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Last active October 4, 2015 22:09
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A binary heap-based priority queue, written in JavaScript, supporting only unique values but allowing O(log n) remove and update.
(function(global) {
* Constructor for a binary heap-based Priority Queue.
* Because this priority queue supports the remove and update operations in
* O(log n) time, all values must be unique and usable as object keys.
* Weird things may happen if you insert different types, or insert more
* than 2**31 objects. Don't use this for anything serious.
function PriorityQueue(initial_list, cmp_func) {
this._heap = [];
this._cmp_func = cmp_func || PriorityQueue.DEFAULT_COMPARATOR;
this._pos_map = Object.create(null);
if (initial_list) {
// insert elements into this._heap and this._pos_map
this._heap = [], 0).map(function(value, i) {
if (value in this._pos_map) {
throw new Error("Priority queue already contains value " + value);
this._pos_map[value] = i;
return { priority: value, value: value };
// convert to heap
PriorityQueue.DEFAULT_COMPARATOR = function(a, b) {
if (a < b) return -1;
else if (a > b) return 1;
else return 0;
PriorityQueue.prototype = {
* Returns the length of the priority queue.
get length() {
return this._heap.length;
* Returns whether the priority queue is empty.
get isEmpty() {
return this._heap.length == 0;
* Checks whether element is in the priority queue.
contains: function(value) {
return value in this._pos_map;
* Returns the currently assigned priority of an element in the priority queue.
get_priority: function(value) {
if (!this.contains(value)) {
throw new Error("Priority queue does not contain value " + value);
return this._pos_map[value].priority;
* Adds an element to the priority queue with given priority.
* If no priority is provided, the object's value is used as the priority.
push: function(value, priority) {
var obj = {
priority: priority || value, // just order by value
value: value
// insert obj into _value_map
if (value in this._pos_map) {
throw new Error("Priority queue already contains value " + value);
this._pos_map[value] = this._heap.length;
// insert into heap
// bubble up element
this._siftDown(this._heap.length - 1);
* Updates the priority of an element in the priority queue.
update: function(value, priority) {
if (!this.contains(value)) {
throw new Error("Priority queue does not contain value " + value);
// find object in map
var pos = this._pos_map[value];
var obj = this._heap[pos];
if (obj.value != value) {
throw new Error("Assertion error");
// update priority
obj.priority = priority;
// move down to bottom and back up
* Removes an element from the priority queue.
remove: function(value) {
if (!this.contains(value)) {
throw new Error("Priority queue does not contain value " + value);
// find object in map
var pos = this._pos_map[value];
var obj = this._heap[pos];
if (obj.value != value) {
throw new Error("Assertion error");
// move last element into pos
var last = this._heap.pop();
if (pos != this._heap.length) {
// move last element to pos
this._heap[pos] = last;
this._pos_map[last.value] = pos;
// move down element
// remove from value_map
delete this._pos_map[obj.value];
return obj.value;
* Returns the element that would be removed by pop(), or undefined
* if the priority queue is empty.
peek: function() {
return this._heap[0];
* Remove an element from the priority queue. Throws an exception if
* the priority queue is empty.
pop: function() {
if (this._heap.length == 0) {
throw new Error("Priority queue is empty");
// remove last element
var obj = this._heap[0];
var last = this._heap.pop();
if (this._heap.length != 0) {
// move last element to top
this._heap[0] = last;
this._pos_map[last.value] = 0;
// move down top element
// remove from _value_map
delete this._pos_map[obj.value];
return obj.value;
* Comparator function.
_cmp: function(a, b) {
var cmp = this._cmp_func(a.priority, b.priority);
if (typeof cmp != "number" || isNaN(cmp)) {
throw new TypeError("Comparison function returned illegal value: " + cmp);
return cmp;
* Transforms a list into a heap.
_heapify: function() {
var last = (this._heap.length >>> 1) - 1;
var i;
for (i = last; i >= 0; i--) {
* Performs the sift-up operation.
_siftUp: function(pos) {
var item = this._heap[pos];
var child = 2*pos + 1;
// move value all the way to the bottom
while (child < this._heap.length) {
// use right child if smaller
if (child+1 < this._heap.length &&
this._cmp(this._heap[child+1], this._heap[child]) < 0)
child = child+1;
// shift child up
this._heap[pos] = this._heap[child];
this._pos_map[this._heap[child].value] = pos;
pos = child;
child = 2*pos + 1;
this._heap[pos] = item;
this._pos_map[item.value] = pos;
// move value back up from bottom
* Performs the sift-down operation.
_siftDown: function(pos) {
var item = this._heap[pos];
var parent = (pos - 1) >>> 1;
// move value to top or until heap invariant is satisfied
while (pos > 0 && this._cmp(item, this._heap[parent]) < 0) {
// shift parent down
this._heap[pos] = this._heap[parent];
this._pos_map[this._heap[parent].value] = pos;
pos = parent;
parent = (pos - 1) >>> 1;
this._heap[pos] = item;
this._pos_map[item.value] = pos;
global.HeapPriorityQueue = PriorityQueue;
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