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Last active June 26, 2017 13:24
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Common Brewfile
# Install Homebrew (
# and then install brew bundle, `brew tap Homebrew/bundle`,
# and finally run `brew bundle`!
# Golang
brew 'glide'
brew 'go'
brew 'godep'
brew 'graphviz'
brew 'gnuplot'
brew 'gd'
brew 'gdbm'
# NodeJS
brew 'nvm'
# Then use nvm to install node, e.g. nvm install v4.2.3
# Engineer will love these
brew 'awscli'
brew 'git'
brew 'hub'
brew 'htop'
brew 'jq'
brew 'kubernetes-cli'
brew 'openssl'
brew 's3cmd'
brew 'tree'
brew 'wget'
brew 'bash'
brew 'bash-completion'
brew 'zsh'
brew 'zsh-completions'
brew 'vim'
brew 'watch'
brew 'xz'
brew 'netcat'
# Vungle still uses them
cask 'chefdk'
cask 'google-cloud-sdk'
cask 'minikube'
# Java
brew 'gradle'
brew 'maven'
# Misc (totally optional)
brew 'sqlite'
brew 'python'
brew 'protobuf'
brew 'scala'
brew 'sbt'
brew 'mongo'
brew 'cocoapods'
brew 'fontconfig'
brew 'closure-compiler'
brew 'bazel'
cask 'java'
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