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Created September 12, 2016 23:53
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09 Sep 2016 | 18:07:57 (UTC) | <gdude2002#5318> ding
09 Sep 2016 | 18:07:59 (UTC) | <gdude2002#5318> give me a minute
09 Sep 2016 | 18:08:06 (UTC) | <gdude2002#5318> Team Mystic: Question Squad
09 Sep 2016 | 18:08:15 (UTC) | <DrBanner#6204> Timer for one minute, started.
09 Sep 2016 | 18:08:39 (UTC) | <gdude2002#5318>
09 Sep 2016 | 18:08:56 (UTC) | <func_door#9765> its okay they just shot themselves in the foot by not letting me be a questioner
09 Sep 2016 | 18:08:57 (UTC) | <func_door#9765> we got dis
09 Sep 2016 | 18:09:08 (UTC) | <ArgentVulpine#2736> Haha
09 Sep 2016 | 18:09:11 (UTC) | <gdude2002#5318> some people have realllly different usernames to their nicks on the server
09 Sep 2016 | 18:09:15 (UTC) | <gdude2002#5318> this is going to take me a few minutes
09 Sep 2016 | 18:09:27 (UTC) | <gdude2002#5318>
09 Sep 2016 | 18:09:48 (UTC) | <DrBanner#6204> I thought about changing my username to match my nickname, but then I though "nah."
09 Sep 2016 | 18:09:49 (UTC) | <gdude2002#5318> actually screw it, I'm going to open two clients
09 Sep 2016 | 18:09:49 (UTC) | <gdude2002#5318> one second
09 Sep 2016 | 18:09:52 (UTC) | <func_door#9765> I'm going to let everyone discuss, I'm just here as a sanity check to make sure it's not something incredibly obtuse
09 Sep 2016 | 18:10:02 (UTC) | <gdude2002#5318> Gotcha
09 Sep 2016 | 18:10:27 (UTC) | <ArgentVulpine#2736> Have there been any 20Q sessions where the answer is a person yet?
09 Sep 2016 | 18:10:33 (UTC) | <func_door#9765> Skava
09 Sep 2016 | 18:10:35 (UTC) | <gdude2002#5318> hmm, well I haven't seen one
09 Sep 2016 | 18:10:37 (UTC) | <DrBanner#6204> I haven't been party to any.
09 Sep 2016 | 18:10:42 (UTC) | <func_door#9765> Skava was the noun once
09 Sep 2016 | 18:10:42 (UTC) | <DrBanner#6204> But I've only seen three or four.
09 Sep 2016 | 18:10:47 (UTC) | <EmeraldDragon#1771> Skava
09 Sep 2016 | 18:10:57 (UTC) | <gdude2002#5318> oh great, I have to relog in canary
09 Sep 2016 | 18:11:01 (UTC) | <gdude2002#5318> sorry guys, this won't take a second
09 Sep 2016 | 18:11:14 (UTC) | <DrBanner#6204> We should choose something with which we all have at least "good" familiarity
09 Sep 2016 | 18:11:54 (UTC) | <func_door#9765> start spitballin
09 Sep 2016 | 18:11:59 (UTC) | <func_door#9765> no penalty for ideas that don't get picked
09 Sep 2016 | 18:12:00 (UTC) | <gdude2002#5318>
09 Sep 2016 | 18:12:02 (UTC) | <gdude2002#5318> this isn't exessive at all
09 Sep 2016 | 18:12:09 (UTC) | <DrBanner#6204> ROFL
09 Sep 2016 | 18:12:21 (UTC) | <ArgentVulpine#2736> lmao
09 Sep 2016 | 18:12:22 (UTC) | <ArgentVulpine#2736> Wow
09 Sep 2016 | 18:12:23 (UTC) | <func_door#9765> thats what my computer looks like when I'm using my alt
09 Sep 2016 | 18:12:27 (UTC) | <gdude2002#5318> haha
09 Sep 2016 | 18:12:31 (UTC) | <gdude2002#5318> and this is only one screen
09 Sep 2016 | 18:12:55 (UTC) | <DrBanner#6204> You should see me troubleshooting a network 😦
09 Sep 2016 | 18:12:59 (UTC) | <EmeraldDragon#1771> OK so ideas
09 Sep 2016 | 18:13:00 (UTC) | <gdude2002#5318>
09 Sep 2016 | 18:13:07 (UTC) | <gdude2002#5318> dear god, you were hard to find
09 Sep 2016 | 18:13:12 (UTC) | <gdude2002#5318> that's `C H A T I S A L I V E S O R T A`
09 Sep 2016 | 18:13:17 (UTC) | <DrBanner#6204> Person / Place / Thing?
09 Sep 2016 | 18:13:30 (UTC) | <DrBanner#6204> LOL what a long username
09 Sep 2016 | 18:13:32 (UTC) | <ArgentVulpine#2736> What about an author? Someone less mainstream in the nowadays but still known?
09 Sep 2016 | 18:13:39 (UTC) | <DrBanner#6204> Mark Twain?
09 Sep 2016 | 18:13:41 (UTC) | <func_door#9765> could do an immeterial concept
09 Sep 2016 | 18:13:47 (UTC) | <func_door#9765> mods will probably ask if its fictional first
09 Sep 2016 | 18:13:55 (UTC) | <func_door#9765> then if its tangible
09 Sep 2016 | 18:13:56 (UTC) | <ArgentVulpine#2736> Right
09 Sep 2016 | 18:14:02 (UTC) | <DrBanner#6204> friedrich nietzsche
09 Sep 2016 | 18:14:05 (UTC) | <Electric trainer Skyfox#1084> What about something obscure like aquirel girl
09 Sep 2016 | 18:14:15 (UTC) | <func_door#9765> squirrel girl is the best superhero actually
09 Sep 2016 | 18:14:18 (UTC) | <DrBanner#6204> squirrel girl isn't that obscure
09 Sep 2016 | 18:14:31 (UTC) | <func_door#9765> yeah she's actually gotten a boost in popularity
09 Sep 2016 | 18:14:33 (UTC) | <func_door#9765> she has a new series
09 Sep 2016 | 18:14:35 (UTC) | <DrBanner#6204> but it depends on comic knowledge
09 Sep 2016 | 18:14:39 (UTC) | <gdude2002#5318> Can't say I've heard of her
09 Sep 2016 | 18:14:43 (UTC) | <Electric trainer Skyfox#1084> @gdude2002#5318 fumb username=skyfox
09 Sep 2016 | 18:14:51 (UTC) | <DrBanner#6204> You cannot expect it to be reasonably common knowledge
09 Sep 2016 | 18:14:58 (UTC) | <gdude2002#5318> @Electric trainer Skyfox yeah, I got you eventually
09 Sep 2016 | 18:14:59 (UTC) | <Electric trainer Skyfox#1084> I think shed be a fun guess
09 Sep 2016 | 18:15:02 (UTC) | <func_door#9765> she'd probably be a decent pick, but lets put that on the list and think in a different direction
09 Sep 2016 | 18:15:02 (UTC) | <EmeraldDragon#1771> First appearance in Spiderman I think
09 Sep 2016 | 18:15:15 (UTC) | <DrBanner#6204> Remember, we have a limited pool of askers
09 Sep 2016 | 18:15:31 (UTC) | <Electric trainer Skyfox#1084> Around 6 or 7
09 Sep 2016 | 18:15:32 (UTC) | <DrBanner#6204> But I'm all for a comic book character.
09 Sep 2016 | 18:15:35 (UTC) | <ArgentVulpine#2736> I like the idea of an immaterial concept.
09 Sep 2016 | 18:15:37 (UTC) | <DrBanner#6204> Uncle Ben?
09 Sep 2016 | 18:15:49 (UTC) | <DrBanner#6204> Like what, electromagnetism?
09 Sep 2016 | 18:15:57 (UTC) | <ArgentVulpine#2736> Or "war" or "love" or whatever
09 Sep 2016 | 18:15:58 (UTC) | <DrBanner#6204> Gravity.
09 Sep 2016 | 18:15:59 (UTC) | <Electric trainer Skyfox#1084> We could also go with bugs bunny
09 Sep 2016 | 18:16:03 (UTC) | <ArgentVulpine#2736> Gravity is good
09 Sep 2016 | 18:16:07 (UTC) | <func_door#9765> bugs bunny would be guessed in 15
09 Sep 2016 | 18:16:19 (UTC) | <Electric trainer Skyfox#1084> Not really think about it
09 Sep 2016 | 18:16:21 (UTC) | <DrBanner#6204> Bugs would be guessed in less than 10 questions.
09 Sep 2016 | 18:16:23 (UTC) | <Electric trainer Skyfox#1084> Define him
09 Sep 2016 | 18:16:30 (UTC) | <func_door#9765> ... a cartoon rabbit?
09 Sep 2016 | 18:16:36 (UTC) | <DrBanner#6204> That will be the first question: fictional>? yes
09 Sep 2016 | 18:16:37 (UTC) | <func_door#9765> fictional character
09 Sep 2016 | 18:16:40 (UTC) | <func_door#9765> where are you going with this
09 Sep 2016 | 18:16:42 (UTC) | <EmeraldDragon#1771> Animal
09 Sep 2016 | 18:16:49 (UTC) | <EmeraldDragon#1771> Yes
09 Sep 2016 | 18:17:04 (UTC) | <DrBanner#6204> comic book character?
09 Sep 2016 | 18:17:05 (UTC) | <ArgentVulpine#2736> Fictional, animal, cartoon. That's all it would take, really
09 Sep 2016 | 18:17:05 (UTC) | <func_door#9765> well if that's what you want to do I'd be okay with it
09 Sep 2016 | 18:17:05 (UTC) | <gdude2002#5318>
09 Sep 2016 | 18:17:16 (UTC) | <DrBanner#6204> technically yes, but that's not how he's known.
09 Sep 2016 | 18:17:26 (UTC) | <Electric trainer Skyfox#1084> Who would think fictional
09 Sep 2016 | 18:17:28 (UTC) | <Electric trainer Skyfox#1084> Yes
09 Sep 2016 | 18:17:31 (UTC) | <Electric trainer Skyfox#1084> Alive yes
09 Sep 2016 | 18:17:35 (UTC) | <Electric trainer Skyfox#1084> Cartoon yes
09 Sep 2016 | 18:17:40 (UTC) | <func_door#9765> there's a very important distinction between being FROM some media and being IN some media
09 Sep 2016 | 18:17:44 (UTC) | <func_door#9765> generally the first one is much more helpful
09 Sep 2016 | 18:17:46 (UTC) | <DrBanner#6204> How do you define a fictional concept as alive?
09 Sep 2016 | 18:17:46 (UTC) | <Electric trainer Skyfox#1084> Who would then ask animal
09 Sep 2016 | 18:17:48 (UTC) | <EmeraldDragon#1771> Fictional is usually second q
09 Sep 2016 | 18:18:00 (UTC) | <EmeraldDragon#1771> They would ask of alive
09 Sep 2016 | 18:18:03 (UTC) | <func_door#9765> bugs bunny is alive in the context of its fiction
09 Sep 2016 | 18:18:04 (UTC) | <EmeraldDragon#1771> Then animal
09 Sep 2016 | 18:18:08 (UTC) | <func_door#9765> thats how you answer questions for fictional things
09 Sep 2016 | 18:18:16 (UTC) | <DrBanner#6204> So we're going with Bugs for the first one?
09 Sep 2016 | 18:18:28 (UTC) | <Electric trainer Skyfox#1084> Yeah im saying whod think fictional animal like that within 16 q
09 Sep 2016 | 18:18:30 (UTC) | <func_door#9765> I'll let everyone else decide that
09 Sep 2016 | 18:18:31 (UTC) | <DrBanner#6204> Or Commander Data, just throwing that out there.
09 Sep 2016 | 18:18:40 (UTC) | <gdude2002#5318> Bugs is a little mainstream imo
09 Sep 2016 | 18:18:44 (UTC) | <EmeraldDragon#1771> What about the Tasmanian devil
09 Sep 2016 | 18:18:46 (UTC) | <DrBanner#6204> think of the "alive" question
09 Sep 2016 | 18:18:51 (UTC) | <EmeraldDragon#1771> Same series
09 Sep 2016 | 18:18:51 (UTC) | <gdude2002#5318> You want an answer that isn't like
09 Sep 2016 | 18:18:51 (UTC) | <Electric trainer Skyfox#1084> I think squirell girl is better
09 Sep 2016 | 18:18:57 (UTC) | <gdude2002#5318> a super obvious thing to go for
09 Sep 2016 | 18:19:11 (UTC) | <func_door#9765> an android could throw them for a loop with the alive question, yeah
09 Sep 2016 | 18:19:14 (UTC) | <DrBanner#6204> Wait
09 Sep 2016 | 18:19:18 (UTC) | <DrBanner#6204> how old are the mods?
09 Sep 2016 | 18:19:19 (UTC) | <ArgentVulpine#2736> We also want *everyone* to know enough about the object in question
09 Sep 2016 | 18:19:31 (UTC) | <gdude2002#5318> Why not the paranoid android from HGttG?
09 Sep 2016 | 18:19:32 (UTC) | <func_door#9765> mostly younger than me, but rachel is secretly a massive cache of knowledge
09 Sep 2016 | 18:19:40 (UTC) | <DrBanner#6204> how old are you?
09 Sep 2016 | 18:19:42 (UTC) | <gdude2002#5318> marvin the paranoid android
09 Sep 2016 | 18:19:51 (UTC) | <func_door#9765> she was really looking forward to dropping that handedness knowledge bomb on yall 😛
09 Sep 2016 | 18:19:54 (UTC) | <Electric trainer Skyfox#1084> Omg guys batcow
09 Sep 2016 | 18:20:00 (UTC) | <Electric trainer Skyfox#1084> Batcow is best
09 Sep 2016 | 18:20:02 (UTC) | <EmeraldDragon#1771> Oh yeah
09 Sep 2016 | 18:20:06 (UTC) | <DrBanner#6204> lol naw
09 Sep 2016 | 18:20:20 (UTC) | <gdude2002#5318>
09 Sep 2016 | 18:20:21 (UTC) | <func_door#9765> I don't even know what batcow is so I might have to veto that one
09 Sep 2016 | 18:20:33 (UTC) | <EmeraldDragon#1771> It's Batman's adopted cow
09 Sep 2016 | 18:20:37 (UTC) | <func_door#9765> yeah no, lol
09 Sep 2016 | 18:20:40 (UTC) | <DrBanner#6204> batman, but.. a cow
09 Sep 2016 | 18:20:48 (UTC) | <Electric trainer Skyfox#1084> What about krypto
09 Sep 2016 | 18:20:54 (UTC) | <DrBanner#6204> krypto?
09 Sep 2016 | 18:20:59 (UTC) | <ArgentVulpine#2736> Again, should be something we all know at least a bit about
09 Sep 2016 | 18:21:00 (UTC) | <func_door#9765> superman's dog?
09 Sep 2016 | 18:21:11 (UTC) | <func_door#9765> I for one would not be able to answer questions about
09 Sep 2016 | 18:21:15 (UTC) | <func_door#9765> Krypto
09 Sep 2016 | 18:21:17 (UTC) | <DrBanner#6204> Is that his name? lol I never knew.
09 Sep 2016 | 18:21:33 (UTC) | <Electric trainer Skyfox#1084> I might have too much comic book knowledge
09 Sep 2016 | 18:21:50 (UTC) | <EmeraldDragon#1771> What about the golden lasso
09 Sep 2016 | 18:21:58 (UTC) | <DrBanner#6204> I know a lot about comics, technology, physics, maths, sci-fi - I'd say those are my strongest subjects.
09 Sep 2016 | 18:21:58 (UTC) | <ArgentVulpine#2736> I have some, but it's mostly Marvel and it's also a lot obscure
09 Sep 2016 | 18:22:02 (UTC) | <func_door#9765> One of you should keep a list of possibilities
09 Sep 2016 | 18:22:03 (UTC) | <DrBanner#6204> Also music and art.
09 Sep 2016 | 18:22:08 (UTC) | <func_door#9765> I liked commander data
09 Sep 2016 | 18:22:14 (UTC) | <gdude2002#5318> I decided that I didn't have enough discord
09 Sep 2016 | 18:22:17 (UTC) | <DrBanner#6204> Do we all know who Commander Data is?
09 Sep 2016 | 18:22:19 (UTC) | <gdude2002#5318>
09 Sep 2016 | 18:22:19 (UTC) | <ArgentVulpine#2736> I could go with Commander Data
09 Sep 2016 | 18:22:45 (UTC) | <DrBanner#6204> How would we answer the "alive" question?
09 Sep 2016 | 18:22:47 (UTC) | <Electric trainer Skyfox#1084> @DrBanner#6204 no
09 Sep 2016 | 18:22:57 (UTC) | <DrBanner#6204> OK, nvm then
09 Sep 2016 | 18:22:58 (UTC) | <Electric trainer Skyfox#1084> Android is electronic
09 Sep 2016 | 18:23:08 (UTC) | <func_door#9765> does data have living tissue? like terminator?
09 Sep 2016 | 18:23:08 (UTC) | <Electric trainer Skyfox#1084> Icyborg is alive
09 Sep 2016 | 18:23:12 (UTC) | <func_door#9765> or is it entirely synth?
09 Sep 2016 | 18:23:17 (UTC) | <DrBanner#6204> no, he doesn't.
09 Sep 2016 | 18:23:21 (UTC) | <func_door#9765> then that would be a hard no
09 Sep 2016 | 18:23:33 (UTC) | <Electric trainer Skyfox#1084> I mean im all in for commander data if you link me his bio
09 Sep 2016 | 18:23:41 (UTC) | <EmeraldDragon#1771> I'm not a fan of star trek so I would be no help
09 Sep 2016 | 18:23:45 (UTC) | <gdude2002#5318> I think Marvin would be more fun
09 Sep 2016 | 18:23:49 (UTC) | <func_door#9765> well, put that on the list, keep thinking.
09 Sep 2016 | 18:23:50 (UTC) | <DrBanner#6204> However, if you were to interact with him without the knowledge that he is an android, you would perceive him to be alive.
09 Sep 2016 | 18:24:03 (UTC) | <gdude2002#5318>
09 Sep 2016 | 18:24:06 (UTC) | <func_door#9765> it's very unlikely they'll ask "would I percieve this thing to be alive"
09 Sep 2016 | 18:24:09 (UTC) | <func_door#9765> they'll probably ask "is it alive"
09 Sep 2016 | 18:24:11 (UTC) | <DrBanner#6204> Just one of the many existential questions asked by Star Trek.
09 Sep 2016 | 18:24:12 (UTC) | <func_door#9765> which would be no
09 Sep 2016 | 18:24:21 (UTC) | <DrBanner#6204> Right.
09 Sep 2016 | 18:24:24 (UTC) | <gdude2002#5318> Androids are cheeky but I really like the idea
09 Sep 2016 | 18:24:26 (UTC) | <EmeraldDragon#1771> Go with it
09 Sep 2016 | 18:24:36 (UTC) | <Electric trainer Skyfox#1084> Synths from fallout
09 Sep 2016 | 18:24:39 (UTC) | <DrBanner#6204> Marvin is a bit too obscure, I think.
09 Sep 2016 | 18:24:45 (UTC) | <EmeraldDragon#1771> It's not obscure but it's difficult
09 Sep 2016 | 18:24:46 (UTC) | <Electric trainer Skyfox#1084> Valentine for example
09 Sep 2016 | 18:24:59 (UTC) | <func_door#9765> I love hitchhiker's so I'd probably be able to guess marvin if I was on the mod team, haha
09 Sep 2016 | 18:24:59 (UTC) | <DrBanner#6204> Is the goal to win, or the goal to make it fun?
09 Sep 2016 | 18:25:03 (UTC) | <gdude2002#5318> Hitchhiker's guide to the galaxy is famous, wutchutalkinbout
09 Sep 2016 | 18:25:11 (UTC) | <DrBanner#6204> That depends on your age.
09 Sep 2016 | 18:25:15 (UTC) | <Electric trainer Skyfox#1084> For people over 20
09 Sep 2016 | 18:25:15 (UTC) | <gdude2002#5318> I'm 23
09 Sep 2016 | 18:25:20 (UTC) | <func_door#9765> the goal is to make it fun, and the mods are -expecting- it to be harder than anything they've given yall
09 Sep 2016 | 18:25:20 (UTC) | <gdude2002#5318> but I know teens that like it
09 Sep 2016 | 18:25:26 (UTC) | <Electric trainer Skyfox#1084> Me no idk anything bout it
09 Sep 2016 | 18:25:27 (UTC) | <func_door#9765> I'm just here to make sure it doesn't go too far
09 Sep 2016 | 18:25:33 (UTC) | <ArgentVulpine#2736> I think the goal is to make it fun more than anything. But Commander Data is more well known that Marvin while still being difficult.
09 Sep 2016 | 18:25:45 (UTC) | <gdude2002#5318> I know nothing about Data
09 Sep 2016 | 18:25:50 (UTC) | <EmeraldDragon#1771> Same
09 Sep 2016 | 18:25:51 (UTC) | <gdude2002#5318> :P
09 Sep 2016 | 18:26:00 (UTC) | <ArgentVulpine#2736> Y'all need some damn culture 😛
09 Sep 2016 | 18:26:06 (UTC) | <gdude2002#5318> Nah, I just hate star trek/wars
09 Sep 2016 | 18:26:06 (UTC) | <gdude2002#5318> lol
09 Sep 2016 | 18:26:10 (UTC) | <Electric trainer Skyfox#1084> Wait Im dumb isnt he the doctor from star trek
09 Sep 2016 | 18:26:16 (UTC) | <DrBanner#6204> I think Commander Data is kind of perfect - he is in a series that technically originated way before he appeared (unless you count TNG as a separate series)
09 Sep 2016 | 18:26:19 (UTC) | <EmeraldDragon#1771> Star trek isn't something that I'm acquainted with
09 Sep 2016 | 18:26:22 (UTC) | <func_door#9765> gonna start sci fi nights now
09 Sep 2016 | 18:26:23 (UTC) | <DrBanner#6204> No, he's the android
09 Sep 2016 | 18:26:41 (UTC) | <DrBanner#6204>
09 Sep 2016 | 18:26:44 (UTC) | <Electric trainer Skyfox#1084> Isnt there an android doctor havent watched in 8+ years
09 Sep 2016 | 18:26:48 (UTC) | <DrBanner#6204> That guy.
09 Sep 2016 | 18:26:57 (UTC) | <func_door#9765> star trek next gen is a different series.
09 Sep 2016 | 18:27:01 (UTC) | <func_door#9765> from original.
09 Sep 2016 | 18:27:07 (UTC) | <DrBanner#6204> There is a hologram doctor, that was from voyager
09 Sep 2016 | 18:27:09 (UTC) | <gdude2002#5318> we could do K-9 from Doctor Who
09 Sep 2016 | 18:27:17 (UTC) | <func_door#9765> they're considered different series both by networks and fans
09 Sep 2016 | 18:27:20 (UTC) | <DrBanner#6204> I am useless with Dr. Who.
09 Sep 2016 | 18:27:32 (UTC) | <DrBanner#6204> Different Series in the same universe.
09 Sep 2016 | 18:27:32 (UTC) | <gdude2002#5318> We're not going to find something everyone is familiar with
09 Sep 2016 | 18:27:38 (UTC) | <gdude2002#5318> We just need something everyone can Google
09 Sep 2016 | 18:27:43 (UTC) | <EmeraldDragon#1771> It's because of different cultures
09 Sep 2016 | 18:27:56 (UTC) | <DrBanner#6204> OK - throw some more out.
09 Sep 2016 | 18:28:03 (UTC) | <Electric trainer Skyfox#1084> I vote K9
09 Sep 2016 | 18:28:06 (UTC) | <gdude2002#5318> Is someone keeping track of this list?
09 Sep 2016 | 18:28:10 (UTC) | <func_door#9765> nope
09 Sep 2016 | 18:28:14 (UTC) | <DrBanner#6204> list of what
09 Sep 2016 | 18:28:16 (UTC) | <DrBanner#6204> suggestions?
09 Sep 2016 | 18:28:18 (UTC) | <gdude2002#5318> Yeah
09 Sep 2016 | 18:28:24 (UTC) | <DrBanner#6204> I have them in my noggin
09 Sep 2016 | 18:28:28 (UTC) | <gdude2002#5318> Works for me
09 Sep 2016 | 18:28:35 (UTC) | <ArgentVulpine#2736> Commander Data has the most information that could be Googled. K-9 maybe, but there's not as much info?
