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Created April 1, 2018 20:24
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When you are roughing out a C# type in powershell, and you don't want to fire up
Visual Studio, it can get tiresome having to constantly reload your script editor.
This increments the class name each time you compile it.
Blogged in
$TypeDef = @'
using System;
using System.Management.Automation;
using System.Collections;
using System.Collections.Generic;
public class TestClass
private string Thing;
public string GetThing()
return Thing;
if (-not $i) {$Global:i = 1} else {$i++}
if ($TypeDef -match 'class\s+(\w+)\b')
$ClassName = $Matches.1
throw "Couldn't parse class name from source code"
$TypeDef = $TypeDef -replace ([Regex]::Escape($ClassName) + '\b'), "$ClassName$i"
$ClassName += $i
$TypesToReference = @(
#Add any types here from non-default assemblies
$AssembliesToReference = $TypesToReference.Assembly
$Types = Add-Type -TypeDefinition $TypeDef -PassThru -ErrorAction Continue -ReferencedAssemblies $AssembliesToReference
$Type = $Types | ? Name -eq $ClassName
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