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Gerry Agbobada gagbo

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Why not: from Common Lisp to Julia

This article is a response to mfiano’s From Common Lisp to Julia which might also convey some developments happening in Common Lisp. I do not intend to suggest that someone coming from a Matlab, R, or Python background should pickup Common Lisp. Julia is a reasonably good language when compared to what it intends to replace. You should pickup Common Lisp only if you are interested in programming in general, not limited to scientific computing, and envision yourself writing code for the rest of your life. It will expand your mind to what is possible, and that goes beyond the macro system. Along the same lines though, you should also pickup C, Haskell, Forth, and perhaps a few other languages that have some noteworthy things to teach, and that I too have been to lazy to learn.

/I also do not intend to offend anyone. I’m okay with criticizing Common Lisp (I myself have done it below!), but I want t

adscriven / indentpath.vim
Last active September 10, 2020 10:54
Echo the path to the cursor, in terms of indentation.
" indentpath.vim -- echo the indentation path to the cursor.
" Public domain. 2020-09-10 Iau
" 2020-09-10 allow echoing lines verbatim with linebreaks
" 2020-09-02 change default separator from | to │
" 2020-09-01 s:fit(): remove unnecessary calculations
" 2020-09-01 s:truncpc(): handle multibyte
" 2020-09-01 s:echolist(): don't add padding to last item
" 2020-09-01 s:echolist(): invoke s:fit multiple times
romainl /
Last active August 27, 2024 17:34
Linting your code, the vanilla way

Linting your code, the vanilla way

You may want a linter plugin to lint your code in Vim but you probably don't need it. At least try the built-in way before jumping on the plugin bandwagon.

Defining makeprg

autocmd FileType <filetype> setlocal makeprg=<external command>

This autocommand tells Vim to use <external command> when invoking :make % in a <filetype> buffer. You can add as many similar lines as needed for other languages.

pascalpoitras /
Last active September 3, 2024 23:28
My WeeChat configuration

WeeChat Screenshot

