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Zackptg5 /
Last active September 12, 2024 07:04
Manjaro HyperV Install Guide

Deprecated - Microsoft quit updating vm tools in favor of WSL2, it's only a matter of time before this breaks untirely (if it isn't already).

Credits, the original guide which has strangely vanished but can still be found via wayback machine here

This is largely the same as the original but with some updates

  • Setup a new machine in HyperV Manager. Make sure you choose 'Generation 2' and assign default switch for networking (or whatever other adapter you use). Then go to the new VM's settings, disable secure boot, and attach the manjaro iso to it (at the time of writing this, gnome doesn't work).
  • Boot up the vm, you'll be meeting with a black screen or the cli will show it stopped around display starting or whatever. Drop into terminal with CTL + ALT+ F2.
  • Login and type: pacman -Sy && pacman -S xf86-video-fbdev
  • Then restart the display manager: `systemctl r
teocomi / oauth2-restsharp.cs
Last active March 6, 2023 10:33
OAuth2 C# RestSharp
string url = "";
string client_id = "client_id";
string client_secret = "client_secret";
//request token
var restclient = new RestClient(url);
RestRequest request = new RestRequest("request/oauth") {Method = Method.POST};
request.AddHeader("Accept", "application/json");
request.AddHeader("Content-Type", "application/x-www-form-urlencoded");
request.AddParameter("client_id", client_id);
request.AddParameter("client_secret", client_secret);