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Last active August 2, 2024 15:20
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  • Save gandli/74ed569a197e4f4e0ec522d73869904f to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
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Homebrew 管理指南

Homebrew 管理指南

本文档提供指南,说明如何在 macOS 中使用 Homebrew 进行软件的更新、备份和恢复。


curl -L > /tmp/Brewfile && brew bundle --file=/tmp/Brewfile && rm /tmp/Brewfile


brew cu -afy && brew cleanup --prune=all && brew autoremove && brew bundle dump --describe --force --file="~/Brewfile" && gh gist edit 74ed569a197e4f4e0ec522d73869904f -a ~/Brewfile

~/.zshrc 封装成函数

# 更新 Homebrew 安装的软件包,并备份 Brewfile 到 GitHub Gist
function bru() {
    # 开始更新和维护操作
    echo "🚀 开始执行 Homebrew 更新和维护..."
    brew update && \
    brew upgrade && \
    brew cu -afy && \
    brew cleanup --prune=all && \
    brew autoremove && \
    brew bundle dump --describe --force --file="~/Brewfile" && \
    gh gist edit 74ed569a197e4f4e0ec522d73869904f -a ~/Brewfile
    echo "✅ Homebrew 更新和维护完成。"
    # 提供导入 Brewfile 的命令说明
    echo "📦 如需导入 Brewfile,请使用以下命令:"
    echo "curl -L > /tmp/Brewfile"
    echo "brew bundle --file=/tmp/Brewfile"
    echo "rm /tmp/Brewfile"
    echo "这将从您的 Gist 下载最新的 Brewfile 并应用到 Homebrew。"
tap "alienator88/cask"
tap "anhoder/go-musicfox"
tap "appleboy/tap"
tap "buo/cask-upgrade"
tap "charmbracelet/tap"
tap "context-labs/mactop", ""
tap "dehydratedpotato/tap"
tap "dracula/install"
tap "graelo/tap"
tap "homebrew/bundle"
tap "homebrew/cask-fonts"
tap "homebrew/cask-versions"
tap "homebrew/services"
tap "iina/mpv-iina"
tap "jesseduffield/lazygit"
tap "krtirtho/apps"
tap "lencx/chatgpt", ""
tap "lihaoyun6/tap"
tap "localsend/localsend"
tap "lukakerr/things"
tap "mac-cleanup/mac-cleanup-py"
tap "nikolaeu/numi"
tap "oven-sh/bun"
tap "pot-app/tap"
tap "sagernet/sing-box"
tap "schappim/ocr"
tap "sunnyyoung/repo"
tap "supabase/tap"
tap "tabbyml/tabby"
tap "teamookla/speedtest"
tap "xgadget-lab/nexttrace"
# Cryptography and SSL/TLS Toolkit
brew "openssl@3"
# Library for command-line editing
brew "readline"
# Command-line interface for SQLite
brew "sqlite"
# General-purpose data compression with high compression ratio
brew "xz"
# GNU debugger for aarch64-elf cross development
brew "aarch64-elf-gdb"
# Run your GitHub Actions locally
brew "act"
# Library for manipulating PNG images
brew "libpng"
# Low-level library for pixel manipulation
brew "pixman"
# Vector graphics library with cross-device output support
brew "cairo"
# C/C++ and Java libraries for Unicode and globalization
brew "icu4c"
# Framework for layout and rendering of i18n text
brew "pango"
# Library to render SVG files using Cairo
brew "librsvg"
# Icons for the GNOME project
brew "adwaita-icon-theme"
# Command-line client tool for Alibaba aDrive disk
brew "aliyunpan"
# Library and utilities for processing GIFs
brew "giflib"
# Download with resuming and segmented downloading
brew "aria2"
# ARP scanning and fingerprinting tool
brew "arp-scan"
# Record and share terminal sessions
brew "asciinema"
# Improved shell history for zsh, bash, fish and nushell
brew "atuin"
# Shell extension to jump to frequently used directories
brew "autojump"
# Bourne-Again SHell, a UNIX command interpreter
brew "bash"
# Clone of cat(1) with syntax highlighting and Git integration
brew "bat", link: false
# GNU binary tools for native development
brew "binutils"
# GNU compiler collection
brew "gcc"
# Tool Command Language
brew "tcl-tk"
# Searches a binary image for embedded files and executable code
brew "binwalk"
# Yet another cross-platform graphical process/system monitor
brew "bottom"
# Resource monitor. C++ version and continuation of bashtop and bpytop
brew "btop"
# Freely available high-quality data compressor
brew "bzip2"
# GNU File, Shell, and Text utilities
brew "coreutils"
# Emacs dependency management
brew "cask"
# CD/DVD/Blu-ray premastering and recording software
brew "cdrtools"
# Rule-based tunnel in Go
brew "clash"
# Cloudflare Tunnel client (formerly Argo Tunnel)
brew "cloudflared"
# Cross-platform make
brew "cmake"
# Documentation for CMake
brew "cmake-docs"
# Powerful, clean, object-oriented scripting language
brew "ruby"
# Dependency manager for Cocoa projects
brew "cocoapods"
# Defines a standard way of committing rules and communicating it
brew "commitizen"
# CPU architecture fetching tool
brew "cpufetch"
# Get a file from an HTTP, HTTPS or FTP server
brew "curl"
# Interactive Commitizen CLI that generate standardized commit messages
brew "czg"
# Low-level access to audio, keyboard, mouse, joystick, and graphics
brew "sdl2"
# OCR (Optical Character Recognition) engine
brew "tesseract"
# Play, record, convert, and stream audio and video
brew "ffmpeg"
# Toolkit for creating graphical user interfaces
brew "gtk4"
# ISO/IEC 23008-12:2017 HEIF file format decoder and encoder
brew "libheif"
# Manage compile and link flags for libraries
brew "pkg-config"
# Duplicate file utility
brew "czkawka"
# Secure runtime for JavaScript and TypeScript
brew "deno"
# Pack, ship and run any application as a lightweight container
brew "docker"
# View disk space usage and delete unwanted data, fast
brew "dua-cli"
# Disk Usage/Free Utility - a better 'df' alternative
brew "duf"
# More intuitive version of du in rust
brew "dust"
# Perl lib for reading and writing EXIF metadata
brew "exiftool"
# Modern, maintained replacement for ls
brew "eza"
# Like neofetch, but much faster because written mostly in C
brew "fastfetch"
# Efficient Duplicate File Finder
brew "fclones"
# Simple, fast and user-friendly alternative to find
brew "fd"
# Create thumbnails for your video files
brew "ffmpegthumbnailer"
# Cross-platform subdomain enumerator
brew "findomain"
# User-friendly command-line shell for UNIX-like operating systems
brew "fish"
# Fast and simple Node.js version manager
brew "fnm"
# Command-line outline and bitmap font editor/converter
brew "fontforge"
# Console program to recover files based on their headers and footers
brew "foremost"
# Fast and modern Ruby version manager written in Rust
brew "frum"
# Command-line fuzzy finder written in Go
brew "fzf"
# GNU awk utility
brew "gawk"
# GitHub command-line tool
brew "gh"
# Highest-quality GIF encoder based on pngquant
brew "gifski"
# Distributed revision control system
brew "git"
# Highly customizable changelog generator
brew "git-cliff"
# Small git utilities
brew "git-extras"
# Git extension for versioning large files
brew "git-lfs"
# Alternative to top/htop
brew "glances"
# Render markdown on the CLI
brew "glow"
# GNU implementation of the famous stream editor
brew "gnu-sed"
# Open source programming language to build simple/reliable/efficient software
brew "go"
