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Created March 30, 2023 15:34
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Spectrum +3 UART driver over printer port (57600, 8N1, +CTS, -RTS)
; ============================================== ===============================================
; RS232 through +3 printer port, 57600, 8N1, +CTS, -RTS
; 57600bps (17,3611μs) 61.57813T on ZX128k, 61T will take 17.19811μs, error -0.9% (58146bps)
; 60.76389T on ZX48k, 61T will take 17.42857μs, error + 0.4% (57377bps)
; Based on some *amazing* work here:
; ============================================== ===============================================
; ----------------------------------
; 0xFFD: Printer port data latch (W)
; ----------------------------------
; Bit 7 TX
; Bit 0 CTS
; ----------------------------------
; 0xFFD: Printer port busy (R)
; ----------------------------------
; Bit 0 RX
; ----------------------------------
ld bc, 0xFFD ; 10T printer port to BC
ld a, 0x80 ; 7T TX = 1, CTS = 0
out (c), a ; 12T
ei ; Assume interrupts are disabled, just in case
ld a, 50 ; Flush anything left in TX buffer
1: halt
dec a
jr nz, 1B
ld a, 0x81 ; 7T TX = 1, CTS = 1
out (c), a ; 12T
ld a, (ix + 0) ; 19T Wait at least one bit
ld a, (ix + 0) ; 19T
ld a, (ix + 0) ; 19T
ld bc, 0xFFD ; 10T Printer port to BC
ld h, 8 ; 7T H serves as an 8-bit counter
ld l, a ; 4T copy data from A to L
nop ; 4T
nop ; 4T
nop ; 4T
nop ; 4T
; start bit
ld a, 1 ; TX = 1 (Start bit), CTS = 0
out (c), a ; 12T write to port
nop ; 4T
nop ; 4T
nop ; 4T
nop ; 4T
; data bits
ld a, 0 ; 7T delay
ld a, 0 ; 7T delay
rrc l ; 8T next bit at bit position 7
ld a, 1 ; 7T prepare a mask
or l ; 4T add a mask
; from the beginning start bit 12 + 8 + 8 + 7 + 7 + 8 + 7 + 4 = 61T
; from last bit 12 + 4 + 12 + 7 + 7 + 8 + 7 + 4 = 61T
out (c), a ; 12T write to port
dec h ; 4T bit counter
jr nz, txLoop ; 12 / 7T repeat
; stop bit
ld a, (ix + 0) ; 19T delay
inc hl ; 6T delay
dec hl ; 6T delay
ld a, 0x81 ; 7T, keep bit 0 (CTS) and 7 (TX - stop bit) high
; since the last out in the cycle 12 + 4 + 7 + 19 + 6 + 6 + 7 = 61T
out (c), a ; 12T write to port
ret ; 10T extends the stop bit duration
ld bc, 0xFFD ; 10T printer port to BC
; check if the transfer did not start - then it would be wrong to synchronize with the start bit
in a, (c) ; 12T reads the port, sets the sign flag according to MSB
and 1 ; 7T
jp z, rxError ; 10T error, RxD should be in log. 1 (idle state / stop bit)
; detection delay 12 + 7 + 10 = 29T
ld a, 0x80 ; 7T TX = 1, CTS = 0
out (c), a ; 12T
; waiting for start bit
1: in a, (c) ; 12T read port
rrca ; 4T bit 0 to carry flag
jp c, 1B ; 10T Repeat to start bit
; waiting loop 12 + 4 + 10 = 26T
ld a, 0x81 ; 7T TX = 1, CTS = 1
out (c), a ; 12T
; start bit started, waiting for bit 0
; the wait length is chosen so that bit 0 is somewhere in its middle
; at least 15T has passed from the edge of the start bit, at most 41T, we take an average of 28T
; you still have to wait 1.5 x 61T - 28T = 63.5T (of which 11T for another IN instruction)
exx ; 4T secondary set
ld bc, 0xFFD ; 10T printer port to BC '(and delay at the same time)
inc hl ; 6T delay
dec hl ; 6T delay
ld h, 7 ; 7T in the cycle will be read 7 bits and 8th at the end of the cycle
; 6 + 6 + 4 + 10 + 6 + 6 + 7 + 7 = 52T
; now bit 0 is somewhere in the middle, we can read 8 times with a distance of 61T
in a, (c) ; 12T load port
rrca ; 4T bit 0 to carry flag
rr l ; 8T build byte in L
ld a, 0 ; 7T delay
ld a, 0 ; 7T delay
ld a, r ; 9T delay
dec h ; 4T counter
jp nz, rxLoop ; 10T reads more bits
; 12 + 4 + 8 + 7 + 7 + 9 + 4 + 10 = 61T if repeated (bits 0 to 6)
; followed by reading the MSB, bit 7
in a, (c) ; 12T read port (MSB is somewhere in the middle of the duration, to the stop bit approx. 31 ± 13T ± 2T accuracy deviation 3%)
rrca ; 4T bit 0 to carry flag
ld a, l ; 4T almost assembled byte to A
rra ; 4T rotate the MSB to bit 7 in A
; 12 + 4 + 4 + 4 = 24T
exx ; 4T primary set
; Delay for stop bit
ex af, af' ; 4T
ld a, (ix + 0) ; 19T delay
ex af, af' ; 4T
ret ; 10T Return with byte in A
; saving the apartment takes 4 + 7 + 4 + 4 + 10 = 29T
; total 24 + 29 = 53T
; including line status detection, 75T with verification before start bit
; otherwise, you can directly wait for the next start bit
ld a, 2 ; 7T DEBUG
out (254), a ; 11T DEBUG
jp rxRetry
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