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Created October 31, 2012 16:38
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simple Dependency injection in livescript
var Container, cnt;
Container = (function(){
Container.displayName = 'Container';
var prototype = Container.prototype, constructor = Container;
function Container(){
var ref$;
ref$ = [{}, {}], this.registry = ref$[0], this.shared = ref$[1];
prototype.set = function(name, opt, fn){
var registry;
opt == null && (opt = {});
registry = (function(){
switch (false) {
case opt['shared'] !== true:
return this.shared;
return this.registry;
return registry[name] = {
blk: fn
prototype.get = function(name){
switch (false) {
case this.registry[name] == null:
return this.registry[name]['blk'](this);
return (function(srv){
if (typeof srv['blk'] === 'function') {
srv['blk'] = this.shared[name]['blk'](this);
return srv['blk'];
}.call(this, this.shared[name]));
return Container;
cnt = new Container;
cnt.set("name", null, function(cont){
return "mario";
cnt.set("surname", null, function(cont){
return "rossi";
cnt.set("label", null, function(cont){
return cont.get('name') + " " + cont.get('surname');
class Container
-> [@registry,@shared] = [{},{}]
set: (name,opt={},fn) ->
registry = switch
| opt[\shared] == true => @shared
| otherwise => @registry
registry[name] = {blk:fn}
get: (name) ->
| @registry[name]? => @registry[name][\blk](@)
| otherwise =>
let srv = @shared[name]
srv[\blk] = @shared[name][\blk](@) if typeof srv[\blk] is \function
cnt= new Container
cnt.set "name", null, (cont) -> "mario"
cnt.set "surname", null, (cont) -> "rossi"
cnt.set "label",null, (cont) -> "#{cont.get(\name)} #{cont.get(\surname)}"
console.log cnt.get \label

This is awesome. Thank you very much.

Do you think it's worth attempting to create a directory of these kinds of snippets somewhere?

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