# Terminal based graphical activity monitor inspired by gtop and vtop
brew "gotop"
# GNU grep, egrep and fgrep
brew "grep"
# World's fastest and most advanced password recovery utility
brew "hashcat"
# Futuristic take on hexdump
brew "hex"
# Fast, simple & powerful blog framework
brew "hexo"
# Command-line hex viewer
brew "hexyl"
# Bash and zsh history suggest box
brew "hstr"
# Website copier/offline browser
brew "httrack"
# Configurable static site generator
brew "hugo"
# Fast, highly customisable system info script with LGBTQ+ pride flags
brew "hyfetch"
# Library for reading RAW files from digital photo cameras
brew "libraw"
# Tools and libraries to manipulate images in many formats
brew "imagemagick"
# Update of iperf: measures TCP, UDP, and SCTP bandwidth
brew "iperf3"
# CLI wrapper for basic network utilities on macOS - ip command
brew "iproute2mac"
# Interactive computing in Python
brew "ipython"
# Manage your Java environment
brew "jenv"
# Featureful UNIX password cracker
brew "john"
# Image manipulation library
brew "jpeg"
# Lightweight and flexible command-line JSON processor
brew "jq"
# Simple terminal UI for git commands
brew "lazygit"
# Implementation of the file(1) command
brew "libmagic"
# Generic machine emulator and virtualizer
brew "qemu"
# Linux virtual machines
brew "lima"
# Next-gen compiler infrastructure
brew "llvm"
# Tools for zmodem/xmodem/ymodem file transfer
brew "lrzsz"
# Clone of ls with colorful output, file type icons, and more
brew "lsd"
# Fast and simple video downloader
brew "lux"
# System information fetcher, with an emphasis on performance and minimalism
brew "macchina"
# Keep your Mac's application settings in sync
brew "mackup"
# Utility for directing compilation
brew "make"
# System to create Windows installers
brew "makensis"
# Mac App Store command-line interface
brew "mas"
# TCP port scanner, scans entire Internet in under 5 minutes
brew "masscan"
# Fly through your shell history
brew "mcfly"
# Uniform interface to a large number of hash algorithms
brew "mhash"
# Terminal-based visual file manager
brew "midnight-commander"
# Minimalist GNU for Windows and GCC cross-compilers
brew "mingw-w64"
# Dependency manager that installs and runs Swift command-line tool packages
brew "mint"
# Mac command-line tool that automatically downloads macOS Firmwares / Installers
brew "mist-cli"
# Feature-rich command-line audio/video downloader
brew "yt-dlp"
# Media player based on MPlayer and mplayer2
brew "mpv"
# Fast, highly customisable system info script
brew "neofetch"
# Ambitious Vim-fork focused on extensibility and agility
brew "neovim"
# Port scanning utility for large networks
brew "nmap"
# Tiny, lightning fast, feature-packed file manager
brew "nnn"
# Modern shell for the GitHub era
brew "nushell"
# Adds an OCR text layer to scanned PDF files
brew "ocrmypdf"
# Prompt theme engine for any shell
brew "oh-my-posh"
# Command-line Git information tool
brew "onefetch"
# Protocol buffers (Google's data interchange format)
brew "protobuf"
# General-purpose speech recognition model
brew "openai-whisper"
# Swiss-army knife of markup format conversion
brew "pandoc"
# Modern Python package and dependency manager supporting the latest PEP standards
brew "pdm"
# Pretty system information tool written in Rust
brew "pfetch-rs"
# General-purpose scripting language
brew "php"
# Brew & manage PHP versions in pure PHP at HOME
brew "phpbrew"
# Paste PNG into files
brew "pngpaste"
# Python package management tool
brew "poetry"
# PDF rendering library (based on the xpdf-3.0 code base)
brew "poppler"
# Cross-platform library for audio I/O
brew "portaudio"
# Object-relational database system
brew "postgresql@14"
# Hook preloader
brew "proxychains-ng"
# Python version management
brew "pyenv"
# Pyenv plugin to manage virtualenv
brew "pyenv-virtualenv"
# Interpreted, interactive, object-oriented programming language
brew "python@3.10"
# QR Code generation
brew "qrencode"
# File browser
brew "ranger"
# Alternative to backtracking PCRE-style regular expression engines
brew "re2"
# Search tool like grep and The Silver Searcher
brew "ripgrep"
# Extremely fast Python linter, written in Rust
brew "ruff"
# Rust toolchain installer
brew "rustup"
# Generate ASCII art with terminal, shell, and OS info
brew "screenfetch"
# Universal proxy platform
brew "sing-box"
# Work with remote images registries
brew "skopeo"
# Web-based viewer for Python profiler output
brew "snakeviz"
# Cross-platform application to monitor your network traffic
brew "sniffnet"
# SOcket CAT: netcat on steroids
brew "socat"
# GTK client/libraries for SPICE
brew "spice-gtk"
# Penetration testing for SQL injection and database servers
brew "sqlmap"
# Cross-shell prompt for astronauts
brew "starship"
# Subdomain discovery tool
brew "subfinder"
# Formatting technology for Swift source code
brew "swift-format"
# Formatting tool for reformatting Swift code
brew "swiftformat"
# Tool to enforce Swift style and conventions
brew "swiftlint"
# User interface to the TELNET protocol
brew "telnet"
# Enables extra languages support for Tesseract
brew "tesseract-lang"
# Terminal multiplexer
brew "tmux"
# Program that allows you to count code, quickly
brew "tokei"
# Display directories as trees (with optional color/HTML output)
brew "tree"
# Converts a ttyrec file into gif files
brew "ttygif"
# Source code spell checker
brew "typos-cli"
# Command-line unarchiving tools supporting multiple formats
brew "unar"
# Fast Xcode unarchiver
brew "unxip"
# Extremely fast Python package installer and resolver, written in Rust
brew "uv"
# Your CLI home video recorder
brew "vhs"
# Image processing library
brew "vips"
# Execute commands when watched files change
brew "watchexec"
# Internet file retriever
brew "wget"
# Best command-line tool to install and switch between multiple versions of Xcode
brew "xcodes", link: false
# Blazing fast terminal file manager written in Rust, based on async I/O
brew "yazi"
# Dumb downloader that scrapes the web
brew "you-get"
# Pluggable terminal workspace, with terminal multiplexer as the base feature
brew "zellij"
# In terminal graphical metrics for your *nix system
brew "zenith"
# Compression and file packaging/archive utility
brew "zip"
# General-purpose lossless data-compression library
brew "zlib"
# Shell extension to navigate your filesystem faster
brew "zoxide"
# Next-generation plugin manager for zsh
brew "zplug"
# UNIX shell (command interpreter)
brew "zsh"
# File transfer program
brew "zsync"
# go-musicfox是musicfox的重写版,使用Go编写的网易云音乐命令行程序。
brew "anhoder/go-musicfox/go-musicfox"
# A CLI written in Go language that writes git commit messages for you using ChatGPT AI (gpt-3.5-turbo model) and automatically installs a git prepare-commit-msg hook.