I *still* like the idea of *concepts*, most of which everyone would know
09 Sep 2016 | 18:28:39 (UTC) | <DrBanner#6204> But what are we going with?
09 Sep 2016 | 18:28:48 (UTC) | <gdude2002#5318> Concepts are a bit abstract for my taste
09 Sep 2016 | 18:28:51 (UTC) | <DrBanner#6204> My suggestions were Gravity and Commander Data
09 Sep 2016 | 18:28:53 (UTC) | <gdude2002#5318> but nobody said we'd only be able to do this once
09 Sep 2016 | 18:28:53 (UTC) | <gdude2002#5318> :P
09 Sep 2016 | 18:29:08 (UTC) | <func_door#9765> people have mentioned a lot of humanoid characters, lets see if there's something far away from that that people like
09 Sep 2016 | 18:29:18 (UTC) | <DrBanner#6204> Everyone likes gravity.
09 Sep 2016 | 18:29:19 (UTC) | <gdude2002#5318> Well, K9 isn't humanoid
09 Sep 2016 | 18:29:22 (UTC) | <EmeraldDragon#1771> What about a country
09 Sep 2016 | 18:29:29 (UTC) | <DrBanner#6204> Djibouti?
09 Sep 2016 | 18:29:33 (UTC) | <ArgentVulpine#2736> We're trying to make it difficult for the mods. Concepts, being abstract, are good choices because they haven't really been done yet
09 Sep 2016 | 18:29:37 (UTC) | <gdude2002#5318> Gesundheit @DrBanner
09 Sep 2016 | 18:29:49 (UTC) | <ArgentVulpine#2736> A country might be good, too
09 Sep 2016 | 18:29:53 (UTC) | <DrBanner#6204> LOL you asked for a country, I gave the first one that I thought og.
09 Sep 2016 | 18:29:55 (UTC) | <DrBanner#6204> of*.
09 Sep 2016 | 18:29:57 (UTC) | <gdude2002#5318> :P
09 Sep 2016 | 18:30:08 (UTC) | <gdude2002#5318> You browse imgur too much
09 Sep 2016 | 18:30:08 (UTC) | <DrBanner#6204> no one would ever guess Djibouti.
09 Sep 2016 | 18:30:22 (UTC) | <DrBanner#6204> I don't at all, actually.
09 Sep 2016 | 18:30:25 (UTC) | <ArgentVulpine#2736> We're not relegated to real-world countries/kingdoms, either. There's an entire fictional universe out there
09 Sep 2016 | 18:30:26 (UTC) | <func_door#9765> when you say country are you referring to the physical land or the immaterial concept of that country
09 Sep 2016 | 18:30:31 (UTC) | <gdude2002#5318> I see it there fairly regularly
09 Sep 2016 | 18:30:34 (UTC) | <DrBanner#6204> I was challenged ones to name countries beginning with D
09 Sep 2016 | 18:30:38 (UTC) | <Electric trainer Skyfox#1084> So most accepted are Data k9 squirel girl and bugs bunn6
09 Sep 2016 | 18:30:38 (UTC) | <DrBanner#6204> I won. :/
09 Sep 2016 | 18:30:44 (UTC) | <gdude2002#5318> as a booty pun
09 Sep 2016 | 18:30:56 (UTC) | <gdude2002#5318> I'm fine with all of those, although I know _nothing_ about squirrel girl
09 Sep 2016 | 18:30:59 (UTC) | <gdude2002#5318> this is the first time I've heard of her
09 Sep 2016 | 18:31:03 (UTC) | <DrBanner#6204> Hmm, I never thought of it in those terms lol
09 Sep 2016 | 18:31:10 (UTC) | <Electric trainer Skyfox#1084> I mean shes easy to google
09 Sep 2016 | 18:31:20 (UTC) | <ArgentVulpine#2736> I think Bugs is too East
09 Sep 2016 | 18:31:24 (UTC) | <ArgentVulpine#2736> Easy
09 Sep 2016 | 18:31:31 (UTC) | <DrBanner#6204> Squirrel girl is basically a comedic character who seems to have ultimate power because of her ability to defeat even the most formidable foe.
09 Sep 2016 | 18:31:31 (UTC) | <Electric trainer Skyfox#1084> Ehh hes more west
09 Sep 2016 | 18:31:40 (UTC) | <func_door#9765> squirrel girl is one of the only heroes who's beaten galactus
09 Sep 2016 | 18:31:53 (UTC) | <DrBanner#6204> She beat Galactus, Thanos, etc.
09 Sep 2016 | 18:31:58 (UTC) | <Electric trainer Skyfox#1084> Tag me when decision I need to prove to my friend LP is a guy
09 Sep 2016 | 18:32:05 (UTC) | <EmeraldDragon#1771> Data and k9 aren't known too well by some people
09 Sep 2016 | 18:32:22 (UTC) | <func_door#9765> I think the mod team has a chance with Data. K9, I'm not sure.
09 Sep 2016 | 18:32:36 (UTC) | <EmeraldDragon#1771> I'm saying in this group
09 Sep 2016 | 18:32:38 (UTC) | <func_door#9765> if it was me I'd be stumped
09 Sep 2016 | 18:32:40 (UTC) | <DrBanner#6204> We want most of us to be able to answer questions.
09 Sep 2016 | 18:32:52 (UTC) | <DrBanner#6204> No?
09 Sep 2016 | 18:32:53 (UTC) | <EmeraldDragon#1771> I personally don't know about data
09 Sep 2016 | 18:33:10 (UTC) | <ArgentVulpine#2736> Google. As was said earlier, not everyone is going to know the subject we decide, but it should be easy to Google
09 Sep 2016 | 18:33:11 (UTC) | <DrBanner#6204> I would probably know the most about him.
09 Sep 2016 | 18:33:18 (UTC) | <func_door#9765> what do you know about
09 Sep 2016 | 18:33:26 (UTC) | <DrBanner#6204> about Data?
09 Sep 2016 | 18:33:37 (UTC) | <func_door#9765> I mean @EmeraldDragon I don't think has given a suggestion yet
09 Sep 2016 | 18:33:54 (UTC) | <Electric trainer Skyfox#1084> Hmmm I still think if its more than one round bugs would be good cause they expect obscure
09 Sep 2016 | 18:34:08 (UTC) | <func_door#9765> probably not in a row
09 Sep 2016 | 18:34:14 (UTC) | <func_door#9765> but probably not the only time ever
09 Sep 2016 | 18:34:14 (UTC) | <DrBanner#6204> Didn't he suggest batcow?
09 Sep 2016 | 18:34:23 (UTC) | <func_door#9765> oh
09 Sep 2016 | 18:34:32 (UTC) | <EmeraldDragon#1771> No
09 Sep 2016 | 18:34:33 (UTC) | <DrBanner#6204> I think I'd get to bugs in 7 questions.
09 Sep 2016 | 18:34:37 (UTC) | <EmeraldDragon#1771> I didn't
09 Sep 2016 | 18:34:48 (UTC) | <DrBanner#6204> and use 3 more to confirm.
09 Sep 2016 | 18:34:50 (UTC) | <func_door#9765> bugs is pretty easy with intelligent questions
09 Sep 2016 | 18:34:51 (UTC) | <EmeraldDragon#1771> I suggested any country
09 Sep 2016 | 18:35:06 (UTC) | <DrBanner#6204> How many rounds are we doing?
09 Sep 2016 | 18:35:13 (UTC) | <func_door#9765> just 1 for now
09 Sep 2016 | 18:35:17 (UTC) | <ArgentVulpine#2736> The mods we're up against know their stuff. Keep that in mind
09 Sep 2016 | 18:35:18 (UTC) | <Electric trainer Skyfox#1084> Brittania from code geass
09 Sep 2016 | 18:35:29 (UTC) | <func_door#9765> but we'll probably do it again sometime
09 Sep 2016 | 18:35:44 (UTC) | <DrBanner#6204> My knowledge on most things is a mile wide and three inches deep.
09 Sep 2016 | 18:35:45 (UTC) | <EmeraldDragon#1771> What about kidney beans why would anyone guess that
09 Sep 2016 | 18:35:57 (UTC) | <DrBanner#6204> but where my knowledge is deep, it is extremely deep.
09 Sep 2016 | 18:36:00 (UTC) | <ArgentVulpine#2736> My vote is for Data or K9
09 Sep 2016 | 18:36:05 (UTC) | <gdude2002#5318> I'd prefer K9
09 Sep 2016 | 18:36:08 (UTC) | <DrBanner#6204> We should do "platypus"
09 Sep 2016 | 18:36:11 (UTC) | <Electric trainer Skyfox#1084> K9
09 Sep 2016 | 18:36:19 (UTC) | <Electric trainer Skyfox#1084> @DrBanner#6204 tes yes yes yes yes
09 Sep 2016 | 18:36:24 (UTC) | <gdude2002#5318> that's 3/6 for K9
09 Sep 2016 | 18:36:28 (UTC) | <EmeraldDragon#1771> K9
09 Sep 2016 | 18:36:30 (UTC) | <Electric trainer Skyfox#1084> PLATYPUS
09 Sep 2016 | 18:36:32 (UTC) | <DrBanner#6204> I vote Data
09 Sep 2016 | 18:36:34 (UTC) | <Electric trainer Skyfox#1084> Platypus
09 Sep 2016 | 18:36:34 (UTC) | <gdude2002#5318> okay, we have a majority for K9
09 Sep 2016 | 18:36:44 (UTC) | <gdude2002#5318>
09 Sep 2016 | 18:36:45 (UTC) | <func_door#9765> so if someone asked if it was a specific thing rather than a class of things, the answer would be no, right? Because there's been several robots named K9 in the series
09 Sep 2016 | 18:36:56 (UTC) | <Electric trainer Skyfox#1084> Correct
09 Sep 2016 | 18:36:58 (UTC) | <func_door#9765> k9 is a class of robot, really
09 Sep 2016 | 18:37:04 (UTC) | <gdude2002#5318> Yeah, there's been a few of them
09 Sep 2016 | 18:37:11 (UTC) | <Electric trainer Skyfox#1084> Unless we use only mars waters one
09 Sep 2016 | 18:37:13 (UTC) | <gdude2002#5318>
09 Sep 2016 | 18:37:25 (UTC) | <DrBanner#6204> OK, I'll just enjoy the show - I have never watched Dr Who
09 Sep 2016 | 18:37:27 (UTC) | <func_door#9765> add a # to wiki links because discord is shit
09 Sep 2016 | 18:37:31 (UTC) | <func_door#9765>
09 Sep 2016 | 18:37:34 (UTC) | <gdude2002#5318> don't just enjoy the show
09 Sep 2016 | 18:37:39 (UTC) | <gdude2002#5318> do some research
09 Sep 2016 | 18:37:41 (UTC) | <func_door#9765> now the ) doesn't get unlinked
09 Sep 2016 | 18:37:43 (UTC) | <gdude2002#5318> you might have to answer if none of us is around
09 Sep 2016 | 18:37:45 (UTC) | <gdude2002#5318> ah, thanks func
09 Sep 2016 | 18:37:53 (UTC) | <DrBanner#6204> I can do that.
09 Sep 2016 | 18:37:57 (UTC) | <gdude2002#5318> Good stuff
09 Sep 2016 | 18:38:11 (UTC) | <func_door#9765> I'm honestly unsure if any of the mods are capable of guessing this, haha~
09 Sep 2016 | 18:38:15 (UTC) | <func_door#9765> I guess there's only one way to find out
09 Sep 2016 | 18:38:21 (UTC) | <DrBanner#6204> I suppose Star Trek is quite a USA centric subject.
09 Sep 2016 | 18:38:26 (UTC) | <Electric trainer Skyfox#1084> K9
09 Sep 2016 | 18:38:26 (UTC) | <gdude2002#5318> well, I'm ready
09 Sep 2016 | 18:38:30 (UTC) | <gdude2002#5318> we're going with K9
09 Sep 2016 | 18:38:33 (UTC) | <gdude2002#5318> so I pinned that
09 Sep 2016 | 18:38:37 (UTC) | <gdude2002#5318>
09 Sep 2016 | 18:38:38 (UTC) | <DrBanner#6204> OK
09 Sep 2016 | 18:38:40 (UTC) | <gdude2002#5318> pinned the URL as well
09 Sep 2016 | 18:38:49 (UTC) | <gdude2002#5318> Is everyone ready?
09 Sep 2016 | 18:38:53 (UTC) | <EmeraldDragon#1771> Yes
09 Sep 2016 | 18:39:04 (UTC) | <DrBanner#6204> absorbing knowledge.
09 Sep 2016 | 18:39:07 (UTC) | <ArgentVulpine#2736> Let's do this thing
09 Sep 2016 | 18:39:17 (UTC) | <func_door#9765> who among us wants to volunteer as the "expert"
09 Sep 2016 | 18:39:24 (UTC) | <func_door#9765> because somethings can't be easily looked up
09 Sep 2016 | 18:39:33 (UTC) | <func_door#9765> depending on the questions they throw out
09 Sep 2016 | 18:39:40 (UTC) | <gdude2002#5318> Alright, func, that's your cue to clear the channel I guess
09 Sep 2016 | 18:39:47 (UTC) | <gdude2002#5318> Mm, well there's a lot of info around
09 Sep 2016 | 18:39:49 (UTC) | <gdude2002#5318> you just need to find it
09 Sep 2016 | 18:39:51 (UTC) | <Electric trainer Skyfox#1084> I think vulps or gdude
09 Sep 2016 | 18:39:53 (UTC) | <gdude2002#5318> there's a Dr. Who wiki as well, I think
09 Sep 2016 | 18:39:58 (UTC) | <func_door#9765> I know very little about this subject so I'm going to have to trust yall are answering accurately
09 Sep 2016 | 18:39:59 (UTC) | <DrBanner#6204> I certainly won't be the expert.
09 Sep 2016 | 18:40:12 (UTC) | <DrBanner#6204> However, the wiki has given me basic knowledge.
09 Sep 2016 | 18:40:20 (UTC) | <EmeraldDragon#1771> If I don't know I can contact my cousin she is a big fan
09 Sep 2016 | 18:40:57 (UTC) | <ArgentVulpine#2736> I'm a long standing fan of the series
09 Sep 2016 | 18:41:05 (UTC) | <Electric trainer Skyfox#1084> We just ask here if we arent sure
09 Sep 2016 | 18:41:15 (UTC) | <Electric trainer Skyfox#1084> So vulps is go to if unsure
09 Sep 2016 | 18:41:42 (UTC) | <func_door#9765> just remember, wording matters. Analyze the question before rushing to type a response, and answer it as literally as you can
09 Sep 2016 | 18:41:43 (UTC) | <gdude2002#5318> Works for me
09 Sep 2016 | 18:41:51 (UTC) | <gdude2002#5318> We can always chat here if we're unsure
09 Sep 2016 | 18:41:53 (UTC) | <ArgentVulpine#2736> Yes
09 Sep 2016 | 18:41:59 (UTC) | <DrBanner#6204> That is self explanatory.
09 Sep 2016 | 18:42:07 (UTC) | <Electric trainer Skyfox#1084> So leader vulpine
09 Sep 2016 | 18:42:13 (UTC) | <DrBanner#6204> Also, I am very pedantic.
09 Sep 2016 | 18:42:20 (UTC) | <gdude2002#5318> Pedantic can be good
09 Sep 2016 | 18:42:32 (UTC) | <ArgentVulpine#2736> #nohintssquad
09 Sep 2016 | 18:42:42 (UTC) | <DrBanner#6204> lol
09 Sep 2016 | 18:42:50 (UTC) | <DrBanner#6204> Wait, can he fly?
09 Sep 2016 | 18:42:58 (UTC) | <DrBanner#6204> It looks like he can fly.
09 Sep 2016 | 18:43:02 (UTC) | <gdude2002#5318> yes
09 Sep 2016 | 18:43:04 (UTC) | <func_door#9765> I guess I'll keep track of the pins since I'm the only mod who isn't guessing
09 Sep 2016 | 18:43:16 (UTC) | <gdude2002#5318> K9 Mk1 can fly after getting some upgrades
09 Sep 2016 | 18:43:19 (UTC) | <Electric trainer Skyfox#1084> Ok
09 Sep 2016 | 18:43:29 (UTC) | <gdude2002#5318> @func_door we need the rules post back
09 Sep 2016 | 18:43:29 (UTC) | <ArgentVulpine#2736> Yes, K9 was upgraded with a flight ability
09 Sep 2016 | 18:43:30 (UTC) | <gdude2002#5318> :P
09 Sep 2016 | 18:43:45 (UTC) | <gdude2002#5318>
09 Sep 2016 | 18:43:48 (UTC) | <func_door#9765> ugh sec, discord client isn't deleting messages on my end
09 Sep 2016 | 18:43:51 (UTC) | <gdude2002#5318> shoop da woop
09 Sep 2016 | 18:43:53 (UTC) | <gdude2002#5318> it's twalorn
09 Sep 2016 | 18:44:04 (UTC) | <gdude2002#5318> check the pins for what we came up with, @twalorn
09 Sep 2016 | 18:45:09 (UTC) | <DrBanner#6204> Who is the fountain of knowledge, did you say? Rose?
09 Sep 2016 | 18:45:27 (UTC) | <gdude2002#5318> Rachel I think it was
09 Sep 2016 | 18:45:29 (UTC) | <Electric trainer Skyfox#1084> Rachel as well
09 Sep 2016 | 18:45:49 (UTC) | <Electric trainer Skyfox#1084> If we went steampunk rose would guess in like 6
09 Sep 2016 | 18:46:17 (UTC) | <func_door#9765> rachel was the one who knew about the handedness of exalibur, she's one to look out for
09 Sep 2016 | 18:46:23 (UTC) | <ArgentVulpine#2736> Note to self, never go steampunk. lol
09 Sep 2016 | 18:46:49 (UTC) | <Electric trainer Skyfox#1084> I know for a fact gatr will waste 2. Questions
09 Sep 2016 | 18:49:25 (UTC) | <gdude2002#5318> Haha, they sure asked that question early on
09 Sep 2016 | 18:49:33 (UTC) | <EmeraldDragon#1771> Trap card activate
09 Sep 2016 | 18:49:41 (UTC) | <ArgentVulpine#2736> They might be thrown by "living"
09 Sep 2016 | 18:49:50 (UTC) | <gdude2002#5318> That's the plan
09 Sep 2016 | 18:49:51 (UTC) | <DrBanner#6204> It's not living.
09 Sep 2016 | 18:50:04 (UTC) | <ArgentVulpine#2736> It isn't living, but it *is* sentient.
09 Sep 2016 | 18:50:08 (UTC) | <DrBanner#6204> They will waste up to 4 questions assuming it's inanimate.
09 Sep 2016 | 18:50:18 (UTC) | <ArgentVulpine#2736> Exactly
09 Sep 2016 | 18:50:38 (UTC) | <Electric trainer Skyfox#1084> Im so tempted to mess with gatr
09 Sep 2016 | 18:50:46 (UTC) | <DrBanner#6204> we all are.
09 Sep 2016 | 18:50:50 (UTC) | <ArgentVulpine#2736> Just remember, #nohints
09 Sep 2016 | 18:50:53 (UTC) | <EmeraldDragon#1771> British is western right?
09 Sep 2016 | 18:51:05 (UTC) | <DrBanner#6204> I guess it is considered Western Fiction, no?
09 Sep 2016 | 18:51:07 (UTC) | <DrBanner#6204> Yes
09 Sep 2016 | 18:51:10 (UTC) | <gdude2002#5318> It's western yeah
09 Sep 2016 | 18:51:11 (UTC) | <ArgentVulpine#2736> Yeah, I would say Western Fiction
09 Sep 2016 | 18:51:14 (UTC) | <Electric trainer Skyfox#1084> Also to clarify k9 is not sentient
09 Sep 2016 | 18:51:23 (UTC) | <DrBanner#6204> Not self aware?
09 Sep 2016 | 18:51:26 (UTC) | <ArgentVulpine#2736> Semi-sentient
09 Sep 2016 | 18:51:46 (UTC) | <DrBanner#6204> How would we answer that - partially?
09 Sep 2016 | 18:51:48 (UTC) | <Electric trainer Skyfox#1084> Command input isnt sentient
09 Sep 2016 | 18:51:50 (UTC) | <func_door#9765> it's western as opposed to eastern (asia etc)
09 Sep 2016 | 18:51:50 (UTC) | <DrBanner#6204> that would be a giveaway.
09 Sep 2016 | 18:51:58 (UTC) | <EmeraldDragon#1771> That would be my country suggest gone
09 Sep 2016 | 18:52:10 (UTC) | <ArgentVulpine#2736> K9 does display a limited amount of sentience, though
09 Sep 2016 | 18:52:13 (UTC) | <gdude2002#5318> K-9 is sentient
09 Sep 2016 | 18:52:21 (UTC) | <gdude2002#5318> `In this serial, K9 decides to remain on the Doctor's home planet of Gallifrey with Leela.`
09 Sep 2016 | 18:52:25 (UTC) | <gdude2002#5318> `decides`
09 Sep 2016 | 18:52:28 (UTC) | <ArgentVulpine#2736> Yes
09 Sep 2016 | 18:52:33 (UTC) | <Electric trainer Skyfox#1084> Ok so thats a yes on sentience
09 Sep 2016 | 18:53:08 (UTC) | <ArgentVulpine#2736> More sentient than a normal dog, less sentient than a time lord
09 Sep 2016 | 18:53:16 (UTC) | <gdude2002#5318> @Electric trainer Skyfox give anything away and I'm going to punch you :P
09 Sep 2016 | 18:53:19 (UTC) | <func_door#9765> sentient is a really bad question hopefully they won't ask it
09 Sep 2016 | 18:53:30 (UTC) | <ArgentVulpine#2736> But good to establish, regardless
09 Sep 2016 | 18:53:36 (UTC) | <func_door#9765> there's better and less ambiguous terms to use.
09 Sep 2016 | 18:53:53 (UTC) | <func_door#9765> like "can it move on its own, can it make decisions" etc
09 Sep 2016 | 18:53:53 (UTC) | <DrBanner#6204> Sentient is not an ambiguous term.
09 Sep 2016 | 18:54:36 (UTC) | <DrBanner#6204> There is a single defining characteristic to being sentient - the ability to feel or perceive subjectively.
