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DaVinci Resolve Scripting Documentation

Updated as of 08 March 2019

In this package, you will find a brief introduction to the Scripting API for DaVinci Resolve Studio. Apart from this README.txt file, this package contains folders containing the basic import modules for scripting access ( and some representative examples.


As with Blackmagic Design Fusion scripts, user scripts written in Lua and Python programming languages are supported. By default, scripts can be invoked from the Console window in the Fusion page, or via command line. This permission can be changed in Resolve Preferences, to be only from Console, or to be invoked from the local network. Please be aware of the security implications when allowing scripting access from outside of the Resolve application.

Using a script

DaVinci Resolve needs to be running for a script to be invoked.

For a Resolve script to be executed from an external folder, the script needs to know of the API location. You may need to set the these environment variables to allow for your Python installation to pick up the appropriate dependencies as shown below:

Mac OS X:
RESOLVE_SCRIPT_API="/Library/Application Support/Blackmagic Design/DaVinci Resolve/Developer/Scripting/"
RESOLVE_SCRIPT_LIB="/Applications/DaVinci Resolve/DaVinci"

RESOLVE_SCRIPT_API="%PROGRAMDATA%\\Blackmagic Design\\DaVinci Resolve\\Support\\Developer\\Scripting\\"
RESOLVE_SCRIPT_LIB="C:\\Program Files\\Blackmagic Design\\DaVinci Resolve\\fusionscript.dll"

(Note: For standard ISO Linux installations, the path above may need to be modified to refer to /home/resolve instead of /opt/resolve)

As with Fusion scripts, Resolve scripts can also be invoked via the menu and the Console.

On startup, DaVinci Resolve scans the Utility Scripts directory and enumerates the scripts found in the Script application menu. Placing your script in this folder and invoking it from this menu is the easiest way to use scripts. The Utility Scripts folder is located in:

Mac OS X:   /Library/Application Support/Blackmagic Design/DaVinci Resolve/Fusion/Scripts/Comp/
Windows:    %APPDATA%\Blackmagic Design\DaVinci Resolve\Fusion\Scripts\Comp\
Linux:      /opt/resolve/Fusion/Scripts/Comp/   (or /home/resolve/Fusion/Scripts/Comp/ depending on installation)

The interactive Console window allows for an easy way to execute simple scripting commands, to query or modify properties, and to test scripts. The console accepts commands in Python 2.7, Python 3.6 and Lua and evaluates and executes them immediately. For more information on how to use the Console, please refer to the DaVinci Resolve User Manual.

This example Python script creates a simple project:

#!/usr/bin/env python
import DaVinciResolveScript as dvr_script
resolve = dvr_script.scriptapp("Resolve")
fusion = resolve.Fusion()
projectManager = resolve.GetProjectManager()
projectManager.CreateProject("Hello World")

The resolve object is the fundamental starting point for scripting via Resolve. As a native object, it can be inspected for further scriptable properties - using table iteration and getmetatable in Lua and dir, help etc in Python (among other methods). A notable scriptable object above is fusion - it allows access to all existing Fusion scripting functionality.

Running DaVinci Resolve in headless mode

DaVinci Resolve can be launched in a headless mode without the user interface using the -nogui command line option. When DaVinci Resolve is launched using this option, the user interface is disabled. However, the various scripting APIs will continue to work as expected.

Basic Resolve API

Some commonly used API functions are described below (*). As with the resolve object, each object is inspectable for properties and functions.


Method Return Type Comment
Fusion() Fusion Returns the Fusion object. Starting point for Fusion scripts.
GetMediaStorage() MediaStorage Returns media storage object to query and act on media locations.
GetProjectManager() ProjectManager Returns project manager object for currently open database.
OpenPage(pageName) None Switches to indicated page in DaVinci Resolve. Input can be one of ("media", "edit", "fusion", "color", "fairlight", "deliver").


Method Return Type Comment
CreateProject(projectName) Project Creates and returns a project if projectName (text) is unique, and None if it is not.
DeleteProject(projectName) Bool Delete project in the current folder if not currently loaded
LoadProject(projectName) Project Loads and returns the project with name = projectName (text) if there is a match found, and None if there is no matching Project.
GetCurrentProject() Project Returns the currently loaded Resolve project.
SaveProject() Bool Saves the currently loaded project with its own name. Returns True if successful.
CreateFolder(folderName) Bool Creates a folder if folderName (text) is unique.
GetProjectsInCurrentFolder() [project names...] Returns an array of project names in current folder.
GetFoldersInCurrentFolder() [folder names...] Returns an array of folder names in current folder.
GotoRootFolder() Bool Opens root folder in database.
GotoParentFolder() Bool Opens parent folder of current folder in database if current folder has parent.
OpenFolder(folderName) Bool Opens folder under given name.
ImportProject(filePath) Bool Imports a project under given file path. Returns true in case of success.
ExportProject(projectName, filePath) Bool Exports a project based on given name into provided file path. Returns true in case of success.
RestoreProject(filePath) Bool Restores a project under given backup file path. Returns true in case of success.


