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Last active April 22, 2020 18:05
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Save genmeblog/109aa1af9a13bd6b5e979132a55c8026 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop. in action (compared to R data.table) --->
(ns testing.dataset
(:require [ :as ds]
[ :as col]
[tech.v2.datatype.functional :as dfn]))
;; Working thrugh R `data.table` type and confronting with
;; # Read data from URL
;; TODO: add support for loading from the net (issue: #33)
(def flights (ds/->dataset (.openStream ( ""))))
;; # Taking the shape of loaded data
(ds/column-count flights) ;; => 11
(ds/row-count flights) ;; => 253316
;; TODO: maybe add those numbers to a metadata? Like in `column` case?
;; TODO: also, maybe add automatically name from filename when file/URL was used to create dataset
(meta flights) ;; => {:name nil}
;; # Basics
(def DT (ds/name-values-seq->dataset {:ID [:b :b :b :c :c :a]
:a (range 1 7)
:b (range 7 13)
:c (range 13 19)}))
(meta (DT :a))
;; => {:name :a, :size 6, :datatype :int64}
(:datatype (meta (ds/column DT :a)))
;; => :int64
;; # Subset rows
;; TODO: maybe add head/tail for rows instead of calling `select-rows`
(-> (ds/filter #(and (= (get % "origin") "JFK")
(= (get % "month") 6)) flights)
(ds/select-rows (range 6)))
;; => null [6 11]:
| year | month | day | dep_delay | arr_delay | carrier | origin | dest | air_time | distance | hour |
| 2014 | 6 | 1 | -9 | -5 | AA | JFK | LAX | 324 | 2475 | 8 |
| 2014 | 6 | 1 | -10 | -13 | AA | JFK | LAX | 329 | 2475 | 12 |
| 2014 | 6 | 1 | 18 | -1 | AA | JFK | LAX | 326 | 2475 | 7 |
| 2014 | 6 | 1 | -6 | -16 | AA | JFK | LAX | 320 | 2475 | 10 |
| 2014 | 6 | 1 | -4 | -45 | AA | JFK | LAX | 326 | 2475 | 18 |
| 2014 | 6 | 1 | -6 | -23 | AA | JFK | LAX | 329 | 2475 | 14 |
(ds/select-rows flights (range 2));; => null [2 11]:
| year | month | day | dep_delay | arr_delay | carrier | origin | dest | air_time | distance | hour |
| 2014 | 1 | 1 | 14 | 13 | AA | JFK | LAX | 359 | 2475 | 9 |
| 2014 | 1 | 1 | -3 | 13 | AA | JFK | LAX | 363 | 2475 | 11 |
;; # Sort by 2 columns and given order
;; TODO: below I want to sort dataset by origin ascending and dest descending. Maybe such case should be
;; wrapped into the function? Writing comparators is not convinient in this quite common case.
(-> (ds/sort-by #(vector (get % "origin")
(get % "dest"))
(fn [[^String o1 ^String d1] [^String o2 ^String d2]]
(let [compare-first (.compareTo o1 o2)]
(if-not (zero? compare-first)
(- (.compareTo d1 d2))))) flights)
(ds/select-rows (range 6)))
;; => null [6 11]:
| year | month | day | dep_delay | arr_delay | carrier | origin | dest | air_time | distance | hour |
| 2014 | 6 | 3 | -6 | -38 | EV | EWR | XNA | 154 | 1131 | 6 |
| 2014 | 1 | 20 | -9 | -17 | EV | EWR | XNA | 177 | 1131 | 8 |
| 2014 | 3 | 19 | -6 | 10 | EV | EWR | XNA | 201 | 1131 | 6 |
| 2014 | 2 | 3 | 231 | 268 | EV | EWR | XNA | 184 | 1131 | 12 |
| 2014 | 4 | 25 | -8 | -32 | EV | EWR | XNA | 159 | 1131 | 6 |
| 2014 | 2 | 19 | 21 | 10 | EV | EWR | XNA | 176 | 1131 | 8 |
;; # Select column
;; returns column
(flights "arr_delay")
;; =><int16>[253316]
[13, 13, 9, -26, 1, 0, -18, -14, -17, -14, -17, -5, 1, 133, -26, 69, 36, 1, 185, -6, ...]
;; returns dataset
(ds/select flights ["arr_delay"] (range 6))
;; => null [6 1]:
| arr_delay |
| 13 |
| 13 |
| 9 |
| -26 |
| 1 |
| 0 |
;; TODO: question: consider IFn returns dataset by default. Arguments:
;; * column name - returns dataset with single column
;; * sequence of columns - returns dataset with selected columns
;; * map - returns dataset with selected and renamed columns
(-> (ds/select-columns flights ["arr_delay" "dep_delay"])
(ds/rename-columns {"arr_delay" "delay_arr"
"dep_delay" "delay_dep"})
(ds/select-rows (range 6)))
;; => null [6 2]:
| delay_arr | delay_dep |
| 13 | 14 |
| 13 | -3 |
| 9 | 2 |
| -26 | -8 |
| 1 | 2 |
| 0 | 4 |
;; TODO: maybe ds should be also countable?
(-> (ds/filter #(neg? (+ (get % "arr_delay")
(get % "dep_delay"))) flights)
;; => 141814
;; # Functions on columns
;; TODO: I would prefer to get dataset here
(->> (-> (ds/filter #(and (= (get % "origin") "JFK")
(= (get % "month") 6)) flights)
(ds/select-columns ["arr_delay" "dep_delay"]))
(map dfn/mean))
;; => (5.839349323200929 9.807884113037279)
;; # Aggregation
(defn map-kv [f coll]
(reduce-kv (fn [m k v] (assoc m k (f v))) (empty coll) coll))
;; TODO: maybe add `group-by-and-aggregate` which returns dataset after group-by and aggregation?
(->> flights
(ds/group-by-column "origin")
(map-kv ds/row-count))
;; => {"EWR" 87400, "LGA" 84433, "JFK" 81483}
(->> flights
(ds/group-by-column "origin")
(map-kv (comp vector ds/row-count))
;; => _unnamed [1 3]:
| EWR | LGA | JFK |
| 8.740E+04 | 8.443E+04 | 8.148E+04 |
;; TODO: Scientific notation should be used for bigger numbers
(->> flights
(ds/filter #(= "AA" (get % "carrier")))
(ds/group-by-column "origin")
(map-kv (comp vector ds/row-count))
;; => _unnamed [1 3]:
| EWR | LGA | JFK |
| 2649 | 1.173E+04 | 1.192E+04 |
;; TODO: how to convert it back to dataset?
;; below: select, group by more than one column and aggregate (row-count)
(->> flights
(ds/filter #(= "AA" (get % "carrier")))
(ds/group-by (fn [r] (vector (get r "origin")
(get r "dest"))))
(map-kv ds/row-count)
(take 6))
;; => ([["JFK" "BOS"] 1173]
;; [["JFK" "DCA"] 172]
;; [["EWR" "PHX"] 121]
;; [["LGA" "PBI"] 245]
;; [["EWR" "LAX"] 62]
;; [["JFK" "SJU"] 690])
;; below: select, group-by 3 columns and aggregate 2 columns
(->> flights
(ds/filter #(= "AA" (get % "carrier")))
(ds/group-by (fn [r] (vector (get r "origin")
(get r "dest")
(get r "month"))))
(map-kv #(->> (ds/select-columns % ["arr_delay" "dep_delay"])
(map dfn/mean)))
(take 6))
;; => ([["LGA" "ORD" 10] (15.46611909650922 12.911704312114958)]
;; [["EWR" "PHX" 9] (-4.2333333333333325 -1.6666666666666665)]
;; [["JFK" "AUS" 3] (8.193548387096774 2.70967741935484)]
;; [["JFK" "BOS" 2] (11.179999999999996 11.760000000000005)]
;; [["LGA" "DFW" 10] (3.5 4.5527638190954605)]
;; [["JFK" "BOS" 10] (11.5 10.2704918032787)])
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keesterbrugge commented Apr 21, 2020

