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Last active February 26, 2019 08:33
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  • Save fschmittlein/981d258549ff6cb703272ed6d8277980 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save fschmittlein/981d258549ff6cb703272ed6d8277980 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
## download and install wordpress
## for ddev you can use --url=$DDEV_URL
wp core download --locale=de_DE --version=latest
#wp config create only ... without ddev
#wp config create --dbname=... --dbuser=... --dbpass=... --locale=de_DE --dbprefix=wp_...
wp core install --url=$DDEV_URL --title="..." --admin_user=... --admin_email=...
## anchor only with ddev
wp config set WP_POST_REVISIONS false --raw --add --anchor="/** Authentication Unique Keys and Salts. */"
wp config set WP_MEMORY_LIMIT 256M --add --anchor="/** Authentication Unique Keys and Salts. */"
wp config set WP_MAX_MEMORY_LIMIT 256M --add --anchor="/** Authentication Unique Keys and Salts. */"
wp config set DISALLOW_FILE_EDIT true --raw --anchor="/** Authentication Unique Keys and Salts. */"
## wordpress debug mode for developers
## anchor only with ddev
#wp config set WP_DEBUG true --raw --add --anchor="/** Authentication Unique Keys and Salts. */"
#wp config set WP_DEBUG_LOG true --raw --add --anchor="/** Authentication Unique Keys and Salts. */"
#wp config set WP_DEBUG_DISPLAY false --raw --add --anchor="/** Authentication Unique Keys and Salts. */"
#wp config set SCRIPT_DEBUG true --raw --add --anchor="/** Authentication Unique Keys and Salts. */"
#wp config set SAVEQUERIES true --raw --add --anchor="/** Authentication Unique Keys and Salts. */"
## wordpress cache
## anchor only with ddev
#wp config set WP_CACHE true --raw --add --anchor="/** Authentication Unique Keys and Salts. */"
## compression
## anchor only with ddev
#wp config set COMPRESS_CSS true --raw --add --anchor="/** Authentication Unique Keys and Salts. */"
#wp config set COMPRESS_SCRIPTS true --raw --add --anchor="/** Authentication Unique Keys and Salts. */"
#wp config set CONCATENATE_SCRIPTS true --raw --add --anchor="/** Authentication Unique Keys and Salts. */"
#wp config set ENFORCE_GZIP true --raw --add --anchor="/** Authentication Unique Keys and Salts. */"
## delete the first post and the comment
wp post delete 1 --force
## delete all default plugins
wp plugin delete $(wp plugin list --status=inactive --field=name)
## delete the default blogdescription
wp option update blogdescription ""
## hide for the search engines
wp option update blog_public 0
## disable the avatars
wp option update show_avatars 0
## install and activate some plugins
wp plugin install contact-form-7 --activate
wp plugin install flamingo --activate
wp plugin install duplicator --activate
wp plugin install limit-login-attempts --activate
wp plugin install rest-api-toolbox --activate
wp plugin install disable-comments --activate
wp plugin install maintenance --activate
wp plugin install redirection --activate
wp plugin install disable-xml-rpc --activate
wp plugin install user-switching --activate
wp plugin install imsanity --activate
wp plugin install tiny-compress-images --activate
wp plugin install all-in-one-favicon --activate
wp plugin install wp-extra-file-types --activate
wp plugin install broken-link-checker --activate
wp plugin install clean-image-filenames --activate
wp plugin install colorlib-login-customizer --activate
wp plugin install spcl --activate
wp plugin install publish-confirm --activate
wp plugin install snitch --activate
wp plugin install statify --activate
wp plugin install antivirus --activate
wp plugin install antispam-bee --activate
wp plugin install amp --activate
wp plugin install shapepress-dsgvo --activate
wp plugin install disable-google-fonts --activate
## after installing all plugins, update the language
wp language plugin install --all de_DE
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