Method Return Type Comment
GetMediaPool() MediaPool Returns the Media Pool object.
GetTimelineCount() int Returns the number of timelines currently present in the project.
GetTimelineByIndex(idx) Timeline Returns timeline at the given index, 1 <= idx <= project.GetTimelineCount()
GetCurrentTimeline() Timeline Returns the currently loaded timeline.
SetCurrentTimeline(timeline) Bool Sets given timeline as current timeline for the project. Returns True if successful.
GetName() string Returns project name.
SetName(projectName) Bool Sets project name if given projectname (text) is unique.
GetPresets() [presets...] Returns a table of presets and their information.
SetPreset(presetName) Bool Sets preset by given presetName (string) into project.
GetRenderJobs() [render jobs...] Returns a table of render jobs and their information.
GetRenderPresets() [presets...] Returns a table of render presets and their information.
StartRendering(index1, index2, ...) Bool Starts rendering for given render jobs based on their indices. If no parameter is given rendering would start for all render jobs.
StartRendering([idxs...]) Bool Starts rendering for given render jobs based on their indices. If no parameter is given rendering would start for all render jobs.
StopRendering() None Stops rendering for all render jobs.
IsRenderingInProgress() Bool Returns true is rendering is in progress.
AddRenderJob() Bool Adds render job to render queue.
DeleteRenderJobByIndex(idx) Bool Deletes render job based on given job index (int).
DeleteAllRenderJobs() Bool Deletes all render jobs.
LoadRenderPreset(presetName) Bool Sets a preset as current preset for rendering if presetName (text) exists.
SaveAsNewRenderPreset(presetName) Bool Creates a new render preset by given name if presetName(text) is unique.
SetRenderSettings([settings map]) Bool Sets given settings for rendering. Settings map is a map, keys of map are: "SelectAllFrames", "MarkIn", "MarkOut", "TargetDir", "CustomName".
GetRenderJobStatus(idx) [status info] Returns job status and completion rendering percentage of the job by given job index (int).
GetSetting(settingName) string Returns setting value by given settingName (string) if the setting exist. With empty settingName the function returns a full list of settings.
SetSetting(settingName, settingValue) Bool Sets project setting base on given name (string) and value (string).
GetRenderFormats() [render formats...] Returns a list of available render formats.
GetRenderCodecs(renderFormat) [render codecs...] Returns a list of available codecs for given render format (string).
GetCurrentRenderFormatAndCodec() [format, codec] Returns currently selected render format and render codec.
SetCurrentRenderFormatAndCodec(format, codec) Bool Sets given render format (string) and render codec (string) as options for rendering.


Method Return Type Comment
GetMountedVolumes() [paths...] Returns an array of folder paths corresponding to mounted volumes displayed in Resolve’s Media Storage.
GetSubFolders(folderPath) [paths...] Returns an array of folder paths in the given absolute folder path.
GetFiles(folderPath) [paths...] Returns an array of media and file listings in the given absolute folder path. Note that media listings may be logically consolidated entries.
RevealInStorage(path) None Expands and displays a given file/folder path in Resolve’s Media Storage.
AddItemsToMediaPool(item1, item2, ...) [clips...] Adds specified file/folder paths from Media Store into current Media Pool folder. Input is one or more file/folder paths.
AddItemsToMediaPool([items...]) [clips...] Adds specified file/folder paths from Media Store into current Media Pool folder. Input is an array of file/folder paths.


Method Return Type Comment
GetRootFolder() Folder Returns the root Folder of Media Pool
AddSubFolder(folder, name) Folder Adds a new subfolder under specified Folder object with the given name.
CreateEmptyTimeline(name) Timeline Adds a new timeline with given name.
AppendToTimeline(clip1, clip2...) Bool Appends specified MediaPoolItem objects in the current timeline. Returns True if successful.
AppendToTimeline([clips]) Bool Appends specified MediaPoolItem objects in the current timeline. Returns True if successful.
CreateTimelineFromClips(name, clip1, clip2, ...) Timeline Creates a new timeline with specified name, and appends the specified MediaPoolItem objects.
CreateTimelineFromClips(name, [clips]) Timeline Creates a new timeline with specified name, and appends the specified MediaPoolItem objects.
ImportTimelineFromFile(filePath) Timeline Creates timeline based on parameters within given file.
GetCurrentFolder() Folder Returns currently selected Folder.
SetCurrentFolder(Folder) Bool Sets current folder by given Folder.


Method Return Type Comment
GetClips() [clips...] Returns a list of clips (items) within the folder.
GetName() string Returns user-defined name of the folder.
GetSubFolders() [folders...] Returns a list of subfolders in the folder.


Method Return Type Comment
GetMetadata(metadataType) [[types],[values]] Returns a value of metadataType. If parameter is not specified returns all set metadata parameters.
SetMetadata(metadataType, metadataValue) Bool Sets metadata by given type and value. Returns True if successful.
GetMediaId() string Returns a unique ID name related to MediaPoolItem.
AddMarker(frameId, color, name, note, duration) Bool Creates a new marker at given frameId position and with given marker information.
GetMarkers() [markers...] Returns a list of all markers and their information.
AddFlag(color) Bool Adds a flag with given color (text).
GetFlags() [colors...] Returns a list of flag colors assigned to the item.
GetClipColor() string Returns an item color as a string.
GetClipProperty(propertyName) [[types],[values]] Returns property value related to the item based on given propertyName (string). if propertyName is empty then it returns a full list of properties.
SetClipProperty(propertyName, propertyValue) Bool Sets into given propertyName (string) propertyValue (string).


