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Created September 19, 2021 00:18
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-- Notes on how to wrap InputT over StateT to maintain the environment around a language repl.
type HaskellLineT = InputT (StateT Env IO) ()
runScriptInteractive = runStateT (runInputT defaultSettings loop) (initEnv Nothing)
loop :: HaskellLineT
loop = do
minput <- getInputLine "%"
when (isNothing minput) loop
env <- lift get
let lex_result = scanner (fromJust minput)
case lex_result of
Right lex -> do
let ast = P.parse loxProgram "" lex
case ast of
Right ast' -> do
(env', msg) <- liftIO $ interpretProgram ast' env
when (isJust msg) $ liftIO $ print msg
lift $ put env'
Left e -> do
liftIO $ print $ "Scanner error" <> show e
Left e -> do
liftIO $ print $ "Lexer error" <> show e
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