brew "appleboy/tap/codegpt"
# Generate images of code and terminal output.
brew "charmbracelet/tap/freeze"
# Apple Silicon Monitor Top written in Go Lang
brew "context-labs/mactop/mactop"
# Sudoless utility to profile current frequency, cycles, voltage, residency, and more on Apple Silicon
brew "dehydratedpotato/tap/socpwrbud"
# Power Usage Monitor for Apple Silicon
brew "graelo/tap/pumas"
# Python cleanup script for macOS
brew "mac-cleanup/mac-cleanup-py/mac-cleanup-py"
# Smart calculator
brew "nikolaeu/numi/numi-cli"
# Incredibly fast JavaScript runtime, bundler, transpiler and package manager - all in one.
brew "oven-sh/bun/bun"
# Get any text on your screen into your clipboard.
brew "schappim/ocr/ocr"
# Supabase CLI
brew "supabase/tap/supabase"
# Tabby: AI Coding Assistant
brew "tabbyml/tabby/tabby"
# Ookla Speedtest
brew "teamookla/speedtest/speedtest"
# An open source visual route tracking CLI tool
brew "xgadget-lab/nexttrace/nexttrace"
# Password manager that keeps all passwords secure behind one password
cask "1password"
# View, print, and comment on PDF documents
cask "adobe-acrobat-reader"
# Intelligent cloud storage platform
cask "adrive"
# Note editor and whiteboard
cask "affine"
# GPU-accelerated terminal emulator
cask "alacritty"
# Enable Windows-like alt-tab
cask "alt-tab"
# Transfer files from and to an Android smartphone
cask "android-file-transfer"
# Android SDK component
cask "android-platform-tools"
# Tools for the Android SDK
cask "android-sdk"
# Tools for building Android applications
cask "android-studio"
# Memory training application
cask "anki"
# Uninstaller and cleaning assistant
cask "app-cleaner"
# Application uninstaller
cask "appcleaner"
# Open-source project and knowledge management tool
cask "appflowy"
# User-friendly GUI app for Homebrew
cask "applite"
# Chromium based browser
cask "arc"
# Aria2 GUI
cask "aria2d"
# Graphical user interface for Aria2
cask "aria2gui"
# Text editor
cask "atom"
# Multi-track audio editor and recorder
cask "audacity"
# Cloud storage service
cask "baidunetdisk"
# Menu bar icon organiser
cask "bartender"
# App for managing battery charging. (Also installs a CLI on first use.)
cask "battery"
# Replacement of the default battery indicator in the menu bar
cask "battery-buddy"
# Battery indicator for the menu bar
cask "batteryboi"
# Display management tool
cask "betterdisplay"
# Use the Bing daily photo as your wallpaper
cask "bingpaper"
# Utility to display the output from any script or program in the menu bar
cask "bitbar"
# 3D creation suite
cask "blender"
# Utility to dim background/inactive content in the screen
cask "blurred"
# Translation application for text, pictures, and manual input
cask "bob"
# Utility that allows increased screen brightness
cask "brightintosh"
# Opensource IDE for exploring and testing api's
cask "bruno"
# Web security testing toolkit
cask "burp-suite-professional"
# GUI app for Homebrew
cask "cakebrew"
# E-books management software
cask "calibre"
# Tool to show caps lock status
cask "captin"
# Web debugging Proxy application
cask "charles"
# Desktop app for GPT-4 / GPT-3.5 (OpenAI API)
cask "chatbox"
# OpenAI's official ChatGPT desktop app
cask "chatgpt"
# Automated testing of webapps for Google Chrome
cask "chromedriver"
# System cleaner for logs, caches and more
cask "clean-me"
# Clipboard extension app
cask "clipy"
# Free app that makes your Internet safer
cask "cloudflare-warp"
# Simple SSH tunnel manager
cask "coccinellida"
# App for testing HTTP/REST endpoints
cask "cocoarestclient"
# Code editor
cask "codeedit"
# Cut and paste files in Finder
cask "command-x"
# Clipboard manager with advanced features
cask "copyq"
# Plain-text editor for web pages, program source codes and more
cask "coteditor"
# UI for creating Windows installer ISO from UUPDump
cask "crystalfetch"
# Reverse engineering platform powered by Rizin
cask "cutter"
# Server and cloud storage browser
cask "cyberduck"
# API documentation browser and code snippet manager
cask "dash"
# Utilities designed to make common development tasks easier
cask "devtoys"
# All-in-one toolbox for developers
cask "devutils"
# Run Stable Diffusion locally
cask "diffusionbee"
# Teamwork app by Alibaba Group
cask "dingtalk"
# Voice and text chat software
cask "discord"
# Developer platform
cask "dotnet-sdk"
# Tool to hide status bar icons
cask "dozer"
# Dark theme for Xcode
cask "dracula-xcode"
# Client for the Dropbox cloud storage service
cask "dropbox"
# Elegant tool built for coding
cask "easydevo"
# Dictionary and translator app
cask "easydict"
# Terminal/ssh/sftp client
cask "electerm"
# Status monitoring
cask "eul"
# Reimagine your terminal
cask "fig"
# Collaborative team software
cask "figma"
# SSH tool, server management and remote desktop acceleration software
cask "finalshell"
# Web browser
cask "firefox"
# Screenshot software
cask "flameshot"
# UI toolkit for building applications for mobile, web and desktop
cask "flutter"
cask "font-0xproto-nerd-font"
cask "font-ark-pixel-12px-monospaced"
cask "font-ark-pixel-16px-monospaced"
cask "font-cubic-11"
cask "font-dejavu-sans-mono-nerd-font"
cask "font-fantasque-sans-mono-nerd-font"
cask "font-hack-nerd-font"
cask "font-jetbrains-mono"
cask "font-jetbrains-mono-nerd-font"
cask "font-lxgw-bright"
cask "font-lxgw-bright-gb"
cask "font-lxgw-bright-tc"
cask "font-lxgw-fasmartgothic"
cask "font-lxgw-neoxihei"
cask "font-lxgw-wenkai"
cask "font-lxgw-wenkai-lite"
cask "font-lxgw-wenkai-tc"
cask "font-lxgw-zhenkai"
cask "font-monaspace"
cask "font-symbols-only-nerd-font"
# Font editor and converter for outline and bitmap fonts
cask "fontforge"
# Re-enable the font smoothing controls
cask "fontsmoothingadjuster"
# 3D parametric modeller
cask "freecad"
# Notes manager
cask "fsnotes"
# Android emulator
cask "genymotion"
# Free and open-source image editor
cask "gimp"
# Git client for simultaneous branches on top of your existing workflow
cask "gitbutler"
# Web browser
cask "google-chrome"
# Desktop automation application
cask "hammerspoon"
# App for managing Android devices
cask "handshaker"
# Hex editor focussing on speed
cask "hex-fiend"
# Utility to hide menu bar items
cask "hiddenbar"
# Drum machine and sequencer
cask "hydrogen"
# Terminal built on web technologies
cask "hyper"
# System monitor for the status bar
cask "iglance"
# Free and open-source media player
cask "iina"