09 Sep 2016 | 18:54:46 (UTC) | <Electric trainer Skyfox#1084> 3. @gdude2002#5318 ill just mess with him by saying waste it every now and then
09 Sep 2016 | 18:54:53 (UTC) | <gdude2002#5318> okay, lol
09 Sep 2016 | 18:54:57 (UTC) | <func_door#9765> that's not something you can reliably discern about a fictional character
09 Sep 2016 | 18:55:08 (UTC) | <DrBanner#6204> That's the problem.
09 Sep 2016 | 18:55:12 (UTC) | <gdude2002#5318> He can percieve
09 Sep 2016 | 18:55:15 (UTC) | <DrBanner#6204> For example, Commander Data *is* sentient.
09 Sep 2016 | 18:55:17 (UTC) | <func_door#9765> thats what makes it a bad question
09 Sep 2016 | 18:55:23 (UTC) | <Electric trainer Skyfox#1084> He can percevie tho
09 Sep 2016 | 18:55:29 (UTC) | <DrBanner#6204> Subjectively?
09 Sep 2016 | 18:55:41 (UTC) | <gdude2002#5318> I can answer the next if you like
09 Sep 2016 | 18:55:52 (UTC) | <func_door#9765> AbraBot can percieve, it percieves every message that gets sent into chat
09 Sep 2016 | 18:55:59 (UTC) | <func_door#9765> I wouldn't call it sentient
09 Sep 2016 | 18:55:59 (UTC) | <Electric trainer Skyfox#1084> He has partial sentience by recheking data to choose course of action
09 Sep 2016 | 18:56:09 (UTC) | <DrBanner#6204> Perceive subjectively - the second word is key.
09 Sep 2016 | 18:56:27 (UTC) | <DrBanner#6204> in other words - feel.
09 Sep 2016 | 18:56:33 (UTC) | <func_door#9765> subjective 👏 questions 👏 are 👏 terrible
09 Sep 2016 | 18:56:41 (UTC) | <gdude2002#5318> but we're dealing with it
09 Sep 2016 | 18:56:46 (UTC) | <gdude2002#5318> K9 is sentient enough to call him sentient
09 Sep 2016 | 18:56:54 (UTC) | <gdude2002#5318> you can see that all over the wiki article
09 Sep 2016 | 18:57:03 (UTC) | <DrBanner#6204> OK, so the answer is yes.
09 Sep 2016 | 18:57:11 (UTC) | <Electric trainer Skyfox#1084> I tought this was game corner for a sec
09 Sep 2016 | 18:57:17 (UTC) | <gdude2002#5318> yeah, watch out
09 Sep 2016 | 18:57:19 (UTC) | <Electric trainer Skyfox#1084> Need to recheck title from now on
09 Sep 2016 | 18:57:20 (UTC) | <ArgentVulpine#2736> On the unlikely chance that this was going to be asked, we now have the answer
09 Sep 2016 | 18:57:22 (UTC) | <gdude2002#5318> do I need to change the icon to make it obvious?
09 Sep 2016 | 18:57:36 (UTC) | <Electric trainer Skyfox#1084> Just name call ut not corner
09 Sep 2016 | 18:58:07 (UTC) | <gdude2002#5318> Question Squad
09 Sep 2016 | 18:58:21 (UTC) | <Electric trainer Skyfox#1084> Can i tell alieu yes its ponies
09 Sep 2016 | 18:58:24 (UTC) | <ArgentVulpine#2736> They are so caught up in the 'dead' thing
09 Sep 2016 | 18:58:28 (UTC) | <gdude2002#5318> No, :P
09 Sep 2016 | 18:58:44 (UTC) | <Electric trainer Skyfox#1084> I told him telephaticly
09 Sep 2016 | 18:58:47 (UTC) | <gdude2002#5318> The only info we can give is in responses to the questions, and it must be accurate
09 Sep 2016 | 18:58:48 (UTC) | <Electric trainer Skyfox#1084> Too late
09 Sep 2016 | 18:58:50 (UTC) | <gdude2002#5318> it's only fair. :P
09 Sep 2016 | 18:58:50 (UTC) | <func_door#9765> I'd actually answer sentient with "probably" unless it's actually explicit in **the lore**
09 Sep 2016 | 18:59:12 (UTC) | <Electric trainer Skyfox#1084> He has partial sentience ir artificial to be more specific
09 Sep 2016 | 18:59:14 (UTC) | <gdude2002#5318> having watched some episodes, he definitely behaves sentient
09 Sep 2016 | 18:59:39 (UTC) | <Electric trainer Skyfox#1084> Xan we answer with technicaly yes
09 Sep 2016 | 18:59:45 (UTC) | <DrBanner#6204> A Yes answer to that question might throw them off though.
09 Sep 2016 | 18:59:50 (UTC) | <gdude2002#5318> That's fine
09 Sep 2016 | 18:59:54 (UTC) | <gdude2002#5318> it's just got to be accurate
09 Sep 2016 | 18:59:58 (UTC) | <DrBanner#6204> I mean that in a good way
09 Sep 2016 | 19:00:03 (UTC) | <ArgentVulpine#2736> If they ask source, Doctor Who is a TV show, a radio play, and there are also books. The first two of which K9 appears in for sure
09 Sep 2016 | 19:00:15 (UTC) | <gdude2002#5318> I'm assuming TV show
09 Sep 2016 | 19:00:18 (UTC) | <Electric trainer Skyfox#1084> Comics as well
09 Sep 2016 | 19:00:21 (UTC) | <gdude2002#5318> since that is the main thing really
09 Sep 2016 | 19:00:24 (UTC) | <Electric trainer Skyfox#1084> He appeared there
09 Sep 2016 | 19:00:28 (UTC) | <func_door#9765> I still think either "probably" or "unknown" would be the most objectively accurate answer to the question
09 Sep 2016 | 19:00:41 (UTC) | <ArgentVulpine#2736> Or maybe "partly"?
09 Sep 2016 | 19:00:53 (UTC) | <func_door#9765> how are only parts of it sentient
09 Sep 2016 | 19:00:57 (UTC) | <DrBanner#6204> I doubt the question will be asked.
09 Sep 2016 | 19:01:04 (UTC) | <ArgentVulpine#2736> Oh, no, partly for origin
09 Sep 2016 | 19:01:08 (UTC) | <func_door#9765> oh word
09 Sep 2016 | 19:01:09 (UTC) | <ArgentVulpine#2736> Depending on what they ask
09 Sep 2016 | 19:01:11 (UTC) | <Electric trainer Skyfox#1084> @func_door#9765 its artificial
09 Sep 2016 | 19:01:21 (UTC) | <DrBanner#6204> I don't think we should focus too much on a question not asked.
09 Sep 2016 | 19:01:31 (UTC) | <ArgentVulpine#2736> They're discussing it right now, though
09 Sep 2016 | 19:01:48 (UTC) | <DrBanner#6204> They won't come to that until later.
09 Sep 2016 | 19:02:16 (UTC) | <gdude2002#5318> we could be mean if they ask the mouth question
09 Sep 2016 | 19:02:17 (UTC) | <func_door#9765> waiting for them to mention it after question 11 but not actually guess it til 19
09 Sep 2016 | 19:02:18 (UTC) | <gdude2002#5318> *partly*
09 Sep 2016 | 19:02:20 (UTC) | <gdude2002#5318> (antenna)
09 Sep 2016 | 19:02:24 (UTC) | <Electric trainer Skyfox#1084> I think they ask size
09 Sep 2016 | 19:02:30 (UTC) | <Electric trainer Skyfox#1084> So larger than breadbox
09 Sep 2016 | 19:02:44 (UTC) | <Electric trainer Skyfox#1084> Cant fit in steves mouth besides head so partially
09 Sep 2016 | 19:02:45 (UTC) | <DrBanner#6204> Yes
09 Sep 2016 | 19:02:50 (UTC) | <DrBanner#6204> Who is Steve?
09 Sep 2016 | 19:03:00 (UTC) | <Electric trainer Skyfox#1084> Platinum steve
09 Sep 2016 | 19:03:01 (UTC) | <DrBanner#6204> Is that an inside joke?
09 Sep 2016 | 19:03:07 (UTC) | <Electric trainer Skyfox#1084> Oui
09 Sep 2016 | 19:03:26 (UTC) | <DrBanner#6204> Vous parlez français?
09 Sep 2016 | 19:03:37 (UTC) | <DrBanner#6204> We should answer in french
09 Sep 2016 | 19:03:40 (UTC) | <gdude2002#5318> K9 is a proper noun if they ask that
09 Sep 2016 | 19:03:47 (UTC) | <func_door#9765> yes
09 Sep 2016 | 19:03:54 (UTC) | <func_door#9765> it's a proper noun, there's just more than one of thme
09 Sep 2016 | 19:04:01 (UTC) | <gdude2002#5318> Yeah
09 Sep 2016 | 19:04:21 (UTC) | <Electric trainer Skyfox#1084> They might ask if its @deepspaceK9
09 Sep 2016 | 19:04:33 (UTC) | <func_door#9765> uh
09 Sep 2016 | 19:04:36 (UTC) | <func_door#9765> @DrBanner thats wrong
09 Sep 2016 | 19:04:38 (UTC) | <ArgentVulpine#2736> K9 is both specific and a class of things
09 Sep 2016 | 19:04:47 (UTC) | <Electric trainer Skyfox#1084> Its a class of robots
09 Sep 2016 | 19:04:47 (UTC) | <DrBanner#6204> I went with the former
09 Sep 2016 | 19:04:58 (UTC) | <func_door#9765> its a class of robots
09 Sep 2016 | 19:05:02 (UTC) | <func_door#9765> but a proper noun
09 Sep 2016 | 19:05:03 (UTC) | <ArgentVulpine#2736> There are multiple K9s across the series
09 Sep 2016 | 19:05:12 (UTC) | <DrBanner#6204> At one time?
09 Sep 2016 | 19:05:19 (UTC) | <Electric trainer Skyfox#1084> So change answer i think
09 Sep 2016 | 19:05:30 (UTC) | <gdude2002#5318> K9 is a class of robots, yeah
09 Sep 2016 | 19:05:32 (UTC) | <gdude2002#5318> not one specific one
09 Sep 2016 | 19:05:43 (UTC) | <DrBanner#6204> OK, my answer rescinded.
09 Sep 2016 | 19:06:02 (UTC) | <Electric trainer Skyfox#1084> So we should tell them its both but mainly no
09 Sep 2016 | 19:06:11 (UTC) | <ArgentVulpine#2736> #nohints func! lol
09 Sep 2016 | 19:06:13 (UTC) | <DrBanner#6204> That like "smurf"
09 Sep 2016 | 19:06:17 (UTC) | <DrBanner#6204> it's both, really
09 Sep 2016 | 19:06:25 (UTC) | <Electric trainer Skyfox#1084> Traitor func
09 Sep 2016 | 19:06:33 (UTC) | <gdude2002#5318> don't call him out in public
09 Sep 2016 | 19:06:34 (UTC) | <Electric trainer Skyfox#1084> Hes dming with gatr
09 Sep 2016 | 19:06:36 (UTC) | <gdude2002#5318> they don't know it's a hint
09 Sep 2016 | 19:06:38 (UTC) | <func_door#9765> honestly don't think they're gonna get it
09 Sep 2016 | 19:06:41 (UTC) | <func_door#9765> lol
09 Sep 2016 | 19:06:45 (UTC) | <Electric trainer Skyfox#1084> Cause hes actually a bot to like other mods
09 Sep 2016 | 19:06:52 (UTC) | <gdude2002#5318> sh. :P
09 Sep 2016 | 19:07:40 (UTC) | <gdude2002#5318> this is the music I have chosen for myself for this event: <>
09 Sep 2016 | 19:07:43 (UTC) | <func_door#9765> they'd have a better chance of guessing commander data and I'm not even sure they'd get that
09 Sep 2016 | 19:07:56 (UTC) | <func_door#9765> mod team is mostly american
09 Sep 2016 | 19:08:01 (UTC) | <Electric trainer Skyfox#1084> can i post this in game corner
09 Sep 2016 | 19:08:04 (UTC) | <ArgentVulpine#2736> We'll see if any of them are secretly Whovians
09 Sep 2016 | 19:08:14 (UTC) | <func_door#9765> a few might be
09 Sep 2016 | 19:08:14 (UTC) | <gdude2002#5318> Whovians are really common in the US
09 Sep 2016 | 19:08:19 (UTC) | <gdude2002#5318> from what I've seen
09 Sep 2016 | 19:08:41 (UTC) | <Electric trainer Skyfox#1084> Can someone asnwer if I can post this joke in game corner
09 Sep 2016 | 19:08:50 (UTC) | <func_door#9765> not yet
09 Sep 2016 | 19:08:51 (UTC) | <gdude2002#5318> No, you can't
09 Sep 2016 | 19:08:52 (UTC) | <ArgentVulpine#2736> Yes, but mostly of the recent stuff. K9 made a cameo appearance
09 Sep 2016 | 19:08:52 (UTC) | <DrBanner#6204> what joke
09 Sep 2016 | 19:09:00 (UTC) | <gdude2002#5318> Don't mention anything like that until after the game
09 Sep 2016 | 19:09:04 (UTC) | <gdude2002#5318> they _don't know it was a hint_
09 Sep 2016 | 19:09:04 (UTC) | <DrBanner#6204> oh that ss?
09 Sep 2016 | 19:09:08 (UTC) | <DrBanner#6204> I don't think so.
09 Sep 2016 | 19:09:29 (UTC) | <Electric trainer Skyfox#1084> I meant after game yes
09 Sep 2016 | 19:09:38 (UTC) | <gdude2002#5318> after? yes
09 Sep 2016 | 19:09:41 (UTC) | <Electric trainer Skyfox#1084> Should have probs said that as well
09 Sep 2016 | 19:10:31 (UTC) | <Platinum Steve#9294> im all caught up 😃
09 Sep 2016 | 19:10:35 (UTC) | <Platinum Steve#9294> took so long lol
09 Sep 2016 | 19:10:38 (UTC) | <gdude2002#5318> good stuff :P
09 Sep 2016 | 19:10:59 (UTC) | <Electric trainer Skyfox#1084> Oh yaay next question you answer @Platinum Steve#9294
09 Sep 2016 | 19:11:10 (UTC) | <ArgentVulpine#2736> lol
09 Sep 2016 | 19:11:28 (UTC) | <gdude2002#5318> hmm, I feel more like <> now
09 Sep 2016 | 19:12:29 (UTC) | <Platinum Steve#9294> can't believe they didnt ask if it fits in my mouth 😦
09 Sep 2016 | 19:12:32 (UTC) | <gdude2002#5318> XD
09 Sep 2016 | 19:12:34 (UTC) | <func_door#9765> right?
09 Sep 2016 | 19:12:35 (UTC) | <gdude2002#5318> someday, someday
09 Sep 2016 | 19:12:36 (UTC) | <ArgentVulpine#2736> Haha
09 Sep 2016 | 19:12:38 (UTC) | <DrBanner#6204> LOL
09 Sep 2016 | 19:12:42 (UTC) | <gdude2002#5318> the fun part is that question would screw them
09 Sep 2016 | 19:12:49 (UTC) | <gdude2002#5318> because the most accurate answer to it is "partly"
09 Sep 2016 | 19:13:06 (UTC) | <ArgentVulpine#2736> Oh man... era would be awesome, because this series has gone on for a *really* long time.
09 Sep 2016 | 19:13:11 (UTC) | <gdude2002#5318> I think they realise that though
09 Sep 2016 | 19:13:14 (UTC) | <func_door#9765> you should switch wording to "does it fit -entirely- in platinum steve's mouth"
09 Sep 2016 | 19:13:19 (UTC) | <func_door#9765> if they ask era then it would be first appearance
09 Sep 2016 | 19:13:20 (UTC) | <Platinum Steve#9294> hahah
09 Sep 2016 | 19:13:37 (UTC) | <DrBanner#6204> My estimation of Rachel's intelligence is increasing.
09 Sep 2016 | 19:13:41 (UTC) | <DrBanner#6204> Quickly.
09 Sep 2016 | 19:13:44 (UTC) | <Platinum Steve#9294> Right?
09 Sep 2016 | 19:13:49 (UTC) | <func_door#9765> she's sharp actually yeah
09 Sep 2016 | 19:13:56 (UTC) | <gdude2002#5318> well first appearance was 1977, not sure what you'd call that other than "70s"
09 Sep 2016 | 19:13:58 (UTC) | <Platinum Steve#9294> Not to be underestimated.
09 Sep 2016 | 19:14:00 (UTC) | <gdude2002#5318> yeah she's sharp as a knife
09 Sep 2016 | 19:14:04 (UTC) | <Electric trainer Skyfox#1084> First appearence is with 6th doctor or am I crazy
09 Sep 2016 | 19:14:07 (UTC) | <ArgentVulpine#2736> Originally appeared in 1977, so pretty old at this point
09 Sep 2016 | 19:14:14 (UTC) | <DrBanner#6204> She said last two decades.
09 Sep 2016 | 19:14:19 (UTC) | <DrBanner#6204> So that would be a hard no.
09 Sep 2016 | 19:14:21 (UTC) | <gdude2002#5318> @Electric trainer Skyfox fourth
09 Sep 2016 | 19:14:56 (UTC) | <Electric trainer Skyfox#1084> Oh wow so now when I have wifi im downloading all k9 episodes
09 Sep 2016 | 19:15:02 (UTC) | <gdude2002#5318> :P
09 Sep 2016 | 19:15:06 (UTC) | <ArgentVulpine#2736> Hehe
09 Sep 2016 | 19:15:11 (UTC) | <DrBanner#6204> I'm actually surprised that they used this many questions and still have very little information.
09 Sep 2016 | 19:17:20 (UTC) | <twalorn#9080> my god....
09 Sep 2016 | 19:17:20 (UTC) | <Electric trainer Skyfox#1084> Well doctor who is hard to pinpoint to be honest
09 Sep 2016 | 19:17:26 (UTC) | <twalorn#9080> let me turn off notifications here
09 Sep 2016 | 19:17:28 (UTC) | <twalorn#9080> xD
09 Sep 2016 | 19:17:29 (UTC) | <gdude2002#5318> haha
09 Sep 2016 | 19:17:31 (UTC) | <DrBanner#6204> Why?
09 Sep 2016 | 19:17:33 (UTC) | <gdude2002#5318> you can mute it
09 Sep 2016 | 19:17:35 (UTC) | <func_door#9765> fix your defaults bro
09 Sep 2016 | 19:17:37 (UTC) | <Platinum Steve#9294> I've never followed it
09 Sep 2016 | 19:17:39 (UTC) | <twalorn#9080> 207 notifications in less than 30 minutes
09 Sep 2016 | 19:17:43 (UTC) | <twalorn#9080> xD
09 Sep 2016 | 19:17:45 (UTC) | <Electric trainer Skyfox#1084> They also are still thinking just american fiction probs
09 Sep 2016 | 19:17:50 (UTC) | <ArgentVulpine#2736> Doctor Who is best well known as a televised series, which is the majority of where K9 appears
09 Sep 2016 | 19:17:55 (UTC) | <DrBanner#6204> I like it, makes it easier to switch back here
09 Sep 2016 | 19:18:16 (UTC) | <DrBanner#6204> uh oh
09 Sep 2016 | 19:18:18 (UTC) | <func_door#9765> it was a tv series first right
09 Sep 2016 | 19:18:23 (UTC) | <DrBanner#6204> it's like watching a train crash in slow motion
09 Sep 2016 | 19:18:32 (UTC) | <DrBanner#6204> yes, a TV series in 1977
09 Sep 2016 | 19:18:34 (UTC) | <gdude2002#5318> this is a train wreck for them isn't it
09 Sep 2016 | 19:18:34 (UTC) | <Electric trainer Skyfox#1084> Ahhhhhhhh poor rachel
09 Sep 2016 | 19:18:35 (UTC) | <ArgentVulpine#2736> I think it was actually a radio play first?
09 Sep 2016 | 19:18:39 (UTC) | <func_door#9765> marvin the paranoid android would have been good for that because a lot of people think it originated in a book but the first appearance of marvin was a radio play
09 Sep 2016 | 19:18:47 (UTC) | <func_door#9765> I think you're thinking of hitchhikers
09 Sep 2016 | 19:18:52 (UTC) | <Platinum Steve#9294> so is 7 a yes?
09 Sep 2016 | 19:18:54 (UTC) | <Electric trainer Skyfox#1084> Omg she might mislead them
09 Sep 2016 | 19:18:57 (UTC) | <DrBanner#6204> Well, K9 first appeared in the TV series
09 Sep 2016 | 19:18:57 (UTC) | <Electric trainer Skyfox#1084> Im so sad tn
09 Sep 2016 | 19:18:58 (UTC) | <gdude2002#5318> 7 is a no
09 Sep 2016 | 19:19:00 (UTC) | <Platinum Steve#9294> ohhh
09 Sep 2016 | 19:19:01 (UTC) | <gdude2002#5318> It started on TV
09 Sep 2016 | 19:19:01 (UTC) | <Platinum Steve#9294> ok
09 Sep 2016 | 19:19:28 (UTC) | <gdude2002#5318> the same is true for doctor who itself
09 Sep 2016 | 19:19:29 (UTC) | <Platinum Steve#9294> boo i thought i was doing the next one 😦
09 Sep 2016 | 19:19:31 (UTC) | <gdude2002#5318> it started on TV.
09 Sep 2016 | 19:19:33 (UTC) | <Platinum Steve#9294> it did?
09 Sep 2016 | 19:19:44 (UTC) | <Electric trainer Skyfox#1084> Ok everyone let steve answer
09 Sep 2016 | 19:19:45 (UTC) | <gdude2002#5318> yeah, 1963
09 Sep 2016 | 19:19:49 (UTC) | <DrBanner#6204> OK
09 Sep 2016 | 19:19:50 (UTC) | <gdude2002#5318> OK, steve, you get the next one
09 Sep 2016 | 19:19:51 (UTC) | <gdude2002#5318> :P
09 Sep 2016 | 19:19:58 (UTC) | <Platinum Steve#9294> lmfao
09 Sep 2016 | 19:19:59 (UTC) | <func_door#9765> just think about wording before answering
09 Sep 2016 | 19:20:02 (UTC) | <ArgentVulpine#2736> Okay, yeah, started on TV, first radio show was in 1976
09 Sep 2016 | 19:20:06 (UTC) | <Platinum Steve#9294> that was way whinier than i meant it. was jk
09 Sep 2016 | 19:20:08 (UTC) | <Electric trainer Skyfox#1084> Also I could tehnically not weedle myself here right?
09 Sep 2016 | 19:20:18 (UTC) | <Platinum Steve#9294> weedle yourself?
09 Sep 2016 | 19:20:23 (UTC) | <Electric trainer Skyfox#1084> Censor
09 Sep 2016 | 19:20:29 (UTC) | <Platinum Steve#9294> it's a DM
09 Sep 2016 | 19:20:37 (UTC) | <DrBanner#6204> She put the "like" in the wrong spot
09 Sep 2016 | 19:20:54 (UTC) | <Electric trainer Skyfox#1084> So thats a yes on no censor
09 Sep 2016 | 19:21:05 (UTC) | <gdude2002#5318> You should follow the Discord server rules here.
09 Sep 2016 | 19:21:06 (UTC) | <func_door#9765> this dm isn't a part of mystic you can say whatever the fuck you want
09 Sep 2016 | 19:21:15 (UTC) | <Platinum Steve#9294> like shit!
09 Sep 2016 | 19:21:15 (UTC) | <gdude2002#5318> dammit func
09 Sep 2016 | 19:21:15 (UTC) | <Electric trainer Skyfox#1084> Fuck yes
09 Sep 2016 | 19:21:16 (UTC) | <Platinum Steve#9294> oh wait,
09 Sep 2016 | 19:21:26 (UTC) | <ArgentVulpine#2736> Language! Oh, wait... no one cares. lol
09 Sep 2016 | 19:21:30 (UTC) | <Electric trainer Skyfox#1084> No fucking cnesorship
09 Sep 2016 | 19:21:34 (UTC) | <Electric trainer Skyfox#1084> This is great
09 Sep 2016 | 19:21:37 (UTC) | <func_door#9765> discord server rules means you can't post content that is literally illegal
09 Sep 2016 | 19:21:53 (UTC) | <DrBanner#6204> lol
09 Sep 2016 | 19:22:00 (UTC) | <Electric trainer Skyfox#1084> I will milk this fuckin cow dead
09 Sep 2016 | 19:22:00 (UTC) | <DrBanner#6204> hey guys
09 Sep 2016 | 19:22:35 (UTC) | <DrBanner#6204> RJ realized the nugget that they just got.
09 Sep 2016 | 19:22:54 (UTC) | <ArgentVulpine#2736> They still haven't narrowed it down to what media
09 Sep 2016 | 19:23:07 (UTC) | <Platinum Steve#9294> yea she sapped what info was to be had pretty well though
09 Sep 2016 | 19:23:08 (UTC) | <DrBanner#6204> Well she was able to exclude one form.
09 Sep 2016 | 19:23:12 (UTC) | <func_door#9765> dr who scripts were written but I wouldn't consider it lit
09 Sep 2016 | 19:23:20 (UTC) | <func_door#9765> because its not consumed as reading
09 Sep 2016 | 19:23:30 (UTC) | <ArgentVulpine#2736> All scripts are written, but it was meant to be consumed via watching/listening
09 Sep 2016 | 19:23:36 (UTC) | <DrBanner#6204> Well, neither were Shakespeare's plays at the time.
09 Sep 2016 | 19:23:50 (UTC) | <DrBanner#6204> Maybe in 300 years Dr. Who will be read and not viewed.
09 Sep 2016 | 19:24:04 (UTC) | <func_door#9765> in 300 years maybe it will be considered literature, but not today
09 Sep 2016 | 19:24:12 (UTC) | <twalorn#9080> but you can purchase Shakespeare's plays
09 Sep 2016 | 19:24:17 (UTC) | <DrBanner#6204> We must follow all lines of inquiry.
09 Sep 2016 | 19:24:17 (UTC) | <ArgentVulpine#2736> That might be possible, but even modernly Shakespeare is still mostly consumed visually/aurally
09 Sep 2016 | 19:24:17 (UTC) | <twalorn#9080> exactly
09 Sep 2016 | 19:24:43 (UTC) | <DrBanner#6204> see, being a pedant is not always good.
09 Sep 2016 | 19:24:43 (UTC) | <ArgentVulpine#2736> brb
09 Sep 2016 | 19:24:45 (UTC) | <Electric trainer Skyfox#1084> Plays tarnscript is literature the play isnt
09 Sep 2016 | 19:24:51 (UTC) | <DrBanner#6204> did Steve get to answer one yet?
09 Sep 2016 | 19:24:53 (UTC) | <Electric trainer Skyfox#1084> Specifics are important
09 Sep 2016 | 19:24:55 (UTC) | <Platinum Steve#9294> nah
09 Sep 2016 | 19:25:19 (UTC) | <Platinum Steve#9294> i keep jumping back and forth afraid im gonna miss one
09 Sep 2016 | 19:25:21 (UTC) | <Platinum Steve#9294> lol
09 Sep 2016 | 19:25:45 (UTC) | <Electric trainer Skyfox#1084> Yupp me too
09 Sep 2016 | 19:25:50 (UTC) | <DrBanner#6204> maybe we should stop talking in here until they do ask one.
09 Sep 2016 | 19:26:52 (UTC) | <Platinum Steve#9294> can i remind them that in a previous session we established that the answerers answer from the perspective of a common person.
