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Created December 23, 2018 06:55
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use aoc_runner_derive::aoc;
use aoc_runner_derive::aoc_generator;
use regex::Regex;
use std::cmp;
use rand::prelude::*;
#[derive(Debug, Clone)]
pub struct NanoBot {
x: i64,
y: i64,
z: i64,
r: i64,
pub fn input_generator(input: &str) -> Vec<NanoBot> {
let re = Regex::new(r"pos=<(-?\d+),(-?\d+),(-?\d+)>, r=(\d+)").unwrap();
.map(|line| {
let c = re.captures(line).unwrap();
NanoBot {
x: c.get(1).unwrap().as_str().parse().unwrap(),
y: c.get(2).unwrap().as_str().parse().unwrap(),
z: c.get(3).unwrap().as_str().parse().unwrap(),
r: c.get(4).unwrap().as_str().parse().unwrap(),
fn dist(lhs: &NanoBot, rhs: &NanoBot) -> i64 {
(lhs.x - rhs.x).abs() + (lhs.y - rhs.y).abs() + (lhs.z - rhs.z).abs()
#[aoc(day23, part1)]
pub fn solve_part1(input: &Vec<NanoBot>) -> usize {
//println!("{:?}", input);
let b = input.iter().max_by(|l, r| l.r.cmp(&r.r)).unwrap();
println!("{:?}", b);
let in_range = input.iter()
.filter(|x| dist(x, &b) <= b.r)
pub fn find_most_overlapping(input: &Vec<NanoBot>, in_range: &Vec<Vec<bool>>, remaining_input: &[usize], working_set: &mut Vec<usize>, best: &mut Vec<usize>) {
for i in 0..remaining_input.len() {
if best.len() > remaining_input.len()-i+working_set.len() {
// check if it fits in
if !working_set.iter().all(|&r| in_range[r][remaining_input[i]]) {
find_most_overlapping(input, in_range, &remaining_input[i+1..], working_set, best);
if working_set.len() > best.len() {
let loc = find_location(input, working_set);
println!("{} : {:?}", working_set.len(), loc);
if let Some(loc) = loc {
println!("{}", loc.x.abs() + loc.y.abs() + loc.z.abs());
*best = working_set.clone();
fn gen_range(rng: &mut rand::prelude::ThreadRng, max: i64) -> i64 {
if max > 1 {
rng.gen_range(1, max)
} else {
fn find_location(input: &Vec<NanoBot>, best: &Vec<usize>) -> Option<NanoBot> {
let mut loc = input[best[0]].clone();
loc.r = 0;
loop {
let mut dist_moved = 0;
for out_of_range in best.iter() {
let target = &input[*out_of_range];
if dist(&loc, &target) <= target.r {
let mut dist_to_move = dist(&loc, &target) - target.r;
dist_moved = cmp::max(dist_moved, dist_to_move);
while dist_to_move > 0 {
let max_x = (target.x - loc.x).abs();
let max_y = (target.y - loc.y).abs();
let max_z = (target.z - loc.z).abs();
let num_nonzero = (max_x > 0) as i64 + (max_y > 0) as i64 + (max_z > 0) as i64;
//println!("need to move {} from {:?} to {:?} ", dist_to_move, loc, target);
if max_x > 0 && (max_x <= max_y || max_y == 0) && (max_x <= max_z || max_z == 0) {
let move_amt = cmp::min(max_x, (dist_to_move + num_nonzero - 1) / num_nonzero);
loc.x += (target.x - loc.x).signum() * move_amt;
loc.y += (target.y - loc.y).signum() * move_amt;
loc.z += (target.z - loc.z).signum() * move_amt;
} else if max_y > 0 && (max_y <= max_z || max_z == 0) {
let move_amt = cmp::min(max_y, (dist_to_move + num_nonzero - 1) / num_nonzero);
loc.x += (target.x - loc.x).signum() * move_amt;
loc.y += (target.y - loc.y).signum() * move_amt;
loc.z += (target.z - loc.z).signum() * move_amt;
} else if max_z > 0 {
let move_amt = cmp::min(max_z, (dist_to_move + num_nonzero - 1) / num_nonzero);
loc.x += (target.x - loc.x).signum() * move_amt;
loc.y += (target.y - loc.y).signum() * move_amt;
loc.z += (target.z - loc.z).signum() * move_amt;
} else {
panic!("not all three should be zero");
dist_to_move = dist(&loc, &target) - target.r;
if dist_moved < 3 {
for dx in -3..=3 {
for dy in -3..=3 {
for dz in -3..=3 {
let t = NanoBot { x: loc.x + dx, y: loc.y + dy, z: loc.z + dz, r: 0 };
if !best.iter().any(|&e| dist(&t, &input[e]) > input[e].r) {
return Some(t);
#[aoc(day23, part2)]
pub fn solve_part2(input: &Vec<NanoBot>) -> usize {
//println!("{:?}", input);
let mut in_range_map : Vec<Vec<bool>> = vec![vec![false; input.len()]; input.len()];
for i in 0..input.len() {
for j in 0..input.len() {
in_range_map[i][j] = dist(&input[i], &input[j]) <= input[i].r + input[j].r;
let num_in_range_neighbors : Vec<usize> = in_range_map.iter().map(|row| row.iter().map(|&c| c as usize).sum()).collect();
let mut indicies : Vec<usize> = (0..input.len()).collect();
indicies.sort_by(|&l, &r| num_in_range_neighbors[r].cmp(&num_in_range_neighbors[l]));
let mut best : Vec<usize> = Vec::new();
find_most_overlapping(input, &in_range_map, &indicies, &mut Vec::new(), &mut best);
//println!("{:?}", best);
let matched_all = find_location(&input, &best).unwrap();
println!("{:?}", matched_all);
(matched_all.x.abs() + matched_all.y.abs() + matched_all.z.abs()) as usize
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