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Last active December 12, 2019 21:20
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# read on mixins:
# i have just read the first or two paragraphs, but it resembles what i remember
# please inform me if you think applying that concept makes no sense, and inheritence would be preferable
# the methods would be implemented by the plugin/extension/mixin-class,
# this provides a client code perspective
class Document:
def exist_push():
self.config.exist.client._update_document(data=str(self), self.config.exist.docuemnt_path)
def parent_document():
if self.config.exist.node_id == 1:
raise delb.InvalidOperatoion("I AM MY FATHER.")
# or return None?
# querying via exist_client
# possible interfaces to obtain a document
document = Document("existb+path://<authority>/<collection>/<document_path>")
document = Document("existb+id://<authority>/<document_id>")
# me thinks when viable schemes are figured out, these should be proposed in the eXist-db community
# possible interfaces to obtain a set of subdocuments
documents = exist_client.get_nodes(xpath)
# we figured that the documentation should clearly how existdb's node term relates to delb's/snakesist's Document term
def existdb_loader(source: Any):
if not (isinstance(source, str) and source.startwith(("existdb+path://", "existb+id://")):
return None, {}
# derive ExistClient from URL authority (and collection?)
# use it to query the document
# detach the actual document from the response body and return it / invoke other suited loader
def register_loader(loaders):
# stupid use-case that demonstrates how existdb:nodes/delb:(sub)documents can be used in conjunction w/ whole document
def add_trailer(node: Document): # input is one result of exist_client.get_nodes
containing_doc = node.parent_document
node_in_containing_document = containing_doc.xpath(node.config.exist.node_id) # the node_id property needs to be tarnsformed into XPath grammer
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