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Expo Android Appium setup from Aug 2021
import { remote } from "webdriverio";
const appPackage = "host.exp.exponent";
const appActivity = `${appPackage}.experience.HomeActivity`;
const capabilities = {
platformName: "android",
deviceName: "89RX0E545", // Change to the name of the AVD you're using
automationName: "UiAutomator2",
appWaitActivity: appActivity,
appWaitForLaunch: true,
noSign: true,
newCommandTimeout: 180,
uiautomator2ServerInstallTimeout: 100000,
adbExecTimeout: 1000000,
skipLogcatCapture: true,
const options = {
services: ["appium"],
path: "/wd/hub/",
port: 4723,
async function launchExpoAndroid() {
const client = await remote({ ...options, capabilities });
await client.pause(3000);
await client.closeApp();
await client.startActivity(appPackage, appActivity); //Reload to force update
await client.execute("mobile:deepLink", {
url: "exp://",
package: appPackage,
return client;
describe("Example Test", () => {
let client;
beforeAll(async () => {
client = await launchExpoAndroid();
afterAll(async () => {
if (client) {
await client.deleteSession();
// Add tests here
test("Get Started opens Auth0 login", async () => {
await client.pause(2000);
const getStartedButton = await client.$("~SignInScreen.GetStarted");
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