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Last active August 29, 2015 13:57
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@mixin breakpoint
@mixin breakpoint($size-or-width) {
$merged-breakpoints: null;
$max-width: null;
XL: 2000px,
L: 1250px,
M: 950px,
S: 650px,
XS: 450px
@if global-variable-exists(breakpoints) {
$merged-breakpoints: map-merge($default-breakpoints, $breakpoints);
@else {
$merged-breakpoints: $default-breakpoints;
@if type-of($size-or-width) == number {
$max-width: $size-or-width;
@else {
@each $size, $width in $merged-breakpoints {
@if $size-or-width == $size {
$max-width: $width;
@media (max-width: $max-width) {
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