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freuds /
Created August 24, 2021 15:52 — forked from bkozora/
AWS Lambda Function to Delete AMIs and Snapshots
# Automated AMI and Snapshot Deletion
# @author Bobby Kozora
# This script will search for all instances having a tag named "Backup" with a value of "Backup".
# As soon as we have the instances list, we loop through each instance
# and reference the AMIs of that instance. We check that the latest daily backup
# succeeded then we store every image that's reached its DeleteOn tag's date for
# deletion. We then loop through the AMIs, deregister them and remove all the
# snapshots associated with that AMI.
freuds /
Created June 10, 2021 13:25 — forked from niw/
How to run Windows 10 on ARM or Ubuntu for ARM64 in QEMU on Apple Silicon Mac

How to run Windows 10 on ARM or Ubuntu for ARM64 in QEMU on Apple Silicon Mac

Here is easy steps to try Windows 10 on ARM or Ubuntu for ARM64 on your Apple Silicon Mac. Enjoy!

NOTE: that this is current, 6/6/2021 state.

Running Windows 10 on ARM

  1. Install Xcode from App Store or install Command Line Tools on your Mac running on Apple Silicon.
freuds / postgres_queries_and_commands.sql
Created December 30, 2020 14:18 — forked from rgreenjr/postgres_queries_and_commands.sql
Useful PostgreSQL Queries and Commands
-- show running queries (pre 9.2)
SELECT procpid, age(clock_timestamp(), query_start), usename, current_query
FROM pg_stat_activity
WHERE current_query != '<IDLE>' AND current_query NOT ILIKE '%pg_stat_activity%'
ORDER BY query_start desc;
-- show running queries (9.2)
SELECT pid, age(clock_timestamp(), query_start), usename, query
FROM pg_stat_activity
WHERE query != '<IDLE>' AND query NOT ILIKE '%pg_stat_activity%'
freuds / Makefile
Created September 11, 2020 12:12 — forked from rsperl/Makefile #snippet
self-documenting makefile with colors
# to see all colors, run
# bash -c 'for c in {0..255}; do tput setaf $c; tput setaf $c | cat -v; echo =$c; done'
# the first 15 entries are the 8-bit colors
# define standard colors
BLACK := $(shell tput -Txterm setaf 0)
RED := $(shell tput -Txterm setaf 1)
GREEN := $(shell tput -Txterm setaf 2)

NGINX Performance Tuning

Content Compressions and Decompression

  • Documentation
    • NGINX http_gzip module
    • NGINX http_gunzip module
  • Enable gzip. by default, we’re not going to compress the responses that we’re getting from proxied servers or any piece of content that isn’t HTML.
  • But if one of our proxied servers happens to send us a pre-compressed response then we probably want to decompress it for clients that can’t handle gzip. In this situation, we’ll use the gunzip module
    $ vim /etc/nginx/nginx.conf
freuds /
Created June 12, 2020 17:04 — forked from epcim/
trusted certificates system update-ca-certificates

Adding trusted root certificates to the server

Mac OS X

sudo security add-trusted-cert -d -r trustRoot -k /Library/Keychains/System.keychain ~/new-root-certificate.crt
sudo security delete-certificate -c "<name of existing certificate>"


certutil -addstore -f "ROOT" new-root-certificate.crt

freuds / .vimrc
Created May 23, 2020 10:56 — forked from simonista/.vimrc
A basic .vimrc file that will serve as a good template on which to build.
" Don't try to be vi compatible
set nocompatible
" Helps force plugins to load correctly when it is turned back on below
filetype off
" TODO: Load plugins here (pathogen or vundle)
" Turn on syntax highlighting
syntax on
freuds /
Created April 2, 2020 10:10 — forked from andkirby/
Shell/Bash script for sending slack messages.
#!/usr/bin/env bash
# Slack Bash console script for sending messages.
# Installation
# $ curl -s --output /usr/bin/slack
# $ chmod +x /usr/bin/slack
# Send message to slack channel/user
freuds /
Created February 17, 2020 19:45 — forked from nasrulhazim/
Setting Up CORS in HAProxy
frontend localnodes
    bind *:80
    reqadd X-Forwarded-Proto:\ http

    # Add CORS headers when Origin header is present
    capture request header origin len 128
    http-response add-header Access-Control-Allow-Origin %[capture.req.hdr(0)] if { capture.req.hdr(0) -m found }
    rspadd Access-Control-Allow-Methods:\ GET,\ HEAD,\ OPTIONS,\ POST,\ PUT  if { capture.req.hdr(0) -m found }
    rspadd Access-Control-Allow-Credentials:\ true  if { capture.req.hdr(0) -m found }
freuds /
Created June 24, 2019 10:00 — forked from cupracer/
varnishlog examples (version 4.x)
# filter by request host header
varnishlog -q 'ReqHeader ~ "Host:"'
# filter by request url
varnishlog -q 'ReqURL ~ "^/some/path/"'
# filter by client ip (behind reverse proxy)
varnishlog -q 'ReqHeader ~ "X-Real-IP: .*"'
# filter by request host header and show request url and referrer header