# Tool to optimise images to a smaller size
cask "imageoptim"
# iPhone management application
cask "imazing"
# Hex editor for reverse engineers
cask "imhex"
# Tool for multi-language users
cask "input-source-pro"
# HTTP and GraphQL Client
cask "insomnia"
# Hides the Dock when it is overlapped by a window
cask "intellidock"
# Terminal emulator as alternative to Apple's Terminal app
cask "iterm2"
# Monitor for displaying process traffic on status bar
cask "itraffic"
# Menu bar calendar
cask "itsycal"
# Open-source screen recorder built with web technology
cask "kap"
# Keyboard customiser
cask "karabiner-elements"
# Tool to prevent the system from going into sleep mode
cask "keepingyouawake"
# File archiver
cask "keka"
# End-to-end encryption software
cask "keybase"
# Keyboard shortcut utility
cask "keyboard-cowboy"
# Switch input method per application
cask "keyboardholder"
# Record keystroke for screencast
cask "keycast"
# Open-source keystroke visualiser
cask "keycastr"
# Create custom keyboard shortcuts for anything
cask "keysmith"
# GPU-based terminal emulator
cask "kitty"
# Open-source epub reader
cask "koodo-reader"
# Digital music service
cask "kugoumusic"
# Open source code editor written in Rust
cask "lapce"
# Utility that shows the latest app updates
cask "latest"
# Tool to manage the launchpad
cask "launchpad-manager"
# Customise mouse behavior
cask "linearmouse"
# Search and play songs from a variety of online sources
cask "listen1"
# Discover, download, and run local LLMs
cask "lm-studio"
# Music production software
cask "lmms"
# An open source cross-platform alternative to AirDrop
cask "localsend"
# Application to spoof your iOS, iPadOS or iPhoneSimulator device location
cask "locationsimulator"
# Privacy-first, open-source platform for knowledge sharing and management
cask "logseq"
# Screen and video recording software
cask "loom"
# Open-source firewall to block unknown outgoing connections
cask "lulu"
# Adaptive brightness for external displays
cask "lunar"
# Mouse utility to add gesture functions and smooth scrolling to 3rd party mice
cask "mac-mouse-fix"
# Upload images and screenshots to Imgur
cask "mac2imgur"
# Clipboard manager
cask "maccy"
# Open-source Markdown editor
cask "macdown"
# File system integration
cask "macfuse"
# Full TeX Live distribution with GUI applications
cask "mactex"
# Utility to open, create and modify archive files
cask "maczip"
# Markdown editor
cask "mark-text"
# Extensible two-pane file manager
cask "marta"
cask "mdimagesizemdimporter"
# Set of CPU, memory, disk, and network monitoring tools
cask "menumeters"
# Markdown editor
cask "miaoyan"
# Provides updates to various Microsoft products
cask "microsoft-auto-update"
# Web browser
cask "microsoft-edge"
# Office suite
cask "microsoft-office"
# Remote desktop client
cask "microsoft-remote-desktop"
# ChatGPT client
cask "mindmac"
# IDE for the development of Alipay applets
cask "mini-program-studio"
# Minimal installer for conda
cask "miniconda"
# App for launching iOS and Android simulators
cask "minisim"
# Utility that automatically downloads firmwares and installers
cask "mist"
# Run Stable Diffusion natively
cask "mochi-diffusion"
# Interactive tool for analyzing MongoDB data
cask "mongodb-compass"
# Tool to control external monitor brightness & volume
cask "monitorcontrol"
# Smooths scrolling and set mouse scroll directions independently
cask "mos"
# Open-source download manager
cask "motrix"
# Re-mounts write-protected NTFS volumes
cask "mounty"
# File manager with a dual-pane interface
cask "mucommander"
# Desktop manager for the Node.js Package Manager (NPM)
cask "ndm"
# Music streaming platform
cask "neteasemusic"
# Free and open-source RSS reader
cask "netnewswire"
# Reverse proxy, secure introspectable tunnels to localhost
cask "ngrok"
# Markdown-based note-taking app that doesn't suck
cask "notable"
# LLM support for Apple Notes through Ollama
cask "notesollama"
# App to write, plan, collaborate, and get organised
cask "notion"
# Streaming music player
cask "nuclear"
# Cloud storage service platform
cask "nutstore"
# Open-source software for live streaming and screen recording
cask "obs"
# Knowledge base that works on top of a local folder of plain text Markdown files
cask "obsidian"
# Audio editor
cask "ocenaudio"
# Get up and running with large language models locally
cask "ollama"
# Interact with Ollama models
cask "ollamac"
# Finds large, unwanted files and deletes them
cask "omnidisksweeper"
# System and utility switches
cask "only-switch"
# Native AI chat client
cask "opencat"
# GitLab mirror - Graphical OpenConnect client (beta phase)
cask "openconnect-gui"
# OpenCore EFI bootloader configuration helper
cask "opencore-configurator"
# Cross-platform video editor
cask "openshot-video-editor"
# Client program for the OpenVPN Access Server
cask "openvpn-connect"
# Replacement for Docker Desktop
cask "orbstack"
# SQL powered operating system instrumentation and analytics
cask "osquery"
# Command palette in any application
cask "paletro"
# Desktop virtualization software
cask "parallels"
# PDF reader, editor and annotator
cask "pdf-expert"
# Utility to uninstall apps and clean-up leftover files
cask "pearcleaner"
# Tool for uploading images
cask "picgo"
# Image viewer
cask "pictureview"
# Code snippets, screenshots and workflow context
cask "pieces"
# Local datastore, server, and ML engine powering the Pieces for Developers Suite
cask "pieces-os"
# Native markdown editor
cask "pine"
# Property list and JSON editor
cask "plistedit-pro"
# Tool to display Overcast on the menu bar
cask "podcastmenu"
# Browse, manage, inspect containers and images
cask "podman-desktop"
# Used to access context-specific actions when text is selected
cask "popclip"
# Collaboration platform for API development
cask "postman"
# CLI for command-line API management on Postman
cask "postman-cli"
# Cross-platform software for text translation and recognize
cask "pot"
# Easy to use Disk Cleanup Tools
cask "prettyclean"
# OpenVPN client
cask "pritunl"
# HTTP debugging proxy
cask "proxyman"
# Automatic time tracker
cask "qbserve"
# Display image info and preview unsupported formats in QuickLook
cask "qlimagesize"
# Quick Look generator for Markdown files
cask "qlmarkdown"
# Instant messaging tool
cask "qq"
# Chinese music streaming application
cask "qqmusic"
