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Forked from natemccurdy/pe_repo_packages.pp
Created March 10, 2017 21:14
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Puppet class to synchronize pe_repo packages to off-line compile masters
# This class is meant to solve the problem of synchronizing pe_repo agent
# packages to compile masters when there is no internet access.
# This profile assumes that the Puppet MoM (master of masters) is able to reach
# the internet to download the needed packages, or they've been sneaker-netted to the MoM.
class profile::app::puppet::master::pe_repo_packages {
# MoM gets some symlinks setup.
if $::servername == $facts['networking']['fqdn'] {
# Symlink the pe-repo staging directory to Puppetserver's Nginx webshare
# This makes the packages available at:
# - https://<MOM_FQDN>:8140/packages/current/pe_repo-puppet-agent
file { '/opt/puppetlabs/server/data/packages/public/current/pe_repo-puppet-agent':
ensure => link,
target => "/opt/puppetlabs/server/data/staging/pe_repo-puppet-agent-${facts['aio_agent_version']}",
# Create a symlink for the Windows agent installer.
# This package isn't a tarball, so pe_repo doesn't put it in the staging directory.
file { '/opt/puppetlabs/server/data/packages/public/current/pe_repo-puppet-agent/puppet-agent-x64.msi':
ensure => link,
target => '/opt/puppetlabs/server/data/packages/public/current/windows-x86_64/puppet-agent-x64.msi',
# Compile Master's fetch the packages from the MoM's symlinked web-share.
} else {
# Generate an array of puppet-agent pe_repo package names.
# 1. Searches PuppetDB for all pe_repo::platform classess added to the MoM.
# 2. Maps the name of each found class to the package name it creates. This is gnarly.
# Converts pe_repo::platform::el_7_x86_64 into ['puppet-agent-el-7-x86_64.tar.gz']
$pql_query = "resources[title]{type = 'Class' and certname = '${::servername}' and title ~ 'Pe_repo::Platform'}"
$packages = puppetdb_query($pql_query).map | Hash $class | {
$platform_name = $class['title'].split('::')[2].downcase
# This converts 'el_7_x86_64' into 'puppet-agent-el-7-x86_64.tar.gz'
# Special case for Windows because our naming convention is different. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
$platform_name ? {
/^windows/ => "puppet-agent-x${platform_name.split('_')[2]}.msi",
default => "puppet-agent-${regsubst($platform_name, '^(\w+)_(\d+)_(x86_64|\w+)$', '\1-\2-\3')}.tar.gz",
# Iterate over each package found, and fetch it from the MoM.
$packages.each |$package| {
# Windows packages don't go in staging as they aren't tarballs.
if $package =~ /msi$/ {
archive { "/opt/puppetlabs/server/data/packages/public/${::pe_server_version}/windows-x86_64/${package}":
ensure => present,
source => "https://${::servername}:8140/packages/current/pe_repo-puppet-agent/${package}",
allow_insecure => true,
extract => false,
cleanup => false,
before => Pe_staging::File[$package],
require => Class['pe_repo'],
} else {
archive { "/opt/puppetlabs/server/data/staging/pe_repo-puppet-agent-${facts['aio_agent_version']}/${package}":
ensure => present,
source => "https://${::servername}:8140/packages/current/pe_repo-puppet-agent/${package}",
allow_insecure => true,
extract => false,
cleanup => false,
before => Pe_staging::Deploy[$package],
require => Class['pe_repo'],
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