09 Sep 2016 | 19:27:09 (UTC) | <Platinum Steve#9294> aka, yes a tv show has scripts, that are written before theyre filmed, but of course those dont count as literature.
09 Sep 2016 | 19:27:15 (UTC) | <Platinum Steve#9294> so if they say is it literature
09 Sep 2016 | 19:27:34 (UTC) | <DrBanner#6204> I think no
09 Sep 2016 | 19:27:44 (UTC) | <DrBanner#6204> they should assume that we've thought of that though.
09 Sep 2016 | 19:27:55 (UTC) | <DrBanner#6204> you'd be giving away information by saying that.
09 Sep 2016 | 19:28:04 (UTC) | <gdude2002#5318> I already pretty much explained that in a roundabout way
09 Sep 2016 | 19:28:16 (UTC) | <gdude2002#5318> I clarified my answer by saying what I define literature as
09 Sep 2016 | 19:28:27 (UTC) | <Electric trainer Skyfox#1084> The tv show isnt literature so it didnt originate from one it appears in it tho
09 Sep 2016 | 19:28:32 (UTC) | <DrBanner#6204> you're never going to let Steve answer are you.
09 Sep 2016 | 19:28:42 (UTC) | <Platinum Steve#9294> lol
09 Sep 2016 | 19:28:52 (UTC) | <Platinum Steve#9294> ill try to summon my thick skin and not let it bother me, dont worry
09 Sep 2016 | 19:28:53 (UTC) | <Platinum Steve#9294> lmao
09 Sep 2016 | 19:28:59 (UTC) | <gdude2002#5318> dammit, I keep forgetting
09 Sep 2016 | 19:28:59 (UTC) | <gdude2002#5318> lol
09 Sep 2016 | 19:33:32 (UTC) | <Platinum Steve#9294> lol @gdude2002
09 Sep 2016 | 19:33:38 (UTC) | <Platinum Steve#9294> dont think i dont see what you did there
09 Sep 2016 | 19:35:22 (UTC) | <Electric trainer Skyfox#1084> So imma be on question chat imma @ you steve when theres question
09 Sep 2016 | 19:35:32 (UTC) | <Platinum Steve#9294> im on there too
09 Sep 2016 | 19:36:33 (UTC) | <Electric trainer Skyfox#1084> Ok so thats 3 active is vulps there as well to fact check
09 Sep 2016 | 19:36:46 (UTC) | <ArgentVulpine#2736> Okay, I'm back
09 Sep 2016 | 19:36:46 (UTC) | <EmeraldDragon#1771> Hi
09 Sep 2016 | 19:36:54 (UTC) | <EmeraldDragon#1771> Same
09 Sep 2016 | 19:36:55 (UTC) | <ArgentVulpine#2736> Where are we at?
09 Sep 2016 | 19:36:58 (UTC) | <DrBanner#6204> nowhere
09 Sep 2016 | 19:37:07 (UTC) | <DrBanner#6204> Question 8.
09 Sep 2016 | 19:37:15 (UTC) | <Platinum Steve#9294> What Is Known
1. Is it fictional? Yes
2. Is it living? No
3. Is it primarily associated with Western fiction? Yes
4. Is it a specific thing, as opposed to a class of things? No
5. Is it tangible? Yes
6. Did it originate from a video game? No
7. Does it have roots in literature but expanded to other media like film and television? No
8. is it larger than the average person? No
09 Sep 2016 | 19:37:16 (UTC) | <DrBanner#6204> Question 9 incoming tomorrow.
09 Sep 2016 | 19:37:19 (UTC) | <Platinum Steve#9294> lmao
09 Sep 2016 | 19:37:23 (UTC) | <ArgentVulpine#2736> Cool
09 Sep 2016 | 19:37:59 (UTC) | <EmeraldDragon#1771> Is the weight known
09 Sep 2016 | 19:38:13 (UTC) | <Electric trainer Skyfox#1084> Im at 11%
09 Sep 2016 | 19:38:19 (UTC) | <Platinum Steve#9294> good question
09 Sep 2016 | 19:38:22 (UTC) | <Platinum Steve#9294> ill skim the wiki again
09 Sep 2016 | 19:38:31 (UTC) | <DrBanner#6204> I didn't find anything about it.
09 Sep 2016 | 19:38:38 (UTC) | <Platinum Steve#9294> same
09 Sep 2016 | 19:38:39 (UTC) | <DrBanner#6204> Does anyone ever lift it in the series?
09 Sep 2016 | 19:38:47 (UTC) | <Electric trainer Skyfox#1084> Check the qeight
09 Sep 2016 | 19:38:53 (UTC) | <ArgentVulpine#2736> No official weight known. He's metal, so heavy, but he's been picked up before, I believe
09 Sep 2016 | 19:39:05 (UTC) | <DrBanner#6204> With effort or without?
09 Sep 2016 | 19:39:11 (UTC) | <Electric trainer Skyfox#1084> It should be around 20-40 kg
09 Sep 2016 | 19:39:53 (UTC) | <Electric trainer Skyfox#1084> Since its wheels arent that big and it moves effective I believe its not heavy metal so 30kg is best bet
09 Sep 2016 | 19:40:19 (UTC) | <Platinum Steve#9294> rj just said there are more than one of it
09 Sep 2016 | 19:40:25 (UTC) | <Platinum Steve#9294> so she must be a bit derailed.
09 Sep 2016 | 19:40:30 (UTC) | <Platinum Steve#9294> unless there are multiple k9s
09 Sep 2016 | 19:40:38 (UTC) | <Electric trainer Skyfox#1084> There are
09 Sep 2016 | 19:40:49 (UTC) | <ArgentVulpine#2736> Yes, there are multiple K9s
09 Sep 2016 | 19:40:51 (UTC) | <Electric trainer Skyfox#1084> Its a class of help/research bots
09 Sep 2016 | 19:40:56 (UTC) | <DrBanner#6204> Steve are you answering the next one?
09 Sep 2016 | 19:41:14 (UTC) | <Platinum Steve#9294> sure
09 Sep 2016 | 19:41:20 (UTC) | <Electric trainer Skyfox#1084> Its primary use is scouting @ArgentVulpine#2736?
09 Sep 2016 | 19:41:31 (UTC) | <Platinum Steve#9294> we will be deciding the answer in here first
09 Sep 2016 | 19:41:33 (UTC) | <Platinum Steve#9294> dont worry
09 Sep 2016 | 19:41:33 (UTC) | <Platinum Steve#9294> lol
09 Sep 2016 | 19:41:36 (UTC) | <DrBanner#6204> "Marius had a dog on Earth, but weight requirements did not allow him to bring his real dog into space, so he built K9."
09 Sep 2016 | 19:42:03 (UTC) | <ArgentVulpine#2736> Yes, but it does have weapon capabilities. K9 did the first on-air "killing", actually
09 Sep 2016 | 19:42:06 (UTC) | <func_door#9765> don't forget, vague responses are possible. Just pick the most accurate one. So a weight might be something like "Probably" if its close but unknown
09 Sep 2016 | 19:42:08 (UTC) | <Electric trainer Skyfox#1084> Thats the original but I mean what class is it
09 Sep 2016 | 19:42:16 (UTC) | <func_door#9765> Yes, No, Unknown, Irrelevant, Sometimes, Maybe, Probably, Doubtful, Usually, Depends, Rarely, Partly. If a question makes basic assumptions that are false, the question will be answered "Irrelevant" and it won't increment question count.
09 Sep 2016 | 19:42:21 (UTC) | <Electric trainer Skyfox#1084> @ArgentVulpine#2736 wait before daleks
09 Sep 2016 | 19:42:24 (UTC) | <Platinum Steve#9294> 9 Does it have supernatural properties
09 Sep 2016 | 19:42:25 (UTC) | <DrBanner#6204> It doesn't specify the type of dog, but I would assume K9 is lighter than the average dog, so it wouldn't be more than 25-30kg I'd say.
09 Sep 2016 | 19:42:27 (UTC) | <EmeraldDragon#1771> That's yes
09 Sep 2016 | 19:42:29 (UTC) | <Platinum Steve#9294> it does?
09 Sep 2016 | 19:42:31 (UTC) | <DrBanner#6204> wait
09 Sep 2016 | 19:42:31 (UTC) | <EmeraldDragon#1771> I think
09 Sep 2016 | 19:42:31 (UTC) | <ArgentVulpine#2736> Supernatural? No
09 Sep 2016 | 19:42:33 (UTC) | <DrBanner#6204> no
09 Sep 2016 | 19:42:37 (UTC) | <ArgentVulpine#2736> It's a machine
09 Sep 2016 | 19:42:47 (UTC) | <Platinum Steve#9294> right
09 Sep 2016 | 19:42:47 (UTC) | <DrBanner#6204> all properties can be explained by the scientific knowledge of the time.
09 Sep 2016 | 19:42:49 (UTC) | <DrBanner#6204> so no.
09 Sep 2016 | 19:42:51 (UTC) | <ArgentVulpine#2736> In sci-fi. Everything it does is actually generally capable today
09 Sep 2016 | 19:42:57 (UTC) | <EmeraldDragon#1771> Alright yeah so no
09 Sep 2016 | 19:44:07 (UTC) | <DrBanner#6204> ROFL tiny dead zombies
09 Sep 2016 | 19:44:15 (UTC) | <Platinum Steve#9294> What Is Known
1. Is it fictional? Yes
2. Is it living? No
3. Is it primarily associated with Western fiction? Yes
4. Is it a specific thing, as opposed to a class of things? No
5. Is it tangible? Yes
6. Did it originate from a video game? No
7. Does it have roots in literature but expanded to other media like film and television? No
8. Is it larger than the average person? No
9. Does it have supernatural properties? No
09 Sep 2016 | 19:44:16 (UTC) | <Electric trainer Skyfox#1084> If they ask zombie thats classified as superbatural so thats irrelevant right
09 Sep 2016 | 19:44:32 (UTC) | <DrBanner#6204> That depends on your definition of zombie
09 Sep 2016 | 19:44:43 (UTC) | <Electric trainer Skyfox#1084> Clasic romero zombie
09 Sep 2016 | 19:44:44 (UTC) | <func_door#9765> ```
__**What Is Known**__
1. Is it fictional? **Yes**
2. Is it living? **No**
3. Is it primarily associated with Western fiction? **Yes**
4. Is it a specific thing, as opposed to a class of things? **No**
5. Is it tangible? **Yes**
6. Did it originate from a video game? **No**
7. Does it have roots in literature but expanded to other media like film and television? **No**
8. is it larger than the average person? **No**
8. Is it larger than the average person? **No**
9. Does it have supernatural properties? **No**
09 Sep 2016 | 19:44:44 (UTC) | <DrBanner#6204> They aren't technically supernatural, in many lores
09 Sep 2016 | 19:44:46 (UTC) | <func_door#9765> in case you want formatting
09 Sep 2016 | 19:44:56 (UTC) | <Platinum Steve#9294> nice
09 Sep 2016 | 19:44:57 (UTC) | <Platinum Steve#9294> thanks
09 Sep 2016 | 19:45:11 (UTC) | <Electric trainer Skyfox#1084> Its livinng tehnically right
09 Sep 2016 | 19:45:17 (UTC) | <func_door#9765> no?
09 Sep 2016 | 19:45:36 (UTC) | <func_door#9765> the second question determined its not living
09 Sep 2016 | 19:46:02 (UTC) | <Electric trainer Skyfox#1084> I mean zombies
09 Sep 2016 | 19:46:08 (UTC) | <EmeraldDragon#1771> Undead
09 Sep 2016 | 19:46:12 (UTC) | <func_door#9765> zombies are not living
09 Sep 2016 | 19:46:19 (UTC) | <DrBanner#6204> Zombies are not defined as living.
09 Sep 2016 | 19:46:21 (UTC) | <func_door#9765> in any version of zombies I'm aware of
09 Sep 2016 | 19:46:42 (UTC) | <Electric trainer Skyfox#1084> Should we answers gatr question
09 Sep 2016 | 19:46:44 (UTC) | <Platinum Steve#9294> they are quite inherently not living in the majority of their origins
09 Sep 2016 | 19:46:46 (UTC) | <ArgentVulpine#2736> Zombies are very much "undead"
09 Sep 2016 | 19:46:49 (UTC) | <DrBanner#6204> The problem with Zombies is that there are myriad different stories with as many different origins.
09 Sep 2016 | 19:46:56 (UTC) | <func_door#9765> also, I would classify zombies as supernatural
09 Sep 2016 | 19:47:00 (UTC) | <func_door#9765> in most contexts
09 Sep 2016 | 19:47:05 (UTC) | <Electric trainer Skyfox#1084> They are reanimated corpses so they were dead they aint now
09 Sep 2016 | 19:47:07 (UTC) | <DrBanner#6204> In some stories, they could be classififed as still alive.
09 Sep 2016 | 19:47:08 (UTC) | <func_door#9765> exceptions being stuff like resident evil
09 Sep 2016 | 19:47:20 (UTC) | <func_door#9765> res evil zombies could easily be classified as alive
09 Sep 2016 | 19:47:25 (UTC) | <ArgentVulpine#2736> I could agree with the supernatural for most. But it's irrelevant here anyway. lol.
09 Sep 2016 | 19:47:33 (UTC) | <gdude2002#5318> note that this would not have been digital media to start with
09 Sep 2016 | 19:47:38 (UTC) | <gdude2002#5318> it would have been on analog tape
09 Sep 2016 | 19:47:38 (UTC) | <DrBanner#6204> in World War Z, they were dead. In World War Z the movie, they weren't technically dead.
09 Sep 2016 | 19:47:47 (UTC) | <func_door#9765> the vast majority of zombie fiction defines them as not being alive
09 Sep 2016 | 19:47:59 (UTC) | <gdude2002#5318> if they ask about digital media
09 Sep 2016 | 19:48:01 (UTC) | <gdude2002#5318> let me try to answer pls
09 Sep 2016 | 19:48:13 (UTC) | <Platinum Steve#9294> tv and movies are digital media
09 Sep 2016 | 19:48:15 (UTC) | <func_door#9765> is that even ambiguous? digital recording wasn't invented yet
09 Sep 2016 | 19:48:18 (UTC) | <gdude2002#5318> no, they aren't
09 Sep 2016 | 19:48:21 (UTC) | <DrBanner#6204> Television is not considered digital media.
09 Sep 2016 | 19:48:25 (UTC) | <DrBanner#6204> Not in 1977.
09 Sep 2016 | 19:48:25 (UTC) | <Platinum Steve#9294> that was a question sorry*
09 Sep 2016 | 19:48:25 (UTC) | <gdude2002#5318> TV was decidedly not digital back then
09 Sep 2016 | 19:48:30 (UTC) | <gdude2002#5318> it's only recently become digital
09 Sep 2016 | 19:48:39 (UTC) | <func_door#9765> agreed
09 Sep 2016 | 19:48:57 (UTC) | <ArgentVulpine#2736> Recent iterations are digital, but its origin is analog
09 Sep 2016 | 19:49:01 (UTC) | <gdude2002#5318> I define comics as literature btw
09 Sep 2016 | 19:49:03 (UTC) | <Platinum Steve#9294> you guys define comics as literature?
09 Sep 2016 | 19:49:03 (UTC) | <Platinum Steve#9294> yea
09 Sep 2016 | 19:49:07 (UTC) | <gdude2002#5318> let's just go with that because it's irrelevant
09 Sep 2016 | 19:49:08 (UTC) | <Platinum Steve#9294> i would too, definitely.
09 Sep 2016 | 19:49:08 (UTC) | <gdude2002#5318> lol
09 Sep 2016 | 19:49:51 (UTC) | <ArgentVulpine#2736> Uh-oh, Mobius getting to the real questions there. lol
09 Sep 2016 | 19:50:09 (UTC) | <DrBanner#6204> I really hope they do.
09 Sep 2016 | 19:50:15 (UTC) | <func_door#9765> mobius is a sharp one too, he's just also a clown
09 Sep 2016 | 19:50:17 (UTC) | <DrBanner#6204> This is taking ages.
09 Sep 2016 | 19:50:19 (UTC) | <func_door#9765> so he's definitely a wildcard
09 Sep 2016 | 19:50:35 (UTC) | <DrBanner#6204> So Mobius is the DctrBanner of the Mod world
09 Sep 2016 | 19:50:39 (UTC) | <gdude2002#5318> func, #8 is in your pin twice
09 Sep 2016 | 19:51:06 (UTC) | <gdude2002#5318> good stuff
09 Sep 2016 | 19:51:11 (UTC) | <ArgentVulpine#2736> "Sci-fi series about toasters" is not far from the truth
09 Sep 2016 | 19:51:21 (UTC) | <gdude2002#5318> well I mean it's not about toasters
09 Sep 2016 | 19:51:25 (UTC) | <gdude2002#5318> but the answer isn't the series
09 Sep 2016 | 19:51:27 (UTC) | <gdude2002#5318> it's K9
09 Sep 2016 | 19:51:28 (UTC) | <Electric trainer Skyfox#1084> Since when is mobius a mod what did i fucking miss
09 Sep 2016 | 19:51:30 (UTC) | <gdude2002#5318> try not to forget that
09 Sep 2016 | 19:51:39 (UTC) | <gdude2002#5318> he's not a mod
09 Sep 2016 | 19:51:42 (UTC) | <gdude2002#5318> he's US west
09 Sep 2016 | 19:52:08 (UTC) | <ArgentVulpine#2736> K9 is mechanical more than electronic
09 Sep 2016 | 19:52:20 (UTC) | <ArgentVulpine#2736> So, I'd say Partly if they ask that
09 Sep 2016 | 19:52:24 (UTC) | <DrBanner#6204> It's core function is electronic though.
09 Sep 2016 | 19:52:36 (UTC) | <DrBanner#6204> which is the tech that runs the AI.
09 Sep 2016 | 19:52:41 (UTC) | <gdude2002#5318> it's electronic, yeah
09 Sep 2016 | 19:52:50 (UTC) | <gdude2002#5318> gotta be powered by something
09 Sep 2016 | 19:52:52 (UTC) | <Platinum Steve#9294> but yea, the answer is yes, it is electronic
09 Sep 2016 | 19:52:55 (UTC) | <ArgentVulpine#2736> I'd still go with "partly"
09 Sep 2016 | 19:52:58 (UTC) | <Platinum Steve#9294> really?
09 Sep 2016 | 19:53:06 (UTC) | <Platinum Steve#9294> what things would you define as only electronic?>
09 Sep 2016 | 19:53:12 (UTC) | <DrBanner#6204> Electricity.
09 Sep 2016 | 19:53:22 (UTC) | <ArgentVulpine#2736> He's a robot with moving (ie mechanical) funtions
09 Sep 2016 | 19:53:36 (UTC) | <Platinum Steve#9294> lol
09 Sep 2016 | 19:53:42 (UTC) | <Platinum Steve#9294> I don't think electricity is electronic
09 Sep 2016 | 19:53:43 (UTC) | <gdude2002#5318> Let's not be too mean here
09 Sep 2016 | 19:53:43 (UTC) | <gdude2002#5318> :P
09 Sep 2016 | 19:53:48 (UTC) | <DrBanner#6204> Technically, an electronic is something that has a primary function depending on the manipulation of electricity.
09 Sep 2016 | 19:53:49 (UTC) | <Platinum Steve#9294> It is electrical
09 Sep 2016 | 19:53:54 (UTC) | <gdude2002#5318> It does require power
09 Sep 2016 | 19:53:54 (UTC) | <Platinum Steve#9294> yea
09 Sep 2016 | 19:53:56 (UTC) | <DrBanner#6204> Such as a cell phone, or a television.
09 Sep 2016 | 19:54:09 (UTC) | <ArgentVulpine#2736> We still don't know what they're asking
09 Sep 2016 | 19:54:16 (UTC) | <gdude2002#5318> We'll know when they ask
09 Sep 2016 | 19:54:17 (UTC) | <gdude2002#5318> don't worry
09 Sep 2016 | 19:54:19 (UTC) | <DrBanner#6204> So I would say that he is electronic.
09 Sep 2016 | 19:54:19 (UTC) | <ArgentVulpine#2736> Also, K9 is 39 years old, if they ask
09 Sep 2016 | 19:54:31 (UTC) | <gdude2002#5318> 1977, yeah
09 Sep 2016 | 19:55:07 (UTC) | <ArgentVulpine#2736> Haha, there they go with the sentience
09 Sep 2016 | 19:56:42 (UTC) | <gdude2002#5318> this is going to be interesting
09 Sep 2016 | 19:57:13 (UTC) | <Platinum Steve#9294> Side note, in my opinion "zombies" are totally supernatural
09 Sep 2016 | 19:57:18 (UTC) | <Platinum Steve#9294> they are beyond what is possible in nature.
09 Sep 2016 | 19:57:33 (UTC) | <DrBanner#6204> They are beyond what is currently thought to be possible in nature.
09 Sep 2016 | 19:57:53 (UTC) | <Platinum Steve#9294> If it's like I Am Legend zombies or something, where they haven't "come back from the dead".
09 Sep 2016 | 19:58:08 (UTC) | <Platinum Steve#9294> then I could see it being natural.
09 Sep 2016 | 19:58:08 (UTC) | <DrBanner#6204> Why are we talking about zombies still?
09 Sep 2016 | 19:58:14 (UTC) | <Platinum Steve#9294> Side note!
09 Sep 2016 | 19:59:01 (UTC) | <func_door#9765> I think if the thing was "zombies" we'd have to pick a mythos and stick with it
09 Sep 2016 | 20:00:06 (UTC) | <DrBanner#6204> Zombies on The Walking Dead are very much not supernatural, based on the description of the mechanism in that universe.
09 Sep 2016 | 20:00:18 (UTC) | <ArgentVulpine#2736> lmao. Just watching them is hilarious
09 Sep 2016 | 20:00:26 (UTC) | <Platinum Steve#9294> i gotta jump for a few
09 Sep 2016 | 20:00:27 (UTC) | <Platinum Steve#9294> another meeting
09 Sep 2016 | 20:00:32 (UTC) | <Platinum Steve#9294> ill catch up in a bit!
09 Sep 2016 | 20:00:35 (UTC) | <DrBanner#6204> Well at least no one jumped in with the right answer yet.
09 Sep 2016 | 20:00:38 (UTC) | <gdude2002#5318>
09 Sep 2016 | 20:01:07 (UTC) | <func_door#9765> wheras dusk till dawn zombies are explicitly supernatural
09 Sep 2016 | 20:01:18 (UTC) | <func_door#9765> or were those vampires...
09 Sep 2016 | 20:01:33 (UTC) | <DrBanner#6204> Those were vampires.
09 Sep 2016 | 20:01:41 (UTC) | <Platinum Steve#9294> no one knows
09 Sep 2016 | 20:01:43 (UTC) | <func_door#9765> yeah my bad
09 Sep 2016 | 20:01:51 (UTC) | <func_door#9765> they were very zombielike vampires
09 Sep 2016 | 20:01:52 (UTC) | <gdude2002#5318> shall I take the next one?
09 Sep 2016 | 20:02:06 (UTC) | <DrBanner#6204> It could be argued that in older zombie lore, the mechanism of transformation into a zombie was simply not know, so they were perceived as supernatural.
