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Created July 26, 2016 23:31
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Small well-scoped and well-typed by construction imperative DSL
{-# LANGUAGE KindSignatures #-}
{-# LANGUAGE DataKinds #-}
{-# LANGUAGE ExistentialQuantification #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TypeFamilies #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TypeOperators #-}
{-# LANGUAGE UndecidableInstances #-}
{-# LANGUAGE PolyKinds #-}
module ImperativeDSL where
import GHC.TypeLits
type family HasSymbol (g :: [(Symbol,*)]) (s :: Symbol) :: Maybe * where
HasSymbol '[] s = 'Nothing
HasSymbol ('(s, a) ': g) s = 'Just a
HasSymbol ('(t, a) ': g) s = HasSymbol g s
-- Renamed Proxy types for clarity
data Name (s :: Symbol) = Var
data Type (a :: *) = Of
example' :: Statement '[] ('("foo", Int) ': '[])
example' = Declare (Var :: Name "foo") (Of :: Type Int)
data ScopedSymbol (g :: [(Symbol,*)]) (a :: *) = forall s.
(HasSymbol g s ~ 'Just a) => The (Name s)
example :: ScopedSymbol ('("foo", Int) ': '("bar", Bool) ': '[]) Bool
example = The (Var :: Name "bar")
example'' :: Statement ('("foo", Int) ': '[]) ('("foo", Int) ': '[])
example'' = Assign (The (Var :: Name "foo")) (EInt 1)
data Statement (g :: [(Symbol, *)]) (h :: [(Symbol,*)]) where
Declare :: Name s -> Type a -> Statement g ('(s, a) ': g)
Assign :: ScopedSymbol g a -> Exp g a -> Statement g g
infixr 5 :>
data Statements (g :: [(Symbol, *)]) (h :: [(Symbol,*)]) where
Done :: Statements g g
(:>) :: Statement g h -> Statements h i -> Statements g i
data Program = forall h. Program (Statements '[] h)
increment :: ScopedSymbol g Int -> Statement g g
increment v = Assign v (EAdd (EVar v) (EInt 1))
program :: Program
program = Program
$ Declare (Var :: Name "foo") (Of :: Type Int)
:> Assign (The (Var :: Name "foo")) (EInt 1)
:> Declare (Var :: Name "bar") (Of :: Type Bool)
:> increment (The (Var :: Name "foo"))
:> Assign (The (Var :: Name "bar")) (ENot $ EBool True)
:> Done
data Exp (g :: [(Symbol,*)]) (t :: *) where
EVar :: ScopedSymbol g a -> Exp g a
EBool :: Bool -> Exp g Bool
EInt :: Int -> Exp g Int
EAdd :: Exp g Int -> Exp g Int -> Exp g Int
ENot :: Exp g Bool -> Exp g Bool
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