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Created February 21, 2016 01:06
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Read an xsil field file and plot at Bloch vectors using mlab and as mollweide plot
#!/usr/bin/env python
from __future__ import with_statement
import sys
import numpy as np
from numpy import array, fromfile, dstack, exp, abs, sin, cos, angle, dot, arccos, pi
from enthought.mayavi import mlab, modules
from lxml import etree, objectify
import ConfigParser
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from mpl_toolkits.basemap import Basemap
from matplotlib.patches import Polygon
from scipy.ndimage import maximum_filter, map_coordinates
__rev__ = "$Revision$"
def pointsOnSphere(coords = 'cartesian', radius=1.0):
x,y,z = np.loadtxt('ico6.txt.gz').T
if coords == 'cartesian':
return x*radius,y*radius,z*radius
elif coords == 'spherical':
return 180/pi*np.arcsin(z), 180/pi*np.arctan2(y,x)
raise 'coord type not implemented'
def interpolate(pt, u, v, w):
''' x ranges from 1:xlen but may have missing points because I
mask them if the prob dens is too low
# get interpolated u components
su = map_coordinates(u, pt, order=1)
sv = map_coordinates(v, pt, order=1)
sw = map_coordinates(w, pt, order=1)
return su, sv, sw
def show_bloch_vectors(x,y,z,u,v,w,norm,N,volume):
nmask = maximum_filter(norm, size=5) > float(N)/volume
xm = x[nmask]
ym = y[nmask]
zm = z[nmask]
u = u[nmask]
v = v[nmask]
w = w[nmask]
#~ OPACITY = 1
mode = ['2darrow', 'arrow'][0]
colormap = ['jet', 'Blues', 'winter', 'copper', 'cool', 'blue-red'][0]
#~ q = mlab.quiver3d(xm, ym, zm, u, v, w, mode=mode, colormap=colormap, opacity=OPACITY, scale_factor=FACTOR, mask_points=FACTOR)
q = mlab.quiver3d(xm, ym, zm, u, v, w, mode=mode, colormap=colormap, opacity=0.3, scale_factor=0.5, mask_points=FACTOR)
q.glyph.glyph_source.glyph_position = 'center'
def texture(frame_number, xsil_fname):
xml = open(xsil_fname)
xsil = objectify.parse(xml).getroot()
ulong_len = xsil.XSIL.Array[1].Stream.Metalink.get("UnsignedLong")
precision = xsil.XSIL.Array[1].Stream.Metalink.get("precision")
ulong_type = {'uint32':'<u4','uint64':'<u8'}[ulong_len]
float_type = {'single':'<f4','double':'<f8'}[precision]
with open('field%03d.dat'%frame_number,'rb') as f:
xlen = fromfile(f, ulong_type, 1)[0]
xs = fromfile(f, float_type, xlen)
ylen = fromfile(f, ulong_type, 1)[0]
ys = fromfile(f, float_type, ylen)
zlen = fromfile(f, ulong_type, 1)[0]
zs = fromfile(f, float_type, zlen)
rlen1 = fromfile(f, ulong_type, 1)[0]
reals1 = fromfile(f, float_type, rlen1)
ilen1 = fromfile(f, ulong_type, 1)[0]
imags1 = fromfile(f, float_type, ilen1)
psi1 = (reals1+1j*imags1).astype(np.complex64).reshape(xlen,ylen,zlen)
del reals1, imags1
rlen2 = fromfile(f, ulong_type, 1)[0]
reals2 = fromfile(f, float_type, rlen2)
ilen2 = fromfile(f, ulong_type, 1)[0]
imags2 = fromfile(f, float_type, ilen2)
psi2 = (reals2+1j*imags2).astype(np.complex64).reshape(xlen,ylen,zlen)
del reals2, imags2
print xlen,ylen,zlen,rlen1,ilen1,rlen2,ilen2
# normalise psi
norm = np.hypot(abs(psi1), abs(psi2))
N = norm.sum()
psi1, psi2 = (psi1, psi2) / norm
xi = angle(psi1) # find the local phase xi so we can remove it
psi1, psi2 = exp(-1j*xi) * (psi1, psi2) # now rotate psi0 and psi1 by -xi to make the first coefficient real
theta = 2*arccos(psi1.real) # this gives us theta
phi = angle(psi2/sin(theta/2)) # which gives us phi
phi[np.isnan(phi)] = 0 # deal with the poles i.e. where theta=0 or pi
# Now we've got our angles, get the Bloch sphere arrow components
u = sin(theta) * cos(phi)
v = sin(theta) * sin(phi)
w = cos(theta)
x, y, z = np.mgrid[1:xlen:xlen*1j, 1:ylen:ylen*1j, 1:zlen:zlen*1j]
radius_s = xlen/8
sx,sy,sz = pointsOnSphere(coords = 'cartesian', radius=radius_s)
sx += xlen/2
sy += ylen/2
sz += zlen/2
sphere = mlab.triangular_mesh(sx, sy, sz, np.arange(len(sx)).reshape(-1,3), representation = 'wireframe')
# get interpolated vector components at sphere vertices
su, sv, sw = interpolate(np.vstack((sx, sy, sz)), u, v, w)
q = mlab.quiver3d(sx,sy,sz,su,sv,sw)
su.shape = (-1,3)
sv.shape = (-1,3)
sw.shape = (-1,3)
s_theta = 180/pi*np.arcsin(sw)
s_phi = 180/pi*np.arctan2(sv,su)
# Mollweide plot
# Make Mollweide plot
m = Basemap(projection='moll', lon_0=0, resolution='c')
# draw the edge of the map projection region (the projection limb)
# draw lat/lon grid lines every 30 degrees.
m.drawmeridians(np.arange(0,360,30), dashes=[10,0])
m.drawparallels(np.arange(-90,90,30), dashes=[10,0])
ax = plt.gca() # get current axes instance
for i in range(s_theta.shape[0]):
pts = np.vstack((s_theta[i], s_phi[i])).T
phi1, phi2, phi3 = pts[:,1]
if abs(phi1-phi2)>180 or abs(phi2-phi3)>180 or abs(phi3-phi1)>180:
continue # skip triangles that cross the map boundary
polypts = [m(pt[1], pt[0]) for pt in pts]
c = tuple(np.random.random(3))
#~ poly = Polygon(polypts, facecolor='b', edgecolor=c) #edgecolor="None")
poly = Polygon(polypts, facecolor='b', edgecolor="None")
if __name__ == "__main__":
from optparse import OptionParser
parser = OptionParser()
parser.add_option("-f", "--frame", type="int", dest="frame_number", default=8)
parser.add_option("-x", "--xsil", type="string", dest="xsil_fname", default="field008.xsil")
(options, args) = parser.parse_args()
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