09 Sep 2016 | 20:02:17 (UTC) | <ArgentVulpine#2736> I guess it depends on what they ask? lol
09 Sep 2016 | 20:02:18 (UTC) | <DrBanner#6204> I'd like to take the next one, if I may.
09 Sep 2016 | 20:02:23 (UTC) | <gdude2002#5318> OK, banner
09 Sep 2016 | 20:02:26 (UTC) | <DrBanner#6204> If I'm not sure, I'll ask here.
09 Sep 2016 | 20:05:54 (UTC) | <func_door#9765> that would be a no
09 Sep 2016 | 20:05:54 (UTC) | <gdude2002#5318> that'd be a no
09 Sep 2016 | 20:05:56 (UTC) | <func_door#9765> whoever wants to answer
09 Sep 2016 | 20:06:05 (UTC) | <func_door#9765> @DrBanner
09 Sep 2016 | 20:07:08 (UTC) | <gdude2002#5318> I feel bad for these guys
09 Sep 2016 | 20:07:12 (UTC) | <DrBanner#6204> lol they took the wrong information from that question
09 Sep 2016 | 20:07:16 (UTC) | <gdude2002#5318> they're totally missing the fact that, well, old things are old
09 Sep 2016 | 20:07:28 (UTC) | <gdude2002#5318> they'd have realised it if they asked the era
09 Sep 2016 | 20:07:31 (UTC) | <DrBanner#6204> One should not ask a question that they cannot properly parse.
09 Sep 2016 | 20:07:38 (UTC) | <func_door#9765> do they really think that film is digital?
09 Sep 2016 | 20:07:42 (UTC) | <gdude2002#5318> @EmeraldDragon Don't give too much away
09 Sep 2016 | 20:07:42 (UTC) | <ArgentVulpine#2736> It's analog media, not digital
09 Sep 2016 | 20:07:43 (UTC) | <DrBanner#6204> It is, NOW.
09 Sep 2016 | 20:07:48 (UTC) | <gdude2002#5318> @func_door her definition wasn't wrong
09 Sep 2016 | 20:07:50 (UTC) | <EmeraldDragon#1771> Not too much
09 Sep 2016 | 20:07:57 (UTC) | <gdude2002#5318> if it's designed for a PC (or similar) to read it, it's digital
09 Sep 2016 | 20:08:01 (UTC) | <gdude2002#5318> the thing is
09 Sep 2016 | 20:08:07 (UTC) | <gdude2002#5318> film projectors
09 Sep 2016 | 20:08:08 (UTC) | <gdude2002#5318> don't read the film
09 Sep 2016 | 20:08:18 (UTC) | <ArgentVulpine#2736> They read the strips on the edge
09 Sep 2016 | 20:08:25 (UTC) | <gdude2002#5318> that's only for timing, but yeah
09 Sep 2016 | 20:08:41 (UTC) | <DrBanner#6204> no, they don't
09 Sep 2016 | 20:08:46 (UTC) | <DrBanner#6204> those are mechanical.
09 Sep 2016 | 20:08:59 (UTC) | <func_door#9765> depends if it's timecode or optical audio
09 Sep 2016 | 20:09:03 (UTC) | <gdude2002#5318> either way the medium is analogue
09 Sep 2016 | 20:09:09 (UTC) | <DrBanner#6204> The projector doesn't "understand"
09 Sep 2016 | 20:09:13 (UTC) | <gdude2002#5318> yeah
09 Sep 2016 | 20:09:15 (UTC) | <DrBanner#6204> or translate anything
09 Sep 2016 | 20:09:24 (UTC) | <func_door#9765> the problem is 10 isn't jointly exhausive of all things
09 Sep 2016 | 20:09:25 (UTC) | <DrBanner#6204> It's like a timing belt on a car.
09 Sep 2016 | 20:09:37 (UTC) | <gdude2002#5318> 10 isn't exhaustive enough to be useful, yeah
09 Sep 2016 | 20:10:52 (UTC) | <ArgentVulpine#2736> They need to stop bandying about asking time or setting and actually *ask* them. lol
09 Sep 2016 | 20:11:11 (UTC) | <DrBanner#6204> They need to stop going off on tangents.
09 Sep 2016 | 20:11:32 (UTC) | <func_door#9765> gosh that sounds familiar 😛
09 Sep 2016 | 20:11:52 (UTC) | <func_door#9765> how the turn tables
09 Sep 2016 | 20:11:54 (UTC) | <DrBanner#6204> I was never going off on tangents that were not related to the original questions.
09 Sep 2016 | 20:11:57 (UTC) | <EmeraldDragon#1771> I understand know
09 Sep 2016 | 20:12:01 (UTC) | <DrBanner#6204> I can't speak for everyone.
09 Sep 2016 | 20:12:32 (UTC) | <ArgentVulpine#2736> I still think ours didn't last this long. lol
09 Sep 2016 | 20:12:41 (UTC) | <DrBanner#6204> It didn't.
09 Sep 2016 | 20:12:50 (UTC) | <ArgentVulpine#2736> lmao. There they go with the literature
09 Sep 2016 | 20:12:55 (UTC) | <DrBanner#6204> I should have just said "8. Is it Excalibur?"
09 Sep 2016 | 20:13:06 (UTC) | <gdude2002#5318> they've pretty much shafted themselves from this point
09 Sep 2016 | 20:13:35 (UTC) | <DrBanner#6204> lol Mobius is kinda right
09 Sep 2016 | 20:13:38 (UTC) | <DrBanner#6204> with that hastag
09 Sep 2016 | 20:13:49 (UTC) | <gdude2002#5318> Not really.
09 Sep 2016 | 20:13:50 (UTC) | <gdude2002#5318> :P
09 Sep 2016 | 20:14:06 (UTC) | <DrBanner#6204> "kinda"
09 Sep 2016 | 20:14:26 (UTC) | <ArgentVulpine#2736> You have to really love old sci-fi, honestly
09 Sep 2016 | 20:14:43 (UTC) | <DrBanner#6204> Argent - you might want to take a look at silph #the_world
09 Sep 2016 | 20:15:02 (UTC) | <ArgentVulpine#2736> Ugh... dammit... gimme a sec
09 Sep 2016 | 20:15:19 (UTC) | <DrBanner#6204> eh, they may have self corrected
09 Sep 2016 | 20:16:33 (UTC) | <ArgentVulpine#2736> I see that. I'll let the other leadership take care of it
09 Sep 2016 | 20:16:54 (UTC) | <ArgentVulpine#2736> Man, our mods really did shoot themselves in the foot by being *overly* specific
09 Sep 2016 | 20:17:34 (UTC) | <DrBanner#6204> yep - question 10 will be their undoing.
09 Sep 2016 | 20:17:48 (UTC) | <ArgentVulpine#2736> For sure. Because television in 1977 was analog. lol
09 Sep 2016 | 20:18:33 (UTC) | <Electric trainer Skyfox#1084> Why is 10 a no i missed a bit I was distracted by the opposite gender and forgot to charge phone
09 Sep 2016 | 20:18:45 (UTC) | <DrBanner#6204> what a sentence
09 Sep 2016 | 20:18:53 (UTC) | <ArgentVulpine#2736> Because they asked for digital media specifically
09 Sep 2016 | 20:18:57 (UTC) | <gdude2002#5318> hahaha
09 Sep 2016 | 20:18:59 (UTC) | <ArgentVulpine#2736> In essence
09 Sep 2016 | 20:19:00 (UTC) | <gdude2002#5318> they think the medium is down
09 Sep 2016 | 20:19:11 (UTC) | <DrBanner#6204> Now they think it's literature.
09 Sep 2016 | 20:19:13 (UTC) | <Electric trainer Skyfox#1084> Ohh right isnt tv tehnically digital
09 Sep 2016 | 20:19:19 (UTC) | <DrBanner#6204> it is now
09 Sep 2016 | 20:19:23 (UTC) | <ArgentVulpine#2736> *Modern* television is digital
09 Sep 2016 | 20:19:26 (UTC) | <ArgentVulpine#2736> In 1977 it was analog
09 Sep 2016 | 20:19:38 (UTC) | <DrBanner#6204> Almost everything back then was analog.
09 Sep 2016 | 20:19:39 (UTC) | <Electric trainer Skyfox#1084> Right at time of air was analog
09 Sep 2016 | 20:20:11 (UTC) | <Electric trainer Skyfox#1084> Well in hindsight this old a tv shows is a fucking mess to guess
09 Sep 2016 | 20:20:21 (UTC) | <Electric trainer Skyfox#1084> I think even avid fans wouldnt guess it
09 Sep 2016 | 20:20:23 (UTC) | <gdude2002#5318> It'd be analog
09 Sep 2016 | 20:20:25 (UTC) | <Electric trainer Skyfox#1084> Well fuck
09 Sep 2016 | 20:20:32 (UTC) | <ArgentVulpine#2736> Oooh, Taiga is on the right track
09 Sep 2016 | 20:20:33 (UTC) | <EmeraldDragon#1771> Tai is onto us
09 Sep 2016 | 20:20:35 (UTC) | <DrBanner#6204> not with these questions
09 Sep 2016 | 20:20:39 (UTC) | <gdude2002#5318> taiga is doing better, yeah
09 Sep 2016 | 20:21:11 (UTC) | <ArgentVulpine#2736> Gatr's getting it, too
09 Sep 2016 | 20:21:25 (UTC) | <gdude2002#5318> RJ isn't getting it at all
09 Sep 2016 | 20:21:30 (UTC) | <Electric trainer Skyfox#1084> Umm funcs a bit helpish or is that iust me
09 Sep 2016 | 20:21:40 (UTC) | <DrBanner#6204> Rachel is falling into the pit of being intelligent
09 Sep 2016 | 20:21:45 (UTC) | <DrBanner#6204> I'm sure we all know it well
09 Sep 2016 | 20:22:02 (UTC) | <Platinum Steve#9294> Hate when that happens
09 Sep 2016 | 20:22:12 (UTC) | <ArgentVulpine#2736> They're in a slump. I'm willing to allow it
09 Sep 2016 | 20:22:14 (UTC) | <DrBanner#6204> Assuming something is correct simply because it follows her logical assumptions
09 Sep 2016 | 20:22:42 (UTC) | <Electric trainer Skyfox#1084> @DrBanner#6204 what type of pot os that
09 Sep 2016 | 20:22:59 (UTC) | <DrBanner#6204> pot os?
09 Sep 2016 | 20:23:12 (UTC) | <Electric trainer Skyfox#1084> Pit is
09 Sep 2016 | 20:23:17 (UTC) | <Electric trainer Skyfox#1084> Sry large fingers
09 Sep 2016 | 20:23:23 (UTC) | <DrBanner#6204> oh lol
09 Sep 2016 | 20:23:48 (UTC) | <Electric trainer Skyfox#1084> Also not related but flirting isnt fucking cheating right im not crazy
09 Sep 2016 | 20:23:52 (UTC) | <DrBanner#6204> She assumes something that is technically correct, but fails to see the other branch of the tree.
09 Sep 2016 | 20:23:53 (UTC) | <gdude2002#5318> there were spinoff books with K9 in
09 Sep 2016 | 20:23:57 (UTC) | <gdude2002#5318> so if they ask if it's in a book
09 Sep 2016 | 20:24:00 (UTC) | <gdude2002#5318> the answer is, ofc, partly
09 Sep 2016 | 20:24:06 (UTC) | <DrBanner#6204> Skyfox - that depends, IMO.
09 Sep 2016 | 20:24:11 (UTC) | <func_door#9765> "cheating" in a relationship depends on the rules you've set in your particular relationship.
09 Sep 2016 | 20:24:14 (UTC) | <DrBanner#6204> Be more specific.
09 Sep 2016 | 20:24:32 (UTC) | <Electric trainer Skyfox#1084> Talking to a girl and joking about kinky stuff
09 Sep 2016 | 20:24:35 (UTC) | <Platinum Steve#9294> cheating is anything youd do that your partner wouldnt be ok with you doing but you did it anyways.
09 Sep 2016 | 20:24:50 (UTC) | <DrBanner#6204> It could be. ^
09 Sep 2016 | 20:25:10 (UTC) | <gdude2002#5318> oh shit
09 Sep 2016 | 20:25:12 (UTC) | <Electric trainer Skyfox#1084> @gdude2002#5318 the thing is they ask originate wich can be too specific
09 Sep 2016 | 20:25:13 (UTC) | <gdude2002#5318> gatr
09 Sep 2016 | 20:25:14 (UTC) | <gdude2002#5318> lol
09 Sep 2016 | 20:25:16 (UTC) | <EmeraldDragon#1771> Omg
09 Sep 2016 | 20:25:18 (UTC) | <ArgentVulpine#2736> Oh, fuck, Gatr... lol
09 Sep 2016 | 20:25:22 (UTC) | <gdude2002#5318> don't say anything
09 Sep 2016 | 20:25:23 (UTC) | <gdude2002#5318> don't say anything
09 Sep 2016 | 20:25:24 (UTC) | <gdude2002#5318> xD
09 Sep 2016 | 20:25:24 (UTC) | <DrBanner#6204> wow
09 Sep 2016 | 20:25:24 (UTC) | <func_door#9765> oh dang skava with the robot idea
09 Sep 2016 | 20:25:27 (UTC) | <Electric trainer Skyfox#1084> Fuck
09 Sep 2016 | 20:25:29 (UTC) | <func_door#9765> maybe they'll get somewhere yet
09 Sep 2016 | 20:25:31 (UTC) | <DrBanner#6204> pulled that one out of you know where
09 Sep 2016 | 20:25:38 (UTC) | <Electric trainer Skyfox#1084> I under estimated his geek powers
09 Sep 2016 | 20:25:45 (UTC) | <gdude2002#5318> I'll take this question
09 Sep 2016 | 20:26:12 (UTC) | <DrBanner#6204> Don't answer right away.
09 Sep 2016 | 20:26:20 (UTC) | <DrBanner#6204> unless it is a hard yes or no
09 Sep 2016 | 20:26:25 (UTC) | <ArgentVulpine#2736> Give 'em a minute to stew
09 Sep 2016 | 20:26:25 (UTC) | <gdude2002#5318> M'kay
09 Sep 2016 | 20:26:25 (UTC) | <Electric trainer Skyfox#1084> Wait a min yes to confuse them
09 Sep 2016 | 20:26:28 (UTC) | <gdude2002#5318> but let me send the messages
09 Sep 2016 | 20:26:29 (UTC) | <gdude2002#5318> lol
09 Sep 2016 | 20:28:13 (UTC) | <EmeraldDragon#1771> What
09 Sep 2016 | 20:28:15 (UTC) | <ArgentVulpine#2736> Oh, they asked it. 11. Is it from a book?
09 Sep 2016 | 20:28:17 (UTC) | <Platinum Steve#9294> partly?
09 Sep 2016 | 20:28:17 (UTC) | <func_door#9765> how "partly"?
09 Sep 2016 | 20:28:21 (UTC) | <DrBanner#6204> no
09 Sep 2016 | 20:28:25 (UTC) | <Electric trainer Skyfox#1084> Update on the cheatimg part she said its ok Im just being my sarcastic egotistical bastard sel her words but her friends still mad ghhhh this is too much
09 Sep 2016 | 20:28:26 (UTC) | <func_door#9765> I see it as a hard no
09 Sep 2016 | 20:28:27 (UTC) | <Platinum Steve#9294> i thought it was No
09 Sep 2016 | 20:28:29 (UTC) | <DrBanner#6204> from denotes origin
09 Sep 2016 | 20:28:34 (UTC) | <gdude2002#5318> Huh? we already discussed this
09 Sep 2016 | 20:28:34 (UTC) | <Electric trainer Skyfox#1084> It didnt originate in one but di apear
09 Sep 2016 | 20:28:40 (UTC) | <ArgentVulpine#2736> K9 is in books, but it originated on tv
09 Sep 2016 | 20:28:49 (UTC) | <gdude2002#5318> I already asked you guys if partly was okay
09 Sep 2016 | 20:28:53 (UTC) | <DrBanner#6204> can we ask for clarification of the question?
09 Sep 2016 | 20:28:53 (UTC) | <gdude2002#5318> and nobody said it wasn't
09 Sep 2016 | 20:28:54 (UTC) | <gdude2002#5318> lol
09 Sep 2016 | 20:28:56 (UTC) | <Electric trainer Skyfox#1084> They dodnt ask if originated but is in one
09 Sep 2016 | 20:28:58 (UTC) | <func_door#9765> for the entire duration of this game we've taken "from" to imply origin
09 Sep 2016 | 20:29:01 (UTC) | <EmeraldDragon#1771> He said from
09 Sep 2016 | 20:29:11 (UTC) | <DrBanner#6204> to me, from denotes origin.
09 Sep 2016 | 20:29:16 (UTC) | <func_door#9765> I think we should say no
09 Sep 2016 | 20:29:16 (UTC) | <Electric trainer Skyfox#1084> So clarify
09 Sep 2016 | 20:29:25 (UTC) | <Electric trainer Skyfox#1084> No lets ask to rephrase
09 Sep 2016 | 20:29:32 (UTC) | <DrBanner#6204> can I ask for clarification?
09 Sep 2016 | 20:29:37 (UTC) | <func_door#9765> I think its a clear no, but sure
09 Sep 2016 | 20:29:38 (UTC) | <Platinum Steve#9294> I kind of think we should just say No
09 Sep 2016 | 20:29:49 (UTC) | <ArgentVulpine#2736> We could have them rephrase
09 Sep 2016 | 20:29:57 (UTC) | <DrBanner#6204> I agree, asking for a rephrase is giving away information.
09 Sep 2016 | 20:29:59 (UTC) | <gdude2002#5318> I mean we could ask them to clarify yeah
09 Sep 2016 | 20:30:05 (UTC) | <DrBanner#6204> but I think we should
09 Sep 2016 | 20:30:27 (UTC) | <func_door#9765> I don't see any way that it could be considered to originate from a book
09 Sep 2016 | 20:30:31 (UTC) | <gdude2002#5318> well, with that rephrase, yes
09 Sep 2016 | 20:30:34 (UTC) | <DrBanner#6204> yes
09 Sep 2016 | 20:30:37 (UTC) | <ArgentVulpine#2736> : 11. Is the noun contained within the written passages of a written work? lulz
09 Sep 2016 | 20:30:45 (UTC) | <DrBanner#6204> The council has spoken.
09 Sep 2016 | 20:30:51 (UTC) | <Electric trainer Skyfox#1084> Taiga tephrased it well
09 Sep 2016 | 20:30:57 (UTC) | <EmeraldDragon#1771> Wow he screwed himself
09 Sep 2016 | 20:31:07 (UTC) | <ArgentVulpine#2736> XD
09 Sep 2016 | 20:31:16 (UTC) | <Platinum Steve#9294> lol
09 Sep 2016 | 20:31:20 (UTC) | <func_door#9765> thats a terrible rephrase
09 Sep 2016 | 20:31:21 (UTC) | <DrBanner#6204> they shot him down on the rephrase
09 Sep 2016 | 20:31:22 (UTC) | <DrBanner#6204> lol
09 Sep 2016 | 20:31:26 (UTC) | <func_door#9765> it means "has this thing ever been written about"
09 Sep 2016 | 20:31:35 (UTC) | <func_door#9765> which narrows down nothing literally
09 Sep 2016 | 20:31:35 (UTC) | <Electric trainer Skyfox#1084> Bets way to aks did the noun appear in a book
09 Sep 2016 | 20:31:37 (UTC) | <Platinum Steve#9294> it means "has this thing ever been written down" lol
09 Sep 2016 | 20:31:39 (UTC) | <EmeraldDragon#1771> Gatr has got it
09 Sep 2016 | 20:31:42 (UTC) | <DrBanner#6204> the answer to that would be yes even outside of the confines of the Dr Who universe
09 Sep 2016 | 20:31:42 (UTC) | <gdude2002#5318> yeah
09 Sep 2016 | 20:31:44 (UTC) | <gdude2002#5318> and that'd be a no
09 Sep 2016 | 20:31:47 (UTC) | <gdude2002#5318> which is fine
09 Sep 2016 | 20:32:23 (UTC) | <Electric trainer Skyfox#1084> Ahh yes originated time for a hard no
09 Sep 2016 | 20:32:43 (UTC) | <func_door#9765> we've been interpreting "from" as originated since we started playing 20 questions
09 Sep 2016 | 20:32:46 (UTC) | <func_door#9765> it's the same question really
09 Sep 2016 | 20:33:31 (UTC) | <DrBanner#6204> I agree, but we cannot assume for risk of giving information that might be interpreted incorrectly.
09 Sep 2016 | 20:34:10 (UTC) | <Electric trainer Skyfox#1084> ^
09 Sep 2016 | 20:34:29 (UTC) | <Platinum Steve#9294> __**What Is Known**__
1. Is it fictional? **Yes**
2. Is it living? **No**
3. Is it primarily associated with Western fiction? **Yes**
4. Is it a specific thing, as opposed to a class of things? **No**
5. Is it tangible? **Yes**
6. Did it originate from a video game? **No**
7. Does it have roots in literature but expanded to other media like film and television? **No**
8. is it larger than the average person? **No**
8. Is it larger than the average person? **No**
9. Does it have supernatural properties? **No**
10. Did it originate in digital media as opposed to literature, assuming one excludes the other, excluding works such as e-books as digital media but accepting them as literature, and accepting webcomics as digital media, not assuming literature as a measurement of quality? **No**
11. Did it originate in a book? **No**
09 Sep 2016 | 20:34:39 (UTC) | <func_door#9765> it's not assuming
09 Sep 2016 | 20:34:43 (UTC) | <func_door#9765> it's following established convention
09 Sep 2016 | 20:34:56 (UTC) | <ArgentVulpine#2736> brb again
09 Sep 2016 | 20:36:07 (UTC) | <EmeraldDragon#1771> If gatr gets metal he is guessing k9
09 Sep 2016 | 20:36:36 (UTC) | <func_door#9765> they haven't narrowed it down nearly enough for that
09 Sep 2016 | 20:36:47 (UTC) | <gdude2002#5318> He could go wildcard and guess anyway though
09 Sep 2016 | 20:37:00 (UTC) | <EmeraldDragon#1771> But once it gets to that point I mean
09 Sep 2016 | 20:37:03 (UTC) | <Platinum Steve#9294> is k9 a very main character
09 Sep 2016 | 20:37:08 (UTC) | <Platinum Steve#9294> once introduced?
09 Sep 2016 | 20:37:27 (UTC) | <DrBanner#6204> He already said K-9 a while ago.
09 Sep 2016 | 20:37:31 (UTC) | <EmeraldDragon#1771> Not in doctor who
09 Sep 2016 | 20:37:34 (UTC) | <ArgentVulpine#2736> K9 is a companion character, not really "main" though
09 Sep 2016 | 20:37:42 (UTC) | <Platinum Steve#9294> interesting
09 Sep 2016 | 20:37:45 (UTC) | <EmeraldDragon#1771> But in Sarah Jane more so
09 Sep 2016 | 20:38:07 (UTC) | <ArgentVulpine#2736> Yes, but Sarah Jane Chronicles are recent.
09 Sep 2016 | 20:38:36 (UTC) | <func_door#9765> oh did someone mention the answer? I missed that
09 Sep 2016 | 20:38:55 (UTC) | <Electric trainer Skyfox#1084> Lets all agree whos the best companion
09 Sep 2016 | 20:39:01 (UTC) | <Electric trainer Skyfox#1084> Clara
09 Sep 2016 | 20:39:07 (UTC) | <ArgentVulpine#2736> Gatr through out K9 and Johnny 5 after Skava (I think) mentioned robots
09 Sep 2016 | 20:39:14 (UTC) | <Platinum Steve#9294> oh really
09 Sep 2016 | 20:39:15 (UTC) | <Platinum Steve#9294> dangerous
09 Sep 2016 | 20:39:28 (UTC) | <Platinum Steve#9294> with 9 questions left if it's already crossed their mind they have a good shot
09 Sep 2016 | 20:39:39 (UTC) | <ArgentVulpine#2736> Leela = best companion. 😛
09 Sep 2016 | 20:39:53 (UTC) | <func_door#9765> I missed gatr mentioning k9, that's pretty funny
09 Sep 2016 | 20:39:57 (UTC) | <func_door#9765> man, this really is just the same game flipped over
09 Sep 2016 | 20:40:07 (UTC) | <Platinum Steve#9294> they just said wall-e though ahha
09 Sep 2016 | 20:40:24 (UTC) | <DrBanner#6204> The best companion is the terminator from T2
09 Sep 2016 | 20:40:26 (UTC) | <DrBanner#6204> obviously.
09 Sep 2016 | 20:40:36 (UTC) | <Electric trainer Skyfox#1084> @ArgentVulpine#2736 I think we might have a problem
09 Sep 2016 | 20:40:41 (UTC) | <DrBanner#6204> Or Baymax.
09 Sep 2016 | 20:40:41 (UTC) | <gdude2002#5318> I don't think so
09 Sep 2016 | 20:40:49 (UTC) | <gdude2002#5318> I mean if they do work it out, fair juice, they did well
09 Sep 2016 | 20:40:58 (UTC) | <DrBanner#6204> A personal healthcare companion might be useful in the zombie apocalypse.
09 Sep 2016 | 20:41:06 (UTC) | <ArgentVulpine#2736> Why do you think we have a problem, Sky?
09 Sep 2016 | 20:41:54 (UTC) | <Electric trainer Skyfox#1084> Cause 1.clara 2. Rose 3. Jack 4. K9 5. Rory
09 Sep 2016 | 20:42:12 (UTC) | <DrBanner#6204> They have it now.
09 Sep 2016 | 20:42:15 (UTC) | <ArgentVulpine#2736> I am including *all* of the companions, though. Not just the recent ones.
