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Last active November 10, 2019 19:53
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Save ganzuul/2cae364c0b9f7ae7beae5de44bacc328 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop. to R via REST API
#install.packages("httr") #install.packages("jsonlite") #install.packages("tidyverse")
#install.packages("stringr") #install.packages("furrr") #install.packages("igraph")
#require(furrr) #require(igraph)
url_base <- ""
articles <- c("Maximal and minimal elements", "Maxima and minima")
titles <- function(v) {paste("&titles=", v, sep = "")}
ids <- function(v) {paste("&pageids=", v, sep = "")}
query <- function(v) {paste(url_base, v, sep = "")}
get_lh <- function(v) {, "text"), flatten = FALSE))}
map(articles, URLencode) %>%
map(titles) %>%
map(query) %>%
map(getLh) %>%
map(~select(.x, c(4, 5, 7, 8))) %>%
map(~as_tibble(.x, .name_repair = "minimal")) -> tibs
map(tibs, function(v) {filter(v, complete.cases(v))}) %>% # Convenient NAs in data.
map(~select(.x, c(2))) %>%
map(flatten_chr) %>%
map(ids) %>%
map(as.list) %>%
map(query) %>%
map(as.list) %>%
map(function(v) {v %>% map(get_lh)}) -> df1
df1 %>%
map(function(v) {v %>% map(~select(.x, c(ends_with(".pageid"), ends_with(".title"))))}) -> tibs2
map(df1, function(v) {v %>% map(~select(.x, ends_with(".title")))}) %>%
map(function(v) {v %>% map(~as.matrix(.x))}) -> g1
g1[[1]] %>%
map(graph_from_edgelist) -> g
#map(g1, function(v){v %>% map(~graph_from_edgelist(.x))}) -> g
#truncCol <- function(v){names(v) %>% map(~str_trunc(.x, str_length(.x)-12, side = c("left"),ellipsis=""))}
#tib0 <- map(tibs, function(v){names(v) <- truncCol(v);return(v)}) # TO-DO Why is this return special?
#df <- graph.edgelist(matrix
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