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Last active March 5, 2024 06:36
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syntax = "proto3";
package bank;
service Bank {
rpc ApplyTransaction(TransactionRequest) returns (TransactionReply) {}
message TransactionRequest {
string from_account = 1;
string to_account = 2;
uint64 amount = 3;
message TransactionReply {
use std::collections::HashMap;
use tokio::sync::Mutex;
use tonic::transport::Server;
use tracing::info;
pub struct MyBank {
accounts: Mutex<HashMap<String, u64>>,
async fn set_account(account_lock: &mut HashMap<String, u64>, account: &str, new_amount: u64) {
info!("SET ACCOUNT: {} -> {}", account, new_amount);
account_lock.insert(account.to_string(), new_amount);
impl bank_server::Bank for MyBank {
async fn apply_transaction(
tonic_request: tonic::Request<TransactionRequest>,
) -> Result<tonic::Response<TransactionReply>, tonic::Status> {
let TransactionRequest {
} = tonic_request.into_inner();
if from_account == to_account {
// We choose to return an error here.
return Err(tonic::Status::invalid_argument("from and to accounts are the same"));
let mut accounts_lock = self.accounts.lock().await;
// We check this won't overflow first, the borrow checker prevents us
// from holding 2 mutable reference items at the same time but whatever.
let Some(&to_amount) = accounts_lock.get(&to_account) else {
return Err(tonic::Status::invalid_argument("to account does not exist"));
let Some(new_to_amount) = to_amount.checked_add(amount) else {
return Err(tonic::Status::invalid_argument("to account would overflow"));
let Some(&from_amount) = accounts_lock.get(&from_account) else {
return Err(tonic::Status::invalid_argument("from account does not exist"));
let Some(new_from_amount) = from_amount.checked_sub(amount) else {
return Err(tonic::Status::invalid_argument("insufficient founds"));
// All clear! Let's run the transaction.
set_account(&mut accounts_lock, &to_account, new_to_amount).await;
set_account(&mut accounts_lock, &from_account, new_from_amount).await;
Ok(tonic::Response::new(TransactionReply {}))
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