09 Sep 2016 | 20:42:20 (UTC) | <Electric trainer Skyfox#1084> Ok fixed that
09 Sep 2016 | 20:42:37 (UTC) | <DrBanner#6204> wait, you're talking only about Doctor companions
09 Sep 2016 | 20:42:47 (UTC) | <DrBanner#6204> forget you guys then
09 Sep 2016 | 20:42:55 (UTC) | <Electric trainer Skyfox#1084> I mean leela would be higher if not for jack being hot and k9 being k9
09 Sep 2016 | 20:43:40 (UTC) | <ArgentVulpine#2736> Are you saying Leela is not hot? Also Leela was the first truly "warrior" type female companion the Doctor had. It made her unique and I like that
09 Sep 2016 | 20:44:26 (UTC) | <Electric trainer Skyfox#1084> Yeah but 1. Dead wolf 2. The girl who was everything 3. Captain jack motherfucking harkness
09 Sep 2016 | 20:44:29 (UTC) | <gdude2002#5318>
09 Sep 2016 | 20:44:38 (UTC) | <DrBanner#6204> LOL
09 Sep 2016 | 20:44:53 (UTC) | <Platinum Steve#9294> does k-9 have weapons?
09 Sep 2016 | 20:44:57 (UTC) | <DrBanner#6204> yes
09 Sep 2016 | 20:45:00 (UTC) | <DrBanner#6204> but he is not a weapon
09 Sep 2016 | 20:45:03 (UTC) | <gdude2002#5318> yeah, he's not a weapon though..
09 Sep 2016 | 20:45:03 (UTC) | <Platinum Steve#9294> ok
09 Sep 2016 | 20:45:06 (UTC) | <gdude2002#5318> and he's not part of a weapon
09 Sep 2016 | 20:45:09 (UTC) | <Platinum Steve#9294> is he used as a weapon often?
09 Sep 2016 | 20:45:13 (UTC) | <gdude2002#5318> He's a companion robot
09 Sep 2016 | 20:45:14 (UTC) | <DrBanner#6204> I can answer that one. 😃
09 Sep 2016 | 20:45:16 (UTC) | <ArgentVulpine#2736> 1. Leela, 2. Jack, 3. Rose, 4. K9, 5. Jack again
09 Sep 2016 | 20:45:26 (UTC) | <gdude2002#5318> he defends his companion through free will but he isn't used as a weapon
09 Sep 2016 | 20:45:28 (UTC) | <DrBanner#6204> That's like saying is a police escort a weapon
09 Sep 2016 | 20:45:30 (UTC) | <Platinum Steve#9294> I dont know what that means lol
09 Sep 2016 | 20:45:36 (UTC) | <func_door#9765> is a police dog a weapon? I'd say no
09 Sep 2016 | 20:45:39 (UTC) | <Platinum Steve#9294> Ok
09 Sep 2016 | 20:45:40 (UTC) | <DrBanner#6204> they have weapons, but they *aren't* weapons
09 Sep 2016 | 20:45:45 (UTC) | <Electric trainer Skyfox#1084> @ArgentVulpine#2736 do you not like clara?
09 Sep 2016 | 20:45:59 (UTC) | <DrBanner#6204> a police dog could actually be considered a weapon in some circumstances
09 Sep 2016 | 20:46:08 (UTC) | <Platinum Steve#9294> If he asks like that we should ask to clarify
09 Sep 2016 | 20:46:09 (UTC) | <gdude2002#5318> the answer would be No then
09 Sep 2016 | 20:46:10 (UTC) | <ArgentVulpine#2736> @Electric trainer Skyfox She was okay in the beginning, but... meh?
09 Sep 2016 | 20:46:11 (UTC) | <Electric trainer Skyfox#1084> Also me while not a companion was an interesting character wish she stuck around linger same with clara
09 Sep 2016 | 20:46:12 (UTC) | <Platinum Steve#9294> because you cant "or"
09 Sep 2016 | 20:46:28 (UTC) | <func_door#9765> you can do or
09 Sep 2016 | 20:46:32 (UTC) | <func_door#9765> logical disjunctions are fine
09 Sep 2016 | 20:46:36 (UTC) | <func_door#9765> you just get less info out of them
09 Sep 2016 | 20:46:38 (UTC) | <gdude2002#5318> mkay
09 Sep 2016 | 20:46:40 (UTC) | <Platinum Steve#9294> oh, interesting. how do we answer this one?
09 Sep 2016 | 20:46:42 (UTC) | <DrBanner#6204> it would be no anyway
09 Sep 2016 | 20:46:46 (UTC) | <gdude2002#5318> I'll handle it if you guys don't want to
09 Sep 2016 | 20:46:48 (UTC) | <Platinum Steve#9294> he is not part of a weapon system?
09 Sep 2016 | 20:46:48 (UTC) | <DrBanner#6204> because both or statements are no
09 Sep 2016 | 20:46:49 (UTC) | <gdude2002#5318> but I'm gonna say no
09 Sep 2016 | 20:46:52 (UTC) | <func_door#9765> you resolve each part of the question, and then do a logical "or"
09 Sep 2016 | 20:46:56 (UTC) | <gdude2002#5318> thanks argent
09 Sep 2016 | 20:47:32 (UTC) | <Electric trainer Skyfox#1084> @ArgentVulpine#2736 honestly the chemistry with capaldi was great she shows not just inteligence she know about the doctor alot maybe even more than leela I think most important thing about leela is that she can survive even more than the doctor could
09 Sep 2016 | 20:47:35 (UTC) | <gdude2002#5318> I mean they're getting closer but they still don't have it
09 Sep 2016 | 20:47:41 (UTC) | <gdude2002#5318> also we should probably keep this somewhat on topic
09 Sep 2016 | 20:47:44 (UTC) | <gdude2002#5318> as we move closer
09 Sep 2016 | 20:48:14 (UTC) | <DrBanner#6204> Let's stay quiet in here until they ask a question
09 Sep 2016 | 20:48:21 (UTC) | <gdude2002#5318> yes
09 Sep 2016 | 20:48:24 (UTC) | <gdude2002#5318> stay quiet and benny hill with me
09 Sep 2016 | 20:48:36 (UTC) | <gdude2002#5318> <>
09 Sep 2016 | 20:49:28 (UTC) | <DrBanner#6204> actually droids were a generic term in star wars
09 Sep 2016 | 20:49:35 (UTC) | <gdude2002#5318> yeah, but in star wars
09 Sep 2016 | 20:49:36 (UTC) | <DrBanner#6204> "These aren't the droids you're looking for."
09 Sep 2016 | 20:49:37 (UTC) | <gdude2002#5318> not anything else
09 Sep 2016 | 20:49:50 (UTC) | <gdude2002#5318> if they ask that I'm totally answering with that
09 Sep 2016 | 20:49:52 (UTC) | <func_door#9765> "droid" is not a generic term in sci-fi
09 Sep 2016 | 20:50:03 (UTC) | <func_door#9765> I already clarified what droid means, so if they ask it, they know what they're getting into
09 Sep 2016 | 20:50:33 (UTC) | <ArgentVulpine#2736> K9 is a robot, not a droid or android, anyway
09 Sep 2016 | 20:50:36 (UTC) | <DrBanner#6204> They won't ask that - func is right
09 Sep 2016 | 20:50:44 (UTC) | <DrBanner#6204> no one says 'droid' - it's always android or robot
09 Sep 2016 | 20:50:44 (UTC) | <gdude2002#5318> they might
09 Sep 2016 | 20:50:47 (UTC) | <gdude2002#5318> they seem to think they're close
09 Sep 2016 | 20:51:02 (UTC) | <func_door#9765> I think they have a shot at it, honestly
09 Sep 2016 | 20:51:11 (UTC) | <func_door#9765> I had my doubts but it might happen
09 Sep 2016 | 20:51:13 (UTC) | <Platinum Steve#9294> Same
09 Sep 2016 | 20:51:20 (UTC) | <DrBanner#6204> ugh
09 Sep 2016 | 20:51:21 (UTC) | <ArgentVulpine#2736> Since Gatr already mentioned K9, all he has to do it have the right questions asked to get back to it
09 Sep 2016 | 20:51:26 (UTC) | <DrBanner#6204> I think it will go to question 19
09 Sep 2016 | 20:53:36 (UTC) | <ArgentVulpine#2736> Anything is possible at this point
09 Sep 2016 | 20:53:42 (UTC) | <gdude2002#5318> zombo
09 Sep 2016 | 20:53:58 (UTC) | <DrBanner#6204> ok - rachel would definitely have gotten to Commander Data by now
09 Sep 2016 | 20:54:06 (UTC) | <ArgentVulpine#2736> Yeah, I think so, too
09 Sep 2016 | 20:54:15 (UTC) | <Platinum Steve#9294> can we be more organized with answers? it gets wild with like 4 of us all spamming "no" as soon as they ask
09 Sep 2016 | 20:54:31 (UTC) | <DrBanner#6204> Just specify who is to answer the next question.
09 Sep 2016 | 20:54:34 (UTC) | <DrBanner#6204> Everyone gets a turn.
09 Sep 2016 | 20:54:41 (UTC) | <gdude2002#5318> Steve, you're up
09 Sep 2016 | 20:54:42 (UTC) | <Platinum Steve#9294> I think we should answer in here together and get consensus just in case
09 Sep 2016 | 20:54:43 (UTC) | <gdude2002#5318> :P
09 Sep 2016 | 20:54:45 (UTC) | <Platinum Steve#9294> haha ok
09 Sep 2016 | 20:54:51 (UTC) | <Platinum Steve#9294> especially for me then since I dont know much about k9
09 Sep 2016 | 20:55:04 (UTC) | <DrBanner#6204> 15 no
09 Sep 2016 | 20:55:14 (UTC) | <Platinum Steve#9294> well
09 Sep 2016 | 20:55:17 (UTC) | <Platinum Steve#9294> that one was...
09 Sep 2016 | 20:55:18 (UTC) | <Platinum Steve#9294> lol
09 Sep 2016 | 20:55:20 (UTC) | <DrBanner#6204> Who's next?
09 Sep 2016 | 20:55:47 (UTC) | <func_door#9765> not sure why styg went with that
09 Sep 2016 | 20:55:49 (UTC) | <func_door#9765> ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
09 Sep 2016 | 20:55:54 (UTC) | <DrBanner#6204> I almost missed 15 because of the repeated posting of the question list
09 Sep 2016 | 20:55:58 (UTC) | <gdude2002#5318> are they going to ask star trek? lol
09 Sep 2016 | 20:56:00 (UTC) | <ArgentVulpine#2736> Styg really wants it to be from Trek
09 Sep 2016 | 20:56:08 (UTC) | <func_door#9765> too bad its not commander data, then
09 Sep 2016 | 20:56:34 (UTC) | <DrBanner#6204> If it was, they might have gotten to him already
09 Sep 2016 | 20:56:43 (UTC) | <DrBanner#6204> although the alive / sentient thing would be a giveaway
09 Sep 2016 | 20:56:53 (UTC) | <gdude2002#5318> @Platinum Steve your question is coming up!
09 Sep 2016 | 20:57:00 (UTC) | <Platinum Steve#9294> lol ok
09 Sep 2016 | 20:57:09 (UTC) | <DrBanner#6204> but they still don't know if it is even Star Trek
09 Sep 2016 | 20:57:29 (UTC) | <ArgentVulpine#2736> They might be asking that soon
09 Sep 2016 | 20:58:15 (UTC) | <DrBanner#6204> Wall-E, an interesting guess
09 Sep 2016 | 20:58:19 (UTC) | <DrBanner#6204> kind of close.
09 Sep 2016 | 20:58:29 (UTC) | <Platinum Steve#9294> Yea, right?
09 Sep 2016 | 20:58:30 (UTC) | <DrBanner#6204> I wouldn't say Wall-E is Sci-Fi though
09 Sep 2016 | 20:58:38 (UTC) | <func_door#9765> it is
09 Sep 2016 | 20:58:48 (UTC) | <ArgentVulpine#2736> Wall-E is definitely sci-fi
09 Sep 2016 | 20:59:03 (UTC) | <DrBanner#6204> it doesn't feel like Sci-Fi though
09 Sep 2016 | 20:59:10 (UTC) | <DrBanner#6204> and I am sentient, so I can feel
09 Sep 2016 | 20:59:13 (UTC) | <ArgentVulpine#2736> It's cutesy sci-fi, but it's still sci-fi
09 Sep 2016 | 20:59:17 (UTC) | <func_door#9765> wall-e is actually better at being science fiction than star wars
09 Sep 2016 | 20:59:21 (UTC) | <DrBanner#6204> true
09 Sep 2016 | 20:59:24 (UTC) | <ArgentVulpine#2736> Star Wars is a space opera
09 Sep 2016 | 20:59:34 (UTC) | <DrBanner#6204> wait, who's answering next?
09 Sep 2016 | 20:59:42 (UTC) | <gdude2002#5318> steve
09 Sep 2016 | 20:59:47 (UTC) | <func_door#9765> wall-e actually is speculative fiction dealing with potential technology
09 Sep 2016 | 20:59:53 (UTC) | <DrBanner#6204> Didn't Steve answer the last one?
09 Sep 2016 | 20:59:55 (UTC) | <gdude2002#5318> No
09 Sep 2016 | 20:59:56 (UTC) | <gdude2002#5318> func did
09 Sep 2016 | 20:59:56 (UTC) | <gdude2002#5318> lol
09 Sep 2016 | 21:00:00 (UTC) | <Platinum Steve#9294> I tried. func beat me to it :0
09 Sep 2016 | 21:00:05 (UTC) | <DrBanner#6204> I'm getting tired I guess lol
09 Sep 2016 | 21:00:06 (UTC) | <Platinum Steve#9294> you can if you want, banner
09 Sep 2016 | 21:00:10 (UTC) | <DrBanner#6204> nah, you go
09 Sep 2016 | 21:00:12 (UTC) | <ArgentVulpine#2736> "Potential technology" is what makes it sci-fi, really
09 Sep 2016 | 21:00:17 (UTC) | <gdude2002#5318> banner, you take the one after that then
09 Sep 2016 | 21:00:25 (UTC) | <func_door#9765> sorry for cutting, won't happen again 😛
09 Sep 2016 | 21:00:38 (UTC) | <Platinum Steve#9294> no worries
09 Sep 2016 | 21:00:39 (UTC) | <DrBanner#6204> I think you're just getting impatient
09 Sep 2016 | 21:00:45 (UTC) | <ArgentVulpine#2736> Star Wars is not sci-fi in the purest sense of the genre because there is no real "science" in it
09 Sep 2016 | 21:01:03 (UTC) | <DrBanner#6204> I consider it Fantasy
09 Sep 2016 | 21:01:03 (UTC) | <func_door#9765> putting things into genre is ambiguous though
09 Sep 2016 | 21:01:08 (UTC) | <func_door#9765> I bet its sci fi on netflix
09 Sep 2016 | 21:01:13 (UTC) | <Platinum Steve#9294> yea
09 Sep 2016 | 21:01:17 (UTC) | <DrBanner#6204> is it on Netflix?
09 Sep 2016 | 21:01:24 (UTC) | <func_door#9765> imdb whatever
09 Sep 2016 | 21:01:25 (UTC) | <DrBanner#6204> lemme check
09 Sep 2016 | 21:01:34 (UTC) | <ArgentVulpine#2736> It probably is, if it's on Netflix, but that doesn't change its realistic classification as a space opera
09 Sep 2016 | 21:01:38 (UTC) | <func_door#9765> actually its not lel
09 Sep 2016 | 21:02:04 (UTC) | <Electric trainer Skyfox#1084> Someone update me on answers
09 Sep 2016 | 21:02:05 (UTC) | <func_door#9765> does imdb even have a category for sci fi...
09 Sep 2016 | 21:02:24 (UTC) | <ArgentVulpine#2736> __**What Is Known**__
1. Is it fictional? **Yes**
2. Is it living? **No**
3. Is it primarily associated with Western fiction? **Yes**
4. Is it a specific thing, as opposed to a class of things? **No**
5. Is it tangible? **Yes**
6. Did it originate from a video game? **No**
7. Does it have roots in literature but expanded to other media like film and television? **No**
8. is it larger than the average person? **No**
9. Does it have supernatural properties? **No**
10. Did it originate in digital media as opposed to literature, assuming one excludes the other, excluding works such as e-books as digital media but accepting them as literature, and accepting webcomics as digital media, not assuming literature as a measurement of quality? **No**
11. Did it originate in a book? **No**
12. Is it from the sci-fi genre? **Yes**
13. Is it a weapon or part of a weapons system? **No**
14. Is it a droid (implying specifically Star Wars as a point if origin) **No**
15. Is it a tricorder **No**
09 Sep 2016 | 21:02:27 (UTC) | <gdude2002#5318> @func_door
09 Sep 2016 | 21:02:31 (UTC) | <Platinum Steve#9294> actually func would you mind updating the Pin?
09 Sep 2016 | 21:02:43 (UTC) | <EmeraldDragon#1771> Steve
09 Sep 2016 | 21:02:48 (UTC) | <DrBanner#6204> Go Steve
09 Sep 2016 | 21:02:55 (UTC) | <ArgentVulpine#2736> If they ask if it has electronic components... yes.
09 Sep 2016 | 21:03:02 (UTC) | <func_door#9765> is 15 not the most recent
09 Sep 2016 | 21:03:05 (UTC) | <gdude2002#5318> it is
09 Sep 2016 | 21:03:08 (UTC) | <Platinum Steve#9294> i meant in here
09 Sep 2016 | 21:03:14 (UTC) | <DrBanner#6204> yes
09 Sep 2016 | 21:03:15 (UTC) | <func_door#9765> oh
09 Sep 2016 | 21:03:19 (UTC) | <func_door#9765> ```
__**What Is Known**__
1. Is it fictional? **Yes**
2. Is it living? **No**
3. Is it primarily associated with Western fiction? **Yes**
4. Is it a specific thing, as opposed to a class of things? **No**
5. Is it tangible? **Yes**
6. Did it originate from a video game? **No**
7. Does it have roots in literature but expanded to other media like film and television? **No**
8. is it larger than the average person? **No**
9. Does it have supernatural properties? **No**
10. Did it originate in digital media as opposed to literature, assuming one excludes the other, excluding works such as e-books as digital media but accepting them as literature, and accepting webcomics as digital media, not assuming literature as a measurement of quality? **No**
11. Did it originate in a book? **No**
12. Is it from the sci-fi genre? **Yes**
13. Is it a weapon or part of a weapons system? **No**
14. Is it a droid (implying specifically Star Wars as a point if origin) **No**
15. Is it a tricorder? **No**
09 Sep 2016 | 21:03:22 (UTC) | <func_door#9765>
09 Sep 2016 | 21:03:31 (UTC) | <gdude2002#5318> beat me to it
09 Sep 2016 | 21:03:32 (UTC) | <gdude2002#5318> lol
09 Sep 2016 | 21:03:39 (UTC) | <Platinum Steve#9294> ty!
09 Sep 2016 | 21:03:50 (UTC) | <DrBanner#6204> They have clone wars on netflix
09 Sep 2016 | 21:03:54 (UTC) | <gdude2002#5318> OK that's enough benny hill theme
09 Sep 2016 | 21:03:57 (UTC) | <gdude2002#5318> it's getting jarring
09 Sep 2016 | 21:04:00 (UTC) | <DrBanner#6204> it's listed as "TV Shows"
09 Sep 2016 | 21:04:01 (UTC) | <DrBanner#6204> ROFL
09 Sep 2016 | 21:04:17 (UTC) | <Electric trainer Skyfox#1084> Did you ruleout cabbage is that an alowed taunt
09 Sep 2016 | 21:04:28 (UTC) | <Platinum Steve#9294> oh yea i have a question about k9
09 Sep 2016 | 21:04:30 (UTC) | <Platinum Steve#9294> hes electronic
09 Sep 2016 | 21:04:31 (UTC) | <func_door#9765> star wars has the tag "science fantasy" but not "science fiction"
09 Sep 2016 | 21:04:33 (UTC) | <Platinum Steve#9294> does he run on battery?
09 Sep 2016 | 21:04:51 (UTC) | <Electric trainer Skyfox#1084> @Platinum Steve#9294 similar to cars id assume
09 Sep 2016 | 21:05:01 (UTC) | <Electric trainer Skyfox#1084> Never said
09 Sep 2016 | 21:05:03 (UTC) | <gdude2002#5318> We don't have that lore, sadly
09 Sep 2016 | 21:05:07 (UTC) | <Electric trainer Skyfox#1084> As far as I know
09 Sep 2016 | 21:05:17 (UTC) | <Electric trainer Skyfox#1084> Is it important tho
09 Sep 2016 | 21:05:28 (UTC) | <ArgentVulpine#2736> Science fantasy is an acceptable genre tag for Star Wars, imo
09 Sep 2016 | 21:05:30 (UTC) | <Platinum Steve#9294> they mentioned it a second ago sort of
09 Sep 2016 | 21:05:39 (UTC) | <Platinum Steve#9294> if they ask if it's battery powered, the answer is Unknown?
09 Sep 2016 | 21:05:54 (UTC) | <ArgentVulpine#2736> K9 charges up, I believe, much like you might do a cordless vacuum
09 Sep 2016 | 21:05:54 (UTC) | <DrBanner#6204> I'd say yes
09 Sep 2016 | 21:06:03 (UTC) | <DrBanner#6204> By definition.
09 Sep 2016 | 21:06:13 (UTC) | <Platinum Steve#9294> Maybe we don't know the type of battery or details
09 Sep 2016 | 21:06:22 (UTC) | <Electric trainer Skyfox#1084> His prop on set runs on an electric engine
09 Sep 2016 | 21:06:23 (UTC) | <Platinum Steve#9294> but it has power storage
09 Sep 2016 | 21:06:23 (UTC) | <DrBanner#6204> Do we need to?
09 Sep 2016 | 21:06:31 (UTC) | <Platinum Steve#9294> which by definition is a battery
09 Sep 2016 | 21:06:46 (UTC) | <Platinum Steve#9294> i use Enter as punctuation. all my sentences are disjointed lol sorry
