
marginBottom = "20px"
onclick = (ev) =>
var col2 = new HTMLDivElement
id = "col2",
className = "col-xs-6 col-md-10"
var btn2 = new HTMLButtonElement
innerHTML = "Asynchronous",
className = "btn btn-success",
style =
marginBottom = "20px"
onclick = (ev) =>
private static void Log(string selector, string msg)
var div = new HTMLDivElement { innerHTML = msg };;
public class Synchronous
public static void LogData(Action<string, string> log)
var data = Synchronous.LongRunningProcess(App.count);
log("#col1", data);
public static string LongRunningProcess(int id)
// Force a Delay
// Simulate a long running process
var delay = System.Math.Random() * 2000;
var end = DateTime.Now.AddMilliseconds((int)delay).Ticks;
while (DateTime.Now.Ticks < end) { }
return "Click " + id + ": " + System.Math.Floor(delay) + "ms";
public class Asynchronous
public static async void LogData(Action<string, string> log)
var data = await Asynchronous.LongRunningProcess(App.count);
log("#col2", data);
public static async Task<string> LongRunningProcess(int id)
// Force a Delay
// Simulate a long running process
var delay = System.Math.Random() * 2000;
await Task.Delay((int)delay);
return "Click " + id + ": " + System.Math.Floor(delay) + "ms";
public class App
public static void Main()
// Click a Button and make a AJAX request
// to a service that returns a message.
// Make a Button
var button = new HTMLButtonElement
innerHTML = "Click Me!",
className = "btn btn-primary",
onclick = (ev) =>
// A message for the prompt
var msg = "Enter a message";
// Make a prompt and get the user input
var input = Console.ReadLine(msg);
// Send the input to a WebService
// Add Button to the page
public static void Bounce(string msg)
// Configure the Ajax request
var config = new JQueryAjaxSettings
url = "../DeckServices.asmx/Bounce",
// Serialize the msg into json
data = new { value = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(msg) },
// Set the contentType of the request
contentType = "application/json; charset=utf-8",
// On response, call custom success method
success = (data, textStatus, jqXHR) =>
// Output the whole response object.
// or, output just the message using
// the "d" property string indexer.
// Console.WriteLine(data["d"]);
// Make the Ajax request
public class Program
public static void Main()
Product product = new Product();
product.Name = "Apple";
product.ExpiryDate = new DateTime(2008, 12, 28);
product.Price = 3.99;
product.Sizes = new string[] { "Small", "Medium", "Large" };
string output = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(product, Formatting.Indented);
// Write the json string
// Deserialize the json back into a real Product
Product deserializedProduct = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject<Product>(output);
// Write the rehydrated values
var msg = $"An {deserializedProduct.Name} for ${deserializedProduct.Price}";
public class Product
public string Name { get; set; }
public DateTime ExpiryDate { get; set; }
public double Price { get; set; }
public string[] Sizes { get; set; }
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using static System.Console;
// C#7 language samples
public class Program
public static void Main()
// Small helper functions available only in the scope of parent function
// Declare binary literals
// Declare out variable inside the method call
// Declare tuples inline
// Access tuple members directly without using tuple name
// Use expression bodied methods for properties, constructor and distructor
// Check for variable type in switch cases
// You can now throw exceptions inline in conditional expressions, null coalescing expressions, and some lambda expressions
public static void NestedFunctions()
WriteFeatureHeader("Nested functions", "Small helper functions available only in the scope of parent function");
void Add(int x, int y)
WriteLine($"Sum of {x} and {y} is : {x + y}");
void Multiply(int x, int y)
WriteLine($"Multiply of {x} and {y} is : {x * y}");
Add(30, 10);
Add(20, 50);
Multiply(20, 50);
public static void BinaryLiterals()
WriteFeatureHeader("Binary Literals", "Declare binary literals");
// Represent 50 in decimal, hexadecimal & binary
int a = 50; // decimal representation of 50
int b = 0X32; // hexadecimal representation of 50
int c = 0B110010; //binary representation of 50
// Represent 100 in decimal, hexadecimal & binary
int d = 50 * 2; // decimal represenation of 100
int e = 0x32 * 2; // hexadecimal represenation of 100
int f = 0b110010 * 2; //binary represenation of 100
WriteLine($"a: {a: 0000} b: {b: 0000} c: {c: 0000}");
WriteLine($"d: {d: 0000} e: {e: 0000} f: {f: 0000}");
public static void OutVariables()
WriteFeatureHeader("Enhanced Out Variables", "Declare out variable inside the method call");
string s = "2016-11-26";
if (DateTime.TryParse(s, out DateTime date))
public static void EnhancedTuples()
WriteFeatureHeader("Enhanced Tuples", "Declare tuples inline");
var numbers = new List<int>{5, 10, 45, 23};
var aggregate = Aggregate(numbers);
Console.WriteLine($"Count: {aggregate.count}, Sum: {aggregate.sum}, Avg: {aggregate.avg}");
static (int count, int sum, double avg)Aggregate(IEnumerable<int> numbers)
int count = numbers.Count();
int sum = numbers.Sum();
double avg = (double)sum / (double)count;
return (count, sum, avg);
public static void TupleDeconstruction()
WriteFeatureHeader("Tuple Deconstruction", "Access tuple members directly without using tuple name");
var numbers = new List<int>{5, 10, 45, 23};
(int count, int sum, double avg) = Aggregate(numbers);
Console.WriteLine($"Count: {count}, Sum: {sum}, Avg: {avg}");
public static void ExpressionBodiedMembers()
WriteFeatureHeader("Expression Bodied Members", "Use expression bodied methods for properties, constructor and distructor");
var customer = new Customer();
customer.FirstName = " Joe";
customer.LastName = " Doe ";
Console.WriteLine($"Customer Name: {customer.FullName}, Country: {customer.Country}");
public static void SwitchExpressions()
WriteFeatureHeader("Switch Expressions", "Check for variable type in switch cases");
List<object> values = new List<object>
new List<object>
2, 3, 4
new List<object>(),
int sum = Sum(values);
Console.WriteLine($"Sum is {sum}");
public static int Sum(IEnumerable<object> values)
var sum = 0;
foreach (var item in values)
switch (item)
case 0:
case int val:
sum += val;
case IEnumerable<object> subList when subList.Any(): //use when to add extra switch condition
sum += Sum(subList);
case IEnumerable<object> subList:
case null:
throw new InvalidOperationException("unknown item type");
return sum;
class Customer
// Expression bodies constructor
public Customer() => Country = "USA";
private string _firstName;
public string FirstName
get => _firstName; //Use expression bodies methods for get/set
set => _firstName = value.Trim();
private string _lastName;
public string LastName
get => _lastName;
set => _lastName = value.Trim();
public string Country
private string _fullName;
public string FullName => $"{FirstName} {LastName}" ;
public static void ThrowExceptionsInExpressions()
WriteFeatureHeader("Throw Exceptions in Expressions", "You can now throw exceptions inline in conditional expressions, null coalescing expressions, and some lambda expressions");
var a = Divide(10, 0);
catch (DivideByZeroException e)
Console.WriteLine($"Caught exception: {e.Message}");
public static double Divide(int x, int y)
return y != 0 ? x % y : throw new DivideByZeroException();
public static void WriteFeatureHeader(string name, string description)
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