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andreibosco /
Last active August 29, 2024 03:27
disable creative cloud startup on mac
z3t0 /
Last active August 4, 2021 20:21
Installing Arch Linux on Chuwi Vi8

Installing Linux on the Chuwi Vi8

This gist is a work in progress with various tips and bits of information designed to aid anyone in trying to get linux working on their Chuwi Vi8.

NOTE: As of yet, none of the information has been CONFIRMED by myself!!! I will be providing links that point to all the resources where other users have reported certain things to be working. This disclaimer will be removed once I test and confirm everything.


This project aims to get Arch Linux running on the device with wifi and touch working. Other priorities can be added through requests.

Specifications and Drivers

(function(){var ff="";function y(){0>=--s&&t();if(!j){var b;if(b=0>=--u)d=0,50>|>document.documentElement.clientHeight-50&&(d|=2),50>a.left?d|=4:a.left>document.documentElement.clientWidth-50&&(d|=8),b=d;if(b&&(c%=360,0>c&&(c+=360),15<g(q[d]-c))){b=q[d]-c;var k=360-c+q[d];f=g(b)<g(k)?b:k;u=10;l=100;m=30}0>=--l&&(f=e(1,150),l=h(40*Math.random()));if(0>=--m)c+=e(1,10),m=h(10*Math.random());else{b=e(1,5);if(0<f&&0>b||0>f&&0<b)b=-b;f-=b;c+=b}r=c*v;b=2*Math.cos(r);k=2*-Math.sin(r); k)+"px";"px";n("rotate("+(90-c)+"deg)")}}function e(b,a){var c=h(b+M
evert / yourmom.js
Created March 30, 2012 19:56
Greasemonkey script to change every utm_source link attribute value to 'Your mom'
// ==UserScript==
// @name Referral: your mom
// @namespace yourmom
// @description This script changes every utm_source variable in links to 'Your mom'.
// @include *
// ==/UserScript==
var links = document.getElementsByTagName('a');
for(var i=0; i<links.length; i++) {
links[i].href = links[i].href.replace(/([&|?])utm_source=(.*)([&|?|^])/,"$1utm_source=Your+mom$3");
Can2D.prototype.C_Error = function(msg, fileName, lineNumber){
var e =, msg, filename, lineNumber) = 'C_Error'
return e
Can2D.prototype.C_Error.prototype = Object.create(Error.prototype)