09 Sep 2016 | 21:06:51 (UTC) | <ArgentVulpine#2736> The prop, yes, but we're talking about the fictional K9
09 Sep 2016 | 21:07:09 (UTC) | <DrBanner#6204> Define battery
09 Sep 2016 | 21:07:10 (UTC) | <Electric trainer Skyfox#1084> Ik but im assuming its not diffrent right
09 Sep 2016 | 21:07:27 (UTC) | <DrBanner#6204> if we are referring to stored energy as a function of a chemical reaction
09 Sep 2016 | 21:07:29 (UTC) | <DrBanner#6204> that's one thing
09 Sep 2016 | 21:07:48 (UTC) | <DrBanner#6204> but technically anything that converts matter into energy is a battery
09 Sep 2016 | 21:08:23 (UTC) | <Platinum Steve#9294> 16. is yes
09 Sep 2016 | 21:08:36 (UTC) | <DrBanner#6204> yes
09 Sep 2016 | 21:08:36 (UTC) | <gdude2002#5318> yes
09 Sep 2016 | 21:08:38 (UTC) | <gdude2002#5318> do it steve
09 Sep 2016 | 21:08:52 (UTC) | <gdude2002#5318> @ArgentVulpine that was supposed to be steve's lol
09 Sep 2016 | 21:09:00 (UTC) | <Platinum Steve#9294> lol its all goo
09 Sep 2016 | 21:09:01 (UTC) | <Platinum Steve#9294> d
09 Sep 2016 | 21:09:11 (UTC) | <Electric trainer Skyfox#1084> Im not goo
09 Sep 2016 | 21:09:11 (UTC) | <Platinum Steve#9294> every question is going to be assigned to me
09 Sep 2016 | 21:09:12 (UTC) | <Platinum Steve#9294> hahhah
09 Sep 2016 | 21:09:12 (UTC) | <DrBanner#6204> They're not gonna make it.
09 Sep 2016 | 21:09:17 (UTC) | <ArgentVulpine#2736> I didn't answer, though. Gdude did 😛
09 Sep 2016 | 21:09:30 (UTC) | <gdude2002#5318> no I didn't
09 Sep 2016 | 21:09:31 (UTC) | <gdude2002#5318> lol
09 Sep 2016 | 21:09:41 (UTC) | <Platinum Steve#9294> he said "yea" because they were figuring out what question they were on
09 Sep 2016 | 21:09:44 (UTC) | <ArgentVulpine#2736> Ah, you were clarifying. But Steve got to it before me, I was just reposting because they were confused
09 Sep 2016 | 21:09:48 (UTC) | <Platinum Steve#9294> it's fine
09 Sep 2016 | 21:09:50 (UTC) | <Platinum Steve#9294> lol
09 Sep 2016 | 21:09:52 (UTC) | <Platinum Steve#9294> its all good.
09 Sep 2016 | 21:09:57 (UTC) | <DrBanner#6204> OK then I'll go next
09 Sep 2016 | 21:10:02 (UTC) | <DrBanner#6204> cuz I don't know how long this is going to take
09 Sep 2016 | 21:10:11 (UTC) | <ArgentVulpine#2736> I think we posted at the same time, tbh. lol
09 Sep 2016 | 21:10:17 (UTC) | <gdude2002#5318> yeah. :P
09 Sep 2016 | 21:10:20 (UTC) | <gdude2002#5318> sure, banner
09 Sep 2016 | 21:10:22 (UTC) | <gdude2002#5318> just clarify with us
09 Sep 2016 | 21:10:41 (UTC) | <DrBanner#6204> MIB was recorded digitally, no?
09 Sep 2016 | 21:11:07 (UTC) | <Electric trainer Skyfox#1084> Ghhh if its for 2 more hoirs imma be krangy
09 Sep 2016 | 21:11:11 (UTC) | <Platinum Steve#9294> pretty good thought to go to MIB
09 Sep 2016 | 21:11:15 (UTC) | <ArgentVulpine#2736> Rose is in the right fandom at least
09 Sep 2016 | 21:11:21 (UTC) | <ArgentVulpine#2736> With that sonic screwdriver statement
09 Sep 2016 | 21:11:22 (UTC) | <DrBanner#6204> yeah
09 Sep 2016 | 21:11:28 (UTC) | <DrBanner#6204> At least I knew that
09 Sep 2016 | 21:11:42 (UTC) | <func_door#9765> there's enough of them who know dr who to potentially guess it
09 Sep 2016 | 21:11:54 (UTC) | <Electric trainer Skyfox#1084> I mean its like someone mentions Doctor who ahh lets ignore poor perps
09 Sep 2016 | 21:11:56 (UTC) | <DrBanner#6204> they already guessed it
09 Sep 2016 | 21:11:59 (UTC) | <Electric trainer Skyfox#1084> Peeps*
09 Sep 2016 | 21:14:33 (UTC) | <ArgentVulpine#2736> Yeah but they didn't *officially* guess it and now they're distracted by other stuff
09 Sep 2016 | 21:14:34 (UTC) | <Electric trainer Skyfox#1084> I think they shouldnt rule out cabbage just yet
09 Sep 2016 | 21:14:47 (UTC) | <func_door#9765> lol'
09 Sep 2016 | 21:14:55 (UTC) | <ArgentVulpine#2736> Haha
09 Sep 2016 | 21:15:14 (UTC) | <func_door#9765> the thing with someone mentioning the thing early but not actually guessing it, happens more than half the time
09 Sep 2016 | 21:15:22 (UTC) | <gdude2002#5318> wouldn't surprise me
09 Sep 2016 | 21:15:28 (UTC) | <gdude2002#5318> it'd make a great question even
09 Sep 2016 | 21:15:31 (UTC) | <gdude2002#5318> "has someone mentioned it yet?"
09 Sep 2016 | 21:15:32 (UTC) | <DrBanner#6204> I'm sure it does, especially if I'm guessing. 😛
09 Sep 2016 | 21:15:35 (UTC) | <ArgentVulpine#2736> Shit, I know we did it a lot
09 Sep 2016 | 21:15:43 (UTC) | <DrBanner#6204> wow - that's a great idea
09 Sep 2016 | 21:15:48 (UTC) | <Electric trainer Skyfox#1084> Can i post answer pic I have it ready
09 Sep 2016 | 21:15:53 (UTC) | <DrBanner#6204> but it requires someone paying attention to the whole chat
09 Sep 2016 | 21:15:57 (UTC) | <Electric trainer Skyfox#1084>
09 Sep 2016 | 21:16:03 (UTC) | <gdude2002#5318> I kinda want to monologue at the end of this but we'll see
09 Sep 2016 | 21:16:04 (UTC) | <DrBanner#6204> yeah later
09 Sep 2016 | 21:16:10 (UTC) | <func_door#9765> just don't jump the gun and post it before they guess it properly 😛
09 Sep 2016 | 21:16:45 (UTC) | <Electric trainer Skyfox#1084> If they guess I post if they dont I post after answer 20
09 Sep 2016 | 21:16:55 (UTC) | <gdude2002#5318> hold up until we get to that point pls
09 Sep 2016 | 21:17:01 (UTC) | <gdude2002#5318> you can post it when we do though
09 Sep 2016 | 21:17:07 (UTC) | <Electric trainer Skyfox#1084> Yaaay
09 Sep 2016 | 21:17:20 (UTC) | <Electric trainer Skyfox#1084> Alola raichu is happy
09 Sep 2016 | 21:18:05 (UTC) | <func_door#9765> how can you be happy without pancakes
09 Sep 2016 | 21:18:43 (UTC) | <DrBanner#6204> aw snap
09 Sep 2016 | 21:18:59 (UTC) | <DrBanner#6204> gdude you're giving hints
09 Sep 2016 | 21:19:07 (UTC) | <gdude2002#5318> it doesn't really matter at this point for this one
09 Sep 2016 | 21:19:09 (UTC) | <DrBanner#6204> by asking if that was their question
09 Sep 2016 | 21:19:11 (UTC) | <gdude2002#5318> they're mentioned a _lot_ of things
09 Sep 2016 | 21:19:16 (UTC) | <Electric trainer Skyfox#1084> Im psychic I always force people for pancakes
09 Sep 2016 | 21:19:24 (UTC) | <DrBanner#6204> yeah but most of it was from Star Trek, which was eliminated
09 Sep 2016 | 21:19:29 (UTC) | <gdude2002#5318> hm, no
09 Sep 2016 | 21:19:37 (UTC) | <gdude2002#5318> there's been a lot of stuff
09 Sep 2016 | 21:19:42 (UTC) | <gdude2002#5318> outside of that
09 Sep 2016 | 21:19:43 (UTC) | <gdude2002#5318> just wait. :P
09 Sep 2016 | 21:19:54 (UTC) | <gdude2002#5318> they _have_ mentioned it, if they ask that
09 Sep 2016 | 21:20:11 (UTC) | <Electric trainer Skyfox#1084> I mean its a valuable question for example 16. Did we mention the answer in the last 30 minutes
09 Sep 2016 | 21:20:15 (UTC) | <gdude2002#5318> to be totally honest, I'm amazed that we're in this position
09 Sep 2016 | 21:20:21 (UTC) | <gdude2002#5318> well that'd be a no
09 Sep 2016 | 21:20:22 (UTC) | <Electric trainer Skyfox#1084> I mean you could get lucky
09 Sep 2016 | 21:20:31 (UTC) | <DrBanner#6204> it must have been at least an hour ago
09 Sep 2016 | 21:20:34 (UTC) | <func_door#9765> Elite Stygien [Canada] - Today at 2:20 PM
We haven't mentioned it yet
09 Sep 2016 | 21:20:35 (UTC) | <func_door#9765> styg pls
09 Sep 2016 | 21:20:51 (UTC) | <Electric trainer Skyfox#1084> 23:20
09 Sep 2016 | 21:21:03 (UTC) | <Electric trainer Skyfox#1084> Be timezone considerate func
09 Sep 2016 | 21:21:06 (UTC) | <func_door#9765> is that when gatr mentioned it?
09 Sep 2016 | 21:21:08 (UTC) | <DrBanner#6204> lol
09 Sep 2016 | 21:21:28 (UTC) | <DrBanner#6204> no, that's when he asked if they mentioned it yet
09 Sep 2016 | 21:21:50 (UTC) | <func_door#9765> styg is a she
09 Sep 2016 | 21:22:03 (UTC) | <DrBanner#6204> Thanks, but not relevant.
09 Sep 2016 | 21:22:06 (UTC) | <Electric trainer Skyfox#1084> Styg is genderless shes a giratina
09 Sep 2016 | 21:22:14 (UTC) | <ArgentVulpine#2736> Styg just assumed that our lack of answer meant that it hadn't been mentioned yet. But the question was not asked in the correct format, so we could not answer it.
09 Sep 2016 | 21:22:30 (UTC) | <gdude2002#5318> Yup
09 Sep 2016 | 21:24:50 (UTC) | <Electric trainer Skyfox#1084> Omg styg nooo
09 Sep 2016 | 21:24:55 (UTC) | <func_door#9765> lmao she's fucked
09 Sep 2016 | 21:25:07 (UTC) | <Electric trainer Skyfox#1084> Jumping to them fucking conclusions like blanka vlasic
09 Sep 2016 | 21:25:31 (UTC) | <Electric trainer Skyfox#1084> Can we correct styg on sonic screwdriver
09 Sep 2016 | 21:25:44 (UTC) | <DrBanner#6204> no
09 Sep 2016 | 21:25:50 (UTC) | <ArgentVulpine#2736> Goddamn, we are so fucking Mystic up in this joint. Both sides are over-analyzing everything during our games
09 Sep 2016 | 21:25:53 (UTC) | <DrBanner#6204> she is not incorrect.
09 Sep 2016 | 21:25:53 (UTC) | <Electric trainer Skyfox#1084> To the whole its a weapon part
09 Sep 2016 | 21:25:54 (UTC) | <gdude2002#5318> xD
09 Sep 2016 | 21:25:55 (UTC) | <EmeraldDragon#1771> If they ask for clarification then we have to
09 Sep 2016 | 21:26:00 (UTC) | <gdude2002#5318> the answer for that question is still no
09 Sep 2016 | 21:26:03 (UTC) | <gdude2002#5318> it has weapons
09 Sep 2016 | 21:26:04 (UTC) | <DrBanner#6204> Sonic screwdrivers are not a weapon, but can be used as one.
09 Sep 2016 | 21:26:06 (UTC) | <gdude2002#5318> it isn't part of a weapons system
09 Sep 2016 | 21:26:15 (UTC) | <Platinum Steve#9294> I don't even get where she got that from
09 Sep 2016 | 21:26:20 (UTC) | <gdude2002#5318> if I have guns I'm not part of a group of guns
09 Sep 2016 | 21:26:21 (UTC) | <func_door#9765> 20 questions is a game of semantics, exact wording is only irrelevant if you're playing with idiots
09 Sep 2016 | 21:26:34 (UTC) | <EmeraldDragon#1771> Gatr thinks like func
09 Sep 2016 | 21:26:41 (UTC) | <Electric trainer Skyfox#1084> The screw driver itself isnt a weapon unles you want to hit someone with it but thats just idiotic
09 Sep 2016 | 21:26:46 (UTC) | <ArgentVulpine#2736> OMG. Poor Rose. In the right fandom but the wrong object
09 Sep 2016 | 21:27:01 (UTC) | <DrBanner#6204> yeah
09 Sep 2016 | 21:27:17 (UTC) | <DrBanner#6204> and she's frustrated now probably because it's been nearly three hours
09 Sep 2016 | 21:27:26 (UTC) | <func_door#9765> I dunno enough about sonic screwdrivers to answer. Does it have an attack built in? or woudl you just be using it as a bludgeon?
09 Sep 2016 | 21:27:53 (UTC) | <DrBanner#6204> no
09 Sep 2016 | 21:27:54 (UTC) | <ArgentVulpine#2736> Sonic screwdrivers are only weapons against machine-based things, like Cybermen and sometimes Daleks. But literally it's mostly just to open doors and stuff
09 Sep 2016 | 21:28:31 (UTC) | <gdude2002#5318> yeah, the SS interacts with machines and computers
09 Sep 2016 | 21:28:35 (UTC) | <DrBanner#6204> they're wrong about stargate, by the way
09 Sep 2016 | 21:28:41 (UTC) | <DrBanner#6204> not everyone speaks english
09 Sep 2016 | 21:28:46 (UTC) | <func_door#9765> based on your description I'd say it's "sometimes" a weapon, if it's actually used as an anti-mechanical often
09 Sep 2016 | 21:28:52 (UTC) | <Electric trainer Skyfox#1084> It can be used if you were to analise a human over millenia I guess
09 Sep 2016 | 21:28:58 (UTC) | <gdude2002#5318> it does get used against the cybermen
09 Sep 2016 | 21:28:59 (UTC) | <gdude2002#5318> iirc
09 Sep 2016 | 21:29:10 (UTC) | <func_door#9765> if thats the case I'd say sonic screwdriver is "partly" a weapon
09 Sep 2016 | 21:29:13 (UTC) | <func_door#9765> but thats irrelevant to this
09 Sep 2016 | 21:29:19 (UTC) | <gdude2002#5318> yeah
09 Sep 2016 | 21:29:19 (UTC) | <DrBanner#6204> Its primary function is not as a weapon. Ergo, it is not a weapon.
09 Sep 2016 | 21:29:24 (UTC) | <ArgentVulpine#2736> ^
09 Sep 2016 | 21:29:25 (UTC) | <Electric trainer Skyfox#1084> Even then more a stun gun or a reprogram
09 Sep 2016 | 21:29:25 (UTC) | <Platinum Steve#9294> Or Sometimes
09 Sep 2016 | 21:29:31 (UTC) | <func_door#9765> a sonic screwdriver is a multi-tool though
09 Sep 2016 | 21:29:35 (UTC) | <func_door#9765> it doesn't have a single primary function
09 Sep 2016 | 21:29:51 (UTC) | <DrBanner#6204> A computer, technically, could be used as a weapon - but no one would classify all computers as weapons.
09 Sep 2016 | 21:29:56 (UTC) | <Electric trainer Skyfox#1084> Its analysis thats its primary function
09 Sep 2016 | 21:29:59 (UTC) | <gdude2002#5318> Should we give them a hint?
09 Sep 2016 | 21:30:00 (UTC) | <gdude2002#5318> lol
09 Sep 2016 | 21:30:04 (UTC) | <ArgentVulpine#2736> #nohints
09 Sep 2016 | 21:30:05 (UTC) | <Electric trainer Skyfox#1084> No
09 Sep 2016 | 21:30:07 (UTC) | <Platinum Steve#9294> #nohints
09 Sep 2016 | 21:30:09 (UTC) | <gdude2002#5318> Alright. :P
09 Sep 2016 | 21:30:33 (UTC) | <Platinum Steve#9294> You already did a long time ago haha
09 Sep 2016 | 21:30:41 (UTC) | <gdude2002#5318> What was it? responding to styg?
09 Sep 2016 | 21:30:47 (UTC) | <gdude2002#5318> also, can I take this one?
09 Sep 2016 | 21:30:52 (UTC) | <func_door#9765> I hope they ask if its from dr who before asking if its a sonic screwdriver
09 Sep 2016 | 21:31:03 (UTC) | <Platinum Steve#9294> Noo you were like "brb, going to play with the dog"
09 Sep 2016 | 21:31:03 (UTC) | <gdude2002#5318> haha
09 Sep 2016 | 21:31:12 (UTC) | <gdude2002#5318> bruh
09 Sep 2016 | 21:31:30 (UTC) | <DrBanner#6204> go ahead
09 Sep 2016 | 21:31:43 (UTC) | <Electric trainer Skyfox#1084> Its for analysis of technology
09 Sep 2016 | 21:31:53 (UTC) | <Electric trainer Skyfox#1084> I want to post that there so bad
09 Sep 2016 | 21:32:03 (UTC) | <gdude2002#5318> shhh
09 Sep 2016 | 21:32:05 (UTC) | <gdude2002#5318> keep it in, keep it in
09 Sep 2016 | 21:32:11 (UTC) | <gdude2002#5318> it probably won't be that much longer
09 Sep 2016 | 21:32:12 (UTC) | <ArgentVulpine#2736> Hehe
09 Sep 2016 | 21:32:28 (UTC) | <gdude2002#5318> I'll take the question then since nobody seems to mind
09 Sep 2016 | 21:32:32 (UTC) | <func_door#9765> I was just going to say "you could probably kill a man with a screwdriver but I wouldn't call it a weapon" but thats probably too much of a hint??
09 Sep 2016 | 21:32:33 (UTC) | <Electric trainer Skyfox#1084> I meant the sonic screw driver
09 Sep 2016 | 21:32:41 (UTC) | <EmeraldDragon#1771> Steve is answering?
09 Sep 2016 | 21:32:46 (UTC) | <DrBanner#6204> no
09 Sep 2016 | 21:32:48 (UTC) | <DrBanner#6204> gdude
09 Sep 2016 | 21:32:58 (UTC) | <Platinum Steve#9294> yea go for it
09 Sep 2016 | 21:33:11 (UTC) | <Electric trainer Skyfox#1084> Why am i not the guesse here its so sad I want a doctor who discussiom later in off topic
09 Sep 2016 | 21:33:33 (UTC) | <gdude2002#5318> haha
09 Sep 2016 | 21:33:52 (UTC) | <Electric trainer Skyfox#1084> *this is too much for me*
09 Sep 2016 | 21:33:54 (UTC) | <DrBanner#6204> rofl
09 Sep 2016 | 21:34:03 (UTC) | <Platinum Steve#9294> They're getting serious now
09 Sep 2016 | 21:34:06 (UTC) | <Electric trainer Skyfox#1084> *dies inside*
09 Sep 2016 | 21:34:06 (UTC) | <Platinum Steve#9294> Haha
09 Sep 2016 | 21:34:21 (UTC) | <Electric trainer Skyfox#1084> The sonic screwdriver screwed them
09 Sep 2016 | 21:34:22 (UTC) | <Electric trainer Skyfox#1084> Hahahahahahha
09 Sep 2016 | 21:34:29 (UTC) | <Electric trainer Skyfox#1084> Kill me olease
09 Sep 2016 | 21:34:34 (UTC) | <DrBanner#6204> LOL
09 Sep 2016 | 21:34:52 (UTC) | <ArgentVulpine#2736> lmao
09 Sep 2016 | 21:35:05 (UTC) | <Electric trainer Skyfox#1084> But no srs they are fucked
09 Sep 2016 | 21:35:06 (UTC) | <DrBanner#6204> how did we get on Star Gate?
09 Sep 2016 | 21:35:09 (UTC) | <Platinum Steve#9294> Mobius loves Stargate
09 Sep 2016 | 21:35:19 (UTC) | <Electric trainer Skyfox#1084> I think it will be a miracle if they guess
09 Sep 2016 | 21:35:21 (UTC) | <DrBanner#6204> I did too but
09 Sep 2016 | 21:35:35 (UTC) | <DrBanner#6204> I guess it's just like the star trek they were pushing earlier
09 Sep 2016 | 21:36:08 (UTC) | <Electric trainer Skyfox#1084> I mean theres a doctor who cartoon idk if k9 appears
09 Sep 2016 | 21:36:18 (UTC) | <Platinum Steve#9294> That's what I meant. Mobius keeps bringing it up. And up until now they thought were weighing it pretty heavily
09 Sep 2016 | 21:36:21 (UTC) | <ArgentVulpine#2736> If Styg had actually *asked* if it had been mentioned before, officially, they might have a chance
09 Sep 2016 | 21:36:31 (UTC) | <DrBanner#6204> yep
09 Sep 2016 | 21:36:32 (UTC) | <Electric trainer Skyfox#1084>
09 Sep 2016 | 21:36:33 (UTC) | <gdude2002#5318> there is a chance
09 Sep 2016 | 21:36:38 (UTC) | <gdude2002#5318> but they have to ask the right question
09 Sep 2016 | 21:36:42 (UTC) | <gdude2002#5318> or they'll be led off in the wrong direction
09 Sep 2016 | 21:36:45 (UTC) | <Electric trainer Skyfox#1084> This will be posted in game corner later
09 Sep 2016 | 21:38:28 (UTC) | <DrBanner#6204> I'm not gonna make it.
09 Sep 2016 | 21:38:29 (UTC) | <func_door#9765> really curious about some strange definitions of digital media
09 Sep 2016 | 21:38:37 (UTC) | <DrBanner#6204> lol I have to leave soon.
09 Sep 2016 | 21:38:39 (UTC) | <gdude2002#5318> we can hash that out after
09 Sep 2016 | 21:38:44 (UTC) | <Platinum Steve#9294> Yea I gotta go soon too
09 Sep 2016 | 21:38:44 (UTC) | <func_door#9765> note: never ask questions about digital media
09 Sep 2016 | 21:38:53 (UTC) | <gdude2002#5318> haha
09 Sep 2016 | 21:39:26 (UTC) | <ArgentVulpine#2736> I have 20 minutes left at work, but I can probably stay over a little
09 Sep 2016 | 21:39:26 (UTC) | <Electric trainer Skyfox#1084> I want you guys to win come on detective hats and pipes magnifing glass guess the answer this isnt a hint right
09 Sep 2016 | 21:40:00 (UTC) | <Platinum Steve#9294> Why? lol
09 Sep 2016 | 21:40:12 (UTC) | <Electric trainer Skyfox#1084> Cause wholock fandom
09 Sep 2016 | 21:40:31 (UTC) | <Electric trainer Skyfox#1084> Or even super wholock
09 Sep 2016 | 21:43:37 (UTC) | <DrBanner#6204> ok - no more talking in there unless it's answering or clarifying a question
09 Sep 2016 | 21:43:46 (UTC) | <Platinum Steve#9294> Agreed
09 Sep 2016 | 21:43:53 (UTC) | <Electric trainer Skyfox#1084> K
09 Sep 2016 | 21:43:54 (UTC) | <DrBanner#6204> I'm going mobile anyway
09 Sep 2016 | 21:43:55 (UTC) | <Platinum Steve#9294> I'm worried Stygian is going to have an aneurism
09 Sep 2016 | 21:43:58 (UTC) | <DrBanner#6204> cya in a minute
09 Sep 2016 | 21:44:04 (UTC) | <ArgentVulpine#2736> XD OMG Styg
09 Sep 2016 | 21:44:08 (UTC) | <ArgentVulpine#2736> So pressured
09 Sep 2016 | 21:45:40 (UTC) | <DrBanner#6204> Triggered?
09 Sep 2016 | 21:47:45 (UTC) | <DrBanner#6204> I can answer the tron question... but I can't!
09 Sep 2016 | 21:47:49 (UTC) | <DrBanner#6204> This is frustrating.
09 Sep 2016 | 21:47:58 (UTC) | <gdude2002#5318> sooooon
09 Sep 2016 | 21:47:59 (UTC) | <gdude2002#5318> :P
09 Sep 2016 | 21:48:05 (UTC) | <DrBanner#6204> Driving
09 Sep 2016 | 21:52:11 (UTC) | <Electric trainer Skyfox#1084> Ghhh
09 Sep 2016 | 21:52:57 (UTC) | <Electric trainer Skyfox#1084> Im going to just say this if rose and gatr kept on track they would have gotten it at 18. But they jumped a bit ahead