# A lightweight and high-performance screen recorder for macOS.
cask "quickrecorder"
# V2Ray GUI client with extensive protocol support
cask "qv2ray"
# Control your tools with a few keystrokes
cask "raycast"
# GUI for rclone
cask "rclone-browser"
# Move and resize windows using keyboard shortcuts or snap areas
cask "rectangle"
# Analysis tool for security research and malware triage
cask "red-canary-mac-monitor"
# Font manager that helps preview, install, sync and manage fonts
cask "rightfont"
# Note-taking tool for networked thought
cask "roam-research"
# Remote management solution
cask "royal-tsx"
# Open source virtual/remote desktop application
cask "rustdesk"
# Screen recording and video editing software
cask "screenflow"
# Store SSH keys in the Secure Enclave
cask "secretive"
# Tool that provides consistent, highly configurable symbols for apps
cask "sf-symbols"
# Standalone client for sing-box, the universal proxy platform
cask "sfm"
# Video editor
cask "shotcut"
# Screenshot measurement and annotation tool
cask "shottr"
# EPUB ebook editor
cask "sigil"
# Digital design and prototyping platform
cask "sketch"
# Font manager
cask "skyfonts"
# Team communication and collaboration software
cask "slack"
# Snip or pin screenshots
cask "snipaste"
# Open source cross-platform file explorer
cask "spacedrive"
# Music streaming service
cask "spotify"
# 🎧 Open source Spotify client that doesn't require Premium nor uses Electron! Available for both desktop & mobile!
cask "spotube"
# Rime input method engine
cask "squirrel"
# System monitor for the menu bar
cask "stats"
# Text editor for code, markup and prose
cask "sublime-text"
# Xcode Extension for reformatting Swift code
cask "swiftformat-for-xcode"
# Xcode formatter plug-in for Swift code
cask "swimat"
# App to switch hosts
cask "switchhosts"
cask "switchkey"
# Quicklook extension for source files
cask "syntax-highlight"
# Messaging app with a focus on speed and security
cask "telegram"
# JDK from the Eclipse Foundation (Adoptium)
cask "temurin"
# Cleanup and system status tool
cask "tencent-lemon"
# Cloud video conferencing
cask "tencent-meeting"
# Convert, filter, sort, and transform text
cask "textbuddy"
# Unpacks archive files
cask "the-unarchiver"
# Automatic time and productivity tracking app
cask "timing"
# Git client focusing on power and productivity
cask "tower"
# File transfer application
cask "transmit"
# Create, maintain, and interact with Xcode projects at scale
cask "tuist"
# Configurable document editor that supports Markdown
cask "typora"
# PKG software package uninstall tool
cask "uninstallpkg"
# Tool to invert scroll direction for physical scroll wheels
cask "unnaturalscrollwheels"
# Virtual machines UI using QEMU
cask "utm"
# Plug-in productivity tool set
cask "utools"
# Collection of tools to build a dedicated basic communication network
cask "v2rayu"
# GUI for v2ray-core
cask "v2rayx"
# Virtualization tool
cask "virtualbuddy"
# Open-source code editor
cask "visual-studio-code"
# Multimedia player
cask "vlc"
# Create, manage, and run virtual machines
cask "vmware-fusion"
# Rust-based terminal
cask "warp"
# Free messaging and calling application
cask "wechat"
# A command line utility to work with WeChatTweak-macOS.
cask "wechattweak-cli"
# Wechat DevTools for Official Account and Mini Program development
cask "wechatwebdevtools"
# Messaging and calling application
cask "wechatwork"
# Text input app from WeChat team for Chinese users
cask "wetype"
# GPU-accelerated cross-platform terminal emulator and multiplexer
cask "wezterm"
# Wine wrapper built with SwiftUI
cask "whisky"
# SSH/SFTP/Shell/Telnet/Serial terminal
cask "windterm"
# Network protocol analyzer
cask "wireshark"
# Xcode extension to format Swift code
cask "x-swiftformat"
# Install and switch between multiple versions of Xcode
cask "xcodes"
# Third-party NetEase cloud player
cask "yesplaymusic"
# Youdao Dictionary
cask "youdaodict"
# App wrapper for
cask "yt-music"
# Multiplayer code editor
cask "zed@preview"
# Open-source markdown editor
cask "zettlr"
# OpenJDK distribution from Azul
cask "zulu"
# OpenJDK distribution from Azul
cask "zulu13"
# Zulu OpenJDK 15
cask "zulu15"
# OpenJDK distribution from Azul
cask "zulu7"
# OpenJDK distribution from Azul
cask "zulu@11"
# OpenJDK distribution from Azul
cask "zulu@17"
# OpenJDK distribution from Azul
cask "zulu@21"
# OpenJDK distribution from Azul
cask "zulu@8"
vscode "10nates.ollama-autocoder"
vscode "aaron-bond.better-comments"
vscode "aaronthomas.vscode-snazzy-operator"
vscode "abolkog.react-redux-simple-snippets"
vscode "adpyke.codesnap"
vscode "adpyke.vscode-sql-formatter"
vscode "adrianwilczynski.namespace"
vscode "adrianwilczynski.underscore-name"
vscode "aeschli.vscode-css-formatter"
vscode "ahmadalli.vscode-nginx-conf"
vscode "ahmadawais.codeshot"
vscode "ahmadawais.emoji-log-vscode"
vscode "ahmadawais.shades-of-purple"
vscode "aic.docify"
vscode "aixcoder-plugin.aixcoder"
vscode "ajshort.include-autocomplete"
vscode "akamud.vscode-javascript-snippet-pack"
vscode "akamud.vscode-theme-onedark"
vscode "akamud.vscode-theme-onelight"
vscode "alduncanson.react-hooks-snippets"
vscode "alefragnani.bookmarks"
vscode "alefragnani.project-manager"
vscode "alexcvzz.vscode-sqlite"
vscode "alexisvt.flutter-snippets"
vscode "alexnho.a-touch-of-lilac-theme"
vscode "alibaba-cloud.tongyi-lingma"
vscode "almenon.arepl"
vscode ""
vscode "aminer.codegeex"
vscode "amodio.tsl-problem-matcher"
vscode "anan.devdocstab"