Method Return Type Comment
GetName() string Returns user-defined name of the timeline.
SetName(timelineName) Bool Sets timeline name is timelineName (text) is unique.
GetStartFrame() int Returns frame number at the start of timeline.
GetEndFrame() int Returns frame number at the end of timeline.
GetTrackCount(trackType) int Returns a number of track based on specified track type ("audio", "video" or "subtitle").
GetItemsInTrack(trackType, index) [items...] Returns an array of Timeline items on the video or audio track (based on trackType) at specified index. 1 <= index <= GetTrackCount(trackType).
AddMarker(frameId, color, name, note, duration) Bool Creates a new marker at given frameId position and with given marker information.
GetMarkers() [markers...] Returns a list of all markers and their information.
ApplyGradeFromDRX(path, gradeMode, item1, item2, ...) Bool Loads a still from given file path (string) and applies grade to Timeline Items with gradeMode (int): 0 - "No keyframes", 1 - "Source Timecode aligned", 2 - "Start Frames aligned".
ApplyGradeFromDRX(path, gradeMode, [items]) Bool Loads a still from given file path (string) and applies grade to Timeline Items with gradeMode (int): 0 - "No keyframes", 1 - "Source Timecode aligned", 2 - "Start Frames aligned".
GetCurrentTimecode() string Returns a string representing a timecode for current position of the timeline, while on Cut, Edit, Color and Deliver page.
GetCurrentVideoItem() item Returns current video timeline item.
GetCurrentClipThumbnailImage() [width, height, format, data] Returns raw thumbnail image data (This image data is encoded in base 64 format and the image format is RGB 8 bit) for the current media in the Color Page in the format of dictionary (in Python) and table (in Lua). Information return are "width", "height", "format" and "data". Example is provided in in Example folder.


Method Return Type Comment
GetName() string Returns a name of the item.
GetDuration() int Returns a duration of item.
GetEnd() int Returns a position of end frame.
GetFusionCompCount() int Returns the number of Fusion compositions associated with the timeline item.
GetFusionCompByIndex(compIndex) fusionComp Returns Fusion composition object based on given index. 1 <= compIndex <= timelineItem.GetFusionCompCount()
GetFusionCompNames() [names...] Returns a list of Fusion composition names associated with the timeline item.
GetFusionCompByName(compName) fusionComp Returns Fusion composition object based on given name.
GetLeftOffset() int Returns a maximum extension by frame for clip from left side.
GetRightOffset() int Returns a maximum extension by frame for clip from right side.
GetStart() int Returns a position of first frame.
AddMarker(frameId, color, name, note, duration) Bool Creates a new marker at given frameId position and with given marker information.
GetMarkers() [markers...] Returns a list of all markers and their information.
GetFlags() [colors...] Returns a list of flag colors assigned to the item.
GetClipColor() string Returns an item color as a string.
AddFusionComp() fusionComp Adds a new Fusion composition associated with the timeline item.
ImportFusionComp(path) fusionComp Imports Fusion composition from given file path by creating and adding a new composition for the item.
ExportFusionComp(path, compIndex) Bool Exports Fusion composition based on given index into provided file name path.
DeleteFusionCompByName(compName) Bool Deletes Fusion composition by provided name.
LoadFusionCompByName(compName) fusionComp Loads Fusion composition by provided name and sets it as active composition.
RenameFusionCompByName(oldName, newName) Bool Renames Fusion composition by provided name with new given name.
AddVersion(versionName, versionType) Bool Adds a new Version associated with the timeline item. versionType: 0 - local, 1 - remote.
DeleteVersionByName(versionName, versionType) Bool Deletes Version by provided name. versionType: 0 - local, 1 - remote.
LoadVersionByName(versionName, versionType) Bool Loads Version by provided name and sets it as active Version. versionType: 0 - local, 1 - remote.
RenameVersionByName(oldName, newName, versionType) Bool Renames Version by provided name with new given name. versionType: 0 - local, 1 - remote.
GetMediaPoolItem() MediaPoolItem Returns a corresponding to the timeline item media pool item if it exists.
GetVersionNames(versionType) [strings...] Returns a list of version names by provided versionType: 0 - local, 1 - remote.
GetStereoConvergenceValues() [offset, value] Returns a table of keyframe offsets and respective convergence values
GetStereoLeftFloatingWindowParams() [offset, value] For the LEFT eye -> returns a table of keyframe offsets and respective floating window params. Value at particular offset includes the left, right, top and bottom floating window values
GetStereoRightFloatingWindowParams() [offset, value] For the RIGHT eye -> returns a table of keyframe offsets and respective floating window params. Value at particular offset includes the left, right, top and bottom floating window values
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newsyoga commented Aug 3, 2024

Will api work for free version od davinci reslove?

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