09 Sep 2016 | 21:53:18 (UTC) | <ArgentVulpine#2736> Oh, once it's all over, I'm telling Rose myself
09 Sep 2016 | 21:53:30 (UTC) | <Electric trainer Skyfox#1084> Im telling gatr
09 Sep 2016 | 21:54:45 (UTC) | <EmeraldDragon#1771> No
09 Sep 2016 | 21:54:47 (UTC) | <EmeraldDragon#1771> Why
09 Sep 2016 | 21:55:10 (UTC) | <Electric trainer Skyfox#1084> He guessed it at like 14.
09 Sep 2016 | 21:55:16 (UTC) | <Electric trainer Skyfox#1084> But not now
09 Sep 2016 | 21:55:19 (UTC) | <Electric trainer Skyfox#1084> Later0
09 Sep 2016 | 21:55:21 (UTC) | <ArgentVulpine#2736> Telling Gatr after it's over
09 Sep 2016 | 21:55:33 (UTC) | <Electric trainer Skyfox#1084> Yeah im not gonna ruin the fun
09 Sep 2016 | 21:55:48 (UTC) | <Electric trainer Skyfox#1084> But srs Im so salty I wasnt in the fuessimg area
09 Sep 2016 | 21:56:01 (UTC) | <gdude2002#5318> well you could have not added me back
09 Sep 2016 | 21:56:02 (UTC) | <gdude2002#5318> :P
09 Sep 2016 | 21:56:19 (UTC) | <func_door#9765> I wonder how rustled stygien is going to be when her assumption about the noun not being mentioned yet turns out to be wrong
09 Sep 2016 | 21:56:28 (UTC) | <gdude2002#5318> haha
09 Sep 2016 | 21:56:36 (UTC) | <gdude2002#5318> I feel like we should make ourselves scarce for that
09 Sep 2016 | 21:56:39 (UTC) | <Platinum Steve#9294> very
09 Sep 2016 | 21:56:50 (UTC) | <ArgentVulpine#2736> Styg made an assumption and look where it got them
09 Sep 2016 | 21:56:53 (UTC) | <Platinum Steve#9294> might blame it on all the offtopic crap and missing it or confusing it
09 Sep 2016 | 21:57:24 (UTC) | <func_door#9765> I don't see much more offtopic there than usual to be honest
09 Sep 2016 | 21:57:31 (UTC) | <func_door#9765> just the shoe on a different foot
09 Sep 2016 | 21:58:05 (UTC) | <ArgentVulpine#2736> Yeah, Styg especially is getting cranky
09 Sep 2016 | 21:58:08 (UTC) | <gdude2002#5318> styg is already pretty salty
09 Sep 2016 | 21:58:09 (UTC) | <gdude2002#5318> yeah
09 Sep 2016 | 21:58:14 (UTC) | <Electric trainer Skyfox#1084> I mean we were worse once we had a tangent about produce or something rather
09 Sep 2016 | 21:58:24 (UTC) | <DrBanner#6204> Don't talk in there, she is getting more and more frustrated.
09 Sep 2016 | 21:58:29 (UTC) | <DrBanner#6204> And she joined late.
09 Sep 2016 | 21:58:40 (UTC) | <DrBanner#6204> Imagine how the rest of them feel.
09 Sep 2016 | 21:59:00 (UTC) | <func_door#9765> I actually gotta head out
09 Sep 2016 | 21:59:03 (UTC) | <func_door#9765> here's the most recent questions
09 Sep 2016 | 21:59:05 (UTC) | <func_door#9765> ```
__**What Is Known**__
1. Is it fictional? **Yes**
2. Is it living? **No**
3. Is it primarily associated with Western fiction? **Yes**
4. Is it a specific thing, as opposed to a class of things? **No**
5. Is it tangible? **Yes**
6. Did it originate from a video game? **No**
7. Does it have roots in literature but expanded to other media like film and television? **No**
8. is it larger than the average person? **No**
9. Does it have supernatural properties? **No**
10. Did it originate in digital media as opposed to literature, assuming one excludes the other, excluding works such as e-books as digital media but accepting them as literature, and accepting webcomics as digital media, not assuming literature as a measurement of quality? **No**
11. Did it originate in a book? **No**
12. Is it from the sci-fi genre? **Yes**
13. Is it a weapon or part of a weapons system? **No**
14. Is it a droid (implying specifically Star Wars as a point if origin) **No**
15. Is it a tricorder? **No**
16. Does its operation rely on non-biological electrical signals? **Yes**
17. Is it from Star Trek? **No**
18. Is it a Sonic Screwdriver? **No**
09 Sep 2016 | 21:59:13 (UTC) | <gdude2002#5318>
09 Sep 2016 | 21:59:17 (UTC) | <func_door#9765> whenever 19 is asked you can update
09 Sep 2016 | 21:59:22 (UTC) | <gdude2002#5318> Thanks
09 Sep 2016 | 22:00:29 (UTC) | <Platinum Steve#9294> oh god
09 Sep 2016 | 22:00:32 (UTC) | <Platinum Steve#9294> did you see that
09 Sep 2016 | 22:00:37 (UTC) | <Platinum Steve#9294> lol
09 Sep 2016 | 22:00:40 (UTC) | <gdude2002#5318> johnny 5?
09 Sep 2016 | 22:00:41 (UTC) | <Platinum Steve#9294> johnny 5 came back up
09 Sep 2016 | 22:00:43 (UTC) | <gdude2002#5318> 'sat?
09 Sep 2016 | 22:00:47 (UTC) | <Platinum Steve#9294> wasnt that when they brought up k9 too
09 Sep 2016 | 22:00:54 (UTC) | <gdude2002#5318> I dunno
09 Sep 2016 | 22:00:59 (UTC) | <gdude2002#5318> I didn't see it before
09 Sep 2016 | 22:01:03 (UTC) | <Electric trainer Skyfox#1084> Yes it is
09 Sep 2016 | 22:01:24 (UTC) | <ArgentVulpine#2736> Yeah, they brought up K9 and Johnny 5 around the same time
09 Sep 2016 | 22:01:25 (UTC) | <Electric trainer Skyfox#1084> This is fucking funny theres dogs barking outside
09 Sep 2016 | 22:01:46 (UTC) | <Electric trainer Skyfox#1084> Want to post that in game corner
09 Sep 2016 | 22:01:56 (UTC) | <gdude2002#5318> Don't say anything
09 Sep 2016 | 22:02:49 (UTC) | <Electric trainer Skyfox#1084> No like theres actual dogs barking I almost typed then remebered oh shit right thats actually a hint
09 Sep 2016 | 22:03:41 (UTC) | <Platinum Steve#9294> Then styg would be mad at you
09 Sep 2016 | 22:04:37 (UTC) | <Electric trainer Skyfox#1084> She needs to change her pic that one is too calm
09 Sep 2016 | 22:04:56 (UTC) | <Electric trainer Skyfox#1084> this seems more apropriate
09 Sep 2016 | 22:05:58 (UTC) | <Electric trainer Skyfox#1084> or even better this is styg against palkia the answerers and dialga the guessers
09 Sep 2016 | 22:06:14 (UTC) | <ArgentVulpine#2736> XD
09 Sep 2016 | 22:06:42 (UTC) | <Electric trainer Skyfox#1084> Actually I wanna be dialga so opposite
09 Sep 2016 | 22:07:17 (UTC) | <Electric trainer Skyfox#1084> Roar of time
09 Sep 2016 | 22:08:49 (UTC) | <Electric trainer Skyfox#1084> be in on the joke
09 Sep 2016 | 22:09:08 (UTC) | <ArgentVulpine#2736> XD
09 Sep 2016 | 22:09:22 (UTC) | <Electric trainer Skyfox#1084> Like this is so evil now
09 Sep 2016 | 22:10:17 (UTC) | <DrBanner#6204> LOL non lethal utility
09 Sep 2016 | 22:11:05 (UTC) | <func_door#9765> You can kill a man with a screwdriver but it's not a weapon
09 Sep 2016 | 22:11:24 (UTC) | <Electric trainer Skyfox#1084> Well thats true
09 Sep 2016 | 22:11:28 (UTC) | <gdude2002#5318> well it's kinda like dildos
09 Sep 2016 | 22:11:32 (UTC) | <gdude2002#5318> anything is a weapon if you're brave enough
09 Sep 2016 | 22:11:35 (UTC) | <Electric trainer Skyfox#1084> You can kill someone with a feather as well
09 Sep 2016 | 22:11:40 (UTC) | <gdude2002#5318> :P
09 Sep 2016 | 22:11:49 (UTC) | <func_door#9765> Yeah but I wouldn't say a dildo is a weapon either
09 Sep 2016 | 22:11:50 (UTC) | <ArgentVulpine#2736> TBH I don't think you can use the sonic screwdriver against bio species, unless you're setting off like, a pacemaker or something
09 Sep 2016 | 22:11:59 (UTC) | <gdude2002#5318> not the reference I was going for
09 Sep 2016 | 22:12:00 (UTC) | <gdude2002#5318> xD
09 Sep 2016 | 22:12:04 (UTC) | <Electric trainer Skyfox#1084> Omg gta san andreas amin weapon the dildo machine gun mod fuck yes
09 Sep 2016 | 22:12:33 (UTC) | <Electric trainer Skyfox#1084> @ArgentVulpine#2736 with e ough years you can scan organic remeber wood door in the special
09 Sep 2016 | 22:13:05 (UTC) | <gdude2002#5318> the wood door wasn't locked in the first place though
09 Sep 2016 | 22:13:23 (UTC) | <Electric trainer Skyfox#1084> It was was it not
09 Sep 2016 | 22:13:30 (UTC) | <gdude2002#5318> nope
09 Sep 2016 | 22:13:32 (UTC) | <Electric trainer Skyfox#1084> They couldnt open it
09 Sep 2016 | 22:13:40 (UTC) | <gdude2002#5318> they were opening it the wrong way
09 Sep 2016 | 22:13:42 (UTC) | <Electric trainer Skyfox#1084> Plus didnt it explode
09 Sep 2016 | 22:13:45 (UTC) | <gdude2002#5318> someone came through it in the other direction
09 Sep 2016 | 22:13:47 (UTC) | <ArgentVulpine#2736> Also he was trying to resonate concrete
09 Sep 2016 | 22:14:00 (UTC) | <Electric trainer Skyfox#1084> Ive seen it like 30 times somehow forhot about that
09 Sep 2016 | 22:16:23 (UTC) | <Platinum Steve#9294> Sky how come you're so set on giving hints lol
09 Sep 2016 | 22:16:30 (UTC) | <Platinum Steve#9294> Dogs barking. Changing your pic. Etc
09 Sep 2016 | 22:16:49 (UTC) | <Electric trainer Skyfox#1084> The pic is not a hint
09 Sep 2016 | 22:16:52 (UTC) | <Platinum Steve#9294> The detective glasses
09 Sep 2016 | 22:16:57 (UTC) | <Electric trainer Skyfox#1084> Its a joke for us to share
09 Sep 2016 | 22:17:08 (UTC) | <Platinum Steve#9294> You're like, purposely walking the line though
09 Sep 2016 | 22:17:08 (UTC) | <Electric trainer Skyfox#1084> The dogs actually happened
09 Sep 2016 | 22:17:19 (UTC) | <Electric trainer Skyfox#1084> Plus i dont want styg to stab me a 1000 times
09 Sep 2016 | 22:18:19 (UTC) | <Electric trainer Skyfox#1084> Styg is in a really staby mood rn
09 Sep 2016 | 22:18:30 (UTC) | <Electric trainer Skyfox#1084> Im scared
09 Sep 2016 | 22:18:38 (UTC) | <Electric trainer Skyfox#1084> Thank god canda is far away
09 Sep 2016 | 22:18:44 (UTC) | <Electric trainer Skyfox#1084> Canada*
09 Sep 2016 | 22:18:45 (UTC) | <func_door#9765> Frankly it's her fault if she tricks herself
09 Sep 2016 | 22:18:47 (UTC) | <gdude2002#5318> I'm actually DMing Styg to make sure they're okay
09 Sep 2016 | 22:18:50 (UTC) | <gdude2002#5318> :P
09 Sep 2016 | 22:18:55 (UTC) | <Electric trainer Skyfox#1084> But you guys are fucked
09 Sep 2016 | 22:19:11 (UTC) | <Electric trainer Skyfox#1084> @gdude2002#5318 shes fine
09 Sep 2016 | 22:19:23 (UTC) | <Electric trainer Skyfox#1084> [Insert menstruation joke]
09 Sep 2016 | 22:33:13 (UTC) | <DrBanner#6204> Tasteless man.
09 Sep 2016 | 22:33:48 (UTC) | <Electric trainer Skyfox#1084> I can taste just fine evrything is salt
09 Sep 2016 | 22:34:35 (UTC) | <DrBanner#6204> Well done
09 Sep 2016 | 22:35:16 (UTC) | <Electric trainer Skyfox#1084> Gdudes just on a tanget for hgttg
09 Sep 2016 | 22:35:25 (UTC) | <gdude2002#5318> It _is_ awesome
09 Sep 2016 | 22:35:28 (UTC) | <Platinum Steve#9294> Giving a lot of hints gdude
09 Sep 2016 | 22:35:34 (UTC) | <Electric trainer Skyfox#1084> I wish I could have joined in on doctor who
09 Sep 2016 | 22:35:42 (UTC) | <Electric trainer Skyfox#1084> :Pjsalt:
09 Sep 2016 | 22:35:50 (UTC) | <Electric trainer Skyfox#1084> -rip salt emote
09 Sep 2016 | 22:36:01 (UTC) | <gdude2002#5318> no bots in here
09 Sep 2016 | 22:36:03 (UTC) | <Electric trainer Skyfox#1084> Ohh right no abrabot shit
09 Sep 2016 | 22:36:15 (UTC) | <gdude2002#5318> do you think func would let you swear
09 Sep 2016 | 22:36:16 (UTC) | <gdude2002#5318> if the bot was here
09 Sep 2016 | 22:36:17 (UTC) | <gdude2002#5318> lol
09 Sep 2016 | 22:37:29 (UTC) | <Electric trainer Skyfox#1084> I would probably make abra smoke and drink and smoke pot if I had a chance
09 Sep 2016 | 22:37:39 (UTC) | <gdude2002#5318> wow so edgy
09 Sep 2016 | 22:37:41 (UTC) | <gdude2002#5318> :P
09 Sep 2016 | 22:37:57 (UTC) | <func_door#9765> Implying he doesn't already
09 Sep 2016 | 22:38:29 (UTC) | <Electric trainer Skyfox#1084> @gdude2002#5318 more like borderline criminal but you do you
09 Sep 2016 | 22:38:58 (UTC) | <Electric trainer Skyfox#1084> @func_door#9765 hes got a bot on his pc to mentions of abrabot
09 Sep 2016 | 22:40:31 (UTC) | <Electric trainer Skyfox#1084> Damn you photsensitivity I hope they guess soon cant withstand much more
09 Sep 2016 | 22:42:16 (UTC) | <gdude2002#5318> If you can't take the heat, stay out of the kitchen :P
09 Sep 2016 | 22:43:46 (UTC) | <func_door#9765> I've considered making a self-bot that would alert me when people say certain keywords on other servers
09 Sep 2016 | 22:43:47 (UTC) | <func_door#9765> but meh
09 Sep 2016 | 22:43:59 (UTC) | <Electric trainer Skyfox#1084> I cant actually have my eyes open for long without glasses I dont have them for 3 months now
09 Sep 2016 | 22:47:16 (UTC) | <DrBanner#6204> They might get it.
09 Sep 2016 | 22:47:28 (UTC) | <Platinum Steve#9294> Mhm
09 Sep 2016 | 22:47:35 (UTC) | <gdude2002#5318> Yep
09 Sep 2016 | 22:47:42 (UTC) | <func_door#9765> I had more faith a few questions ago
09 Sep 2016 | 22:47:51 (UTC) | <func_door#9765> 18 was trash
09 Sep 2016 | 22:47:52 (UTC) | <Electric trainer Skyfox#1084> They better hurry
09 Sep 2016 | 22:47:54 (UTC) | <func_door#9765> why not ask if its from dr who
09 Sep 2016 | 22:48:10 (UTC) | <func_door#9765> there was -no reason- to have a final guess on #18
09 Sep 2016 | 22:48:29 (UTC) | <func_door#9765> I'm pretty disappointed in that waste
09 Sep 2016 | 22:48:38 (UTC) | <ArgentVulpine#2736> They wasted that possibility by asking about the sonic screwdriver specifically
09 Sep 2016 | 22:48:52 (UTC) | <func_door#9765> they could have narrowed it down in a way that includes sonic screwdriver and a few others things
09 Sep 2016 | 22:48:56 (UTC) | <func_door#9765> like: is it from dr who
09 Sep 2016 | 22:49:01 (UTC) | <func_door#9765> or even: is it from british sci fi
09 Sep 2016 | 22:49:05 (UTC) | <gdude2002#5318> to note again, they did mention it previously
09 Sep 2016 | 22:49:15 (UTC) | <Platinum Steve#9294> They didn't guess it previously though
09 Sep 2016 | 22:49:16 (UTC) | <func_door#9765> yep gatr did
09 Sep 2016 | 22:49:21 (UTC) | <func_door#9765> it was "mentioned" by a "player"
09 Sep 2016 | 22:49:22 (UTC) | <Platinum Steve#9294> I hope they word it correctly
09 Sep 2016 | 22:49:43 (UTC) | <DrBanner#6204> Dude
09 Sep 2016 | 22:49:58 (UTC) | <DrBanner#6204> Don't discourage them from asking the only question that might help them get it.
09 Sep 2016 | 22:50:02 (UTC) | <DrBanner#6204> Lol
09 Sep 2016 | 22:50:55 (UTC) | <Electric trainer Skyfox#1084> They forgot bout k9
09 Sep 2016 | 22:51:15 (UTC) | <gdude2002#5318> if they ask that, let me take it
09 Sep 2016 | 22:51:23 (UTC) | <Electric trainer Skyfox#1084> K
09 Sep 2016 | 22:51:24 (UTC) | <gdude2002#5318> I'll get them to clarify it if it's awful
09 Sep 2016 | 22:53:25 (UTC) | <Electric trainer Skyfox#1084> God make them hurry it burnss
09 Sep 2016 | 22:54:45 (UTC) | <DrBanner#6204> Why are you giving them hints
09 Sep 2016 | 22:54:50 (UTC) | <DrBanner#6204> You're a traitor!
09 Sep 2016 | 22:55:00 (UTC) | <Electric trainer Skyfox#1084> Who?
09 Sep 2016 | 22:55:04 (UTC) | <func_door#9765> who's gonna answer this one
09 Sep 2016 | 22:55:09 (UTC) | <gdude2002#5318> I already offered
09 Sep 2016 | 22:55:13 (UTC) | <func_door#9765> pretty sure the anwer will be "yes" unless they goof the wording
09 Sep 2016 | 22:55:19 (UTC) | <gdude2002#5318> I'll clarify it if they do
09 Sep 2016 | 22:55:25 (UTC) | <gdude2002#5318> they need the break
09 Sep 2016 | 22:55:25 (UTC) | <gdude2002#5318> lol
09 Sep 2016 | 22:55:57 (UTC) | <func_door#9765> the thing is, every time they try to make a list of things they've already mentioned, they forget K9
09 Sep 2016 | 22:55:58 (UTC) | <func_door#9765> 😛
09 Sep 2016 | 22:56:03 (UTC) | <Electric trainer Skyfox#1084> No they dont but what ever
09 Sep 2016 | 22:56:17 (UTC) | <Electric trainer Skyfox#1084> Not to yours func
09 Sep 2016 | 22:56:22 (UTC) | <func_door#9765> to be fair, I've started helping people disambiguate questions too
09 Sep 2016 | 22:56:23 (UTC) | <Electric trainer Skyfox#1084> To gdudes
09 Sep 2016 | 22:56:37 (UTC) | <gdude2002#5318> I think they won't get it
09 Sep 2016 | 22:56:40 (UTC) | <gdude2002#5318> but we gave them a fair chance
09 Sep 2016 | 22:56:46 (UTC) | <Platinum Steve#9294> Is anyone at a computer?
09 Sep 2016 | 22:56:49 (UTC) | <gdude2002#5318> Yes
09 Sep 2016 | 22:56:52 (UTC) | <Platinum Steve#9294> To actually paste the pic
09 Sep 2016 | 22:56:52 (UTC) | <Platinum Steve#9294> Ok
09 Sep 2016 | 22:56:55 (UTC) | <Platinum Steve#9294> Cool
09 Sep 2016 | 22:57:05 (UTC) | <Electric trainer Skyfox#1084> I just want them to guess shit to end my suffering
09 Sep 2016 | 22:57:28 (UTC) | <gdude2002#5318> I have a higher quality image than skyfox did earlier
09 Sep 2016 | 22:57:29 (UTC) | <func_door#9765> oop taiga said it
09 Sep 2016 | 22:57:34 (UTC) | <Platinum Steve#9294> Oh shit!
09 Sep 2016 | 22:57:42 (UTC) | <gdude2002#5318> shush.
09 Sep 2016 | 22:57:43 (UTC) | <gdude2002#5318> :P
09 Sep 2016 | 22:57:43 (UTC) | <func_door#9765> its a dice roll, really
09 Sep 2016 | 22:58:21 (UTC) | <Electric trainer Skyfox#1084> Send pic here to post
09 Sep 2016 | 22:58:24 (UTC) | <Platinum Steve#9294> Hoverboard is the frontrunner though
09 Sep 2016 | 22:58:28 (UTC) | <gdude2002#5318> <>
09 Sep 2016 | 22:58:41 (UTC) | <gdude2002#5318>
09 Sep 2016 | 22:59:09 (UTC) | <DrBanner#6204> TAI!
09 Sep 2016 | 22:59:24 (UTC) | <DrBanner#6204> NOOOOOO!
09 Sep 2016 | 22:59:27 (UTC) | <gdude2002#5318> shh
09 Sep 2016 | 22:59:28 (UTC) | <Platinum Steve#9294> Omggg
09 Sep 2016 | 22:59:32 (UTC) | <gdude2002#5318> stop freaking out
09 Sep 2016 | 22:59:32 (UTC) | <gdude2002#5318> lol
09 Sep 2016 | 22:59:42 (UTC) | <ArgentVulpine#2736> Lmao
09 Sep 2016 | 22:59:42 (UTC) | <Electric trainer Skyfox#1084> Kill me
09 Sep 2016 | 23:00:08 (UTC) | <DrBanner#6204> ROFL
09 Sep 2016 | 23:00:14 (UTC) | <func_door#9765> rip
09 Sep 2016 | 23:00:18 (UTC) | <func_door#9765> ripperoni in pastaroni
09 Sep 2016 | 23:00:20 (UTC) | <Electric trainer Skyfox#1084> Fucking shit
09 Sep 2016 | 23:00:25 (UTC) | <Platinum Steve#9294> Omg
09 Sep 2016 | 23:00:25 (UTC) | <gdude2002#5318> @Electric trainer Skyfox wait until I signal you
09 Sep 2016 | 23:00:27 (UTC) | <Platinum Steve#9294> Riiiipppp
09 Sep 2016 | 23:00:32 (UTC) | <Electric trainer Skyfox#1084> When I saw my pic I was like omg
09 Sep 2016 | 23:00:42 (UTC) | <ArgentVulpine#2736> XD
09 Sep 2016 | 23:00:45 (UTC) | <DrBanner#6204> Me too
09 Sep 2016 | 23:00:45 (UTC) | <func_door#9765> by the way this chat is basically exactly what admin off-topic looks like when you guys are playing
09 Sep 2016 | 23:00:48 (UTC) | <ArgentVulpine#2736> They were so close
09 Sep 2016 | 23:00:50 (UTC) | <gdude2002#5318> haha
09 Sep 2016 | 23:00:55 (UTC) | <DrBanner#6204> I thought you jumped the gun
09 Sep 2016 | 23:01:17 (UTC) | <Electric trainer Skyfox#1084> I tought someone guessed
09 Sep 2016 | 23:01:26 (UTC) | <gdude2002#5318> send the image there now
09 Sep 2016 | 23:02:06 (UTC) | <DrBanner#6204> Do it.
09 Sep 2016 | 23:06:27 (UTC) | <gdude2002#5318> Alright guys, it's been fun
09 Sep 2016 | 23:06:35 (UTC) | <Platinum Steve#9294> Gg wp
09 Sep 2016 | 23:06:51 (UTC) | <gdude2002#5318> I'm going to kick everyone but func out of the group for now
09 Sep 2016 | 23:06:57 (UTC) | <gdude2002#5318> I'll see if I can get this archived
09 Sep 2016 | 23:07:01 (UTC) | <Electric trainer Skyfox#1084> Gg time to rest eyes so I dont die
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