vscode "anderseandersen.html-class-suggestions"
vscode ""
vscode "anotherglitchinthematrix.monochrome"
vscode "anseki.vscode-color"
vscode "ant-design-vue.vscode-ant-design-vue-helper"
vscode ""
vscode ""
vscode "antfu.browse-lite"
vscode "antfu.file-nesting"
vscode "antfu.goto-alias"
vscode "antfu.iconify"
vscode "antfu.icons-carbon"
vscode ""
vscode "antfu.pair-diff"
vscode "antfu.retypewriter"
vscode "antfu.slidev"
vscode ""
vscode "antfu.theme-vitesse"
vscode "antfu.treeshake-visualizer"
vscode "antfu.unocss"
vscode "antfu.vite"
vscode "antfu.vscode-server-controller"
vscode "antfu.where-am-i"
vscode "anthonydiametrix.acf-snippet"
vscode "anthonyfuller.mnscript"
vscode "antonreshetov.masscode-assistant"
vscode "arahata.linter-actionlint"
vscode "arcticicestudio.nord-visual-studio-code"
vscode "askcodi.askcodi-vscode"
vscode "asmraihan.vivid-black"
vscode "ast-grep.ast-grep-vscode"
vscode "at-9420.console-helper"
vscode "atharvadeosthale.mern-stack-snippets"
vscode "atomiks.moonlight"
vscode "austinleegordon.vscode-schema-dot-org"
vscode "axetroy.vscode-changelog-generator"
vscode "axetroy.vscode-whatchanged"
vscode ""
vscode "bajdzis.vscode-database"
vscode "ban.spellright"
vscode "batisteo.vscode-django"
vscode "be5invis.vscode-custom-css"
vscode "be5invis.vscode-icontheme-nomo-dark"
vscode "benjamin-simmonds.pythoncpp-debug"
vscode "berublan.vscode-log-viewer"
vscode "better-ts-errors.better-ts-errors"
vscode "bhanu1776.jellyfish-retro"
vscode "bierner.color-info"
vscode "bierner.emojisense"
vscode "bierner.gif-player"
vscode "bierner.markdown-checkbox"
vscode "bierner.markdown-emoji"
vscode "bierner.markdown-mermaid"
vscode "bierner.markdown-preview-github-styles"
vscode "biomejs.biome"
vscode "birdgg.raysocode"
vscode "bito.bito"
vscode "blackboxapp.blackbox"
vscode "bmewburn.vscode-intelephense-client"
vscode "bmuskalla.vscode-tldr"
vscode "bogdanlazar.edge"
vscode "bradgashler.htmltagwrap"
vscode "bradlc.vscode-tailwindcss"
vscode "britesnow.vscode-toggle-quotes"
vscode "bukas.gbktoutf8"
vscode "burkeholland.simple-react-snippets"
vscode "capaj.vscode-exports-autocomplete"
vscode "capaj.vscode-standardjs-snippets"
vscode "captainstack.captain-stack"
vscode "catppuccin.catppuccin-vsc"
vscode "catppuccin.catppuccin-vsc-icons"
vscode "catppuccin.catppuccin-vsc-pack"
vscode "chakrounanas.turbo-console-log"
vscode "chandzhang.wechat-snippet"
vscode "charliermarsh.ruff"
vscode "chenng.vscode-translator"
vscode "chensuiyi.fn-map"
vscode "chenxsan.vscode-standardjs"
vscode "chris-hayes.chatgpt-reborn"
vscode "christian-kohler.npm-intellisense"
vscode "christian-kohler.path-intellisense"
vscode "chrmarti.regex"
vscode "cipchk.cssrem"
vscode "clemenspeters.format-json"
vscode "cnyballk.wxml-vscode"
vscode "codeinchinese.englishchinesedictionary"
vscode "codeium.codeium"
vscode "codeium.codeium-enterprise-updater"
vscode "coderfee.vscode-wxml"
vscode "codesandbox-io.codesandbox-projects"
vscode "codesnippetsai.codesnippetsai"
vscode "codespaces-contrib.codeswing"
vscode "codestream.codestream"
vscode "codezombiech.gitignore"
vscode "codium.codium"
vscode "commitai.commit-ai"
vscode "continue.continue"
vscode "crazyurus.miniprogram-vscode-extension"
vscode "cschlosser.doxdocgen"
vscode "csstools.postcss"
vscode "cstrap.python-snippets"
vscode "cweijan.dbclient-jdbc"
vscode "cweijan.vscode-database-client2"
vscode "cweijan.vscode-mysql-client2"
vscode "cweijan.vscode-office"
vscode "cweijan.vscode-typora"
vscode "dahong.theme-bear"
vscode "daltonmenezes.aura-theme"
vscode "dangmai.workspace-default-settings"
vscode "danielpinto8zz6.c-cpp-compile-run"
vscode "danielsanmedium.dscodegpt"
vscode "dariofuzinato.vue-peek"
vscode "darkriszty.markdown-table-prettify"
vscode "dart-code.dart-code"
vscode "dart-code.flutter"
vscode "darthyody.node-modules-context-menu"
vscode "davidanson.vscode-markdownlint"
vscode "daylerees.rainglow"
vscode "dbaeumer.jshint"
vscode "dbaeumer.vscode-eslint"
vscode "ddiu8081.moegi-theme"
vscode "deerawan.vscode-dash"
vscode "deerawan.vscode-faker"
vscode "deibit.devdocs"
vscode "demystifying-javascript.python-extensions-pack"
vscode "dendron.dendron"
vscode "dendron.dendron-markdown-preview-enhanced"
vscode "dendron.dendron-markdown-shortcuts"
vscode "dendron.dendron-paste-image"
vscode "dendron.dendron-snippet-maker"
vscode "denigmaapp.denigma"
vscode "denoland.vscode-deno"
vscode "devsense.composer-php-vscode"
vscode "devsense.intelli-php-vscode"
vscode "devsense.phptools-vscode"
vscode "devsense.profiler-php-vscode"
vscode "dimitarnonov.jellybeans-theme"
vscode "diogonolasco.pyinit"
vscode "dmytrobaida.gpt-commit"
vscode ""
vscode ""
vscode ""
vscode ""
vscode ""
vscode "dominicvonk.parameter-hints"
vscode "dongli.python-preview"
vscode "donjayamanne.git-extension-pack"
vscode "donjayamanne.githistory"
vscode "donjayamanne.jquerysnippets"
vscode "donjayamanne.python-environment-manager"
vscode "donjayamanne.python-extension-pack"
vscode "donjayamanne.typescript-notebook"
vscode "dotenv.dotenv-vscode"
vscode "dotjoshjohnson.xml"
vscode "doublebot.doublebot"
vscode "dracula-theme.theme-dracula"
vscode "dsznajder.es7-react-js-snippets"
vscode "dtsvet.vscode-wasm"
vscode ""
vscode "dustypomerleau.rust-syntax"
vscode "dynamicwebpaige.thinking-in-data"
vscode "dzannotti.vscode-babel-coloring"
vscode "dzhavat.css-flexbox-cheatsheet"
vscode "dzhavat.css-initial-value"
vscode "eamodio.gitlens"
vscode "easycodeai.chatgpt-gpt4-gpt3-vscode"
vscode "ebenezerdon.npm-studio"
