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Last active September 10, 2015 15:32
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  • Save freshjones/08d2308d0c360c63dc56 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save freshjones/08d2308d0c360c63dc56 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
jquery ui range drag
* version 0.0.1
(function( $, undefined ) {
$.widget("ui.dragslider", $.ui.slider, {
options: $.extend({},$.ui.slider.prototype.options,{rangeDrag:false}),
_create: function() {
this._rangeCapture = false;
_mouseCapture: function( event ) {
var o = this.options;
if ( o.disabled ) return false;
if( == this.range.get(0) && o.rangeDrag == true && o.range == true) {
this._rangeCapture = true;
this._rangeStart = null;
else {
this._rangeCapture = false;
if(this._rangeCapture == true) {
return true;
_mouseStop: function( event ) {
this._rangeStart = null;
return $.ui.slider.prototype._mouseStop.apply(this,arguments);
_slide: function( event, index, newVal ) {
if(!this._rangeCapture) {
return $.ui.slider.prototype._slide.apply(this,arguments);
if(this._rangeStart == null) {
this._rangeStart = newVal;
var oldValLeft = this.options.values[0],
oldValRight = this.options.values[1],
slideDist = newVal - this._rangeStart,
newValueLeft = oldValLeft + slideDist,
newValueRight = oldValRight + slideDist,
if ( this.options.values && this.options.values.length ) {
if(newValueRight > this._valueMax() && slideDist > 0) {
slideDist -= (newValueRight-this._valueMax());
newValueLeft = oldValLeft + slideDist;
newValueRight = oldValRight + slideDist;
if(newValueLeft < this._valueMin()) {
slideDist += (this._valueMin()-newValueLeft);
newValueLeft = oldValLeft + slideDist;
newValueRight = oldValRight + slideDist;
if ( slideDist != 0 ) {
newValues = this.values();
newValues[ 0 ] = newValueLeft;
newValues[ 1 ] = newValueRight;
// A slide can be canceled by returning false from the slide callback
allowed = this._trigger( "slide", event, {
handle: this.handles[ index ],
value: slideDist,
values: newValues
} );
if ( allowed !== false ) {
this.values( 0, newValueLeft, true );
this.values( 1, newValueRight, true );
this._rangeStart = newVal;
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