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GAS85 /
Last active September 29, 2023 12:00
How to Enable HTTP/2 in Apache 2.4 on Ubuntu 18.04


  • A self-managed VPS or dedicated server with Ubuntu 18.04 running Apache 2.4.xx.
  • A registered domain name with working HTTPS (TLS/SSL). HTTP/2 only works alongside HTTPS because most browsers, including Firefox and Chrome, don’t support HTTP/2 in cleartext (non-TLS) mode.

Step 1: Install Apache2

danjargold /
Created August 11, 2018 09:31
Google script to list (on a Google Sheet) all files shared in your google drive, including all viewers, editors, and sharing permissions. Credit goes to @woodwardtw ( as this is an improvement on his code which only assesses a single folder and one level of sub-folders down.
function listFolders(folder) {
var sheet = SpreadsheetApp.getActiveSheet();
sheet.appendRow(["Name", "Sharing Access", "Sharing Permission", "Get Editors", "Get Viewers", "Date", "Size", "URL", "Download", "Description", "Type"]); //writes the headers
//var folder = DriveApp.getFolderById("INSERT_YOUR_FILE_ID");//that long chunk of random numbers/letters in the URL when you navigate to the folder
//getLooseFiles(folder, sheet);
//getSubFolders(folder, sheet);
//instead of getting folder by ID rather get all folders and cycle through each. Note this will miss loose files in parent directory.
var folder = DriveApp.getFolders()
luckyshot / readingmode.js
Last active April 4, 2023 05:35
Bookmarklet: Readability (remove all styling from a website, optimize for reading and scroll to article). Also available as a Chrome Extension:
/*! ReadingMode © Xavi Esteve */
(function (d) {
var el = d.getElementsByTagName("*");
var htmlDiv = d.createElement("div");
var readingModeMenu = d.createElement("div");
var readingModeAlert = d.createElement("div");
var title = d.title;
var rmSettings = {};
ahmadawais /
Last active September 5, 2024 01:57
Debug WordPress with Visual Studio Code | VSCode WordPress Debug Setup | WordPress xDebug Setup for Local by FlyWheel with VSCode | Part of the VSCode Learning Course →

VSCode WordPress Debugging Setup: WordPress Xdebug Setup for Local by FlyWheel with VSCode

Consider supporting my work by purchasing the course this tutorial is a part of i.e. VSCode Power User


  • Make sure your Local by FlyWheel WordPress install is a custom install

Mettre en production un projet Symfony 4 sur un VPS OVH

VPS OVH | Ubuntu 16.04.3 LTS | LAMP | SYMFONY 4


  • Votre projet doit être versionné avec git et hébergé (Github, Bitbucket...).
  • Vous devez avoir acheté un VPS et un nom de domaine.
  • Vous devez également générer une clé SSH sur votre ordinateur. (explications ci-dessous)

Création et ajout de la clé SSH au profil OVH

maxrice / wc-hide-coupons-cart-checkout.php
Created January 21, 2014 23:43
WooCommerce - hide the coupon form on the cart or checkout page, but leave coupons enabled for use with plugins like Smart Coupons and URL Coupons
// hide coupon field on cart page
function hide_coupon_field_on_cart( $enabled ) {
if ( is_cart() ) {
$enabled = false;
return $enabled;

Happy Freelancing

Je m’appelle Thibaut Assus, j’ai 30 ans, je suis freelance en développement web et ma technologie de prédilection est le Ruby on Rails. J’ai maintenant un peu d’expérience dans le domaine du freelancing et ce document a pour but de partager avec vous une partie de cette expérience.

Mon parcours de développeur Ruby

urschrei /
Last active August 18, 2024 03:03
Extract attachments from EML files in the current dir, and write them to the output subdir
#!/usr/bin/env python
2020 update:
- More iterators, fewer lists
- Python 3 compatible
- Processes files in parallel
(one thread per CPU, but that's not really how it works)
goldenapples /
Created September 21, 2012 17:55
BASH script for deploying WordPress content changes from staging to production
# A BASH script for deploying WordPress content changes
# from staging to production. Note: this works for me because both my
# staging and production share the same plugins folder, and I have permissions
# on all the appropriate directories to allow the user running the script to
# perform all the actions in here. May need tweaking for other setups.
clarle /
Created August 19, 2012 16:54
Mojito/Derby/Meteor comparison (Public WIP)

Next-generation JavaScript frameworks

Web application frameworks have been developing fast in the past few years, and as the technologies that they're built on top of get more advanced, each of these frameworks is able to provide newer features to help developers build more complex applications. This year, we've seen the release of a new class of application frameworks that takes advantage of JavaScript's ability to be both on the client and the server. What this allows these frameworks to do is provide both a new level of abstraction by sharing code between client and server, as well as embrace the benefits of both client-side rendering and server-side rendering.

For the end user, they get smooth, desktop-like responsiveness from client-side rendering, while still being able to maintain the SEO and accessbility benefits of server-side rendering. For developers, that means writing less boilerplate code, and being able to focus more on writing the application logic.

Today, there are three main framew