vscode "eckertalex.borealis"
vscode "ecmel.vscode-html-css"
vscode "editorconfig.editorconfig"
vscode "eeyore.yapf"
vscode "eg2.vscode-npm-script"
vscode "elemefe.vscode-element-helper"
vscode "eliverlara.andromeda"
vscode "emeraldwalk.runonsave"
vscode "emmanuelbeziat.vscode-great-icons"
vscode "emroussel.atomize-atom-one-dark-theme"
vscode "endormi.2077-theme"
vscode ""
vscode "equimper.react-native-react-redux"
vscode "equinusocio.vsc-material-theme"
vscode "equinusocio.vsc-material-theme-icons"
vscode "esbenp.prettier-vscode"
vscode "evan-buss.font-switcher"
vscode "ex3ndr.llama-coder"
vscode "exer7um.vue-3-vscode-snippets"
vscode "fabianlauer.vs-code-xml-format"
vscode "fabiospampinato.vscode-open-in-github"
vscode "fabioz.vscode-pydev"
vscode "fallenmax.mithril-emmet"
vscode "fantasy.vscode-raycast-script-commands"
vscode "feego.darker-light-mno-lht"
vscode "feiskyer.chatgpt-copilot"
vscode "felipecaputo.git-project-manager"
vscode "fenkinet.swiftui"
vscode "fi3ework.vscode-antd-rush"
vscode "figma.figma-vscode-extension"
vscode "file-icons.file-icons"
vscode "firefox-devtools.vscode-firefox-debug"
vscode "firsttris.vscode-jest-runner"
vscode "fisheva.eva-theme"
vscode "fishku.vant-snippets"
vscode "fnando.linter"
vscode "foam.foam-vscode"
vscode "fofolee.crypto-tools"
vscode ""
vscode ""
vscode ""
vscode "formulahendry.code-runner"
vscode ""
vscode "franneck94.c-cpp-runner"
vscode "franneck94.vscode-cpython-extension-pack"
vscode "franneck94.vscode-python-config"
vscode "frenco.vscode-notion"
vscode "frhtylcn.pythonsnippets"
vscode "funkyremi.vscode-google-translate"
vscode "gegeke.node-modules-navigation"
vscode "genieai.chatgpt-vscode"
vscode "gera2ld.markmap-vscode"
vscode "gerane.theme-green"
vscode "gerrnperl.outline-map"
vscode "ginfuru.ginfuru-better-solarized-dark-theme"
vscode "github.classroom"
vscode "github.codespaces"
vscode "github.copilot"
vscode "github.copilot-chat"
vscode "github.github-vscode-theme"
vscode "github.remotehub"
vscode "github.vscode-codeql"
vscode "github.vscode-github-actions"
vscode "github.vscode-pull-request-github"
vscode ""
vscode "goessner.mdmath"
vscode "golang.go"
vscode "googlecloudtools.cloudcode"
vscode "goopware.raythis"
vscode "gottfired.css2react"
vscode "grapecity.gc-excelviewer"
vscode "graphql.vscode-graphql"
vscode "graphql.vscode-graphql-syntax"
vscode ""
vscode "gruntfuggly.todo-tree"
vscode "gwenio.vscode-ava-test-adapter"
vscode ""
vscode "hancel.markdown-image"
vscode "hardhacker.hard-hacker-theme"
vscode "hars.cppsnippets"
vscode "hashicorp.terraform"
vscode "hbenl.vscode-jasmine-test-adapter"
vscode "hbenl.vscode-mocha-test-adapter"
vscode "hbenl.vscode-test-explorer"
vscode "hbenl.vscode-test-explorer-liveshare"
vscode "hediet.debug-visualizer"
vscode "hediet.vscode-drawio"
vscode "helixquar.randomeverything"
vscode "hex-ci.stylelint-plus"
vscode "hnw.vscode-auto-open-markdown-preview"
vscode "hollowtree.vue-pack"
vscode "hollowtree.vue-snippets"
vscode "holmescn.vscode-wordcount-cjk"
vscode "hookyqr.minify"
vscode "hoovercj.vscode-power-mode"
vscode "huacnlee.autocorrect"
vscode "huggingface.huggingface-vscode"
vscode ""
vscode "humy2833.ftp-simple"
vscode "ibm.output-colorizer"
vscode "iceworks-team.iceworks-generator"
vscode "iceworks-team.iceworks-project-creator"
vscode "illixion.vscode-vibrancy-continued"
vscode "in4margaret.compareit"
vscode "infeng.vscode-react-typescript"
vscode "inferrinizzard.prettier-sql-vscode"
vscode "intuita.intuita-vscode-extension"
vscode "ionutvmi.path-autocomplete"
vscode "ipatalas.vscode-postfix-ts"
vscode "iwanabethatguy.path-alias"
vscode "james-yu.latex-workshop"
vscode "jamesmaj.easy-icons"
vscode "janisdd.vscode-edit-csv"
vscode "jannchie.codetime"
vscode "janne252.fontawesome-autocomplete"
vscode "jasonhzq.vscode-yuque"
vscode "jasonlhy.hungry-delete"
vscode "jasonmejane.base64viewer"
vscode ""
vscode "jaspernorth.vscode-pigments"
vscode "jatindotdev.swift-lsp"
vscode "jbenden.c-cpp-flylint"
vscode "jdinhlife.gruvbox"
vscode "jeff-hykin.better-cpp-syntax"
vscode "jgclark.vscode-todo-highlight"
vscode "jillmnolan.python-essentials"
vscode "jinfenglou.taro"
vscode "jinmingjian.sde"
vscode "jmsv.javascriptsnippetsstandard"
vscode "jock.svg"
vscode "johnpapa.angular2"
vscode "johnpapa.vscode-peacock"
vscode "johnpapa.winteriscoming"
vscode "jovejonovski.ocean-green"
vscode "jscearcy.rust-doc-viewer"
vscode "kaih2o.python-resource-monitor"
vscode "kamikillerto.vscode-colorize"
vscode "karlmoritzwildenhain.gpt-commit-generator"
vscode "kelvin.vscode-sshfs"
vscode "kennethfreitas.node-developer"
vscode "kenzeng.vant-weapp-snippets"
vscode "kevinrose.vsc-python-indent"
vscode "kisstkondoros.vscode-codemetrics"
vscode "kisstkondoros.vscode-gutter-preview"
vscode "knisterpeter.vscode-commitizen"
vscode "kodezi.kodezi"
vscode "kortina.vscode-markdown-notes"
vscode "ktiays.aicursor"
vscode "l1k3ng.pwntools-snippets"
vscode "lanza.lldb-vscode"
vscode "lavagueai.lavague"
vscode "lehni.vscode-fix-checksums"
vscode "leizongmin.node-module-intellisense"
vscode "lengmo.vscode-yuque-cli"
vscode "littlefoxteam.vscode-python-test-adapter"
vscode "liulei.react-taro-snippets"
vscode "liviuschera.noctis"
vscode "lokalise.i18n-ally"
vscode "lostintangent.vsls-whiteboard"
vscode "lucono.karma-test-explorer"
vscode "luyuhuang.rss"
vscode "magicproduct.magic-ai-extension"
vscode "magicstack.chromodynamics"
vscode "magicstack.magicpython"
vscode "maixiaojie.git-emoji-zh"
vscode "marchiore.csvtomarkdown"
