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Created May 17, 2012 01:45
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Python Avro Data Read Write
# Import the schema, datafile and io submodules
# from avro (easy_install avro)
from avro import schema, datafile, io
OUTFILE_NAME = 'sample.avro'
"type": "record",
"name": "sampleAvro",
"namespace": "AVRO",
"fields": [
{ "name": "name" , "type": "string" },
{ "name": "age" , "type": "int" },
{ "name": "address", "type": "string" },
{ "name": "value" , "type": "long" }
SCHEMA = schema.parse(SCHEMA_STR)
def write_avro_file():
# Lets generate our data
data = {}
data['name'] = 'Foo'
data['age'] = 19
data['address'] = '10, Bar Eggs Spam'
data['value'] = 800
# Create a 'record' (datum) writer
rec_writer = io.DatumWriter(SCHEMA)
# Create a 'data file' (avro file) writer
df_writer = datafile.DataFileWriter(
# The file to contain
# the records
open(OUTFILE_NAME, 'wb'),
# The 'record' (datum) writer
# Schema, if writing a new file
# (aka not 'appending')
# (Schema is stored into
# the file, so not needed
# when you want the writer
# to append instead)
writers_schema = SCHEMA,
# An optional codec name
# for compression
# ('null' for none)
codec = 'deflate'
# Write our data
# (You can call append multiple times
# to write more than one record, of course)
# Close to ensure writing is complete
def read_avro_file():
# Create a 'record' (datum) reader
# You can pass an 'expected=SCHEMA' kwarg
# if you want it to expect a particular
# schema (Strict)
rec_reader = io.DatumReader()
# Create a 'data file' (avro file) reader
df_reader = datafile.DataFileReader(
# Read all records stored inside
for record in df_reader:
print record['name'], record['age']
print record['address'], record['value']
# Do whatever read-processing you wanna do
# for each record here ...
if __name__ == '__main__':
# Write an AVRO file first
# Now, read it
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MishaAW commented Jan 17, 2018

This was a useful example, thank you. I also noticed that writers_schema = SCHEMA, should be writer_schema = SCHEMA, no plural in the writer. This as per the DataFileWriter init definition. Thanks again.

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arrufus commented Jan 26, 2018

Tried running this on Python 3.6; had to make some corrections on the print statements, writers_schema (shouldn't have "s") and schema.parse (should be schema.Parse). Thanks.

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df_reader = datafile.DataFileReader( open(OUTFILE_NAME), rec_reader ) This line is also not working in python3 you have to change it
df_reader = datafile.DataFileReader( open(OUTFILE_NAME,'rb'), rec_reader ) Thanks

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i tried but it is showing error File "C:\Python37\lib\site-packages\avro\", line 340
except Exception, e:

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