the following code works with version "2.0-beta-21" of dataset

(def flights (ds/->dataset ""))

and this version also puts the file url in metadata

(meta flights) 
;; => {:name ""}

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keesterbrugge commented Apr 21, 2020

The main issue I see now is: how to conveniently convert result of the filter->group-by->aggregate process back to dataset. Especially when you have group-by and aggregation on several columns?

I agree, what do you think of the following?

(defn group-by-columns-and-aggregate [gr-colls agg-fns-map ds]
  (->> (ds/group-by identity ds gr-colls)
       (map (fn [[group-idx group-ds]]
                  (into group-idx (map (fn [[k agg-fn]] [k (agg-fn group-ds)]) agg-fns-map))))

(group-by-columns-and-aggregate ["origin"]
                                {:row-count ds/row-count}
;; => _unnamed [3 2]:

;; | origin | :row-count |
;; |--------+------------|
;; |    LGA |      84433 |
;; |    EWR |      87400 |
;; |    JFK |      81483 |

;; it think it handles your last example well where you group by 3 vars and have 2 summary stats
(->> flights
     (ds/filter-column #{"AA"} "carrier")
     (group-by-columns-and-aggregate ["origin" "dest" "month"]
                                     {:mean-arr-delay #(dfn/mean (% "arr_delay"))
                                      :mean-dep-delay #(dfn/mean (% "dep_delay"))})
     (#(ds/select-rows % (range 6))));;
;; => _unnamed [6 5]:

;; | origin | dest | month | :mean-dep-delay | :mean-arr-delay |
;; |--------+------+-------+-----------------+-----------------|
;; |    JFK |  SEA |     9 |           16,83 |           8,567 |
;; |    JFK |  MCO |     2 |           10,15 |           8,453 |
;; |    LGA |  MIA |     1 |           5,417 |           6,130 |
;; |    JFK |  LAS |     3 |           6,869 |           13,18 |
;; |    JFK |  LAS |     1 |           19,15 |           17,69 |
;; |    LGA |  MIA |     4 |          0,6552 |          -3,828 |

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Looks great. Will try soon.

Regarding loading via net: I'm getting the error when I add cider-nrepl as plugin in lein project.clj.

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