vscode "marcostazi.vs-code-vagrantfile"
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vscode "mathematic.vscode-pdf"
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vscode "mefengl.vscode-i-dont-care-about-commit-message"
vscode "meganrogge.template-string-converter"
vscode "mervin.markdown-formatter"
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vscode ""
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vscode ""
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vscode ""
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vscode "olga-f.javascript-pack"
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vscode ""
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vscode "reactreedev.reactree"
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vscode ""
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vscode "robertrossmann.remedy"
vscode "rogalmic.bash-debug"
vscode "rome.rome"
vscode ""
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vscode "rvest.vs-code-prettier-eslint"
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vscode "satoren.lrdb"
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vscode "serayuzgur.crates"
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vscode "sharzyl.cjk-word-handler"
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vscode "shoukai.yuque"
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vscode "singularity-ai.skycode"
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vscode "sirtori.indenticator"
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vscode "slevesque.vscode-zipexplorer"
vscode "smarschollek.vscode-react-scripts-test-adapter"
vscode "smlombardi.slime"
vscode ""
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vscode "sugatoray.jinja-extension-pack"
vscode "suhelmakkad.shadcn-ui"
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vscode "sumneko.lua"
vscode "svipas.prettier-plus"
vscode "swellaby.node-pack"
vscode "swellaby.vscode-rust-test-adapter"
vscode ""
vscode "syler.sass-indented"
vscode "sysoev.language-stylus"
vscode "tabbyml.vscode-tabby"
vscode "tabnine.tabnine-vscode"
vscode "tabnine.tabnine-vscode-self-hosted-updater"
vscode "tahabasri.snippets"
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vscode "tamasfe.even-better-toml"
vscode "tauri-apps.tauri-vscode"
vscode "tcwalther.cython"
vscode "tds.taptap-vscode-theme"
vscode "teabyii.ayu"
vscode ""
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vscode "tencentcloud.tencent-cloud-vscode-toolkit"
vscode "testy.vscode-testyts-test-adapter"
vscode "thang-nm.catppuccin-perfect-icons"
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vscode "timkmecl.chatgpt"
vscode "timonvs.reactsnippetsstandard"
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vscode "uloco.theme-bluloco-light"
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vscode "unbug.codelf"
vscode "unional.vscode-sort-package-json"
vscode "unthrottled.doki-theme"
vscode "usernamehw.errorlens"
vscode "vadimcn.vscode-lldb"
vscode "vaibhavacharya.code-gpt-va"
vscode "veroxyle.shadcn-ui-snippets"
vscode "vincaslt.highlight-matching-tag"
vscode "visualstudioexptteam.intellicode-api-usage-examples"
vscode "visualstudioexptteam.vscodeintellicode"
vscode "visualstudioexptteam.vscodeintellicode-completions"
vscode "visualstudioexptteam.vscodeintellicode-insiders"
vscode "vitest.explorer"
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vscode "vknabel.vscode-swiftformat"
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vscode "vscjava.vscode-spring-boot-dashboard"
vscode "vscjava.vscode-spring-initializr"
vscode "vscode-icons-team.vscode-icons"
vscode "vscode-snippet.snippet"
vscode "vscodevim.vim"
vscode "vsls-contrib.codetour"
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vscode "vue.volar"
vscode "vuesion.vuesion-theme"
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vscode "waderyan.gitblame"
vscode "wakatime.vscode-wakatime"
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vscode "wallabyjs.quokka-vscode"
vscode "wallabyjs.wallaby-vscode"
vscode "wart.ariake-dark"
vscode "wayou.vscode-todo-highlight"
vscode "wd-ming.quick-open-url"
vscode "wesbos.theme-cobalt2"
vscode "whensunset.chatgpt-china"
vscode "whizkydee.material-palenight-theme"
vscode "wholroyd.jinja"
vscode "wiensss.region-highlighter"
vscode "will-stone.plastic"
vscode "william-voyek.vscode-nginx"
vscode "wingman.wing-man"
vscode "wingrunr21.vscode-ruby"
vscode "wix.glean"
vscode "wix.vscode-import-cost"
vscode "wmaurer.change-case"
vscode "wowbox.code-debuger"
vscode "wscats.delete-node-modules"
vscode "wscats.eno"
vscode "wscats.omi-snippets"
vscode "wscats.qf"
vscode ""
vscode "xabikos.javascriptsnippets"
vscode "xabikos.reactsnippets"
vscode "xdebug.php-debug"
vscode "xdebug.php-pack"
vscode "xirider.livecode"
vscode "xlthu.pangu-markdown"
vscode "xuedao.super-translate"
vscode ""
vscode ""
vscode "yxl.cloudmusic"
vscode "yy0931.vscode-sqlite3-editor"
vscode "yzhang.markdown-all-in-one"
vscode "zainchen.json"
vscode "zamerick.vscode-caddyfile-syntax"
vscode "zenclabs.previewjs"
vscode "zerotaskx.rust-extension-pack"
vscode "zhixiangzhang.mdlint"
vscode "zhouzhipeng.liveserverpp"
vscode "zhuangtongfa.material-theme"
vscode "zhukunpeng.codemoss"
vscode "zignd.html-css-class-completion"
vscode "zitup.classnametocss"
vscode "zixuanchen.vitest-explorer"
vscode "ziyasal.vscode-open-in-github"
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