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Chick3nman / RTX_4090_v6.2.6.Benchmark
Created October 14, 2022 00:07
Hashcat v6.2.6 benchmark on the Nvidia RTX 4090
NVIDIA Driver Version: 522.25 CUDA Version: 11.8
Credit: blazer
For benchmarking the card and allowing me to release the benchmarks here
The hashcat installation used includes a change to the tuning ALIAS.hctune file to include the RTX 4090 as "ALIAS_nv_sm50_or_higher".
The "Kernel exec timeout" warning is cosmetic and does not affect the speed of any of the benchmarked modes.
Benchmark was run at stock clocks on an Asus Strix 4090.
wumb0 /
Last active September 16, 2024 23:43
a script for applying MS patch deltas
import base64
import hashlib
import zlib
from ctypes import (
wdormann /
Last active April 30, 2021 13:07
List privileged services that don't come with Windows 10 - deprecated
# Try instead
import os
import subprocess
# See:
svcinfo = {}
FNULL = open(os.devnull, 'w')
muff-in /
Last active September 11, 2024 12:10
A curated list of Assembly Language / Reversing / Malware Analysis / Game Hacking-resources
const simulated_latitude = 48.8534
const simulated_longitude = 2.3488
const Location = Java.use('android.location.Location')
var location = Location.$new("gps")
csandker / KerberosDelegation-Checks
Created January 22, 2020 16:17
Kerberos Delegation Checks
PS C:\Users\Clark.Kent\Desktop> ## Unconstrained Delegation
PS C:\Users\Clark.Kent\Desktop> ([adsisearcher]'(userAccountControl:1.2.840.113556.1.4.803:=524288)').FindAll()
Path Properties
---- ----------
LDAP://CN=DC01,OU=Domain Controllers,DC=MonkeyIsland,DC=local {ridsetreferences, logoncount, codepage, objectcategor...
LDAP://CN=HTTPSvc,CN=Users,DC=MonkeyIsland,DC=local {givenname, codepage, objectcategory, dscorepropagatio...
PS C:\Users\Clark.Kent\Desktop> ## Constrained Delegation
gavz / ImageFileExecutionOptions.ps1
Created January 14, 2020 10:46 — forked from netbiosX/ImageFileExecutionOptions.ps1
Image File Execution Options Injection - Persistence Technique
ImageFileExecutionOptions v1.0
License: GPLv3
Author: @netbiosX
# Image File Execution Options Injection Persistence Technique
function Persist-Debugger
nstarke /
Last active September 3, 2024 13:11
Reversing Cisco IOS Raw Binary Firmware Images with Ghidra

Reversing Raw Binary Firmware Files in Ghidra

This brief tutorial will show you how to go about analyzing a raw binary firmware image in Ghidra.

Prep work in Binwalk

I was recently interested in reversing some older Cisco IOS images. Those images come in the form of a single binary blob, without any sort of ELF, Mach-o, or PE header to describe the binary.

While I am using Cisco IOS Images in this example, the same process should apply to other Raw Binary Firmware Images.

payalord /
Last active June 7, 2024 06:56
How to add SQLite into your VS project as Static Library

I assume that you already created C++ Win32 project where you want to include SQLite.

  1. Navigate to and download latest amalgamation source version of SQLite.
  2. Extract all the files into your project directory, or your include path, or separate path that you will add/added as include path in your project properties.
  3. Run Developer Command Prompt for VS **** which is usually available at Start -> Programs -> Visual Studio **** -> Visual Studio Tools.
  4. Navigate with command prompt to that directory where we extracted our SQLite.
  5. Run next command to compile: cl /c /EHsc sqlite3.c
  6. Run next command to create static library: lib sqlite3.obj
  7. Open properties of your project and add sqlite3.lib to Linker -> Input -> Additional Dependencies.
jaredcatkinson / Get-InjectedThread.ps1
Last active September 19, 2024 16:14
Code from "Taking Hunting to the Next Level: Hunting in Memory" presentation at SANS Threat Hunting Summit 2017 by Jared Atkinson and Joe Desimone
function Get-InjectedThread
Looks for threads that were created as a result of code injection.