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Gaëtan gaetangr

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JohnDinhDev / Reset Udemy
Last active September 7, 2024 17:34
Reset Udemy Progress

Reset Udemy Progress

Last Updated: 06/18/2024

Step 1. Go to the Udemy course in your browser

Go to the course and have any video up. The following code relies on the right sidebar to be visible to uncheck all your progress.

Step 2. Open browser console

You can do this with ctrl+shift+j and making sure the console tab is selected for chrome/brave

robertpainsi /
Last active September 19, 2024 14:00
Commit message guidelines

Commit Message Guidelines

Short (72 chars or less) summary

More detailed explanatory text. Wrap it to 72 characters. The blank
line separating the summary from the body is critical (unless you omit
the body entirely).

Write your commit message in the imperative: "Fix bug" and not "Fixed
bug" or "Fixes bug." This convention matches up with commit messages
fgilio / axios-catch-error.js
Last active August 15, 2024 01:45
Catch request errors with Axios
* Handling Errors using async/await
* Has to be used inside an async function
try {
const response = await axios.get('');
// Success 🎉
} catch (error) {
// Error 😨
PurpleBooth /
Last active September 18, 2024 04:31
A template to make good

Project Title

One Paragraph of project description goes here

Getting Started

These instructions will get you a copy of the project up and running on your local machine for development and testing purposes. See deployment for notes on how to deploy the project on a live system.
